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If you could travel anywhere to enrich studies...

In order to enrich my dc's studies, I would travel to  

  1. 1. In order to enrich my dc's studies, I would travel to

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where would you go? Dh and I were discussing and we'd like to go somewhere when dd is around grade 7-9, the earliest being a year from now. We've already been to Greece and will go again (dh is from there & has family there) and I truly have no desire to go to Egypt. BIL & SIL have been to Egypt several times and I've poured over photos and seen their videos. Just don't like sand in my toes, you know? ;) Plus, it's a little risky to go there. Anyhow, dh wants to go. I want to go to Pompeii and several places in Italy. It's possible for us to do all of them in one fell swoop, but at the same time, I don't want to be terribly rushed, kwim? I'd rather spend 3 weeks in Italy and really see what I want to see, instead of doing a general Mediterranean cruise with pit-stops all over the place. Think of all the things we could see in Italy: the history of art, the history of music, the history of...history :tongue_smilie:...

Sorry, don't want to sway you. Seriously. If you had to pick one place to travel to that would really enrich your studies, where would you go?

P.S.: By ITALY, I mean we would spend a hunk of time in Pompeii!!!

P.P.S.: please feel free to explain why you chose a place. Perhaps it has more educational value than I am currently aware of.

Edited by specialmama
adding the PS for clarification
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I voted for Greece.


I like the idea of a cruise to see Greece, Italy, and Egypt - but just thinking of all the cruises I've ever been on, I would imagine you would be very rushed and wouldn't have enough time to really see what was of interest to you in those countries...


Have fun deciding! :)

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I have been to Greece, Ireland, Italy. Greece is very cool, but you've been there and will do it again. Ireland is WONDERFUL (one of my favorite places). But I think for diversity within a country and the landscape, art, history, food... Italy has it all! I spent a couple of years travelling in Europe, and I have to say that Pompeii is a place that really stands out in my mind and got me re-interested in ancient history. Not sure if you've been there, but it is unbelievable to walk down the streets those people walked down and to see the baths, and the town just the way it was. Plus all the people cowering from the volcano is very moving.


And aside from Pompeii - Venice is crazy cool! What other city has canals like that? All the art, architecture, Rome. Shoot, you can't go wrong!

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I leave my kids in Italy for extended periods every year, and no matter how much they travel it, how many things they see, how many museums they visit, to know our country is a lifetime task and kids can never get enough of it. I would certainly recommend everyone to visit Italy at least to get a glimpse of the atmosphere. :)

Israel is another excellent destination, lots of things to see, a very unique atmosphere in the country, and if you get out of the tourist places a bit to experience the ordinary Israeli life, you might be pleasantly surprised as well.

Greece is wonderful, warm people, many of the islands and Crete are just magnificent, I visited it so many times and I still can't get enough of it.


We're also fond of Austria, France and Switzerland as a family. Vienna in winter is just plain beautiful (even though cold).

Those 5 countries (6 if we count Italy which is still "homeland") are pretty much where we circle and we find that we're also very "culturally satisfied" with each. :) For specific purposes of enriching studies, we also intend, at some point, to take the kids to Tunisia (archaeological stuff), Croatian coast (though they've been already, but there's lots of more archaeological stuff to see), Spain, but specifically Barcelona :D, and Russia.

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You couldn't get me to step foot in Greece right now. Between riots due to social security concerns (last month), massive rioting against Israel (today), and being pressured to give up the Euro (noted on Sunday)... that place is literally on fire.


Italy, I would love to go to. Big places like Rome and Florence, little places I've never heard of. No Venice - lots of people have told me it is extremely stinky. Me and DS do poorly with extremely stinky.


Am going back to Scotland this fall, so will probably attach and Ireland trip.


It would be nice to go to Spain to see the influence the Moors had prior to being systematically pushed out.


Desperately want to go to Israel for the sheer "this is where everyone who really effected western religious thought has everything and argues about it-ness". Also: DS would really like to study Krav Maga there.




