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S/O: What Is Your Favorite Fictional Book?

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Is there a book that you've read over and over and never get tired of? What is your favorite fictional book of all-time?


I think for me, it would The Thorn Birds. It's just one of those books that I've read countless times and never get tired of. My second runner-up would be Gone With the Wind.

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Guest Cindie2dds
Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. It's my favorite book (well, my favorite series) ever, hands down.


Me too. :D I also loved the Twilight Series and everything by Jane Austen; hopeful romantic!


Although, Pillars of the Earth by Ken Folliet a very close second to Outlander.

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The Chosen by Chaim Potok (When I finished reading it the first time, I immediately started reading again at the beginning.)


Witch of Blackbird Pond (when I was younger)


Pride and Prejudice and Emma, now that I always have them with me on my Kindle (and Kindle iPhone app), are my go-to books lately.

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All of the Harry Potter Books

The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving

The Bean Trees and sequels by Barbara Kingsolver


This is a partial list of the fiction books I have read several times over.


ETA: I completely forgot about My Name is Asher Lev and The Gift of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok


I have lots of other books that I would say are high up on the favorites list, but I haven't re-read them,

like The Poisonwood Bible, Stones from the River by Ursula Hegi and Au Bonheur des Dames by Emile Zola

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Oh gosh, can I only choose one? :confused:


I could read Pride & Prejudice a thousand times. Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia, too. They are all uber-classics.


And Charlotte's Web. First chapter book read-aloud to each of my babies. I couldn't *not* choose that one.


You know, I can't go on, I would have to list too many!

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Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon. It's my favorite book (well, my favorite series) ever, hands down.



Yup, add me to that list. I've also ready several Leon Uris books several times now too, Pride and Prejudice, sadly, the list goes on.

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I read Point Counterpoint about 100 times. I seem to have tired of it, and only read it every couple of years. I like re-reading Three Men In A Boat every year. It is part of my "family subculture" in that we have all read it and love it. The last decade or so, I've been rereading The Abyss, about the life of a physician and alchemist during the Reformation. It is by Margarite Yourcenar, and Zeno is the one fictional person I would most like to meet in real life.

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My favorite book of all time is From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I love it and I have read it too many times to count through the years.


My favorite series of books now are the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I know they are fun and fluffy but I can read and reread them. They make me laugh out loud and are a total escape.

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Is there a book that you've read over and over and never get tired of? What is your favorite fictional book of all-time?


I very, very rarely reread books, even books that I love & adore. I just keep plowing through new (to me) books because there are so many out there that I want to read/discover. (Though in middle school, I do remember reading "The Outsiders" numerous times.)


Favorite fictional book would probably vary depending on the day or hour you ask me. :D Some answers might be:


The Count of Monte Cristo

Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear

Heart of Darkness

Good Omens

The Wee Free Men

Middlesex: A Novel

I, Claudius

The Book Thief

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World (oops, that's not fictional...)

The Remains of the Day

Dancer: A Novel

Sleeping in Flame


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I could not pick a single favorite book any more than I could claim that one of my children is more to my liking than the other, so the closest I can get is a short list of my favorites:


Lord of the Rings, Tolkien

The Princess and the Goblin / The Princess and Curdie, George Macdonald

The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis

Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte

Pride and Prejudice, Austen

North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell

Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery



Resisting the urge to add many more...

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Is there a book that you've read over and over and never get tired of? What is your favorite fictional book of all-time?


I think for me, it would The Thorn Birds. It's just one of those books that I've read countless times and never get tired of. My second runner-up would be Gone With the Wind.



Mine changes through the years. I'll read a book over and over again and one day - BOOM - I am done with it to the point of never wanting to see it again. :lol:


Right now - the top three books that I can pick up and read and re-read and re-read again without being sick of them would probably be:


The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss


Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen


Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Don't care much for the sequels, but love the first one.


oh - and all the Harry Potter series. I'm not tired of those yet by any stretch... :001_smile:

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Guest Cindie2dds
I always love finding another Outlander fan! Do you have as huge a crush on Jamie as I do? LOL.


There's just something about Jamie. ;) it's been almost 8 years since I read it. I think it's time for me to read it again! Her friend, Sara Donati, writes great books as well and weaves Jamie and Clair into her stories!

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My favorite book of all time is From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I love it and I have read it too many times to count through the years.


My favorite series of books now are the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. I know they are fun and fluffy but I can read and reread them. They make me laugh out loud and are a total escape.


I love Stephanie! But I've been really disappointed in JE the last few books. She just doesn't seem to be feeling it anymore.


What age range is Mixed up Files for? I can't remember, but I do remember loving that book. Since we do go to the Met occassionally, I think I'd like my 8yo to read it. He'd get a kick out of it.

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Books I can and have read over and over and over again with joy..

LOTR Trilogy

David Edding's Belgariad and Mallorean

all seven Harry Potter books

the Spencer novels of Robert Parker

Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt books

Marion Zimmner Bradley's Pern novels

The Twilight Saga (don't hate me, they are just fun to read)

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