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What word sends you over the edge?

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I agree with several that have been mentioned here. I'll add the word herb. Not the name but the legal or perhaps illegal things that are grown. I say it without the H but dh pronounces it with the H. My kids pronounce it with the H. Harry Potter movies pronounce it with the H. I guess I'm the only person that says, "erb".

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Our family word is "toot," and now I'm wondering if 20 or 30 years from now my kids are going to have toot on their list of words that send them over the edge. :001_huh:


we used "toot", too!! and in a house full of guys, it has been used alot! I admit it sounded cute from a little "toot" sized boy but my boys are 13(just yesterday!) and 14 and it sounds weird with their Peter Brady voice changing croaky voices saying "toot"...:lol:



















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Shut up, be quiet, keep your voice down.....any form of those...


I came from a loud family, I am loud....even in a normal speaking voice my voice projects, I can't help it and if I tone it down I feel like I am whispering.


I can't stand it when I am just talking normally and someone will say..Rachel, lower your voice, or quit yelling....grrrr...I am not yelling...you wanna hear me yell? Do you? :D

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This made me think of an ongoing argument between me and my sister...


She hates it when I pronounce the "t" in the word "often". She says it rhymes with "soften" and I'm not supposed to pronounce the "t" in either of them.





I have to agree with the PP who said something about people adopting a new word... my son has a new word at least once a week (he usually picks them up from my sister) and he drives everyone crazy with it until the next new word comes along...


This week's word is "fail", or "failure", used whenever someone makes a mistake... just incase they didn't feel badly enough about it. :glare: We all want to clobber him right now.




I love those expressions...they are so useful.


Like if I drop a piece of cake whilst serving it ---




If said cake lands frosting side down on the floor and the dog gets to it ---



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Panties. I hate the word panties. It always makes me think of some perv sniffing women's underpants.





Oh, I can't stand the word panties! I thought I was just weird :lol:



I also don't like interchanging 'me' with 'I'. Especially when people deliberately use 'I' thinking they sound like they're using good grammar when it really should be 'me'.


Salmon. The L is silent in salmon, and there's a world of people around me that want that L to be heard.

Edited by SeekingSimplicity
editing because I apparently don't know the difference between there, their and they're. LOL
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When we were growing up my dad would become irate if we used the word "fart." :lol: Now that I'm grown I think that's pretty funny.


What word sends you over the edge?


Mine? Nag. I hate that word with a passion! It makes me :cursing:


Two words for me... "shut up". My oldest son picked this up from a friend and it's become a habit. It's killing me!! I found myself telling him to shut up the other day! He's such a sweet little boy and to hear such ugly words coming from his mouth make me very ill. He's working on getting it out of his vocabulary but it's really hard to break a habit.

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This word is constantly being used incorrectly. Professors say, "When you are done with your test, give it to myself." I hear it used incorrectly on CNN. Even Data in Star Trek uses it incorrectly! :confused:


Oh, I agree!!! This drives myself nuts :D Seriously, though, some people we know quite well who serve in a public speaking capacity, do this all.the.time. And every time I hear it, I have to dissect the sentence to assure myself that it is indeed incorrect. :tongue_smilie:

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Guest Cindie2dds
The new lingo for office personnel. "dialogue" We'll "dialogue". Really? Do we need that stupid word? Before that it was "networking" and before that it was "fielding" calls. I glad I'm outta the loop.


Me too. Before I left an office setting, "pro-active" was all over the place. Did not like that word. To this day when someone says it, I cringe.

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I hate the word CRAP. Well, I hate any word that has the connotation of "feces". I just can't hear it without thinking of a pile of XXXX! I guess I'm just too visual....and, I swear that sometimes I can even smell the word (I know, that's really weird:tongue_smilie:)


Oh, and another of my most hated is SUCK. When someone says something SUCKS, my mind goes off on a tangent trying to figure out how an inanimate object has the capability to form suction on anything! You have no idea the visual representations I get - it's quite comical really. I know what people mean by it, but surely there is a better way to express the idea :confused:

Edited by CynthiaOK
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I'll add the word herb. Not the name but the legal or perhaps illegal things that are grown. I say it without the H but dh pronounces it with the H. My kids pronounce it with the H. Harry Potter movies pronounce it with the H. I guess I'm the only person that says, "erb".


But the standard British pronunciation is with the 'h', so that's the reason for the Harry Potter pronunciation.



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Love this thread! :)


Thought of a few more...


-When someone says "cent" instead of "cents." I hear that all the time around here. "That'll be sixteen dollars and twenty nine cent." :confused:


-"Chester drawers" instead of "chest of drawers"


-And it drives me nuts on American Idol when they say, "A thousand, million percent yes!"

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I can't stand that word. It just makes someone sound so uneducated.


Especially when they misspell it! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


My list:



could care less




text typing, ie: U R L8!

ax (for ask)

When people put extra syllables in words: western becomes westerin.


I'm sure there are more; I just can't think of them now. :D

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Especially when they misspell it! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


My list:



could care less




text typing, ie: U R L8!

ax (for ask)

When people put extra syllables in words: western becomes westerin.


I'm sure there are more; I just can't think of them now. :D


My sister does that! What's funny is she used to own a boutique called Southern Charm. I hated it every time she said "Southerin Charm".


And text typing...that is the worst!!!

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Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one who could not stand this word! My family loves to use it around me because they know how crazy it makes me!:lol:



Okay, I know this is like my 3rd post in a row, but I'm going through this entire thread and I can say YES to all corporate speak I see. Actually yes to almost all the posts! And this...panties. I think it sounds perverted too like another poster mentioned.


This is a funny thread!

