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I need prayer. I feel like I've come here so much in the past year

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asking for more prayer. There are many of us walking through so many trials on here. I am just tired and weary of all this cancer stuff. I know I should be happy and rejoicing that the Lord is healing me through the medicine. I also know that chemo meds do a number to the digestive system. Mine has been in a quandry for a couple of weeks now. I am scared the chemo is going to eat my insides up and then I want be able to benefit from nutrition/vitamins. Most chemo patients die from malnutrition. I am scared to die and the thought of leaving my family behind is more than I can bear. My heart just breaks for my children to grow into adulthood without a mom. My dad died when I was 18. I'm suppose to stay on this medicine for the rest of my life. After the past few weeks of digestive issues, I'm not sure I can do that. I don't want to go on traditional iv chemo. That's going to affect my digestive system too.


I'm sorry for sounding like a whimp. I've been strong for so long, but I think I've hit the bottom. It was this time last year that all this started and even though the Lord has been so faithful, I'm wrestling with the same feelings as I did last year.


I appreciate your prayers for me so much! I know you ladies will pray. I wasn't going to post anything, but my sweet dh told me, those ladies will be honored to pray for you, so let them know what's going on. So, I've done what he told me to do.



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I am honored to pray for you, my sweet friend. I think of you SO often. Your strength and faith as you have gone through this trial are so uplifiting and beautiful. My thoughts and prayers are with you always. I would love to add you to my prayer list at church tonight, if you will allow me to do so.


You are an amazing and wonderful woman, Molly, and I am so honored to have met you. God be with you and lift you up. May His peace surround you. He is holding you in the palm of His hand.


“Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

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You are not being a whimp!! A person can only be strong before they need a wee break so that they may be strong again. You have faced much this past year, there are many here that are more than ready to be an ear to listen to and a cyber shoulder to cry on. I will be praying for you and your family. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Molly, I am honored to pray for you.....and gracious, you are certainly not a wimp! When I read your posts, I am struck by your faith and your strength and your beauty.

I will be praying for you and your family (specifically for ths issues you mentioned here this evening), and I will add your name to our prayer concern list at Church.

:grouphug: :grouphug: G-d bless you!

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I prayed for you, Molly :grouphug:


Now, just think: If you had not posted asking for prayers specifically today, I would not have had the chance to pray for you because I'm too new or wasn't paying enough attention to know of your situation until just now.


Aren't you glad you asked? (I am!)

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...I don't post much, but I do pray for you regularly, and look for your updates.


They're so encouraging when I see them, and I'm excited at what God's done.


I know it must be difficult, and I'll remember this post when I pray for you next...I hope you get encouraged here, and lifted back up.


God loves you, and we're thinking of you, and praying with you.

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I wasn't going to post anything, but my sweet dh told me, those ladies will be honored to pray for you, so let them know what's going on. So, I've done what he told me to do.


Your dh is right. I am honored, and I have already prayed. I will add these new requests to my regular list.



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You are anything but a wimp, Molly. Your faith and tenacity has been so humbling to me. You have no idea how the Lord has used you and I just pray, pray, pray that He will heal your body as you have provided a lot of healing for me with your grace and uplifting spirit. Now it is time for us and the Lord to lift you up. I will be on my knees in prayer for you. :grouphug:


Blessings dear sister-in-Christ

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I am honored to continue to pray for you Molly, and I will add your specific requests. Your faith and strength in the last year have been incredible. You have been such an encouragement to me. I'm sorry you're feeling poorly - I don't blame you a bit.



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Dear Molly! :grouphug::grouphug: I don't know what you have tried, or are doing right now...but please consider making daily green smoothies. With a super duper blender (like a Vitamix) and a good raw foods 'cookbook', you can pack a powerful nutritional punch in one glass. They are very delicious! I will be praying for you!

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Don't apologize for anything! You have every right to be tired, scared, worried, and everything else! What you're going through is so, so hard.


I know there are so meds to help w/digestive issues during cancer treatment. Have you looked into those?


Here's a favorite passage of mine that might encourage you:


James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.


Praying God's blessings upon you~



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asking for more prayer. There are many of us walking through so many trials on here. I am just tired and weary of all this cancer stuff. I know I should be happy and rejoicing that the Lord is healing me through the medicine. I also know that chemo meds do a number to the digestive system. Mine has been in a quandry for a couple of weeks now. I am scared the chemo is going to eat my insides up and then I want be able to benefit from nutrition/vitamins. Most chemo patients die from malnutrition. I am scared to die and the thought of leaving my family behind is more than I can bear. My heart just breaks for my children to grow into adulthood without a mom. My dad died when I was 18. I'm suppose to stay on this medicine for the rest of my life. After the past few weeks of digestive issues, I'm not sure I can do that. I don't want to go on traditional iv chemo. That's going to affect my digestive system too.


