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s/o Who here just really, really loves meat?

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I'm seeing a lot of meatless posts around here lately, which is totally cool, but can I get a shout out from my fellow meat eaters?




(theretohere totally made me post this because she's thoroughly pregnant and I am not allowed to tell her no)


You would blame me, wouldn't you?

I am a fellow meat lover. We eat meat a lot. Almost a shameful amount, really. It's good!

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Cow is tasty.


I sort of want to ask if we can go thank our cow this year, pre-slaughter. Is that weird?


I'd go on a field trip to you to thank the cow. We should bring the kids. I don't want them to see the slaughtering process or anything, but I do think that seeing the animal they'll be eating might be good for them. We're so detached from where our food comes from in this culture.

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I'd go on a field trip to you to thank the cow. We should bring the kids. I don't want them to see the slaughtering process or anything, but I do think that seeing the animal they'll be eating might be good for them. We're so detached from where our food comes from in this culture.


You're showing your suburban-ness there. Not wanting them to see how it goes from moo to yum?

My kids have watched animals be dressed for the last few years and I like to pretend it hasn't made them weirder then anything else they do. :glare:

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I'm seeing a lot of meatless posts around here lately, which is totally cool, but can I get a shout out from my fellow meat eaters?

Sorry, don't love meat here. Dh does, and eats a lot of it. But I surprised myself with realizing how little meat means to me. Even more surprising, in fact totally shocking, was the realization I could live without breakfast cereal!

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I agree.

And I don't want my cow cooked to the point of looking, feeling and tasting like shoe leather.


Patchfire and I split a locally-raised, grassfed, humanely treated cow this past year and are doing it again. You can barely cook that meat without having to worry about any sort of yuckies and it takes unbelievably good!

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We are careful and respectful omnivores. We add some flavorful meats to our diet in smaller amounts. We raise organic free range chickens ourselves, and know good people raising other healthy and cared-for animals on pasture.


I find that the mouth -feel that fat offers, and that meat flavor matters to lots of folks. Some folks also need more animal protein than others. Human animals as omnivores is a given to me. (Most mammals are). Animal protein is what allowed humans to travel the poles, cross oceans, deserts, and tundras. It's part of our evolution; it is why we survive in the most unusual of places. I do not agree with factory meat or meat over all other foods.


I love all food, so I can't say I love meat above other food; I don't. Yet I can see how a bit of good meat can add depth and layers to some foods.


I can make veggie tofu stir fry one night, and a nice bolognese sauce the next. I can also make one of our dear chickens last through several meals (not over consecutive days. I don't serve meat daily).


I need to know where my meat comes from, however. None of us can just walk into BK and order a burger.

Edited by LibraryLover
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My dh and ds love meat. Mostly they love cows, but they will consume any kind of meat except for wild game and only some fish. Steak and ribs are their top choices for Best Food.


My daughter and I, we don't like beef. At all. I think steak tastes like yuck and ground beef gives me a stomach ache. However, we love chicken, turkey and fish. All fish, even sushi. Pork in small amounts, like: ham at Christmas and pork chops once or twice a month.


Youngest daughter doesn't eat meat. With her, it's an ethics issue and that's fine with us.

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We are careful and respectful omnivores. We add some flavorful meats to our diet in smaller amounts. We raise organic free range chickens ourselves, and know good people raising other healthy animals on pasture.


I find that mouth feel and that meat flavor matters to lots of folks. Some folks also need more protein than others.


I love all food, so I can say I really really love meat above other food, but I can see how a bit of good meat can add depth to some foods.


I can make veggie tofu stir fry one night, and make a nice bolognese sauce the next. I can also make one of our dear chickens last through several meals.


I need to know where my meat comes from, however. None of us can just walk into BK and order a burger.


I agree it's important to know where the tasty meat comes from- I think that it's entirely possible to support ethical animal treatment and still eat meat.

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For those that really love meat: Do you eat meat because of the taste, or do you think/believe that it is healthy?


Yes. :)


I tried going vegetarian at one point in my life, persuaded by all I had read about animal cruelty and health. I was very careful to be a healthy vegetarian, not a 'junktarian.'


I was completely ill. :/ I have high protein needs that generally I just can't meet through plant foods. I also have a tendency towards anemia and despite my awesome supplements, the highly bioavailable iron in meat is important for me.


We are very careful to know the source of our meat. For that reason, we don't eat as much chicken or very much pork at all. I can't wait until I can get to the farmer's market this summer and get pork again!

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I love meat, especially bacon. But, we do a couple of meatless/meat-light dinners a week.



We do that, too. Now that I'm really limiting our meat to ethical, local (as much as possible) choices, it cuts back on how much meat we eat. The upside is that the meat we do eat is way tastier AND healthier.

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We do that, too. Now that I'm really limiting our meat to ethical, local (as much as possible) choices, it cuts back on how much meat we eat. The upside is that the meat we do eat is way tastier AND healthier.


We eat our own cows and pigs. I can't get much more local than that. :) We used to raise hogs (1000's of them), but don't anymore. We just keep a few cattle (for ds's 4-H projects), and a few hogs now.


