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My brother's been in a motorcycle accident.

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Ok, so here's what little I know. If anyone is familiar with this, please tell me what you know.


He does have a fractured skull and is still bleeding from his ear. There is a trauma surgeon on call for the ER but they haven't decided to call him in as of yet because they don't feel he'll need brain surgery for the bleeding yet. That's good, right? Amazingly he doesn't seem to have any other broken bones. He says his chest really hurts but I think I understand they know he doesn't have any broken ribs. (he's about 4 hours away from me) He's extremely confused. My sister in law says he keeps asking the same questions over and over. He doesn't understand why he's there and when she tells him again that he had an accident he doesn't remember leaving the house. He also keeps asking about the other people in the accident but I think I understand there weren't others involved. He forgets she's answering these questions. That's probably pretty normal for a head injury, right? He doesn't remember leaving the house and doesn't remember the accident and doesn't remember the questions he just asked before.


Thank you all already for your responses. I know you aren't "irl" friends but I immediately thought about letting you guys know because you'd be supportive. Thank you.


P.S. I hate motorcycles more than I ever have now. Just a confirmation for me. ;)

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Hugs to you and your family.


FWIW, my husband was in a severe car accident (took over 2 hours for him to be cut out of the car) 3 months ago and he experienced the same confusion and short term memory loss you are describing in your brother.


My husband didn't have any head injuries other than cuts, but it was still hours before he could remember he was in an accident on the way to work, not coming home from church the prior day.


Your brother is talking. In the realm of head injuries, that's a good sign!

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I'm really sorry! Yes it is normal not to remember an accident. It is great that he is awake and talking. Do they need some support at the hospital? Is his wife able to ask all the questions and demand the specialists if she thinks they are needed ? Should you jump in the car? Have they determined what is bleeding in his head/ear? Any signs of internal bleeding in his head? I'm sorry these are kind've random thoughts. It's been a long time since I worked ortho/neuro. I'm not a fan of motorcycles either. :(

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my brother was in a car accident , where the car he was in rolled, somehow his head came out the side window and was scraped along the road. turns out it was lucky it did , as the car was so badly crushed that w=he wouldn't have survived otherwise.

he basically was scalped and had a scratched scull. he had short term memory loss at the time, but after a few days he could remember the accident.

long term, he has had almost constant infections on his grafts, he gets pleurisy regularly, seems to get every cold going around. as far as brain damage, he is alright, but he now has real difficulty reading/ writing. if he tries he gets massive headaches. he can't read a book or anything like that. just reading a page will give him such a bad headache that he has to lie down for a few hours.

apart from that he is fine.

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Ok, so here's what little I know. If anyone is familiar with this, please tell me what you know.


He does have a fractured skull and is still bleeding from his ear. There is a trauma surgeon on call for the ER but they haven't decided to call him in as of yet because they don't feel he'll need brain surgery for the bleeding yet. That's good, right? Amazingly he doesn't seem to have any other broken bones. He says his chest really hurts but I think I understand they know he doesn't have any broken ribs. (he's about 4 hours away from me) He's extremely confused. My sister in law says he keeps asking the same questions over and over. He doesn't understand why he's there and when she tells him again that he had an accident he doesn't remember leaving the house. He also keeps asking about the other people in the accident but I think I understand there weren't others involved. He forgets she's answering these questions. That's probably pretty normal for a head injury, right? He doesn't remember leaving the house and doesn't remember the accident and doesn't remember the questions he just asked before.


Thank you all already for your responses. I know you aren't "irl" friends but I immediately thought about letting you guys know because you'd be supportive. Thank you.


P.S. I hate motorcycles more than I ever have now. Just a confirmation for me. ;)




They're probably not doing surgery because the bledding must not be very bad. I'm sure they're going to be checking his progress with further CAT scans. They also will be able to tell if he's deteriorating (bleeding more) by the way he acts, what his neurologic signs will be, etc. I'm sure they're monitoring him very closely. They can tell by the eyes and neurologic signs if there's a change in status.


He's going to have memory issues for some time, if not forever. I have huge memory issues after suffering 4 concussions in a short period of time. My last one left me unable to communicate as I once did for several months, and I couldn't read a book for 10 months. I knew the words, but I couldn't remember what I read a few sentences back. It was devastating.


Be forewarned that your brother's personality might change. He may have anger, depression, etc. Your SIL should do some reading about head injuries to prepare herself. They can be life altering for sure. I'm hoping his won't be, but it's likely he'll have lingering affects for some time.

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my brother was in a car accident , where the car he was in rolled, somehow his head came out the side window and was scraped along the road. turns out it was lucky it did , as the car was so badly crushed that w=he wouldn't have survived otherwise.

he basically was scalped and had a scratched scull. he had short term memory loss at the time, but after a few days he could remember the accident.

long term, he has had almost constant infections on his grafts, he gets pleurisy regularly, seems to get every cold going around. as far as brain damage, he is alright, but he now has real difficulty reading/ writing. if he tries he gets massive headaches. he can't read a book or anything like that. just reading a page will give him such a bad headache that he has to lie down for a few hours.

apart from that he is fine.