I'm sorry for sounding like a whimp. I've been strong for so long, but I think I've hit the bottom. It was this time last year that all this started and even though the Lord has been so faithful, I'm wrestling with the same feelings as I did last year.


I appreciate your prayers for me so much! I know you ladies will pray. I wasn't going to post anything, but my sweet dh told me, those ladies will be honored to pray for you, so let them know what's going on. So, I've done what he told me to do.





If you will accept it, I would be honoured to light a candle for you.


I know that chemo (and cancer in general) can also sometimes bring on depression. I don't know if that's your case, but you do sound so down. Can you speak to your doctor about it? Maybe s/he might have some resources or something to help you.



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Dear Molly,


I am new to the board, but the little I've read doesn't indicate a whimp in any way. From what I can see you are a loving, kind, beautiful, and strong women who is just tired out from a very difficult situation. I will be praying for healing, strength, and hope. PLEASE remember, things are always darkest right before the dawn; you are not alone, HE feels your pain. :grouphug:


Next year at this time we are going to be saying "remember Molly's post . . . wow, look at her now" and we will all be doing a happy dance!


Best Wishes and God Bless you,


Dina :party:

Edited by Dina in Oklahoma
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how could you possibly be down on yourself for the fear you're feeling? You haven't said one thing that makes you seem like a wimp or a whiner. PLEASE don't allow yourself those feelings. The second they come on, come here. We're all here for you to offer support, encouragement, love and prayer.



I know how chemo affects appetite and digestion. I was intimately involved in a friend's battle with lung cancer. His wasn't caught until it was in an advanced stage so the treatment was aggressive. He had a hard time eating so they made him shakes with protein, ice cream, flax oil. He had certain foods he could eat and that will be different from everyone.


I have not read your initial posts. Can you tell me what kind of cancer you have? I have done some research in the past and know of a few things that may benefit you if you can share that. If not publicly, can you send me a PM? I'll just forward the links to info. for you to decipher what is right for you.


I pray for God to bless you with peace beyond understanding. Please know that God loves your children even more than you do. I try to think of that when I have fear.


The medical community didn't have much advice about appetite and such. But I think there's probably a lot of info. out there in the homeopathic field. I take herbs and have seen, from time to time, that certain herbs can benefit while on chemo. The problem is that my friend was told NOT to take any herbs while on chemo. Were you told the same?


You don't have to share, but why would you be on chemo for the rest of your life?


Please check into raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar. My daughter was 5 when she was diagnosed with GERD and although her meds kept increasing, her symptoms weren't going away. I did research and put her on this, one tsp in a glass of water 3 x per day, with meals, and she had natural digestive enzymes with papaya extract after each meal. Not only is she symptom free, she is cured and has been off of everything for years now. Apple cider vinegar has been touted for it's health benefits forever. It also helped my mother to stay out of the hospital longer from UTI's which turned septic. Without it sometimes she'd go 10 days between infections. On it she went 3.5 months without! I couldn't give her cranberry.


Also, I would imagine some good probiotics would be beneficial in your digestive system. They are all the good bacteria that you place in your system.


You may wan to go to iherb.com and plug in chemotherapy or cancer and see what type of herbs come up, and then do some research from there. Ideally it would be good to see someone who could help you through this process. You don't want to do anything that will interfere with the chemo.


I'm praying for you and your family, Molly. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Dear Molly! :grouphug::grouphug: I don't know what you have tried, or are doing right now...but please consider making daily green smoothies. With a super duper blender (like a Vitamix) and a good raw foods 'cookbook', you can pack a powerful nutritional punch in one glass. They are very delicious! I will be praying for you!




and throw in those probiotics. ;)

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ok, I'm sorry. I've read and responded to your posts. I have memory issues due to several concussion in a short period of time. sorry.


My friend had lung cancer and his SIL, a nurse, bought him this tea:




I don't know if I told you about it before. The tea smells horrible but if you could possibly hold your nose and drink it down quickly???


I think I did tell you of someone I know who had lung cancer and was given a very short period to live. Here he is now, a senior, cancer free for something like 10 years now. He's doing fantastic. I'm praying for the same for you!


Keep on removing the chemicals from your home and do all you can to eat healthy. There are many websites dedicated to vegan diets (saw your post about that while doing a search for your name. I promise I'm not a stalker just trying to help.) ;) Also, have you heard about a macrobiotic diet? I believe these are healthiest for cancer patients. I remember reading about it years ago.


Ok, I'm done now!


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Molly, I am honored to pray for you. I pray that God's will be done in your life... I pray for healing, for strength, for comfort, for hope. Even when He feels far away, you can know that He is really right there, holding you in the palm of His hand. May Christ's perfect peace be with you...

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