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Books that YOU had to read in middle or high school?

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Just for fun, I'm making a list of books that I was REQUIRED to read for school while in middle or high school. I want to re-read those that I haven't read in 15-20 years to see if maybe I'll like them more this time around. I loathed Pride & Prejudice in high school and now I'm practically obsessed with it. Also hated Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I still hate it, but for very different reasons (and read it at least once a year...)


I'm curious to read the required reading lists of others out there... it might remind me of some books that I had to read, but forgot about - or books that were commonly assigned in high school that I never got around to reading. (I took AP English courses, and we were assigned different books to read. I have never read Animal Farm, for instance, which I've gathered since is a commonly assigned book in high school...)


I'm trying to remember the name of a certain book as well. A wealthy man lived in a jungle somewhere - the protagonist went to him for whatever reason (maybe he was in a shipwreck?) - and found out that the wealthy man hunted humans after "helping" them back to good health. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I thought it was the Heart of Darkness, but I think that was a different book...


A few books that I remember off the top of my head are:

Native Son by Richard Wright


Dances with Wolves by Michael Blake


Anna Karenina by Tolstoy (still hate it)


Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky

War and Peace by Tolstoy


either The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn OR The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Twain. I actually don't remember which we read. Or maybe we had to read both? I guess I definitely need to re-read these to find out... lol. I remember not liking it - whichever it was. I think we read this in 8th grade.


Emma by Jane Austen


The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens


Great Expectations by Dickens


The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck

another Steinbeck, but I cannot remember which


To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee


Lord of the Flies (which I will never read again)


Heart of Darkness by Conrad


Jane Eyre by Bronte

Wuthering Heights by the other Bronte


the Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne


I think I had to read The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.


And there was a lot of poetry, and a lot of Edgar Allen Poe, which (except for Annabelle Lee and The Raven I've nearly successfully blocked from all memory. :D Quite a bit of Shakespeare as well.


That's all I can actually remember! I'm hoping some replies will help spark some memories!


I know there were also one or two science-fiction novels. At least one on the topic of slavery. Gone With the Wind might have been required reading (or I might have just read it for fun... I can't remember!) One of the King Arthur books - probably TOaFK (I've since read them all, so I get a bit mixed up which one I was required to read, lol)


And another Russian novel... or something that read like a Russian novel.... lol AKA: H.E.A.V.Y. :svengo:

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I am a product of late '70s California public schools. A few of the books you mentioned are ones I read in jr. high.


The only book I recall that I had to read in high school was Taming of the Shrew. But I didn't read it. Instead, I would come to class after cutting the period before and drinking screwdrivers. :cheers2: If I could stay awake, I heard the class discussion. That was enough to get me an A on the test and end up with a B for the semester.


And we only needed one SEMESTER of math to graduate. They upped it for the class behind us though . . . to a full year of math.


I guess I'm no help, lol. (head shaking)

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I had to read The Fountainhead, which I hated, and many that I loved:

To Kill a Mockingbird

Great Gatsby

Canterbury Tales

Merchant of Venice

Scarlet Letter

Paradise Lost

O'Henry short stories

Pride and Predjudice

Jane Eyre

Silas Marner

David Copperfield


The Old Man and the Sea

Grapes of Wrath


Prince and the Pauper

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The only titles I can remember from middle school are

Robin Hood

A Christmas Carol

Johnny Tremain

Romeo and Juliet


The high school titles I remember are

The Nick Adams Stories

The Tell Tale Heart

Catcher in the Rye

Great Expectations



Julius Caesar

She Stoops to Conquer

The Hobbit

Lord of the Rings

Pride and Prejudice

Edith Hamilton's Mythology

Odyssey [translator not remembered]

Doctor Zhevago

Nicholas and Alexandria

A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich


There was at least one more Russian Lit. title and many British/U.S. poems and short stories.

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Lord of the flies (hated)

To kill a mockingbird (enjoyed)

The pearl (disliked)

The catcher in the rye (loved)

Parts of the odessy (although I read it all)

Parts of canterbury tales

Parts of once and future king (although I read it all)

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I'm trying to remember the name of a certain book as well. A wealthy man lived in a jungle somewhere - the protagonist went to him for whatever reason (maybe he was in a shipwreck?) - and found out that the wealthy man hunted humans after "helping" them back to good health. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I thought it was the Heart of Darkness, but I think that was a different book...


