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How much do you pay for piano lessons?

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I pay two different rates right now with different teachers. These teachers are all in Rhode Island.


Teacher 1 with M.M.: $25 an hour for myself

Teacher 2 with doctorate: $50 per half hour for my oldest


I use a music school for my two other boys for violin and recorder. The rate is the same regardless of instrument: $31 per half hour if you pay quarterly.



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I was lucky to find a former homeschooler who only charged $10/half hour for teaching my kiddo. Unfortunately, she has stopped teaching piano. Now, I'm considering signing my (dyslexic) dd up for a 'learn by ear' style teacher but those are expensive!


I'm interested to see what others say, as well.

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We pay $180 for both girls per month but this includes 1hr lessons each per week, a subscription to Piano Explorer magazine (monthly) which we use for theory once a week (the other 3 weeks we work from theory books), and numerous practice classes (about 1 per month) where the students play/practice pieces they are preparing for Festival, Guild, Christmas Recitals, etc. Our teacher is Suzuki trained as well so our lessons are half Suzuki and half traditional.

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Thanks for the replies!


We are looking at a conservatory that would be $116 a month for 44 lessons a year. No payment required for the month of December. The lessons are 30 minutes long. Seems to be on the high side of reasonable but we may try it. They give 6 30 minute lessons free to try it out. We'll see how it goes.


Thanks again!

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Southern CA here. We pay about $35 per lesson for a veteran, extremely qualified teacher who has been head of MTAC, and is greatly involved in more than 1 professional organization of piano teachers. A "master teacher" type. She's amazing, and I worship the ground this lady walks on (she's taught my quirky spd musically gifted son for the last 6 years, and puts up with a great deal). It ends up being about 150-170 per month, what with music books, competition/recital fees and the like). HOWEVER, I have friends that pay much less for less qualified teachers that they are perfectly happy with. more like 18-20 per half hour.

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You ladies are scaring me. We have been blessed to get free private lessons up until this point but once we move I will be paying for 3 kids in piano, 1 violin, 1 drums and possibly 1 acoustic guitar and 1 electric guitar. I will need 3 jobs just to pay for their music lessons.

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How much do you pay for piano lessons per month?


Does anyone use a "conservatory" program?




We have an online instructor. My dd does her lesson via video cam, from a Classical instructor. It's really neat, they have cameras on each of them, with head sets, and a split screen. They can see each other playing the piano. After the lesson she gets a pdf. file with her lesson for the week. We pay $9 a lesson, $36 a month for 1/2 hour lessons.

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Um... no piano here, but I pay £20 for a 50 minute bagpipe lesson via Skype webcam for kiddo.


Worth every pence. :001_smile:






ps: I agree - it depends on who you are having teach your kid. DS is being taught by one of the top pipers in the world. When I look at it that way, £20 is peanuts.

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I pay $15 per half hour lesson, and the teacher comes to my home. She charges $10 for lessons at her home, but her rambunctious children are there, and it just doesn't work. I'm happy to kick in the extra $5 for the teacher to make a house call. She organizes two recitals a year, and my daughter also gets to play in church from time to time.

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How much do you pay for piano lessons per month?


Does anyone use a "conservatory" program?




My Dd gets two 30 minutes of private music lessons once a week for about $150 a month. Some times there is an extra week thrown in and it is about $180 that month. She goes for piano, guitar, and drums on a rotation.

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Violin $55. for an hour that usually goes an hour and a half, $11, for a group lesson, normally three private and one group lesson. The teacher is Suzuki trained and certified, and has a Masters in music education also performs in the local symphony. Has a waiting list.


Piano is $37.50 for a 45 minute lesson that goes an hour 4 times a month, conservatory trained performance. Also a waiting list.


Eating a lot of lentil soup lately....

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It's a personal favor and some bartering involved, but...


Only $5/month for 4 hour-long lessons, same every month whether we come or not. She's been teaching since the days when there were no materials specifically for children and some piano teachers actually taught out of hymn books because they were inexpensive and could be used for many years of instruction. This teacher has had a number of students go on to conservatories and several to professional careers.


Truly we are blessed!

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I pay $20 for 35 minute lessons. I have three children taking lessons (the rate is the same for each). That works out to $240 per month. One son takes piano lessons, his twin takes violin lessons and my oldest son takes electric bass lessons.


Besides the weekly lessons, there are two concerts per year (winter and spring) along with annual theory and practical tests through ABRSM (Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music).

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For dd I pay $27.50 per half hour lesson from a Ph.D. For ds, $26.00 per half hour lesson from a M.M. These teachers are considered the best in our town and are also the most expensive. We've done the low cost route, and IMO, better is worth more.

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