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OK, the more accountable I am, the better, I figure. As much as I hate to admit this "out loud," the truth is, I weigh over 200 lbs. A good amount over! :crying:


I need to lose weight- for my health, for my self-esteem, for my family, etc.


I did start a weight loss program... I'm following the Weight Watchers plan as I've done it in the past and have all the materials and I'm familiar with it. But I'm using TOPS meetings for my support and weigh ins as it is cheaper than going to WW meetings.


Last Thursday, August 26th, was my first official weigh in there, and my starting weight was (gulp) 237 lbs. (and a quarter but I'll just count the whole number heh). It might even have been a drop higher as I started dieting two days before I went to the first meeting.


My initial goal is to get into the 170's... so to get to 179 I need to lose 58 lbs. I know that number (179) probably sounds ridiculously high to some of you and that overall I should probably lose more, but I know I'll feel TONS better at that weight (I'm 5'7" btw), and I don't want to totally overwhelm myself. 58 lbs already sounds like a LOT and it's not going to happen overnight.


I'm going to make myself accountable by posting weigh in results each and every week- good or bad. In my signature line and perhaps by coming back to this thread.


If it helps me to be accountable, then thank you for your help. If it helps to inspire you, then you're welcome for mine. (LOL).


Wish me luck, I leave in 20 minutes for my first results weigh in. (As does my husband, he's dieting with me).


<cringes and hits the submit button>

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Congrats on starting your journey AND sharing it!


I think the 170's is a great goal. I started this pregnancy around 170 +/-, at 5'7.5", and while it may still qualify as "overweight", and I would have preferred to weigh less, it was still a very comfortable spot to be. I bet you can get down there before I'll be able to. ;)


Good luck!

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Guest Cindie2dds

Breaking my forum fast to send you lots of hugs, Nance!! I just felt like I needed to come here this morning. :grouphug:


:party:You can do it!!!:party:

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OK, the more accountable I am, the better, I figure. As much as I hate to admit this "out loud," the truth is, I weigh over 200 lbs. A good amount over! :crying:


I need to lose weight- for my health, for my self-esteem, for my family, etc.


Good for you! I was a bit over 200 3 years ago, and I'm only 5'3"- so I completely understand. I lost 40 lbs in the last 2 years, then I backslid a bit from a rough summer (too much travel.)


But I'm back on the wagon. I start feeling like a normal person at 170. Incidently, that's where I'm no longer "obese" according to the charts- just "overweight". My goal is to be at 150 by the time I'm 50. (2-1/2 years.)

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Nance, PLEASE set some smaller goals and reward yourself for meeting them.


So you might say 210 (or some other nearby weight) then when you get to One-derland (when your weight number starts with a ONE, not a two). I basically went down by 10s after 210 (199, 189...).


But give yourself credit WELL before 58 pounds lost!

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Nance, PLEASE set some smaller goals and reward yourself for meeting them.


So you might say 210 (or some other nearby weight) then when you get to One-derland (when your weight number starts with a ONE, not a two). I basically went down by 10s after 210 (199, 189...).


But give yourself credit WELL before 58 pounds lost!


:grouphug: BTW a good friend of mine lost over 100 pounds by going to TOPS and has kept it off for years. She still attends meetings for the support. Best wishes to you!

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Many hugs and understanding! And encouragement!


I have recently hit the top of my weight, ever. The last few years, I couldn't get together what was needed to live, survive, lose weight and not hurt someone. ;)


My top weight was 226, and in denial about needing size 20.


I started Aug. 2 and am on my weigh down. ;) :grouphug:

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Nance, PLEASE set some smaller goals and reward yourself for meeting them.


So you might say 210 (or some other nearby weight) then when you get to One-derland (when your weight number starts with a ONE, not a two). I basically went down by 10s after 210 (199, 189...).


But give yourself credit WELL before 58 pounds lost!



:iagree: Be kind to yourself - I give myself a pat on the back every time I lose 5 pounds. Baby steps.

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I joined WW, too, about 4 weeks ago. I just do the online thing as "support groups" aren't my thing. My doctor said she doesn't want me to worry about the larger goal, just lose 10% of my weight for now. After I reach that, we can set another goal.