I'm pretty sure you're talking about The Most Dangerous Game. It's a short story. I know DH and I both read it in high school.


I can only remember a few books I read for high school. I took honors English (they didn't offer AP). I don't know if it's my faulty memory, or if they just did not require many whole books.


Huckleberry Finn

Romeo and Juliet

Alas, Babylon

My Antonia

Book of the Dun Cow

a John Steinbeck novel (our choice, but I can't remember which one I chose)

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Romeo and Juliet

Henry IV Part I

A Tale of Two Cities

Great Expectations

The Red Badge of Courage

Billy Budd :ack2: (Melville)

To Kill A Mockingbird

A Separate Peace

Catcher in the Rye :ack2::ack2:

Our Town

The Great Gatsby

Growing Up In Mississippi

Native Son

Black LIke Me


Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

A Native American novel I can't remember the name of

The Old Man and the Sea

O'Henry Short Stories

Huckleberry Finn


exceprts from Walden

The Plague (Camus)

exerpts from Gilgamesh

The Book of Ruth (Bible)

The Raven

Lord of the Flies

Watership Down

Secret Life of Walter Mitty

short story by Willa Cather

The Turn of the Screw

Picture of Dorian Gray


I'm pretty sure The Tell Tale Heart and maybe Once and Future King - I've read them but I can't remember if they were required reading.


I'm missing some - there was always a summer reading list at my school, so it's a pretty long list.


I remember exactly nothing from middle school. It sits in my head that we spent a year doing grammar in 7th grade (the only year we did any). I have no memory at all of 8th grade! I fled that school for a local Catholic high school - it could be that the awful public middle school just didn't require much. My brother went to the town high school and I think he read one novel in four years - I don't know whether that's because he didn't bother to read the assigned books, or whether they didn't assign much of anything. You know, the novel he read might not have been assigned - I think my mom may have gotten him to read Clan of the Cave Bear...

Edited by matroyshka
Keep remembering more and am having fun putting them all in one place :-)
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The only ones I remember:


Lord of the Flies

The Scarlet Letter

The Old Man and the Sea

Romeo & Juliet

Huckleberry Finn

Canterbury Tales

To Kill a Mockingbird

one Dickens

several random short stories


I was in Honors English, and I know we read at least a novel a month, other than the semester we read Shakeseare plays, but that's all I can remember anymore. :tongue_smilie: My freshman year in college I had a Great Books course, and I remember almost all of those.

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My oh my but that was a long time ago!


The books I remember from middle school:


A Separate Peace (thought it was the most profound thing I'd ever read)

Diary of Anne Frank


from high school:


Grapes of Wrath (liked it, have yet to have my teens read it)

Romeo and Juliet

Macbeth (had a GREAT teacher and loved it.)

Great Gatsby (those stupid glasses on the billboard, that stupid green light on the end of the pier)

All Quiet on the Western Front (liked it and was moved by it)

a biography of Ho Chi Min

wonderful short stories and poetry in my Spanish class, such as Axoltl (sp?) about a man who watches the salamandar at the zoo every day and eventually trades places with it.


The things I do remember? My teachers. In my freshman year, which would have been 1974, we had a student teacher who arrived in class pretty strung out every morning. He would stay up every night watching the Tomorrow show with Tom Snyder and had to tell us all about it. The guy was convinced the world would come to some apocalyptic end by 2000, so he had us read all kinds of depressing short stories, one was about a fully automated house that kept functioning long after the people were gone.


My 10th grade instructor was British, complete with stupid mustache and tweed jacket. His enthusiastic lecture on the history of the English language, complete with maps and arrows drawn on the chalkboard, almost seems in my memory like a Monty Python skit!

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We read a Tale of Two Cities in 8th grade.


I can only remember when I break it down by classes (although I totally forget my 9th & 10th grade classes.. they were more general).


American Lit class: The Scarlet Letter, As I lay dying, An American Tragedy, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, The Grapes of Wrath, 3 others I have forgotten.


World Lit: One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gilgamesh, Crime and Punishment, One day in the life of Ivan Dysinovich, Moliere : The Misanthrope/ the tartuffe, The Magic Mountain, 2 kafka books (the trial & the plauge...I think, but maybe the stranger), Madame Bovary


I know that we did, at some point, Lord of the Flies, Billy Budd, 1984(8th), A Brave new world, Canterbury Tales, huck finn, Tom Sawyer(7th), Prince and the pauper, To Kill a mockingbird(8th), Oliver Twist (7th), All Quiet on the Western Front (8th) Silas Marner,.....