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Of those you listed, probably Greece (and Turkey, next door). That's because the missionary travels of Paul (in the Bible) are fun to follow. Most of the places he wrote letters to or traveled to are in those two countries, and it's fascinating to see the environment of the early church.


After that, then Italy. The architecture, history, and culture there are breathtaking. And, the food's pretty good too! :)


ETA: my first paragraph would assume that politically, it's stable again.

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where would you go? Dh and I were discussing and we'd like to go somewhere when dd is around grade 7-9, the earliest being a year from now. We've already been to Greece and will go again (dh is from there & has family there) and I truly have no desire to go to Egypt. BIL & SIL have been to Egypt several times and I've poured over photos and seen their videos. Just don't like sand in my toes, you know? ;) Plus, it's a little risky to go there. Anyhow, dh wants to go. I want to go to Pompeii and several places in Italy. It's possible for us to do all of them in one fell swoop, but at the same time, I don't want to be terribly rushed, kwim? I'd rather spend 3 weeks in Italy and really see what I want to see, instead of doing a general Mediterranean cruise with pit-stops all over the place. Think of all the things we could see in Italy: the history of art, the history of music, the history of...history :tongue_smilie:...

Sorry, don't want to sway you. Seriously. If you had to pick one place to travel to that would really enrich your studies, where would you go?

P.S.: By ITALY, I mean we would spend a hunk of time in Pompeii!!!

P.P.S.: please feel free to explain why you chose a place. Perhaps it has more educational value than I am currently aware of.


A cruise could be a fun way of getting to see quite a bit in a short period of time. However, you are tied to the ship's underway schedule. And I wouldn't do excursions with the ship in most cases, but would arrange them independently.


We've been to Athens, Rome, Paris, Naples (Pompeii & Herculanum) and a lot of other fun places in France, Germany and Central/Eastern Europe.


I think that Italy is a great choice. You can get ancient through middle ages, renaissance and modern history. We spent several days in the Naples area, followed by a week in Rome (including a day in Ostia). I would gladly go back. I would also love to have spent some time in Florence.


Greece was wonderful. We stayed in Athens. I would like to have explored more of the countryside and some of the islands. Since we were there in January, travel via the ferries to islands wasn't as much of an option.


France also allows you to see a sizable cross section of history, from Roman times to modern. Paris is incredible. If you could add in some of the country to the north (Normandy, Bayeaux, Mont St. Michelle, the Western Front and Bastogne in Belgium) you would have quite a grand time. (Feel free to skip Versailles.)


Germany is underrated and can also allow you to see a lot of wonderful history. But I think that you may need to drive or get a train pass to take advantage of it. (Actually, my first overseas trip with dh was one where we flew to Germany, trained around for 10 days then few home. It was wonderful.)

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We went to Rome and had a day in Pompeii where my then 12 year old gave us a tour. He knew every detail after studying Latin with Cambridge! All of our interests were met, history explored, art studied, sigh. We are going back this year for more. Oh my. I had no idea the impact of seeing and experiencing things first hand.

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Before I even read your post....it was Italy. I had planned to take ds15 this year, but he said he doesn't want to go. He doesn't like the idea of traveling out of the country. LOL



DD11 on the other hand is begging to go to Africa for her graduation gift. I told her we would talk about it when it is time. LOL

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All of the above! But since you asked us to pick one option, I picked Italy. I prefer to see one place in depth than a whirlwind tour of many places. Though it would be really interesting to see Egypt, since it's so *different*, or Greece, and I'd love to go to London personally...I'd better hit submit before I change my mind...

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I voted Africa because I think you learn a great deal from going to places that are the most different from where you live. There are definitely other places you could go that would also be very different. Certainly the logistics of travel would affect my decision. Travel is great and whereever you go you will learn a lot.