I went through a vegetarian phase in college (don't we all?), but it didn't last. Truth be told, I was done in by my roomie's obsession with the perfect BLT. It was his hobby -- to perfect that one, single, bacon-y good sandwich. It was torture to smell the daily bacon fry-up. On the day he proclaimed the experiment concluded and the results perfect, I caved.


It was the BEST BLT in. the. world.


And, that was the end of vegetarianism for me. However, I do still cook meatless meals a couple of times a week, just because I like them, and it's healthy to eat a variety of foods.


I will say, though, that I don't like chicken. I eat it because my family likes it, but I don't care for it at all. I have a little flock of biddies and they're my little pets. They're for eggs and entertainment. We never eat them. Over the years, chicken has become worse and worse tasting to me. I don't know how much of it is just me (psychological) and how much of it is the chicken.


ETA: I also won't eat fish. Period. Once, when I was a teen a really big fish had a nibble on me. Since then, the fish and I have a deal. I don't eat them. They don't eat me. It's working out very well so far.

Edited by Audrey
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I am a very strange person. I have practically no appetite what-so-ever. Many days I go without eating at all but when I am hungry I want meat or chocolate. That's pretty much all I eat. And as far as the meat goes, I pretty much eat chicken, pork and fish. I am not terribly fond of red meat. At least half the family is vegetarians though so not much meat in the house. I sometimes sneak out to KFC to get my meat fix. :D

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Is it true that Type O blood people crave meat more than people who have other blood types? I've read that statement in several places, and it holds true in our family. My son and I are NOT Type O, and we eat a moderate amount of meat. My husband and daughter are Type O, and they do crave it.


I haven't ever heard that, but I'm type O and love meat!

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Is it true that Type O blood people crave meat more than people who have other blood types? I've read that statement in several places, and it holds true in our family. My son and I are NOT Type O, and we eat a moderate amount of meat. My husband and daughter are Type O, and they do crave it.



That's very interesting. I'm type O. I'll have to look that up. It might explain why I crave a nice, very rare steak so much sometimes.

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Is it true that Type O blood people crave meat more than people who have other blood types? I've read that statement in several places, and it holds true in our family. My son and I are NOT Type O, and we eat a moderate amount of meat. My husband and daughter are Type O, and they do crave it.


More anecdotal evidence: I am both O & a meat craver.

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I'm a "flexitarian" so I don't eat a lot of animal protein. In the years when I'm not pregnant or nursing, I usually go completely vegetarian for the 6 weeks of Lent. But I do love the occasional bit of steak, ribs, etc. I don't have an ethical problem with eating meat from humanely-raised animals, I just don't consume that much of it for budget, environmental, and health reasons.

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I really, really love meat. We raise all of our own. We have pork, beef, lamb, chickens, plus venison, buffalo, and pheasants in our freezers right now. I grew up this way. Almost every meal had meat of some sort. I think it has a lot to do with all the very physical-outside-in-the-elements type work involved in ranching. I mean, a salad just won't cut it, kwim?

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I agree.

And I don't want my cow cooked to the point of looking, feeling and tasting like shoe leather.


We eat a fair amount of meat. Dh's blood type is 0 and he definitely loves meat, more so than I but while I like some cuts, I eat a lot less - I am not 0 either. Perhaps there is something to it.

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We are trying to incorporate more veggie dishes, and just generally cut down on the meat content for enviro reasons (OK, and financial reasons!) but yes, we wouldn't live without meat. I have investigated buying half a farm-raised cow, and love that idea. We already eat only free range chicken, but ordinary store-bought organic red meat is beyond our budget. The only thing holding me back is the thought of my "financial investment" sitting in our old, second-hand, been-in-two-countries, drowned-in-a-foot-of-water-during-a-cyclone, now-lives-outside-due-to-space-constraints freezer!

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I love the taste of meat. But I do minimise the amount I eat for ethical, environmental and health reasons. I am a type O though and tend to shrivel up and lose my zoom if I dont eat some meat regularly- about twice a week.

Dh is a vegetarian. However he readily admits he loves the taste and smell of meat- he however feels he has done enough killing for one lifetime as he used to do a lot of hunting. He also doesnt like vegetables and cant eat beans, so hes not easy to cook for!

The kids love meat but since we have always had only a small amount in our diets, they can't handle much at a time.

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I went through a four year period when I was a vegetarian. I didn't realize how I felt until I started eating meat again. I will never go without again! Sometimes I just need to eat meat! I like cow more than chicken or fish but really my body does well with all.

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Meat eater here!


And I love the type O reason (I'm type O:001_smile:). I do like vegetarian food to and would love to eat more meals with beans and lentils but we have people in the house who pick them out of their food and I won't cook stuff that people pick out so...:glare:


But I could not do without some red meet every week!:D


And yes locally grown meat is the bestest. We used to get these amazing free range organic fed gigantic turkeys for Thanksgiving and Christmas each year, the most moist meat I have every had.

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