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I'm tired and I quit.

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Here is my first official rant. Enjoy.


I am tired of arguing with my son over school work.


I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.


I am tired of feeling guilty.


Thank you for listening.


What are you tired of?

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What are you tired of?


Um, I think you covered all of them. I'd high-five you for being so thorough and spot-on, but somehow that doesn't seem appropriate. So, I'll just say "Hear! Hear!" and :iagree:.


And, what's wrong with spinach now? Darn it, we eat that all the time!

Edited by LauraGB
fixed the quote box
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Yup, I can sympathize with almost all of that! Except for inside-out laundry, because if it's inside-out, I don't wash it. And if they run out of clothes, they'll learn. My son still likes to push it, though, which I am also tired of.


OH, and I'm tired of having to try to guess how my son will do in math each day, because it's either hit or miss and nowhere in between. Either he aces the work or enacts the phrase "epic fail," and I never know which I'm going to get.

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Well I could get on that bandwagon but...I saw something that made me laugh..




You don't have to read the article. People could start a whole nasty thread but the picture...I don't even know where to begin :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Well I could get on that bandwagon but...I saw something that made me laugh..




You don't have to read the article. People could start a whole nasty thread but the picture...I don't even know where to begin :lol::lol::lol::lol:


Oh my goodness! I saw that picture and thought they looked like a couple of gingerbread cookies!

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I'm tired of the fact that my College students are sooooo miserably undereducated and without any vision for their lives. Meanwhile, my 6 darlings at home don't yet seem to grasp the concept: "bad attitude = dismal future". Fortunately, they ARE beginning to see how poor grammar/writing skills will influence a person's future much more negatively than...[...ahem...] lack of "socialization". Thank you, dear College students, for that painful, sad lesson...


Tonya the Mean Ol' Mama


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I'm tired of the fact that my College students are sooooo miserably undereducated and without any vision for their lives. Meanwhile' date=' my 6 darlings at home don't yet seem to grasp the concept: "bad attitude = dismal future". Fortunately, they ARE beginning to see how poor grammar/writing skills will influence a person's future [u']much[/u] more negatively than...[...ahem...] lack of "socialization". Thank you, dear College students, for that painful, sad lesson...


Tonya the Mean Ol' Mama



oh man...you hit it on the head!!!!!

~~Faithe (another mean ol' Mama who just made my kids finish their math even though i haven't had a shower since Tuesday and my pants won't zipper because I keep saying do the next one while eating banana bread. OY VEY!)

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I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


Nailed it!!! This drives me crazy!


I'm tired of the never-ending battle against cat hair.


I'm tired of hearing, "I'm hungry."

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Yup that's me today.

But January seems to be the time every year where I get like this. I hit my wall and I need to recharge my batteries ...

I have a few things on my curriculm list that I was hoping to add this month to SPARK things up a bit around here but money has been too tight to afford it.

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Here is my first official rant. Enjoy.


I am tired of arguing with my son over school work.


I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.


I am tired of feeling guilty.


Thank you for listening.


What are you tired of?


:iagree::iagree::iagree: Oh my, SO right on! :iagree::iagree::iagree:

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I am tired of arguing with my son and his twin sister over school work.


I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way. And, I'm sorry if I don't appear sympathetic enough to the plight of your party having to wait a nanosecond longer than they wanted to for their table at the shi-shi restaurant at lunch yesterday


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart. That's not a problem here - :001_huh: - I wonder why not?


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.That's not a problem here, either - but then, we have housekeeping every day b/c we are living at a hotel. :glare:


I am tired of feeling guilty. I only feel guilty on the days I take a



Thank you for listening. You're welcome! Give yourself a break,

please! :)


What are you tired of?


I'm tired of the fact that my College students are sooooo miserably undereducated and without any vision for their lives. Meanwhile' date=' my 6 darlings at home don't yet seem to grasp the concept: "bad attitude = dismal future".[/color'] Fortunately, they ARE beginning to see how poor grammar/writing skills will influence a person's future much more negatively than...[...ahem...] lack of "socialization". Thank you, dear College students, for that painful, sad lesson...