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I had to think, because I like regionalisms (how else to we know where folks hail). I don't know anyone who says warshed or axed, so I like hearing them when I travel. I mean it really is wicked cold here! lol But I guess some non fav words/phrases are:


Panties (I prefer underwear, but for men I really like the word boxers. It's so cute)

'Little Man" in reference to boy babies.


But I can't think of any that send me over the edge.


On the postivie side, I love to say the name Alexander...it rolls off my tongue and I love the way it sounds and feels.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I can't stand that word. It just makes someone sound so uneducated.


I am quite well-educated (2 bachelor's degrees and a master's degree), and I use "y'all" a LOT. Daily. On purpose. So does everybody else I know who lives in the South. It's just the way we talk, the same way you Northerners use "you guys", or even "youse guys" (ugh).


Now, when someone who is NOT from the South says "y'all", it just sounds like they're trying to be like one of us -- but it never works. That probably has a lot to do with why you don't like it.


And by the way, the correct spelling is y'all . ;)

Edited by ereks mom
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...of course, any obscenity, MOST especially the "F" word and "G_D_" and obscene slang terms for parts of the human anatomy or bodily functions.


A few more offenders -- although much more mildy offensive than the ones above:


"app" -- Just say "application"; it won't hurt you.


"gift" as a verb


"nucular" instead of "nuclear"


There are more, but I'll stop there.

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Well, my mom who has a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Virginia uses "y'all" often... and so do I, and so does everyone who grew up in the South. The correct spelling is y'all since this is a contraction of the words "you all". You place the apostrophe where the letters were left out of the contraction.


Southerners REALLY don't enjoy being told that they "sound ignorant."

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I am quite well-educated (2 bachelor's degrees and a master's degree), and I use "y'all" a LOT. Daily. On purpose. So does everybody else I know who lives in the South. It's just the way we talk, the same way you Northerners use "you guys", or even "youse guys" (ugh).


Now, when someone who is NOT from the South says "y'all", it just sounds like they're trying to be like one of us -- but it never works. That probably has a lot to do with why you don't like it.


And by the way, the correct spelling is y'all . ;)


See I avoid it at all cost! LOL! I usually stop reading when it gets used in a post too often.


We just can't stand it. Every now and then my son would pick it up from people on bases. It's one of his words he's not allowed to say.


Growing up in the 70s and early 80's the south was though of as dirt poor, barefoot kids with no education all living on farms. You just didn't want to sound like you were from there. We were actually having a conversation about this once, and more than one person admitted if someone applying for a job came in and 'y'alled' through the whole interview, they'd end up on the bottom of the pile.


When we lived there it still made me nuts. Especially when done with and over done syrup sweet accents.

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How bout when grown men say they're going "potty"?? UGH! I say y'all occasionally... because.... I grew up in Texas. I can keep from saying it... but it is something that my living there during childhood gives me the right, right?? :-) I "axed" a question always sounds crazy to me. Also, double negatives... "I" when it should be "me" and "me" when it should be "I". I sometimes speak as I did growing up... saying "Is it they?" and such.... but I usually speak incorrectly so as to not explain myself. (or get weird stares)


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I agree with all the corporate speak, but the one that absolutely, completely, and always drives me over the edge is "resources". Really? You can't call them people? Why, because then you might have to actually care about them and consider the impact some of these decisions have? And how can you have a quarter resource? I always envision some random arm or torso sitting at a desk. GRRRRR.


I've been known to make snide comments about it in front of my dh's co workers (and higher ups). :blush: I should probably watch that.:tongue_smilie:

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I can't stand when things are called "an event."


Like, when they call a movie on tv a "movie event." Like if they tack on the word "event" to the end of movie, we'll all be fooled into thinking ticker-tape will come out of our ceiling if we watch the movie or something.


It's just a stinkin' movie. It's not an "event."


I hate it.

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I am quite well-educated (2 bachelor's degrees and a master's degree), and I use "y'all" a LOT. Daily. On purpose. So does everybody else I know who lives in the South. It's just the way we talk, the same way you Northerners use "you guys", or even "youse guys" (ugh).


Now, when someone who is NOT from the South says "y'all", it just sounds like they're trying to be like one of us -- but it never works. That probably has a lot to do with why you don't like it.


And by the way, the correct spelling is y'all . ;)


My dh uses y'all all the time. Every Southern person I have come across, uses y'all regardless of education.


My ds, was born here in Florida and has lived here all his life. He does not say y'all too much. The reason is, he has an English accent, and y'all just does not sound right said with a slightly northern English accent.

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My dh uses y'all all the time. Every Southern person I have come across, uses y'all regardless of education.






Around here I think it would be more strange to run across someone who didn't say y'all it's so commonly used. My 4th grade English teacher taught us it was OK to say y'all as long as we didn't say y'all all- that would be redundant :lol:

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Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one who could not stand this word!


I did too!!! Especially when people call little girls' underwear "panties." It gives me the creepy crawlies.


So many of these bug me, particularly the corporate-speak. How's this for fun? "Firms must incentivize their distributor partners to..." I need a "screaming until my head pops off" emoticon :glare:


But what really drives me nuts is an...accent, I guess? I know it's a NJ thing, but it may be broader than that. I hate when people pronounce "oh" as "ehw": gehw (go), slehw (slow), etc. It's a lazy speech issue, and I know it's silly to be driven nuts by an accent of all things, since most people can't exactly control it, but it makes me :willy_nilly:


As for farts, we call them butterflies :lol: There's a funny story behind it that has to do with potty training my DD7, but ultimately, they ended up being butterflies. It's actually worked out well for us, because it's such an benign term that no one ever knew what they were talking about when they were shouting out embarrassing things about passing gas as toddlers :D

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