Good luck! I've found the online resources to be very helpful. I have the WW app on my iPhone and it's been a life saver when it comes to eating out.

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Thanks for the replies and the encouragement, everyone! :)


Well, I went and weighed in, and this week I lost 2 lbs.


I admit I did sort of expect/hope for a bit more my very first week (gone are the days of losing 3-5 lbs in the first week I suppose, maybe now because I'm getting older, I don't know lol)...


...but with that said, it's two pounds gone and that's 8 sticks of butter (or 2 guinea pigs, or a rack of babyback ribs haha) gone. Which is much better than staying where I was (or worse, continuing to gain)!


My husband lost 2 3/4 lbs this week. (Edit: Oops I said he lost 2 1/2 but he lost 2 3/4. I don't want to rob him of his quarter pound lol).


So we are both on our way!





Start weight, Week "0": 237 1/2

Starting BMI: 37.2


Current weight, Week 1: 235 1/2

Current BMI: 36.9


Lbs lost this week: 2

Lbs lost total: 2


Goal: 58 lbs. 2 lbs down, 56 to go. (I'll say 179 1/2 for my official goal weight, for now)



I'll drag up this thread next week to update again. :D

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:grouphug: and congratulations on losing 2 pounds! 11 months ago, I weighed 298lbs. It was awful to step on the scale and see that. I'm now weighing in at 247. I have slacked off the last couple of months, but I am resolved to finish what I started. I made small goals for myself. I had things like-wearing my wedding rings again, getting a few new, smaller shirts, having an ice cream sundae every time I lost 10lbs....:D Okay, not the last one, but having a list of smaller goals was super helpful for me. And so was adding some exercise that I truly love-bicycling. You can do it!

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Rooting for you here, also!! I , too, weigh more than 200 pounds at 5'7".


Exercise has made it "easy" for me to be a plus-sized woman as health markers, stamina, and agility go. I've had my longest and best successes at weight loss when I limit my carb intake to less than 150 grams per day, per Mark Sisson's guidelines over at The Daily Apple. Unfortunately, I'm dead in the middle of a carb-fest so I'm maintaining a recent loss of 30 pounds by the skin of my teeth.:glare:

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OK, the more accountable I am, the better, I figure. As much as I hate to admit this "out loud," the truth is, I weigh over 200 lbs. A good amount over! :crying:


I need to lose weight- for my health, for my self-esteem, for my family, etc.


I did start a weight loss program... I'm following the Weight Watchers plan as I've done it in the past and have all the materials and I'm familiar with it. But I'm using TOPS meetings for my support and weigh ins as it is cheaper than going to WW meetings.


Last Thursday, August 26th, was my first official weigh in there, and my starting weight was (gulp) 237 lbs. (and a quarter but I'll just count the whole number heh). It might even have been a drop higher as I started dieting two days before I went to the first meeting.


My initial goal is to get into the 170's... so to get to 179 I need to lose 58 lbs. I know that number (179) probably sounds ridiculously high to some of you and that overall I should probably lose more, but I know I'll feel TONS better at that weight (I'm 5'7" btw), and I don't want to totally overwhelm myself. 58 lbs already sounds like a LOT and it's not going to happen overnight.


I'm going to make myself accountable by posting weigh in results each and every week- good or bad. In my signature line and perhaps by coming back to this thread.


If it helps me to be accountable, then thank you for your help. If it helps to inspire you, then you're welcome for mine. (LOL).


Wish me luck, I leave in 20 minutes for my first results weigh in. (As does my husband, he's dieting with me).


<cringes and hits the submit button>


I lost 85+ pounds in 2006 (and even losing that, according to the charts I should still lose another 20, but I like where I am and have to take my body type into account), and have kept most of it off. You can do it :party:!

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I started at EXACTLY 237 on April 1st and as of today I am down to 214.


I am 5'9.


I eat approx. 1200 calories a day, no sugar, limited carbs. No more than 2 pieces of fruit per day.