I also had a Shakespeare class, where we did at least 5 plays.


There were many more. That is all I can do this morning.

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Taming of the Shrew



A Midsummer Night's Dream

King Lear

Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar

The Scarlet Letter

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Pearl


The Mayor of Casterbridge

Madame Bovary

Sons and Lovers (Or another DH Lawrence title, I can't remember)

Animal Farm

The Importance of Being Ernest

Jane Eyre

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Catcher in the Rye




The House of Seven Gables


The Death of a Salesman

Jean D'Arc in French

Tartuffe in French

The Stranger in both French and English

Le Petit Prince


In AP French we read a lot of French literature in French, but those are the only ones I remember.


I know there was a lot more, and I can remember story lines of some more, but I cannot remember the titles.

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Here's what I can recall:



  • Lord of The Flies by William Golding
  • The Return of The Native by Thomas Hardy
  • A Separate Peace by John Knowles
  • Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  • In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
  • Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin
  • The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
  • The Red Badge of Courage by Henry Fleming
  • Brave New World by Aldous Huxley


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Diary of Anne Frank (middle school, I think)

The Cremation of Sam McGee (had to memorize and recite part of that one)

The Witch of Blackbird Pond



Some book about two Jewish friends, one boy was from an Orthadox family, while the other family became Zionists & went to help found the Nation of Israel....I can't remember the name of it.


The Red Badge of Courage (didn't like it, very tedious)


after 10th grade I dropped Advanced English (could not stand "Dr. H____" - felt that the dislike was mutual) and went back to standard. That was basically a survey course that didn't get too much into anything..... what I remember from that....



Romeo & Juliet


The Raven

bits and pieces of other classic works, and

a series of self-selected novels

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My memory of middle school is vague. Here are books I remember reading:



Animal Farm

Catcher In The Rye

Huck Finn

A Handmaid's Tale (one of my favs!!)

Lord of the Flies


Of Mice and Men

12 Angry Men

To Kill A Mockingbird

Brave New World


That's all I remember. Great thread:)

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From middle school, I remember the books:

April Morning by Howard Fast (I think)

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

My Brother Sam is Dead by James Lincoln Collier


In HS, I read:

Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar


The Hobbit

Wuthering Heights

Watership Down by Richard Adams

To Kill A Mockingbird

Lord of the Flies

Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Jane Eyre

Murder in the Cathedral by T.S. Eliot

Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy

Cry the Beloved Country by Alan Paton

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I'm pretty sure you're talking about The Most Dangerous Game. It's a short story. I know DH and I both read it in high school.



Oh, yes!!! That is IT! Thank you so much! Now, I remember that I hated reading it (so much that, apparently, I'd decided it was a full-length novel - not a short story of approx 48 pages! LOL), but it's been driving me NUTS that I could remember the plot, but not the title! Now to decide if I want to re-read, or not, lol!

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anything in middle school. :confused: Maybe I just can't remember.


The only books I can remember reading in high school is Jane Eyre (loved it then, love it so much more now), Of Mice and Men, Lord of the Flies, Animal Farm. We studied Odyssey, Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth, but I don't know if we had to READ them.

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My high school didn't exactly have a highly achieving academic focus. I only remember two required books: The Outsiders, and Lord of the Flies. I'm not interested in reading either of those again.


I remember part of my 12th grade English course, we studied poetry. We were holding our hands up beneath our chins while saying words so we could "feel" the syllables of the words. :001_huh: I remember sitting there thinking that was the stupidest thing ever, especially for a senior class. I memorized Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken.

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I'm sure I'm missing some, but here's what I remember prior to my morning's coffee.


Never Cry Wolf

Who has Seen the Wind

To Kill a Mockingbird

Lord of the Flies


Romeo and Juliet



The Tempest

As for Me and My House

The Stone Angel

Fifth Business

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man


The Plague

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Waiting for Godot

The Wars (Findley)


The Catcher in the Rye

Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town

Brave New World (I think... I seem to remember discussing this)


We read a lots of short stories and some poetry as well.


Edited to add:

Death of a Salesman

Heart of Darkness

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There were others, but the one that sticks in my mind is James Joyce's "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" during senior year. It qualifies as one that really didn't interest me.


Lord of the Flies was also part of the high school experience.


