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With apologies to Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons...


But a year or so ago, a couple JW women started visiting me. I know their basic beliefs and I know where I differ from them and I was never interested in joining their church, but I could NOT send them away. They were really nice and I'm terrified of being rude and I feel sorry for them having to knock doors and talk to strangers which is something I could never do. (Which probably mans I wouldn't fit in at their meetings, hehe.) They would drop off literature which I would sometimes skim but mostly just throw away, and they would tell me when they were coming back and I would make an effort to not be home. Sometimes (and this is embarrassing), I would make the kids be really quiet and hide from them so they would think we weren't home. (Our front door has windows.) Finally they lost interest and stopped coming.


Well, today two guys showed up, with their ties and their name tags that said Church of the Latter Day Saints. They were really nice and said they'd like to come by and talk to me and my husband about some stuff. They weren't pushy at all, but I simply couldn't tell them outright that I wasn't interested.


Honestly, when I think about it, it's more rude to waste their time by letting them return repeatedly than it is to tell them up front that I don't agree with their beliefs so no thanks. I should just put a stop to this with the Mormon guys before we waste each others time. How did I get to be such a wimp??


Edited: Because Mormons isn't Morons! Whoops!

Edited by Mimm
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I don't waste any time in telling the Jehovah's Witnesses that I'm not interested, but I have a soft spot in my heart for the Mormon missionaries. They're young and away from their family for two full years, with only two calls home allowed a year! I have no interest at all in converting to Mormonism, but I'll talk to those long men for as long as they want, because I just can't send them away.

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Honestly, when I think about it, it's more rude to waste their time by letting them return repeatedly than it is to tell them up front that I don't agree with their beliefs so no thanks. I should just put a stop to this with the Mormon guys before we waste each others time. How did I get to be such a wimp??


I just tell them to come back after dinner when hubby is home. He LOVES talking to them. Unfortunately, they never do. :confused:

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but I have a soft spot in my heart for the Mormon missionaries. They're young and away from their family for two full years, with only two calls home allowed a year! I have no interest at all in converting to Mormonism, but I'll talk to those long men for as long as they want, because I just can't send them away.


Hubby feels the same way. When they would show up at the door -- he was not interested in converting. But he was interested in them and their stories. We'd invite them in for cookies and lemonade. They'd come back for more talks about comparative world religions. (Hubby was working on an M.Div at the time and loved this subject) I think word must have got out and they avoided our home for many years after one missionary was close to not finishing out his mission. Oh my. ;)

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You just open the door, smile at them, say "Thanks so much, but I'm really not interested," and close the door. You don't have to be obnoxious or anything. Just do it.


I had to hang up on a bank rep the other day. Someone stole my credit card # and I called the bank to report it. After taking care of business I was transferred to someone who wanted to sell me their services (credit reports and whatnot); I kept saying "no" and she kept on, so finally I hung up on her. A couple of days later I had to talk to the bank again, and the rep started in. I said, "You know, I had to hang up on someone the other day who tried this. Please don't make me hang up on you, too." And he said "Have a nice day." :D


I'm OLD. It's taken me a looong time to learn how to do what I did. You should start now, while you're young. :D

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I've always just said, "We are very happy in our church and have no interest in leaving. Have a wonderful day."


Though to be honest, I don't answer the door AT ALL during the school day simply because I don't want to buy strawberries, don't need my tree trimmed, don't want to convert, and don't want to explain why Cardinal Ave dead-ins at my house and then picks up again on the other side of the street.

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They come on index cards & sticky notes



I would need to add "No meat trucks!" to that. :lol:



To the OP, I think a polite "No thank you" would be fine. I know they are used to being turned away. "No" doesn't need to be mean to be effective. Just be firm!!

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I had JWs stuck in my driveway once for a couple of hours. My &*$% dogs popped their tire.


Bwahahaha! :lol:


I was going to tell you to post a 'No Soliciting' sign, but I see Hornblower beat me to it.


You can just say, "No, thank you," and close the door before they can protest (or just don't answer the door).

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I taught my children a long time ago to NEVER open the door to someone we don't know -- especially if they are carrying a clip board or brochures!:001_smile: We have a lot of sales people that walk through our neighborhood, asking if they can replace our roof, or tear down fallen tree limbs, or XYZ ... We peek through the peep hole or peer through curtains, and if we don't know 'em, we let the door bell ring.


Our time is precious!

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I usually smile and tell them I'm happy where I'm at spiritually, but thank you and have a nice day.


IIRC the last time someone came to the door I was having a bad day. Bad hair day (which resembles Bride of Frankenstein), I don't think I was wearing a bra, and afterward I began to wonder if I had brushed my teeth that morning.

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You are all right. I need to just get over it and say something. I know that. I like the sign idea. Funny that you welcome politicians. One time a politician came to my door and asked if he could put a sign in the yard. I, in typical wimp fashion, said yes. I didn't really disagree with anything on his literature. But politicians like to be so vague so as not to alienate anyone. But my husband was all annoyed with me, and then I didn't vote for the guy because I liked his opponent in the primary better. :p

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I smile politely & say that I'm happy with my current church but I wish them well in reaching the non-churched population in our area. Because it's a true statement- I'd like to see folks accept the Good News of Christ even if I disagree with the LDS and JW churches' doctrine in many areas.

