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When was the last time your dh kissed his dad??

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I don't know that I've ever seen ANY man in my life kiss his dad on the lips. I'm not even sure they've kissed on the cheeks. As for my dh kissing his dad... maybe when he was a very young child, but I cannot ever fathom it happening in the future, and it's never happened in all the time we've been together (nearly 20 years). I cannot even imagine dh kissing his dad on his cheek. They don't even hug.

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I was weirded out when my mil kissed her dd on the lips. Then, she kissed her sisters on the lips. And, her mother. I believe I have even seen her kiss one of her ds's on the lips too. I think it a very strange practice. She even kissed MY KIDS on the lips when they were little. As they got older, they managed to turn the cheek. Once or twice, she tried to kiss ME on the lips too. I do find it a strange custom. A man kissing his father, that is even stranger. But, it could be normal for them.:auto:

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My dh's dad passed away a few years ago, but in all our years of marriage (since he was 23 - almost 30 years ago), I never saw him kiss his dad. His dad was a very "emotionally removed" person though.


I have a son who is 24. He gives his dad "hello" and "good-bye" hugs, but I haven't seen him kiss his dad on the lips since he was probably 5. I would think it a little strange.

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My mom kisses me on the lips if I don't turn my head.


Diva, Tazzie and Princess all kiss me on the lips though. I'm trying to remember if Wolf kisses his mom on the cheek or mouth, but can't...probably cause in my family its 'normal' for the mom.


I duck MIL too, so guessing its the same for him.


My rule is if I'm married to or birthed you, its good. Otherwise, hands off! :lol:

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One word: HORRORS!


I don't think I COULD have kissed my boyfriend after he'd kissed his dad (or his mom for that matter). Kissing, to me, is just too intimate. I didn't come from a family where we kissed on the lips, so this would definitely weird me out.


No matter how you slice it, they are sharing saliva and germs and I just couldn't mentally get over that I was kissing a boyfriend who's DAD's SALIVA was on his lips. That's just so NOT normal in OUR culture and I think I'd have to say kiss dad or me, but not both.

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Wow. I'm from a family where hugs and kisses are the norm. DH kissed his dad on the mouth til the day he died. It was normal in our life. I find it almost sad that people don't kiss their parents after a certain age. Yes, kissing is intimate, but we grew up close to out parents. Heck, there's not much more intimate than cleaning a baby's bottom. And they did that, plus so much more.

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Seeing as I wouldn't even kiss my dad on the cheek let alone the lips, ya, not something we practice in our families. We're a huggy kinda family, but not kisses. My Italian Grandma is the only one who kisses and she kisses on the cheek. I do remember as a child she used to kiss on the lips but she got over that as we got older.

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Well, I am Cajun, so we kiss everybody. If you enter a room with relatives, you are expected to kiss everyone, at least on the cheek. I'm talking cousins, 2nd cousins, great-aunts and great-uncles, their kids, etc. Now, dh is from Kansas. They're a little less affectionate. However, I have seen dh hug his dad on many occasions. Dh kisses all the kids good night, even ds, on the lips. It's just a peck. It's not like anyone is making out with anyone else here (well, except maybe dh and I;)). Maybe it is my French roots. I just see no problem with it.

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Wow. I'm from a family where hugs and kisses are the norm. DH kissed his dad on the mouth til the day he died. It was normal in our life. I find it almost sad that people don't kiss their parents after a certain age. Yes, kissing is intimate, but we grew up close to out parents. Heck, there's not much more intimate than cleaning a baby's bottom. And they did that, plus so much more.

I think the key is 'baby's bottom'. There are many in health care that can provide intimate care for strangers, but not their parents/grandparents. Its a boundary many can't cross. I couldn't. Totally ok w/taking care of residents, but bathing my Nan or Grandma? Nuh-uh. Has to do with their dignity...neither of them would want to be seen in that condition by their child or grandchild.


Different things for different families.

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Well, I am Cajun, so we kiss everybody. If you enter a room with relatives, you are expected to kiss everyone, at least on the cheek. I'm talking cousins, 2nd cousins, great-aunts and great-uncles, their kids, etc.


