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My husband just left today...

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Oh dear... now looking at that title I think I'll get a lot of views. I have not been on here for a while now just for self-discipline reasons but I wanted to come back and ask for prayers.


I took dh to the airport today to go and be with his family as his mother who has been fighting cancer for 28 years is very probably on her death bed. 28 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a single mastectomy and radiation therapy. She was pretty much in the clear until 1995, right before I went out to meet my husband's family for the first time when we were still dating. They discovered it in her lymph node then and ever since then she has been off and on various kinds of chemo. She has breast cancer cells on her bones, all over her body. But it's not the cancer that is the culprit right now. After that long of a treatment period, the "cure" is killing her as you can imagine.


She's had weakened heart and lung function for quite a while now (several years) but over the past few weeks it's gotten much worse to where she had to be on full oxygen all the time. Even then her blood was not fully oxygenated and she was having all sorts of swelling.


On Tuesday she went in for a check up and the hospitalized her then and there, intubated her and removed 700 CCs of fluid from her lungs. They had to induce a coma and as of today she has yet to come out of it. It seems that no matter what, her lungs just keep filling up. Yesterday they pulled off another two litres of fluid. :sad:


Some friends from their church had extra airmiles and flew my husband out there today which was a huge blessing as the tickets would have cost us over $1300.


It's hard to know what to pray for. While we would welcome the idea of her being healed, we do realize that God can heal a person in more than one way, and at the same time, the reality is that she has incurable cancer and the likelihood of this type of thing happening again is pretty great. We mostly just do not want her to endure prolonged suffering. She is ready to go but I know that she of course wanted to live to see her Grandchildren grow up. Please pray for the family as they wait and minister to her.


Sorry to edit more than once... but I wanted to add that if you could pray for me as I hold down the fort and as I minister to little broken hearts, I will have grace and patience and wisdom for the various ways that the children will grieve...

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You're a blessing to your DH, as you hold down the fort at home so he doesn't have to worry about you and the kids while he's there for his mother. And please give your friends from church a huge hug from us for blessing you all with the ticket. Isn't it amazing how generous people can be? Wow.


Hang in there!


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I understand how hard it is to try to help little ones cope with the impending death of a loved one. We are continuing to help our children deal with the death of thier uncle.


Prayers for you as you help them, your dh, and strength for you during this time.


Be good to yourself...don't try to do everything. It will catch up with you, guess how I know:001_huh:.

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Thank you all for praying. She is technically out of her induced coma but is in a great deal of pain (Did I mention she also came down with Shingles a couple of weeks ago? That's an additional discomfort.) when awake so they are keeping her out of pain with Morphine.


My husband has a better picture now of her prognosis. His Dad of course was trying to be positive and look for tiny specks of hope but realistically, it's quite unlikely that she will ralley.


Thank you for your continued prayers. The idea of this dragging on and on is awful to think about. :confused:

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I can't imagine, Nan. I know how painful this must be for all of you. What a blessing that you can support your husband and his mother by being "the rock" back home. I've missed you here. Know that you can come here for support during this time if you need it. Sending you courage.

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Have they thought about hospice? I love my job and my patients. The way we deal with death makes it so much more peaceful.

Be good to yourself while he is gone. Allow for the simple pleasures and don't feel guilty if you slack here and there.


She is in critical condition so I don't think she is a hospice candidate... They are definitely not thinking of moving her anytime soon. She is intubated (along with all the other tubes and leads and bags that that involves) and when they "test" how she is breathing on her own, she will breathe only three times a minute... We are praying that her suffering does not drag on in this way.

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Well, this was unexpected...

At around noon, my mom's breathing tube was removed and she's breathing on her own with just oxygen. She's worn out and we're still awaiting the doctor's news/recommendations for what's next. Thanks for praying.



We are not getting our hopes unreasonably up... but we are very glad that she is not on the breathing tube (so she may be able to talk soon -- they've told her to try not to talk because the tube irritated her throat so) and no longer restrained! I have a feeling that the roller coaster has just begun though...

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Well, this was unexpected...



We are not getting our hopes unreasonably up... but we are very glad that she is not on the breathing tube (so she may be able to talk soon -- they've told her to try not to talk because the tube irritated her throat so) and no longer restrained! I have a feeling that the roller coaster has just begun though...



Continued prayers!:grouphug:

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Well, this was unexpected...



We are not getting our hopes unreasonably up... but we are very glad that she is not on the breathing tube (so she may be able to talk soon -- they've told her to try not to talk because the tube irritated her throat so) and no longer restrained! I have a feeling that the roller coaster has just begun though...


Hmmmm....still praying, Nan!:grouphug:

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My MIL is actually improving. She is awake but because of being out for a week and on all the drugs she is really loopy and hallucinating. Today she thought my dh was a mafia man coming to take her away. :tongue_smilie: He and his brother and Dad were doing their best not to chuckle... I'm glad that they are having a good sense of humor about it. It's been such a long and exhausting week for all of us... This evening my husband Skyped us from her hospital room so she could see and talk to the boys and so the boys could tell her they loved her. It was very sweet. She was muttering lots of non-sense still but in between non-sense she was saying, "I love you guys." And I thought this was cute... she kept saying to them, "I like your Dad. I really like your Dad." :001_smile:


While she is improving, her cancer doctor has told my FIL that he will not treat her cancer anymore since the cure is just as bad as the disease at this point so she does not have long no matter what. If (still a big if) she manages to pull out of this episode without going downhill again she will either go straight to hospice or have in home hospice (which would be nice so her husband can be with her all the time.) We are praying, for her sake, that something will take her quickly somehow so she does not have to suffer the extreme pain of bone cancer. :sad: It is quite likely that she will have another bout of fluid build up in her lungs though.


Thanks for praying.


In the mean time, I've been miserable here too. Had a really bad sinus infection that started last Wednesday that went to my throat/chest so that I've had no voice for the past two days. Not fun with no hubby around and four noisy little boys that I need to talk over. :nopity: Thankfully my dear hubby called (since I have no voice) some friends today and asked if they could come take the boys off my hands. So I was able to get some much needed rest and several hours of *no talking* which was very good. I think my antibiotics are finally beginning to kick in. Hopefully I'll start feeling human again by tomorrow.


Thanks for your thoughts and prayers this week. They've been much appreciated.

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