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For those that still homeschool, a poll

What year of official homeschooling are you about to start?  

  1. 1. What year of official homeschooling are you about to start?

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We are entering our tenth year. Crazy, isn't it? I remember posting when my dd was 4, wondering what I should use and the experienced moms telling me to relax. They were so right. :)


I did the same thing and feel the same way.

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I started HS in the fall of 2006 but the first year was pre-k and the only formal curriculum I used was for phonics (WRTR). The first part of that year was spent trying to decide whether we were going to enroll our DD in a traditional school or HS. Then once we decided to HS, I spent a bunch of time researching methods and curricula. So this upcoming school year will be our 4th of "official" HS.

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Wow! Can hardly believe we're already starting our 7th year of this adventure! Wasn't it just yesterday that we snuggled on the couch reading for hours and hours each week while my newborn snoozed peacefully? It does indeed go fast! (where's the 'bittersweet' smiley?).

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Wow, 8 years, really!?! But not consecutive, so does that count? :) I homeschooled one child for third and fourth grade and then he was in Christian school for the next four years. I homeschooled him again for 8th grade along with his sister for third. I was pregnant with twins so back to CS they went. I have homeschooled the twins all the way (and their sister again for 11th grade) now going into our fifth year with MFW.

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I'm not sure where to start counting - K? PreK? They've never gone to school... :tongue_smilie: The oldest two are rising 7th graders, so that'll be our 8th year since K, 9th since preK, but we were already doing homeschool group activities (and fun early learning) when they were even younger than that. :D

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If official means reporting to the state than we are at.... -1. :lol: DD doesn't turn 5 until after cutoff date, so this would be her prek year if she was going to school.


For my purposes, I'll be considering this our first real year. This is going to be her K year, and we are using all K or 1st grade materials. This is also the first year we'll be using curriculum as opposed to completely mommy-designed stuff.

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I'm not sure where to start counting - K? PreK? They've never gone to school... :tongue_smilie: The oldest two are rising 7th graders, so that'll be our 8th year since K, 9th since preK, but we were already doing homeschool group activities (and fun early learning) when they were even younger than that. :D


I started counting "official" homeschooling as the day I didn't send her to kindergarten. She's entering ninth grade, so this is our tenth year.

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It is easy to figure out for me. ;)


I married in October of 1998 and began homeschooling my "step-son" the following September -- his fourth grade year. Nathan was born the following month. Those were crazy days!


I'm not sure where to start counting - K? PreK? They've never gone to school... :tongue_smilie: The oldest two are rising 7th graders, so that'll be our 8th year since K, 9th since preK, but we were already doing homeschool group activities (and fun early learning) when they were even younger than that. :D
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Wow, 8 years, really!?! But not consecutive, so does that count? :) I homeschooled one child for third and fourth grade and then he was in Christian school for the next four years. I homeschooled him again for 8th grade along with his sister for third. I was pregnant with twins so back to CS they went. I have homeschooled the twins all the way (and their sister again for 11th grade) now going into our fifth year with MFW.



Sure it counts!

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I'm entering my 11th year of homeschooling. Can NOT believe how quickly it has flown by....


:iagree: Me too. My oldest started ps this past year, but I'm still homeschooling the other kids. I can't believe this is my 11th year! Yikes.

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I was stunned to realize that I am about to start my 9th year of homeschooling!! How did this happen?


So for those who are still homeschooling, what year of official homeschooling are you about to start?

Starting our 9th yr. Oldest child will be in 8th grade. I'm considering this my last "fun year" until the rubber-meets-the-road for the high school years.


Funny though, I don't feel like the years have flown by at all (maybe I'll feel like that at our first graduation in 4-5 years?).

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5 years of official (K-5th) but we did PreK and preschool before that after pulling my dd out of a tot preschool. I have 4 more years with her because we plan to do charter school for high school. And then I have another 2 with my youngest and I am done. So we are 1/2 through the journey. And it good journey it has been.:001_smile:

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