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Here's my sign - Made the UPS guy chuckle. :)



Please, no soliciting.

Feel free to leave your card, brochure, flyer, catalogue or money, but do not knock on the door or ring the bell unless we’re expecting you or you know our dog’s name.

Trust this – if we need your product, services or salvation, we will call.

Thank you.



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(with thanks to Diane W):

"No" is a complete answer. Sometimes you have to repeat it more than once.



:lol: :lol: :lol: And as a mother of a Mormon missionary currently serving in California, PLEASE take my word for it that they will NOT be offended if you just say, "Thanks, but no thanks." If you're feeling extra guilty about that (although you shouldn't), and it's hot out, they won't mind a couple of popsicles or bottled waters. Although don't give one to my son, because he will drip the popsicle on his suit. :glare:


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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I don't waste any time in telling the Jehovah's Witnesses that I'm not interested, but I have a soft spot in my heart for the Mormon missionaries. They're young and away from their family for two full years, with only two calls home allowed a year! I have no interest at all in converting to Mormonism, but I'll talk to those long men for as long as they want, because I just can't send them away.


Yes to this.


I'm from a heavily Mormon area, and I've heard from many RM (returned missionary) friends that they sometimes had very poor quarters and little food, even in the US. They live on a mere pittance, allotted to them each month. One young man and his companion lived in an apartment in Chicago that was so run-down, it didn't even have beds, and he had to sleep on a door they found in the alley. He and his companion shared it because missionaries are not to sleep in the same bed, only the same room, as is indicated in the handbook. Eventually, he got a bed. Often times how the missionaries are housed/fed depends entirely on the MP (Mission President).


I always invite the young women in and give them something to eat and drink, even if it's only to get them out of the weather, or give them some time off their feet. I let them talk to me, and we chat a little bit, and eventually, I tell them I'm an atheist, and we continue to have a nice chat, and I never see them again.


I have considered putting together a small bag of non-perishables to give them when they leave, but haven't done so yet. I'm not sure how that would be taken.



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I taught my children a long time ago to NEVER open the door to someone we don't know -- especially if they are carrying a clip board or brochures!:001_smile: We have a lot of sales people that walk through our neighborhood, asking if they can replace our roof, or tear down fallen tree limbs, or XYZ ... We peek through the peep hole or peer through curtains, and if we don't know 'em, we let the door bell ring.


Our time is precious!


:iagree: My husband is the one who set this rule for our home. He told me not to answer the door to anyone I don't know, so I don't have to answer for anyone! There have been a few times this summer I've opened the door expecting someone, and it's those weird magazine sales people who always claim they're in some school competition. I politely say, "I'm not going to waste your time or mine. Not interested!"


I'm lucky with the missionaries though - I tell them the truth. "My husband is a pastor of the church you see right there." They say thanks and move along.

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I was talking with one of my friends who is an evangelical Christian about door-to-door witnessing, and jokingly suggested that perhaps they'd like to come help me clean my house! She earnestly replied that she was sure they would do that if I asked them to. Dang...it's tempting. :)


I usually just say, "No thank you, we have our own religion" and close the door. The posts about the young Mormons away from home are making me feel guilty about this!!

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I was talking with one of my friends who is an evangelical Christian about door-to-door witnessing, and jokingly suggested that perhaps they'd like to come help me clean my house! She earnestly replied that she was sure they would do that if I asked them to. Dang...it's tempting. :)


I usually just say, "No thank you, we have our own religion" and close the door. The posts about the young Mormons away from home are making me feel guilty about this!!


Re: Cleaning house.

There was a period of time, and I don't know whether this is the case anymore, that the missionaries were encouraged to "serve" in house they were going to. So, if a person didn't want to be evangelized, the missionaries were supposed to ask if they could serve in some way. When I was a young mother, several asked if they could help in the yard, or something like that. I wish now I'd have taken them up on it. I have wondered about the house cleaning :)


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Diane: Where in California is your son?



We are LDS also. The missionaries will be fine with a courteous good-bye and a little mothering--perhaps a bottle of water or question about where they are from. It is fine to be clear about where you stand.

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I don't waste any time in telling the Jehovah's Witnesses that I'm not interested, but I have a soft spot in my heart for the Mormon missionaries. They're young and away from their family for two full years, with only two calls home allowed a year! I have no interest at all in converting to Mormonism, but I'll talk to those long men for as long as they want, because I just can't send them away.



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For some strange reason people do not linger at my house. Most will not even leave their car to come to the front door. I think that it may have something to do with the 80+lb. Belgian Malinois (think shorthaired German Shepard) staring and barking in the front bedroom and our other 100+lb dog baking from her pen. Most seem somewhat intimidated. Also 2 of our 3 small dogs are dachshunds and sound much bigger than they are.

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The LDS young men came through the neighborhood a few weeks ago when I was out front weeding. We had a nice chat, I told them I wasn't interested but asked them questions about their mission and gave them bottles of water. They were so excited to be going home in two weeks. I told them I imagined their moms were even more excited :)


We don't get JW in this neighborhood. Groups have to get a permit to solicit here and I guess they don't do that.

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