Erica in OR

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Lord of the Flies

The Adronimer? Strain

A Daphene De-More Book

Playing Betty Bow

Some book about an Australian town just after the war; A pretty depressing book.

I can't remember the rest.


Probably The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton. I think we read Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier.


Was the Australian one On the Beach by Nevil Shute? I think we read that one. From Amazon:

After a nuclear World War III has destroyed most of the globe, the few remaining survivors in southern Australia await the radioactive cloud that is heading their way and bringing certain death to everyone in its path. Among them is an American submarine captain struggling to resist the knowledge that his wife and children in the United States must be dead. Then a faint Morse code signal is picked up, transmitting from somewhere near Seattle, and Captain Towers must lead his submarine crew on a bleak tour of the ruined world in a desperate search for signs of life. Both terrifying and intensely moving, On the Beach is a remarkably convincing portrait of how ordinary people might face the most unimaginable nightmare.


It's hard to remember what I was required to read vs. what I chose to read. I do remember vividly how much I detested The Mayor of Casterbridge, though.

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I'm trying to remember the name of a certain book as well. A wealthy man lived in a jungle somewhere - the protagonist went to him for whatever reason (maybe he was in a shipwreck?) - and found out that the wealthy man hunted humans after "helping" them back to good health. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


"The Most Dangerous Game" (also published as "The Hounds of Zaroff"), however, it's not a book, but a short story by Richard Connell.

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West Side Story

Silas Marner

The Crucible

The Pearl

The Light in the Forest

Brave New World

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Canterbury Tales

The Good Earth (the only one on this list that I didn't like)

Tobacco Road

Romeo & Juliet

Julius Caesar


King Lear



Flowers for Algernon


12 Angry Men


We also had a reading textbook, and we read LOTS of short stories and essays, etc. (Poe, Thoreau, O. Henry).

Edited by ereks mom
remembered more!
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Don't really remember from middle school, though we did read The Outsiders, The Diary of Anne Frank, Summer of My German Soldier (maybe this was in elementary school), and The Glass Menagerie.


High school (the ones I can remember):


Fahrenheit 451

To Kill a Mockingbird

Madame Bovary

A Passage to India

The Return of the Native

The Scarlet Letter

Cry, The Beloved Country

The Crucible

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Great Gatsby

The Picture of Dorian Gray

Wuthering Heights

The Aeneid

A Tale of Two Cities

The Catcher in the Rye

Murder in the Cathedral

The Call of the Wild

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

most of The Canterbury Tales


Romeo & Juliet

Julius Caesar

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I was required to read very few specific titles; besides Tale of Two Cities in ninth grade, my only required reading was in 10th. We had to do lots of reading, but we chose it ourselves (although our teachers had veto power). The ones that were assigned were:


Tale of Two Cities

Romeo and Juliet

West Side Story

The Chosen

Cold Sassy Tree

The Scarlet Letter


Personally, I think it was a good system to let the students learn to choose good, worthwhile books that we wrote about independently.

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The books- I remember reading in High School were:

The Pearl

some of Cantebury Tales



Animal Farm

Lord of the Flies (This book still gives me nightmares)

Great Gadsby

Tale of Two Cities

Mac Beth

Romeo and Juliet

West Side Story

Silas Marner

Scarlett Letter

Scarlett Ibis

War and Peace

All's Quiet on the Western Front

My Antonia (did not like this book)


and an Anth

Mayor of Casterbury

and An Anthology of American Short Stories

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Romeo and Juliet


Member of the Wedding (?)

Great Expectations


The Iliad

The Odyssey


Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The Pearl

Cry, the Beloved Country



Richard II

Richard III

One of the Henry's....can't recall which one

Edith Hamilton's Mythology

Of Mice and Men

Silas Marner

Catcher in the Rye

Pride and Prejudice

Brave New World

Wuthering Heights

Murder in the Cathedral


Walden 2

A Doll's House

Animal Farm

The Crucible

Crime and Punishment

The Aeneid...in Latin (but that was for Latin class)

Selections from The Canterbury Tales (and I had to memorize the Prologue in Middle English)

John Brown's Body

The Stranger


That's what I remember from high school. Middle school is too fuzzy in my memory, I vaguely remember some Twain...

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You all read some very interesting selections!


