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What is your biggest pet peeve.

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For instance, when someone says "I have no choice." RARELY is this true. We almost always have a choice. That choice might be difficult. It might be very, very hard to make one choice. You might *feel* like you have no choice because if you choose one way, you will have to move out of your comfort zone, or upset your family, or change your lifestyle, or say no to your kids, or show some courage. But you DO have a choice, and you ARE MAKING a choice!!!






It goes along with "he/she made me do it."




On a less blood pressure-raising note, I also have a pet peeve about the widespread misuse of "comprise." "It's comprised of ..." Is WRONG.


Who was it who posted that the left side of the sink is the clean side? It is not. The RIGHT side is the clean side, and HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? :willy_nilly:

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My pet peeves are:


People who turn left in front of me from the right lane.



I read the first line of this post and thought you must be from New England... well I was right! LOL


I've been in no other part of the country where that is a common practice.

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I am pretty sure you all would just hate me.;) I am probably a rude driver at times. :auto:I am sometimes oblivious to things my kids do. I don't stop at the top of escalators, but I have been known to stop in the middle of a grocery store aisle when a great meal idea hits me. :blush:(Or I figure out a calculus problem I am working on in my head.) I listen to my iPod while I am grocery shopping. I think I take up a lot of room when I grocery shop. I am late sometimes. I know I do not use proper English all of the time. My kids go out dressed in weird clothes to express their individuality. :D(My poor 13 year old about had a cow when he found out I took his 3 year old sister shopping in a tutu and a hardhat.)


My pet peeve is alcohol at youth sporting events. Don't show up drunk to a swim meet or a baseball game or a soccer game. It just doesn't make sense to me. I am not against drinking. I just think at a youth event, it doesn't belong.

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My husband saying he'll be home in 30 minutes and it takes an hour, I've just started doubling any time he tells me.




I thought this was just my husband! This was always a pet peeve of mine until I did what you do, double or triple the time he tells me. :D

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My pet peeve is when a person thinks that they don't need to apologize because "it was an accident." OK, you didn't do it on purpose but you still should say "sorry". My favorite example of this is, when I was 8-9 months pregnant my MIL stepped on my foot and just walked away. I said "EXCUSE ME" in a very loud and rude voice. She turned around and looked puzzled. When I asked if she knew that she stepped on my foot she said "Yeah, but it was an accident." So, apparently you only need to apologize when you do something on purpose:001_huh:

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I haven't read every post, but I agree with what I have read so far...


I will include:


Talking baby talk to a child who is more than 6 - 12 months old. I have a SIL who still does this with her 3 and 7 year olds, then tells me she doesn't understand why the 3 year old can't speak well! HUH?


Someone calling and ruining the surprise party you were planning for your dh~!


My bil - just in general, he peeves me!


Other people's kids coming over to my house and complaining about what I am serving for dinner! What? They weren't even invited to eat!!


My Border Collie whining to go out to chase squirrels, then 2 minutes later, barking to come back in!!


WOW - I have serious issues!

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Who was it who posted that the left side of the sink is the clean side? It is not. The RIGHT side is the clean side, and HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?


My house too!! My dh was raised to put the dirty dishes on the counter so you could use the sink, I was raised to put them in the sink so you could use the counter. It took about 10 years of marriage to work that one out.

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This post has me thinking. As I mentioned before, I'm sure all of us can find at least one annoying thing we do (or else we'd be perfect, and as much as I like it here, I don't think any of us qualifies:001_smile:.)


But how many of us find ways to gently help people in our lives? I also hate people talking loudly about their personal lives in a line up, but there are some people who have voices who just carry (I call them natural stage voices.) I have one, but didn't know it until I was about 30--everyone just said I was talking loudly, but a friend who was a voice teacher told me that was incorrect, my voice carries even when I'm talking at a normal level.


As for the people who get on the phone for an hour, have you ever thought if saying something like, "I like talking to you, but I can only talk for x minutes today because I have plans."


A good friend of mine used to work as a contractor in the HR department for a large pharmaceutical company (she's got a different contract with them now.) One day she interviewed a woman who just did everything wrong. She talked nonstop for the first 2/3 of the interview, and couldn't figure out why no one would hire her. My friend finally said, "Stop," asked her if she wanted to know why, told her and sent her on her way. Three months later my friend received a thank you letter from this woman. NO ONE had ever told her she did this (don't just blame the parents--they might not have clued in--not everyone naturally gets these social issues, but she had friends, etc). She had taken these words to heart, applied them not only to job interviews but in her personal life, had landed a great job and was so much happier.