It was very hard in the beginning. I was a binger but no more, I binged a couple of times and it made me really sick. I cannot believe I actually ate that way just about every day. I have not started exercising...yet.


I need to start walking!


Good luck you can do it!

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Two pounds is perfect. It's a *sustainable* rate. Remember, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change! (OK, I hate it when my sister says that to me, but I know she's right.) Take the opportunity to try out new dishes, to find things you like, so you can have lots of options along the way. It's not just about restricting calories, it's about finding things you love that aren't "splurge" foods. And if dh is right there with you, you're lucky - that should help a lot. I agree with the previous posters - reward yourself with something nice, when you've reached a "mini goal". Maybe a new pair of jeans when you lose 10 pounds or keep on your diet for a whole month. It helps to feel good about yourself even before you make your total goal. What a good example you're setting for your dc!

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...encourage each other here.


Two years ago, I lost 27 lbs, but it slowly crept back up. In fact, I gained 30 lbs, so I actually weigh more than I did when I started. :confused: I've started walking and trying to modify my eating, and last week, I lost a pound. Just one pound, but it's a start. By the end of this calendar year, I'd really like to lose the 30 pounds I've gained, and then reach my goal weight by next May. My ultimate goal is to lose a total of 58 pounds from my starting weight, but I am setting intermediate goals so I don't get discouraged. I think I will reward myself, not with food, but with one new item of clothing or an accessory after each 10-pound loss.

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Thanks so much for all of these responses, I really do appreciate them!


Congratulations to those of you who have shared your stories of losing weight. It's hard! You should be proud of yourselves!


Those of you who are in the same boat, good luck... I hope we can all do this! I know I feel so much better about myself, in all ways, when I am losing weight/weigh less, so I don't know why I have such a hard time motivating myself to actually do it. But here's to trying again! So far, so good.


And those of you who posted just to be supportive... thank you :)

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I went for my second results weigh in today:




Start weight, Week "0": 237 1/2

Starting BMI: 37.2


Current weight, Week 2: 234 1/2

Current BMI: 36.8


Lbs lost this week: 1

Lbs lost total: 3


Goal: 58 lbs. 3 lbs down, 55 to go.



So, yeah, this week I only lost one pound. (But, hey, that's another 4 sticks of butter, right?) I actually think it would have been more, but I had some pretty high sodium meals last night and the night before, which probably isn't a good idea so close to weigh in.


I did not "cheat" at all in regard to going over my points, though (and I even turned down cake the other day!)


I've been trying to go for more walks lately, and today I went for a free hour with a trainer at the gym we just joined for a one month trial period. I'm dying, my arms and legs feel like limp noodles right now lol. I will be going back again on Tuesday to work out again.


Hopefully doing so will help me lose a little more weight over this week (even though I have two challenges coming up this week... lunch out with relatives Sunday (I should be able to do pretty good with that by ordering grilled chicken or some such), and a barbecue here for my homeschool group Monday with everyone bringing a side or dessert or some such which will be harder not to indulge in).


Wish me luck!

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I went for my second results weigh in today:




Start weight, Week "0": 237 1/2

Starting BMI: 37.2


Current weight, Week 2: 234 1/2

Current BMI: 36.8


Lbs lost this week: 1

Lbs lost total: 3


Goal: 58 lbs. 3 lbs down, 55 to go.



So, yeah, this week I only lost one pound. (But, hey, that's another 4 sticks of butter, right?) I actually think it would have been more, but I had some pretty high sodium meals last night and the night before, which probably isn't a good idea so close to weigh in.


I did not "cheat" at all in regard to going over my points, though (and I even turned down cake the other day!)


I've been trying to go for more walks lately, and today I went for a free hour with a trainer at the gym we just joined for a one month trial period. I'm dying, my arms and legs feel like limp noodles right now lol. I will be going back again on Tuesday to work out again.


Hopefully doing so will help me lose a little more weight over this week (even though I have two challenges coming up this week... lunch out with relatives Sunday (I should be able to do pretty good with that by ordering grilled chicken or some such), and a barbecue here for my homeschool group Monday with everyone bringing a side or dessert or some such which will be harder not to indulge in).