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We have already travelled to Italy and Greece. This year we are traveling to the Northern Rockies= Earth Science and Environment. Next year, we will go to a Spanish speaking area but haven't decided to another visit to Spain (and adding in Portugal), somewhere in Central America, or to Argentina/Chile.

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I would want to do a British trip: England, Scotland, and Ireland. I am a bit of an Anglophile, so keep that in mind. I have been to England twice, and there is so much history there that I would want to share with dc. Our honeymoon was spent in Ireland, and it was absolutely beautiful; I want to go back so badly! I've never been to Scotland and want to go!


Dh and I have been to Italy, and it would be my second choice. We just finished SOTW 1, and I would love to expose them to all the history in Rome. We also spent a day in Pompeii, which was fascinating. Florence and the Tuscan countryside is beautiful and would have a lot of medieval-history connections. We went to Venice, and my first impression was horrible; it was overrun by tourists, and the water buses were so crowded and hot. After the first day, though, we learned to find our way walking using back streets that mostly locals used.


Truthfully, I believe that any of the places you've mentioned would add another dimension to your children's studies, but these would be my top two picks.

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I voted Egypt BEFORE I read all the choices! We have taken several cruises that have stopped in Greece, Italy, Turkey, etc. I cannot wait to go back.


We actually spent 3 weeks in Egypt several years ago as tourists. I would go back in a heartbeat. Yes, I was scared witless when the plane landed almost 2 miles from the terminal (in case it blew up when we landed) and was surrounded by armed guards immediately, but soon learned that the country does it utmost to make visitors feel welcome and safe.


Turkey is also wonderful for all the ancient history and Biblical connections.

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I voted for the cruise...and then thought about it, changed my mind.


I want it alllllllll!! Italy for several weeks...I want Ireland, Scotland, England...I want Japan. I want France and Switzerland.


Give me about 6 months on and around that continent, and I'll call it good :D


*writes on her Lotto List*

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I vote for Turkey: Troy, Ephesus, Istanbul (formerly Constantinople), and the 7 churches of the Revelation. I am, of course, biased, because DH is Turkish and I absolutely love the country and the people. So incredibly friendly, hospitable, and the food is unbelievably good. People don't understand all the history, biblical and otherwise, that took place in Turkey. Mt. Ararat is there too!


After that - Italy, France, England, and Germany (specifically Berlin to see the Pergamon Museum).


My 2 cents...

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Other - England & Scotland b/c most of our ancestors are from the island. I would want them to walk the ground and see the old world. Our other stop would be Sweden & Germany for family & heritage.


A final pick would be Israel due to our faith.

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I voted (Africa) by intentionally ignoring any safety concerns. My second choice would be Egypt (also ignoring any safety concerns.)


DD is obsessed with Egypt, so that's a no-brainer.

I think Africa has so much to offer educationally and emotionally, from Safari to human compassion. I feel like it is the most foreign of any place on the planet, and would love to make it more real for my kids (and myself.)


I can skip Italy for now b/c my sister just came back from Rome and has given such an excruciatingly detailed account of her trip that I'm quite bored with it right now, lol.


Of course, if I'm taking safety out of the equation, I'm not sure there's a single place I'd completely rule out!

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Another vote for Turkey, for all the reasons that Hopscotch67 mentioned.


The Lukeion Project (online Greek and Latin provider) hosts one 11-day trip to the ancient world each spring. We have gone to Italy (two years ago), Greece (last year), and Turkey (last month) with them. Every trip has been extremely well-planned. I highly recommend the Lukeion tours.


Now that we've enriched our Latin studies, I'd like to start travelling to areas where French is spoken so that we can enrich our (fledgling) French studies.

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Can I vote all? :)

We just came off a Med. Cruise (last week!) and we stopped in several places in Italy (Naples/Pompeii, Rome, La Spezia/Pisa/Florence). One day each was not enough! We could easily have spent 3 or 4 days exploring Pompeii. It was amazing. In Rome we only had time to visit the Coliseum, Forum and Paletine Hill. Actually, we could have visited more, but we were so tired from the stuff we'd done at all the other ports, we opted to go back to the ship instead of going further into Rome. I would love to have a week there. Pisa was, well, kind of boring to be honest. We went, took photos, looked around and were done. We won't go back. It was pretty, but not all that interesting.