This is our family. We spent the weekend at a family reunion, with cousins and cousins of cousins. :001_smile: When we first got there, everyone in the room stood up and we made the rounds, kissing (on the cheek) and hugging. Anytime anyone new came in the process was repeated. Then it was the same when it was time to leave.

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I have only kissed one person on the lips, and that is my husband.

I come from a low contact family. we really don't hug or kiss. I don't kiss my older children at all.

My husband is from a European background, and a kiss on each cheek is the normal greeting in his family. He took our teen sons over to Canada to meet all the family, and I did warn them that they would be kisses!. I a=can tell you they were very shocked to be mobbed by 13 cousins , all girls in their late teens and early 20's who kissed them on each cheek on greeting and farwell every time they saw them!

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They are from Louisiana, near Baton Rouge. I think some of the irritation is that he is such a momma's and daddy's boy. The kissing is just the icing on the cake.


Our family is sorta kissy. I certainly kissed my parents as an adult, but whereas my brother kisses my mom, I never recall him kissing my dad.

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Well, I am Cajun, so we kiss everybody. If you enter a room with relatives, you are expected to kiss everyone, at least on the cheek. I'm talking cousins, 2nd cousins, great-aunts and great-uncles, their kids, etc. Now, dh is from Kansas. They're a little less affectionate. However, I have seen dh hug his dad on many occasions. Dh kisses all the kids good night, even ds, on the lips. It's just a peck. It's not like anyone is making out with anyone else here (well, except maybe dh and I;)). Maybe it is my French roots. I just see no problem with it.


Hey, I'm Cajun myself, live in a Cajun area, and yes, we kiss everybody (you have to say you're leaving an hour ahead of time, so you can make the rounds of every single person, lol), but on the lips? No, not so much.


And now I can't stop thinking of the Saturday Night Live skits:


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My dh and his Dad hug each other but I have never seen them kiss. I think he did kiss his Mom on the cheek.

In my family we hug. My Grandma kissed us on the cheek.

When I was a teen I lived with my Dad and not my Mom but when visiting my Mom I remember her kissing me on the lips a couple of times and I did not like it at all. It just felt creepy. After awhile she got the message not to do it anymore because I would turn my head away so she could only kiss me on the cheek.

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My husband can't remember ever kissing his dad on the kips. My youngest brother, who is 23, kisses our dad on his balding head. I do too. :)


The only people I kiss on the lips are my husband and my daughters. I kiss other people, like my brothers, on their cheeks, but never the lips. It's a bit odd to me, but I think it's normal for some people.

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My mom kisses me on the lips if I don't turn my head.


Diva, Tazzie and Princess all kiss me on the lips though. I'm trying to remember if Wolf kisses his mom on the cheek or mouth, but can't...probably cause in my family its 'normal' for the mom.


I duck MIL too, so guessing its the same for him.


My rule is if I'm married to or birthed you, its good. Otherwise, hands off! :lol:


Tazzie has wanted desperately to kiss me on the lips and I've had a very hard time convincing him that my cheek will do just fine, thank you very much. :lol: "but why Kawyn? You like my kisses! I won't lick you, you know!" :lol:


My dh is Greek, so he kisses his relatives on both cheeks every time they say hello or goodbye. On the lips? Nope.

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Tom Brady, New England Patriots QB (and husband to supermodel Giselle!) was just photographed kissing his dad on the lips. He took tons of FLACK for it. http://www.terezowens.com/tom-brady-open-mouth-kisses-father-at-patriots-practice/


But, who cares? It is cultural and clearly NOT sexual or creepy. If your DD is uncomfortable, it may not be the guy or family for her. I kissed my mom on the lips until the day she died. I kiss my 11 year old son on the lips, as does his dad. I'm from a large Irish family -- but raised in a Cuban culture (Miami). If and when it makes DS uncomfortable, I'll stop.


I'd much rather him get too much parental affection than little to none :-)

Edited by 3littlekeets
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