I've never heard of repeat infections after head injury, but for the headaches and reading/writing problems I sure wish he could get some neurofeedback sessions! There obviously was a change in his brain and NFB could really help him. It could also help the headaches!

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one more thing- the bleeding in his ear is either caused by the skull fracture or bleeding on the brain or BOTH. I assumed it was a brain bleed, but fractures can cause that.


The thing that stinks is when there is no brain bleed the doctors assume you're fine. I got SO frustrated trying to find help after my head injury. Scans were normal, so they told me I was fine. It was FRUSTRATING!!!

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Thank you all so much!


Well, they did a CAT scan this morning at 5. I can't remember the exact words they used but I know there is bleeding but it's not hemorrhaging into his brain in a way that would require surgery. He has a cracked shoulder, 3 broken ribs, and the fracture is at the base of his skull. He's still bleeding quite a bit out of his ear but they say it isn't anything to be worried about. They'll do another CAT scan in the morning and if it stays they same they'll move him out of ICU and into a room and get him up. Apparently he's really scratched, gashed and bruised but talking.


Another side prayer/thought, my sister in law is being as much or more of a jerk to my mother as always. It's just not the time. Why would she be this way?? She's always treated us like unworthy of her. Ugh

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Another side prayer/thought, my sister in law is being as much or more of a jerk to my mother as always. It's just not the time. Why would she be this way?? She's always treated us like unworthy of her. Ugh


Because she's stressed. When my dd was very ill in the hospital I was awful to my mil. AWFUL. We normally get along fine, although she drives me up a wall.


It's not okay that she's being a jerk, but it is understandable. Jerks get jerkier when they're stressed. Myself included.



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I lost a brother-in-law in a motorcycle accident. I'm no fan of them either.


All of the negative aspects of relationships tend to come out intensely during times of stress. It is normal for her to be worse than usual, as frustrating as that is to you and your mom. I'm sorry you guys are having to deal with it on top of worry for your brother.

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Thank you all so much!


Well, they did a CAT scan this morning at 5. I can't remember the exact words they used but I know there is bleeding but it's not hemorrhaging into his brain in a way that would require surgery. He has a cracked shoulder, 3 broken ribs, and the fracture is at the base of his skull. He's still bleeding quite a bit out of his ear but they say it isn't anything to be worried about. They'll do another CAT scan in the morning and if it stays they same they'll move him out of ICU and into a room and get him up. Apparently he's really scratched, gashed and bruised but talking.


Another side prayer/thought, my sister in law is being as much or more of a jerk to my mother as always. It's just not the time. Why would she be this way?? She's always treated us like unworthy of her. Ugh


MANY brain bleed and skull fractures don't require surgery. Unfortunately, this is a topic I've researched a ton.


I'm worried about your SIL. Is she capable of giving your brother the care he needs? I know this sounds awful, but when my parents were in the hospital my mentally ill siblings often times caused problems. I finally was going to get social services involved just to keep peace and to keep my siblings accountable. If she's causing stress to your brother, something to consider. Then again, there could be fallout from that. Your poor mother!


Edited by Denisemomof4
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I've never heard of repeat infections after head injury, but for the headaches and reading/writing problems I sure wish he could get some neurofeedback sessions! There obviously was a change in his brain and NFB could really help him. It could also help the headaches!

he has had many sessions. he had to have alot of time off work and have his apprenticeship extended by a few years. he also has permission to do his final exams for his apprenticeship over a few weeks instead of a few hours straight.

the infections are mostly in his grafts on top of his head. because he now has no feeling there, they get quite bad before someone notices and tells him.

one positive brain change is he has become very artistic, making metal animals with odd bits of metal and a welder. he was never artistic beforehand.

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Ok, so here's what little I know. If anyone is familiar with this, please tell me what you know.


He does have a fractured skull and is still bleeding from his ear. There is a trauma surgeon on call for the ER but they haven't decided to call him in as of yet because they don't feel he'll need brain surgery for the bleeding yet. That's good, right? Amazingly he doesn't seem to have any other broken bones. He says his chest really hurts but I think I understand they know he doesn't have any broken ribs. (he's about 4 hours away from me) He's extremely confused. My sister in law says he keeps asking the same questions over and over. He doesn't understand why he's there and when she tells him again that he had an accident he doesn't remember leaving the house. He also keeps asking about the other people in the accident but I think I understand there weren't others involved. He forgets she's answering these questions. That's probably pretty normal for a head injury, right? He doesn't remember leaving the house and doesn't remember the accident and doesn't remember the questions he just asked before.


Thank you all already for your responses. I know you aren't "irl" friends but I immediately thought about letting you guys know because you'd be supportive. Thank you.


P.S. I hate motorcycles more than I ever have now. Just a confirmation for me. ;)



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