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Informal Poll: Do you consider Chips Ahoy to be Chocolate Chip Cookies?

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Now, I know they are technically 'chocolate chip cookies' but do you think they are *Chocolate Chip Cookies*? KWIM? (This is about as frivolous as it gets, people.)


As in, I made an off-hand remark to my dh that I was in the mood for chocolate chip cookies. He casually mentioned that there were Oreos in the cupboard (which he bought a long time ago), and I said they didn't sound good. That was the end of the conversation.


(CONTEXT: I'm pregnant. I often make homemade chocolate chip cookies. I have never, ever bought a package of Chips Ahoy. We've been together 15 years.)


He runs to the grocery store to get some French bread to go with dinner. He never, ever comes home with only the thing he went to get. I assumed he would buy *2* loaves of French bread (because 2 is always better than 1, right?) and a few other things. One of those few other things was a package of Chips Ahoy because I had mentioned that I was in the mood for chocolate chip cookies. Poor guy. I didn't respond very well (probably 'ewwww!' and a disgusted look on my face and a comment that those didn't qualify as chocolate chip cookies :lol: ), and I have some serious making up for it to do today. Because it was REALLY SWEET of him to think of me.


But it made me wonder, if you were craving chocolate chip cookies, would Chips Ahoy do it for you? 'Cause, in my book, they don't qualify as the same thing. Chips Ahoy are simply Chips Ahoy, nothing else.

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Awww. That was sweet.


(But Chips Ahoy still don't count as chocolate chip cookies.)


:iagree: It was very sweet of your dh to think of you, and to *try. But no, chips ahoy are not nearly the same thing as homemade chocolate chip cookies.


(And you're a good wife for realizing you need to make up for your less-than-enthusiastic response. :))

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They are chocolate chip cookies when one is craving chocolate chip cookies and it is 80* outside with no AC on the inside and one does not want to turn the oven on.


They are chocolate chip cookies when one is craving chocolate chip cookies when one is up to one's eyeballs in school planning, menu planning, and decluttering and one hasn't time to bake.


They are chocolate chip cookies when one is craving chocolate chip cookies the week before one begins Christmas baking and one is in the middle of trying to finish up school so Christmas break can start so one can actually make chocolate chip cookies.

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Yeah, that's why we don't make them too often. They never seem to get baked. :D


Wait . . . I thought that was the POINT of making homemade cookies. You mean you're actually supposed to bake more than one sheet of them??


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Yes, I consider them chocolate chip cookies.


BUT I hate chocolate chip cookies. So anything that has that sugar cookie type base with some chocolate thrown in, gets labeled chocolate chip cookie in my book.




I love cookies. Actually cookies are my serious weakness but chocolate chip cookies don't make the list.

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Nope! Home-made chocolate chip cookies are the only real chocolate chip cookies.


It WAS sweet of your DH to think of you though! Maybe his mommy didn't make him real CC cookies growing up & he doesn't know any better ;)

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No, not chocolate chip cookies. I agree with you.


I actually don't like chocolate chip cookies --even homemade ones. I got spoiled when I was younger. I used to bake for a restaurant and we'd make these monster-sized cookies called "Double Chippers."


They had chocolate chips, peanut butter chips and walnuts.


They were heaven!


"Regular" chocolate chip cookies, even homemade ones, were forever ruined.

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Depends on my mood.:D


I asked dh to pick up some chocolate on the way home from work one day. The man brought in a huge bag of....


Tootsie Rolls.


He really thought that was chocolate.


He has since been well-educated and has not made that mistake again. :001_smile:

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Wait . . . I thought that was the POINT of making homemade cookies. You mean you're actually supposed to bake more than one sheet of them??



:lol: Thank goodness I'm not the only one who does this! CC cookies usually get made around here because I'M craving the dough. The cookies themselves are an afterthought :lol:


They're not as good as homemade, but they're still yummy! :)


I do agree with this though. They're an acceptable cookie option, though I'd take the real thing over Chips Ahoy any day.

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Y'all are cracking me up. The Chips Ahoy package is still sitting there... They don't appeal to me *at all.* Even in a pinch. Even microwaved. Even if I'm really, really hungry.


Purchased cookie dough? I could go for that. Or what I finally settled for: Bryers Choc Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Yum.


I used to eat the dough like crazy, but I'm too paranoid to eat anything with raw egg in it now. My youngest always asks me if there is 'yucky egg in it' before snitching anything I'm baking/cooking.

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Y'all are cracking me up. The Chips Ahoy package is still sitting there... They don't appeal to me *at all.* Even in a pinch. Even microwaved. Even if I'm really, really hungry.


Dh used to buy them when we were first married, and I would get really, really hungry for chocolate some nights when he was gone. I would microwave Chips Ahoy in a damp paper towel. :D If I imagined enough, they almost seemed like real cookies.

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To me - yes Chip Ahoys are Chocolate Chip cookies - they were the only kind in the house when I grew up and they are the only kind in the the house now (when they are - DD doesn't like chocolate cookies at all).


My mom didn't bake and passed her non-baking gene to me.


Now - there are these molasses chocolate chip bars my grandma used to bake and those are yummy!

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Y'all are cracking me up. The Chips Ahoy package is still sitting there... They don't appeal to me *at all.* Even in a pinch. Even microwaved. Even if I'm really, really hungry.


Purchased cookie dough? I could go for that. Or what I finally settled for: Bryers Choc Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Yum.


I used to eat the dough like crazy, but I'm too paranoid to eat anything with raw egg in it now. My youngest always asks me if there is 'yucky egg in it' before snitching anything I'm baking/cooking.


Supposedly, using pasteurized egg substitute solves this problem, and the cookies taste exactly the same. I don't mind eating the dough with the raw egg in it, but my aunt swears by using the pasteurized stuff.

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They wouldn't qualify as CC cookies in my house either, I'm afraid, but wow, what a sweetie!


I used to eat the dough like crazy, but I'm too paranoid to eat anything with raw egg in it now. My youngest always asks me if there is 'yucky egg in it' before snitching anything I'm baking/cooking.



As far as eating the dough, a friend replaces the egg with an equal volume of water and then just doesn't bother with the baking. :001_smile:


I usually don't manage to bake them because it takes too long to drop all those little cookies. Yes, my mother said I was hiding behind the door when the good Lord was handing out patience. Anyway, my dd is now mostly in charge of cookies, bars, etc. here and, well let's just say the apple didn't fall far from the tree. She throws them in a pan and we have cookie bars. Yum! :thumbup:

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Now, I know they are technically 'chocolate chip cookies' but do you think they are *Chocolate Chip Cookies*?


When there is not another baking capable member of the family, they can be chocolate chip cookies under the right circumstances.


Now that I have teens though, I can usually at least get one to mix them up.


Funny thing--my kids think the dough is disgusting. Where did they come from? :confused:

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For me, any cookies that are hard (like Chips Ahoy) don't count. Most any that are soft, whether packaged, store-made, or home-made, do count.


You are more gracious and appreciative than I. I would likely be upset and insulted that my dh didn't know me well enough to realize I don't eat hard cookies. But, I guess I'm difficult to live with. Your dh is lucky to have you.

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hm. Well... I love me some Chips Ahoy! :D In fact DD and I just finished eating some. Dunk them in milk until they get soft and... yummmmmy. I never even thought of microwaving them!


Then again... I don't like regular chocolate chip cookies, just the dough. If I'm going to eat a real cookie, it has to be peanut butter or sugar.

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