So, while we can't stop all the rude drivers, for which there is no valid reason, the loud gum chewers (and as Cin pointed out, a few of those chewers NEED to do it, and she agrees it's annoying), the people who run to the next line, can we not help others? I say this because I've been guilty of at least 6 of these habits at some point in the past and without the help of others who cared, I'd probably still be that way, kwim? I probably still have other habits to get over, but I'm guessing that no matter what I do, I'll manage to annoy someone somewhere sometime. I have at least one negative rep, so I've even done it here:). Guess this is kind of a soap box with me.

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Cell phones:


I can't stand it when I am in close quarters (grocery line, doctor's office) and a complete stranger has a lengthy phone conversation within ear shot. Just makes me want to scream.


I also hate it when people answer their cell phones during a bible study, meeting, charity event or movie.

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Women who stand to pee, proceed to pee all over the seat, and then walk out and leave it there.


Pleeeeeease! If you choose to stand, at least clean up after yourself.


There's nothing worse than sitting in someone elses pee, or having to clean up after them.



That's all. No list. If I can just get the word out on this one, I'll be happy.


I haven't read them all, but on behalf of the sitters everywhere--THANK YOU!!! Seeing that makes me want to vomit every. single. time.

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Worse yet, people who come to a dead stop at the top of an escalator. :mad:


Ugh, I was going to say the same thing. I was nearly knocked over at the BOTTOM of an escalator one day because the people in front of me hadn't decided where they were going :glare:



On a less blood pressure-raising note, I also have a pet peeve about the widespread misuse of "comprise." "It's comprised of ..." Is WRONG.


Not so, unless you are opposed to the evolution of the language. According to Merriam-Webster:




(Darn it! The site won't let me copy and paste, so I'll have to link. Sorry!)

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I can't believe that after 12 pages no one has mentioned mine yet!


I used to work at a Sam's Club, and you wouldn't believe how some of these people's children were dressed! Usually (only in the summer, thankfully) this one couple, who owned a business that I personally would never darken the doorstep of after seeing how they paraded their children around, always came in with their babies in nothing but diapers. That's it--diapers. No shirts, pants, shoes, anything. Not that they were clean or anything, either. It's as if they rolled their children in dust before they threw them in the car.


Also there were some parents who would run in from the parking lot, in the 20 below wind chill, bundled to the teeth with parka, hat, scarf, gloves, and boots--while their babies had a little coat, usually unzipped, no hat, and no shoes...and frankly, I just don't believe the "she's just hot-natured" that I got from one mom.:glare:


Me? Pet peeves? Why, no!;)

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People who think all problems can be solved with dietary changes.


As in, "Oh, your father has Alzheimer's Disease? Have you thought about krill oil supplements?"


"Your child got in trouble at school? Hmmm, maybe you should try taking him off dairy."




I also hate gum smacking (okay, even gum chewing).


I can't stand when waitresses say, "no problem" when I thank them for something. I know it's not a problem. You are here to serve. I also hate when they say, "here ya go," or, "and what would Mom like?" I don't like being called "Mom" by people who aren't my children:)


I can't bear hearing women talk really loudly to their children in a, "look at me, aren't I just a great Mom for this audience of listening shoppers?" kind of way.

It makes me want to be mean.


I also can't bear gentlemen wearing hats inside. I know this has caused a major rift on this board in the past, lol, but I guess that's why they are called "pet" peeves.

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My others are:


People talking on cell phones while driving or shopping.


Shopper that stand between 2 checkout lanes waiting to see which moves faster (I have no patience for this and I make up their minds for them:glare:


Older drivers that start and stop several times trying to turn right.


Fund raisers, seriously let me give you $50 at the beginning of the school year and leave me alone!!!


Slow fast food workers that get one item at a time. Or get my fries and while they are getting cold, get my drinks one at a time before the burgers are ready.:001_huh:


Sales clerk that make you wait while they carry on a conversation.

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My husband's suitcase was inspected at some point during his return trip from Mexico last year. When I emptied the suitcase to do the laundry, I found a long, red, fake fingernail that had been lost in his things. Gag!


