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Is Gladiator appropriate for 8 year old?

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If we're watching it with him? We're going to Rome soon, and my oldest is obsessed with gladiators, and I'd love to find him a movie to watch (or five!) about fictionalized Rome--not a documentary (he's watched a bunch already)




No, I wouldn't let my 10 yo DS watch it. And I really do like that movie. Watch it yourself first and decide.

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There was an Atilla movie with Gerard Butler, that had a lot of Roman things in it as well. Again, I think it might need to be edited a bit. :)


I love Rome...spent some time there when I was in Seminary! Have fun...and get some gelato near the Trevi Fountain!!!

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I would watch it with them after I have pre-viewed it again. I don't have as much a problem with the violence as with the sexual relationship between a brother and a sister.


I might lean more towards Spartacus :)


I would even preview Spartacus. I got in on Netflix and forgot about the part where they bring the concubine to visit him in his cell. We ended up not watching it for some other reason.

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I probably would. My DD generally is unimpressed by violence as long as it's clear who the bad guy is, and she's not quite 7. Don't think I'd let her watch Gladiator just yet, but I'd probably let her watch Spartacus--though a movie that old and that long would probably bore her well before it was over.

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Um, no to Gladiator. I'm not even sure you could get some good scenes to show from it that would make any sense out of context and would be long enough to be worth it.


Too bad the BBC kids show The Roman Mysteries isn't available in region 1. That's the kind of thing you want, I think.

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If people are concerned with sexual scenes in movies, there is a rather creepy one in Douglas' Spartacus where the woman he loves is thrown into the cell with him and his jailers leer into the cell waiting for him to have sex with her, as they know he is so depserate for her. The actually encourage him with catcalls etc. It's very 'steamy'. I would absolutely watch it first, depending on your feelings about this sort of thing.


Old movies do not preculde sexual innuendo or more.

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Here's the detailed content advisory for Gladiator from IMDb:




I would vote an emphatic no for an 8 year old because of the violence and the tragic loss of his wife and son.


It's obvious in the movie that Commodus is attracted to his sister, but there aren't any explicit sex scenes. I don't know if a child would really pick up on the complexity of that situation....


This MIGHT be on our movie list in 11th or 12th grade--definitely not for a 2nd/3rd grader.

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If people are concerned with sexual scenes in movies, there is a rather creepy one in Douglas' Spartacus where the woman he loves is thrown into the cell with him and his jailers leer into the cell waiting for him to have sex with her, as they know he is so depserate for her. The actually encourage him with catcalls etc. It's very 'steamy'. I would absolutely watch it first, depending on your feelings about this sort of thing.


Old movies do not preculde sexual innuendo or more.


There's also the "oysters and snails" scene with Olivier and Curtis.

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