We're probably going to be doing another Med. cruise for Christmas and will visit a few places in Italy, Greece, Turkey and Egypt. We won't have enough time to explore all we want to, but it will give us a good idea of where we would like to spend more time. Cruises are great for that (and for spoiling you). I'm thinking Indy and I may fly to Rome for a few days in Nov and see more of Rome. Next spring we're thinking of going to Egypt for a week. We'd stay in Cairo for 2 days, cruise the Nile for 4 and back to Cairo for a day before coming home. Indy is crazy for Egypt. He plans to be Indiana Jones when he grows up. He loves to travel and would visit everywhere if he could.

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Europe, for the educational value, for sure.


However, I would also love to take them to Asia- India, Indonesia (well, we have been to Bali and may take them again), Thailand. That's easier from Australia of course, but still, we havent done it. I think visiting different cultures- very different cultures- is great for kids, and I love the spirituality of India and Thailand, and Bali.

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The problem with Africa (and I assume we're talking about sub-Saharan Africa, since Egypt is a separate choice) is that plane tickets from the U.S. are wicked expensive. DH and I actually looked at this a few months ago, and I think airfare alone for our family of six would have been around $10k.


That's more than we spend on an entire two-week trip to France, including airfare, lodging, food, and car rental.


I do agree that places that are the most foreign tend to change your view of the world the most. Our short trip to Morocco (in the middle of a trip to Spain) was extremely enlightening.

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The problem with Africa (and I assume we're talking about sub-Saharan Africa, since Egypt is a separate choice) is that plane tickets from the U.S. are wicked expensive. DH and I actually looked at this a few months ago, and I think airfare alone for our family of six would have been around $10k.


That's more than we spend on an entire two-week trip to France, including airfare, lodging, food, and car rental.


I do agree that places that are the most foreign tend to change your view of the world the most. Our short trip to Morocco (in the middle of a trip to Spain) was extremely enlightening.


A further problem is security and transport once in whatever nation you visit.


A quick google on crime in South Africa aptly demonstrates why tourists should not be wandering, unaware, around many places in Africa.

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Botswana, Africa. My 9yo dd is entranced by this country, courtesy of National Geo mag. Her whole room is decorated with an Africa theme and a Botswana map hangs on her wall.


I personally would go to France and I don't think my kids would complain as they love anything we study about that country.

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I voted Africa because I think you learn a great deal from going to places that are the most different from where you live. There are definitely other places you could go that would also be very different. Certainly the logistics of travel would affect my decision. Travel is great and whereever you go you will learn a lot.



And Africa is the second largest continent in the world and has 61 territories so it will have many more learning experiences than any of the countries listed (especially Egypt).

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I'm madly and passionately in love with Italy. It's been a little over 2 years since we were there and I'd leave today to go back. I'd love to move there, at least for a little while, but I'd go for several weeks or months even if I could. I can't even describe how much or why I loved it. When I look at our pictures or see it in a movie, I ache. Isn't that silly? :) The history, the food, the people, the sites, the buildings, etc It's amazing.


Matter fact, my profile pic up there was from Rome, Italy.

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It would depend on why we were travelling. If it were after a year of ancient history, we'd go to the eastern Mediterranean (Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Turkey). If it were after the medieval year, we'd go to China. If it were for cultural awareness, we'd travel around as much of Asia or Africa as we could. I'd also love to travel to various Muslim countries, from Indonesia to Morocco.


By the end of this year, my kids will have been to Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, China, Turkey, Lebanon, and Singapore if we're lucky.


I also think it's worth staying in one place for at least a few months, if not a few years, instead of trying to go to lots of different places in a shorter time.

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