Tonya the Mean Ol' Mama



Thank you -- :iagree: - that horse gets beaten every day around here!

A big, huge Ditto! Oh, and I am tired of being tired! Where did the fun person I used to be go?


Yup - :iagree:


On the bright side: Pitchers and catchers report February 17, 2010


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I'm tire of barely getting it all done today and then having to get up and get it all done again tomorrow.

That is me, right there. I sound like a broken record and am so freakin' tired of nagging my people.



As for the inside out laundry. I wash, dry, and fold it that way. The person who wears it will turn it right side out one way or another.

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I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


:grouphug: and I totally get it. Most every morning, my dh says cheerfully, "So...what's on the agenda today?" I always feeling saying, "Same cr*p, different day." I know he's trying to demonstrate his interest in our day, but that question leaves me feeling like I'm wasting my life on Latin declensions and finding the area of a circle.

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Wow, depressing thread! I was feeling the grumps too but I started reading Hold On To Your Kids and it really made me happy to be a mom at home. I feel so blessed that I can homeschool. So I am kind of in a happy zone right now.


Sorry, the above is probably very irritating.


I must say it has never occurred to me to be irritated by having to turn clothes right side out. Maybe because I don't bother to do this myself, I don't hold it against my kids.


Anyway, I hope everybody cheers up soon!

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I'm tired of saying "Let's hurry up, we've got so much to do!"

I'm tired trying to do it all.

I'm tired of feeling inadequate.

I'm tired of disorganization.

I'm tired of perfect people or at least the ones that think they know it all!

I'm tired of watching my husband live with the pain of a neurological disorder.


I think this is my favorite post ever!!!!:)

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Here is my first official rant. Enjoy.


I am tired of arguing with my son over school work.


I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.


I am tired of feeling guilty.


Thank you for listening.


What are you tired of?


I'm tired of being alone...I miss my husband profusely... I just want him home.

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I'm tired of the fact that my 3 year old hates going to the bathroom though he has been going to the toilet since before he turned two. Which means tonight as the rest of my family is outside thoroughly enjoying our new ice rink, I am sitting inside while he is in the tub since he soaked himself to the socks in pee in the first 5 minutes of skating :(

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As for the inside out laundry. I wash, dry, and fold it that way. The person who wears it will turn it right side out one way or another.


:lol::lol::lol: I thought I was the only one who did this! My mom, who's all for my DH doing more around the house, actually got on me one day for folding his shirts inside out, saying that the dryer might have turned it that way. I said I thought the dryer must have something against him then, because for some reason it only turned ALL of HIS undershirts, underwear, and socks inside out :confused:


Urpedonmommy, here's a :grouphug: for you.

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I sure wish I knew! Every day is the same here too...except that my dh is now working for an aerospace company and he is working with real live astronauts and tells us exciting stuff at dinner and all i do is feel like I walking in quicksand doing menial unimportant stuff that might only screw up my kids lives.

I'm really feeling a lot of "what if?" pressure today. Trying to realize it's probably my kids ages...without realizing I'll be older and even more tiredout/used up by the time they're older. All this rain is making me grumpy - sorry ladies!

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Below I have copied my Facebook status for this morning, because I've been having some terribly depressing thoughts lately, such as being very tired of it all, as you said...here goes, ducking tomatoes, eggs, and anything else that you might want to throw this way...


"reminder to self...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."

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The Russian Aboriginal Gingerbread people link was hilarious. Thank you for posting that!

oh man...you hit it on the head!!!!!

~~Faithe (another mean ol' Mama who just made my kids finish their math even though i haven't had a shower since Tuesday and my pants won't zipper because I keep saying do the next one while eating banana bread. OY VEY!)

I thought I was the only one. Oh, I finally bathed today (stuffed head makes showers a no-no for me), but my hair is in one giant clump at the back of my head and I.don't.care.

Nailed it!!! This drives me crazy!


I'm tired of the never-ending battle against cat hair.


I'm tired of hearing, "I'm hungry."

