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Have you read TWTM?

Have you read TWTM in its entirety?  

  1. 1. Have you read TWTM in its entirety?

    • Yes, but only once
    • Yes, and I've reread sections
    • I've only read sections
    • No, I've never read it

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I read it cover to cover when the kids were little- about 10 years ago.


I read the grammar stage section a few times after that, at various points while my son was covering those years.


I read the logic stage section a few times after that, at various points while my son was clearing those years, and referred to the grammar stage section for my daughter, when I forgot something or had a quick question.


I read (present tense) the rhetoric section through each year now, with a quick reference to the logic section for dd. I refer to the rhetoric section and the testing/record keeping section about once every other month when I have a quick question.


I check out the newest edition (I have the second edition and got rid of my first edition a few years ago) whenever I am in the bookstore and have a quick question about newer resources, etc. I have not purchased it, though.


I am pretty hard-core.

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I have read parts of it :blushing: We only use portions of WTM in our homeschool :blushing: so those are the parts I have read. I don't even have a copy of the book (yet) :crying:



Did I just get myself banned from this forum?? :001_unsure:


They'd have to kick me out first ~ I haven't read it at all. :tongue_smilie:

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Up until about a month ago, I had all 3 editions that I didn't want to part with now. I decided to donate the second one. The original one is just too cool because I had read it so much. The new one is the one I refer to for current questions and concerns.


I have to admit I don't follow classical. We've settled into a traditional path that I cannot fight anymore. But that doesn't stop me from consulting the WTM numerous times.

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I have read all of the Grammar Stage section (parts of it several times), all of the Coming Home section, and parts of the rest. I have the third edition and my dd is 5 so I have been prioritizing the Grammar section for now.


This is me. I've most of the book once through, but I keep going back and rereading the grammar section as I plan out in my head how I want to do things. My oldest is only three though. :blushing: I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to research and planning and with something like my kids education I want to get it right.

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Do you mean this year? :D


I find I read it about once a year. Then I dip and reread sections as needed. TWTM was the book that started our homeschool plans. I found it at the library when my oldest was 18 mos. old and it blew me away. The thought of homeschooling had never crossed my mind before and after I read it, there was no going back.

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I have read it through, and then reread the grammar stage part (plus a couple other sections) many times. I'm getting ready to dive into the logic stage in depth (my oldest is only going on 9, but I swear he entered the logic stage at 2!). I have the 2nd edition and think I'm going to buy the 3rd edition this summer.

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When I voted, I was the only "no" ..now there's seven.


Come out, come out, wherever you are.


They won't kick us out, promise. ;)



It's not the method that we chose for our homeschooling ~ because it just wouldn't be a good fit for us. However, in the two years that I've been on this forum, I've certainly seen that it works well for quite a lot of people. :)

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I've read all the way through....where my littles are :D After that I've read bits and pieces.


I've only read it once and only through the grammar stage as DD is so little, but it's already THE book for me. Before that book I wasn't sure I could homeschool. Now I know I can - I just have to convince DH!;)

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You didn't put the option "read, reread, pored over, marked up, read again, have all three editions..." :-)


This is my answer. I got the 1999 edition from the library and that was the first any notion of homeschooling occurred to me. I bought it read it, waited impatiently until my kids were old enough, read the second edition, and now the third edition repeatedly. It is the reason we are homeschooling, and my sort of ideal picture I have in my head even though we don't follow everything 100%.

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I read it through cover to cover every summer as my teaching sabbatical...and I pay special attention to our hx rotation and the areas I am feeling particularly weak in. I also read much of CM's writings every summer and then pre-read my high schoolers lit book (and I always have a high schooler.....OY!)



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I've only read the 1st edition. I bought it when it first came out, read it through and reread sections a number of times in those first few years afterword. I sometimes have thought about updating to a newer version but the truth is, I've already graduated 2, I'm on my last child, and he is one I've had to do many things differently for than I would have for my first child. My oldest is my more natural TWTM-style learner. The other 2 are late bloomers with language based learning challenges. While I keep many of the goals of classsical style learning in mind, I've had to adopt more eclectic methods to help us reach our goals.

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