Here's what I remember:


7th and 8th grade:

Lisa, Bright and Dark

Across Five Aprils

The Tell-Tale Heart

To Kill a Mockingbird

Charley (I think this is the title)



A Separate Peace

Romeo and Juliet

Great Expectations

Scarlet Pimpernel

Merchant of Venice



King Lear

All Quiet on the Western Front

Epic of Gilgamesh

the Oedipus trilogy


Cry the Beloved Country



Great Gatsby

Scarlet Letter

Ethan Frome


Winesburg, OH


The Crucible


I went to college early so I read nothing for 12th LOL. There are various short stories mixed in there: more Poe, etc.

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I can't remember any assigned books in Jr or Sr High.


We were textbook/anthology heavy in private school.


This particular private school was very much against reading the classics, etc. I loved to read but my parents were very selective also, so I was reading stuff like Jonathon Edwards and John Bunyan.


The year between High School and college, I picked up a brochure from the local library that had the top 50 classics listed in it. I read through that entire list that year.

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In Jr. High, I think we mostly read some short stories. I am not even sure we read them because I remember the movies I saw from them: The Lady or The Tiger, The Incident At Owl Creek, Bartleby the Scrivener, and something that occured on a moor in England. We even did this in 9th grade which was still in jr. high school. In 10th grade, I think I read The Old Man and the Sea and I am sure I read some other thigs but we were mostly writing. In 11th grade, I think we read some sci fi and I think I read MacBeth but that might have been in drama. In 12th I had AP English. We read portions of the Bible, Paradise Lost, A Seperate Peace, The Odyssey, Hamlet, and some others I don't remember. I also get confused on which I read in college, which in high school and which on my own.

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I will try to remember...



Crime and Punishment

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Great Expectations

Invisible Man

short stories ("The Lottery", "A Good Man is Hard to Find", etc.)

The Stranger

David Copperfield

The Great Gatsby



The Good Earth

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

Julius Caesar


These are the only ones I can remember right now. Now that you've got me thinking about it, I'll probably recall more. It's hard for me, because until fairly recently (the past few years), my leisure reading consisted solely of classic literature. So it's hard to remember if I studied it in class or read it for fun! But the ones I listed I definitely remember discussing in class and writing thesis papers about.



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Sadly, I remember very few of the books we read in high school. I'm sure I've read most of the big lists up above. Good idea to read them again!


I do remember reading a lot of Michael Crichton, Steven King, Ken Follett, and the Clan of the Cave Bear series on my own during my high school years. :D

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I will try to remember...


short stories ("The Lottery", "A Good Man is Hard to Find", etc.)




Oh! those are two other short stories I had to read. Why on earth are all the short stories so horrible?! Young Goodman Brown was another...

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Most of the ones I read have already been mentioned("The Most Dangerous Game"--haven't thought about that one for years. . .), but one that hasn't been was The Scottish Chiefs by Jane Porter, which I adored. I was in love with William Wallace for a long time after reading that--no ordinary human teenage boy could measure up. :tongue_smilie:

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I only remember reading The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies, and a LOT of Shakespeare. Hey, it's been thirty years! :001_smile:


Sounds like my school. We had to read 2 Shakespeare plays each year. I remember reading Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, Taming of the Shrew, Julius Caesar, and Merchant of Venice. We did a lot of reading in high school. Much of what we read has already been mentioned. The only others I can remember that haven't already been listed are Grendel and The Phantom Tollbooth. I know Phantom Tollbooth is often read by younger kids but we had a lot of fun in that class picking apart the word play and studying word roots.



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Diary of Anne Frank (middle school, I think)


Some book about two Jewish friends, one boy was from an Orthadox family, while the other family became Zionists & went to help found the Nation of Israel....I can't remember the name of it.




Oh, I forgot to add that to my list! The Chosen by Chaim Potok. I loved it!



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In 8th grade, I got bored and went to the principal to see if he'd let me go to high school. To remedy that, he pulled me and 3 others (who were also bored) from our LA class and had us read:


Animal Farm

Farenheit 451

Brave New World


I don't remember what I read in high school!

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The Scarlet Letter

The Iceman Cometh

The Glass Menagerie

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Bless Me Ultima



Allegory of the Cave

Native Son

The Joy Luck Club



The Red Badge of Courage

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Tom Sawyer

The Jungle

Romeo and Juliet

The Great Gatsby

Anne Frank

To Kill A Mockingbird

The Crucible

Death of A Salesman

Cry, the Beloved Country

The Catcher in the Rye

Lord of the Flies

The Grapes of Wrath

Of Mice and Men



Those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.

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