Seriously. Who gave these kids tape worms? How is it they're no longer hungry once I've cooked the meal?!?

That is me, right there. I sound like a broken record and am so freakin' tired of nagging my people.



As for the inside out laundry. I wash, dry, and fold it that way. The person who wears it will turn it right side out one way or another.

Me too, and I do not open up the socks. If it's in a knot it's washed in a knot, "dried" in a knot and then deposited on whomever's bed in a knot. If it's dirty in the center (or soaked) they can fill out a complaint card. Unfortuneatly, no one wants the job of printing or cutting the complaint cards, so if they want to do that they'll have to make the card too.

:grouphug: and I totally get it. Most every morning, my dh says cheerfully, "So...what's on the agenda today?" I always feeling saying, "Same cr*p, different day." I know he's trying to demonstrate his interest in our day, but that question leaves me feeling like I'm wasting my life on Latin declensions and finding the area of a circle.

Dh says something similar, but it's more like "are you going to do anything today?" He still doesn't understand why I give him the evil eye for that statement :glare: My response is, "same thing we do every day, Pinky. Try to take over the world."

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yep...leave em inside out. sometimes the boys just wear them that way. oh well....





Sometimes girls, too. Oh, well.


Before I had children, I used to wonder how come people let their children out in public with stains on their shirt and ketchup on their face.


Now I wonder about people with spotless children, how they manage and if any extra loads of laundry went into the process.


We often wear tie-dye. Ketchup blends right in, as do all kinds of other things.

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Ha ha, these threads are NEVER depressing for me.


They let me know that we all experience the same things.


They let me blow off some steam which usually clears the air and lets me see the sunshine again.


I've laughed and laughed and now feel much better. :D

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Dh says something similar, but it's more like "are you going to do anything today?" He still doesn't understand why I give him the evil eye for that statement :glare: My response is, "same thing we do every day, Pinky. Try to take over the world."


YES!! This!! Most mornings my husband says, "Are you guys gonna do any school today?" As my daughter posted on facebook, "No, I'm going to ride my magic unicorn to Alaska."


Also, LOVE Pinky and the Brain!

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I am tired of trying to live up to my own expectations that are based on someone elses strengths that are my weakness. How's that for a run on sentence?


I am tired of letting people make me live up to their expectations that are based on their strengths and habits.


I am tired of not being me: An eclectic, rather go to a museum than do History in a book, read-a-holic, movie loving, dancing around the yard, historic architecture, historic anything, long skirt loving, long hair wearing, classical unschooler. Oh yeah and a true, Bible believing Christian that doesn't have to fit your idea of what that is.


I am tired of my kids arguing. when did that start?

I am tired of my kids rooms always looking like a bomb went off.


Let's go downtown and find a thrift store. Everyone will feel better then.:D

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I am tired of trying to live up to my own expectations that are based on someone elses strengths that are my weakness. How's that for a run on sentence?


I am tired of letting people make me live up to their expectations that are based on their strengths and habits.


I am tired of not being me: An eclectic, rather go to a museum than do History in a book, read-a-holic, movie loving, dancing around the yard, historic architecture, historic anything, long skirt loving, long hair wearing, classical unschooler. Oh yeah and a true, Bible believing Christian that doesn't have to fit your idea of what that is.


I am tired of my kids arguing. when did that start?

I am tired of my kids rooms always looking like a bomb went off.


Let's go downtown and find a thrift store. Everyone will feel better then.:D


I would love to play in the thrift store with you. You sound like me....



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Here is my first official rant. Enjoy.


I am tired of arguing with my son over school work.


I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.


I am tired of feeling guilty.





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I wish upon you all a good dose of sunshine!

I am on my summer holidays- I cant relate to this thread at all, but I do have vague recollections of feeling like this in the middle of our year.

As far as I am concerned, the new worbox system I am enthusiastically setting up with my new laminator and velcro, is going to save me from all previous problems with my two this coming year. They are going to learn enthusiastically, they are going to LOVE the new orgnaisational system, they are going to sit there like little angels doing their work, they are going to do all their chores including their washing without being nagged at all, they are never going to argue with me again! Also, they are going to LOVE all the healthy snacks and meals I make and they are going to start making them themselves!