Wish me luck!


Awesome! Keep up the great work!

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Start weight, Week "0": 237 1/2

Starting BMI: 37.2


Current weight, Week 1: 235 1/2

Current BMI: 36.9


Lbs lost this week: 2

Lbs lost total: 2


Goal: 58 lbs. 2 lbs down, 56 to go. (I'll say 179 1/2 for my official goal weight, for now)




Nance, you're off to a really great start! I think that like homeschooling, weight loss is a marathon and not a sprint. Slow and steady will win the race. You're doing fantastic!


I think your goal is great, because you've set it at a realistic weight that you know from experience you will feel great at. Perfect! But I do think you should also consider setting up a rewards system for yourself for some mini-goals along the way. Something that makes you feel indulged that does not involve food. A manicure or pedicure, a massage, some new luxurious body cream or fragrance, a night at the movies, whatever works for you.


Keep us informed!

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I went for my third results weigh in today.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 5 3/4 lbs down, 52 1/4 lbs to go.




This past week I had two days that I ate a bit off plan (Sunday we went to visit my aunt and uncle and they took us out to brunch- at an all you can eat buffet no less! And Monday we hosted a barbecue for our homeschool group, with everyone bringing side dish or dessert).


While I ate a bit off plan, I was conscious of what I ate and how much and I definitely did not do horribly.


Still, because I ate a little higher points/calories than I might have, I ate lower points on Tuesday and Wednesday to make up for it.


I also worked out at the gym on Tuesday.


I guess mixing things up like that worked out okay, because I had almost a 3 lb loss this week, which was my best loss so far!


Tomorrow I go back to the gym, as of now I can manage getting there 2X a week, and it's going to have to be enough for now!


My husband, on the other hand, gained 3/4 of a pound this week, but he says he's feeling pretty good, and he's still down 6 1/4 lbs total so far.

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Today was to be my fourth results weigh in. I could not make it to TOPS to "officially" weigh in, as I had a field trip planned with my homeschool group that I didn't want to miss. But I weighed in at home, so here is my current status report:


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 8 lbs down, 50 lbs to go.


I'M OUT OF THE 230's!!!!!! :party:


FYI: You can check out my "weight loss page" on my site where I display pictures of what I've lost according to the Weight Loss Conversion Chart, just for fun :D




(P.S. My husband has lost 7 1/4 lbs so far- I'm beating him now)!

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Thank you everyone, for your support and encouragement along the way!


Today was my 5th results weigh in.


Status Report:


8/26/10, Week "0"

Weight: 237 1/2 lbs

BMI: 37.2

Height: 5'7"


9/2/10, Week 1

Weight: 235 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.9

Weekly Change: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 2 lbs


9/9/10, Week 2

Weight: 234 1/2 lbs

BMI: 36.8

Weekly Change: -1 lb

Total Loss: 3 lbs


9/16/10, Week 3

Weight: 231 3/4 lbs

BMI: 36.3

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 5 3/4 lbs


9/23/10, Week 4

Weight: 229 1/2 lbs

BMI: 35.9

Weekly Change: -2 1/4 lbs

Total Loss: 8 lbs


9/30/10, Week 5

Weight: 226 3/4 lbs

BMI: 35.5

Weekly Change: -2 3/4 lbs

Total Loss: 10 3/4 lbs


Goal: 58 lbs. 10 3/4 lbs down, 47 1/4 lbs to go.




My husband has lost a total of 9 1/2 lbs so far.




Please see my weight loss page on my livejournal site for fun picture updates:






and thanks again for your responses, support, encouragement etc- it really does help. :)

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I'm with you all the way - I,too, need to drop a solid 50 lbs (although I am starting out at a lower weight to begin with, but at 5'1" I have less space for the excess tonnage ;-).

I am just watching portions, etc. and upping my veggies. Down 11 lbs since late June when I got the full-size doctor scale for my b'day. If I'd exercise I'd lose more faster.


Am dieting more to show my dd, 5'6" and 190 lbs, how to do and and that it works than anything else. We have a contest to see who can lose the most before Christmas!

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