So, sunshine and holiday vibes and naps and happy thoughts to you all! We start Monday week and this year is going to be FANTASTIC!

Edited by Peela
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Guest Cindie2dds

This is exactly how I felt this morning. It's good to hear it from someone else. The dust bunnies are the worst. Now I get the "bunny" part. :glare:


Here is my first official rant. Enjoy.


I am tired of arguing with my son over school work.


I am tired of constantly having to assert my authority over the children. I am their mother and deserve their respect and obedience.


I am tired of worrying about being slowly killed by my non-organic, death-linered canned tomatoes. And apples. And potatoes. And beef, chicken, pork and spinach.


I am tired of being the food police and insisting that everyone eat healthy food.


I am tired of worrying because my children ate only bright, unnaturally orange food today, and no green food, due to the fact that I am tired of being the food police.


I am tired of having nothing interesting to say to my husband, because today was basically a repeat of yesterday in every significant way.


I am tired of having to turn every blessed piece of laundry right side out before I wash it. Also, of pulling multiple layers of clothing apart.


I am tired of ignoring the dust bunnies and too drained to clean them up.


I am tired of feeling guilty.


Thank you for listening.


What are you tired of?

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LOL, I think it might do you a world of good to prop yourself up on the couch with a gallon of ice cream (organic and natural, of course - or some great, organic fruit substitute) and direct as your slaves/children clean up the dust bunnies AND turn all the clothes. They are certainly old enough to do that!


And I started several years ago only bringing food into the house that I'm okay with my family eating. That way, I don't have to fuss about what I see them eating. If they're eating here, they're only eating something I've bought and brought in and it's okay for them. Now, mine are all older and even their dad aids them in occasionally sneaking garbage into the house, but for the most part, they eat pretty well (at home).


It's January, maybe you need a winter vacation of movie watching and board game play!

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Originally Posted by Quill viewpost.gif

:grouphug: and I totally get it. Most every morning, my dh says cheerfully, "So...what's on the agenda today?" I always feeling saying, "Same cr*p, different day." I know he's trying to demonstrate his interest in our day, but that question leaves me feeling like I'm wasting my life on Latin declensions and finding the area of a circle.

Dh says something similar, but it's more like "are you going to do anything today?" He still doesn't understand why I give him the evil eye for that statement :glare: My response is, "same thing we do every day, Pinky. Try to take over the world."


:rofl: I'll have to remember that quote for when dh asks me this...again...


And this is a slight topic diversion, but I just got on dh's case yesterday for something he says to me every.single.time.I get a haircut. He always says, "Well, it doesn't even look like they cut anything off." That :auto: drives me completely crazy! It's just a trim, dear. I'm not aiming to come back bald or buzzed. Just getting the sheepdog bangs outta my eyes and snipping off the evidence of too much flat-ironing.

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I hope people can see this thread for what it is. It's not meant to be depressing, we all have our down times and it doesn't last forever. It was just so refreshing to read this and know that I wasn't alone. It felt so good to let out all that I was holding in. I can't share all that I feel with most people because they will just say to put my kids in school if I can't take it. But thats not it. Sometimes life is hard and thank-you so much for making me feel normal today. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I'm tired of whining.


I'm tired of hearing,"It's too hard!" when what he really means is,"It's too easy and boring!" Excuse me if I would like to make sure you know how to mentally get to 100 from 28. Why don't they understand I need to be thorough?


I'm tired of my almost-five-year-old yelling, "I'm done!" until I show up to take care of it.


I'm tired of in-laws that mock homeschooling behind my back. Everyone else that knows me thinks I'm capable of teaching my kids, why not my ILs, too? They've known me for 18 years.


This morning I'm just plain tired. I woke up at 5 am to clean, be at the grocery store by 9 am, then home and unpack before we head over to baseball evaluations at 1 pm.


I'm tired of feeling like I'm on a treadmill that never shuts off.

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