Oooooookaaay, likely story ;)


(I am SERIOUSLY just kidding, FTR)

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Oooooookaaay, likely story ;)


(I am SERIOUSLY just kidding, FTR)


I figured someone would say that. :001_tt2:


He had evidence, though. There was a note in the suitcase explaining that it had been inspected. He was thoroughly grossed out himself. And, for the record, my husband has a frightening aversion to bright red nails and would never go near someone who had them. They disgust him almost as much when they're still attached as when one turns up in his dirty laundry. LOL

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LOL. I know I get all kinds of carp from people when I try to tell them that not ALL Men look at p*rn, LOL. They roll their eyes at me and tell me I am just naive. What. Ev. ER!

Just wanted to mess with ya, but ya know I don't think he's hiring women when he's outa town. At least, not women with bright red nails, :D (But maybe ... ah nevermind, LOL)

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This post has me thinking. As I mentioned before, I'm sure all of us can find at least one annoying thing we do (or else we'd be perfect, and as much as I like it here, I don't think any of us qualifies:001_smile:.)


But how many of us find ways to gently help people in our lives? I also hate people talking loudly about their personal lives in a line up, but there are some people who have voices who just carry (I call them natural stage voices.) I have one, but didn't know it until I was about 30--everyone just said I was talking loudly, but a friend who was a voice teacher told me that was incorrect, my voice carries even when I'm talking at a normal level.


As for the people who get on the phone for an hour, have you ever thought if saying something like, "I like talking to you, but I can only talk for x minutes today because I have plans."


A good friend of mine used to work as a contractor in the HR department for a large pharmaceutical company (she's got a different contract with them now.) One day she interviewed a woman who just did everything wrong. She talked nonstop for the first 2/3 of the interview, and couldn't figure out why no one would hire her. My friend finally said, "Stop," asked her if she wanted to know why, told her and sent her on her way. Three months later my friend received a thank you letter from this woman. NO ONE had ever told her she did this (don't just blame the parents--they might not have clued in--not everyone naturally gets these social issues, but she had friends, etc). She had taken these words to heart, applied them not only to job interviews but in her personal life, had landed a great job and was so much happier.


So, while we can't stop all the rude drivers, for which there is no valid reason, the loud gum chewers (and as Cin pointed out, a few of those chewers NEED to do it, and she agrees it's annoying), the people who run to the next line, can we not help others? I say this because I've been guilty of at least 6 of these habits at some point in the past and without the help of others who cared, I'd probably still be that way, kwim? I probably still have other habits to get over, but I'm guessing that no matter what I do, I'll manage to annoy someone somewhere sometime. I have at least one negative rep, so I've even done it here:). Guess this is kind of a soap box with me.


That is probably more helpful than griping, yes, but this is a gripe-fest. I'm not perfect, but like many others who are irritating and annoying, I'm not all that interested in changing either.


I'm sure I do irritating things. I generally try to be respectful of other people, but I have some *quirks* that aren't going to go away. Being overly sensitive to noise is one of them. Detesting people making spectacles of themselves in public is another.


And that's just it - most of these behaviors are from people that don't want to change. Your example of the interviewee is very different - she really had no idea how she was coming across. In that case, sure, it would be very helpful to know what you're doing wrong that is causing you to never get hired. These instance that I listed are strangers in public, so I don't think it's my place to tell them anything.


And yes, I guess some people's voices do just carry, but I'm talking about other factors. The girls in the checkout line giving out way too much personal info to just the general public. They know everyone can hear them. Or parents looking around for approval - that's not just a carrying voice. These instances are almost like a show - they obviously want everyone to hear. Haven't you seen people doing this?


I have tried everything under the sun for long phone talkers. It's considered *rude* of me not to set aside my time and make phone chatting important. The time limits or, "I can talk for a few minutes" are ignored, and if pushed, lead to hurt feelings. They feel like I'm saying, "You're not important," when these people are perfectly nice in person, but I just don't need to sit around and talk about nothing for no reason for extended periods of time. I'd rather do that in person. I don't like to just 'visit' on the phone.


My chatty friend and I have actually talked about this. I've told her I get headaches, I'm not a talkative person, I just *can't* do the marathon phone sessions! She was even more adamant that she couldn't do email. I compromised, she didn't. Her feelings are still very hurt if she knows I'm home and don't pick up the phone. I'm supposed to talk to her no matter what else is going on, or she feels rejected.


I did call her today, when I had a chunk of freetime. I thought this might prevent her from feeling as rejected, since every time she calls I'm in the middle of something (I'm generally always in the middle of something - I give the task at hand my full attention). I also cannot guarantee that I can call someone back within a few days - I may not want to spend my free time talking. I might be tired, or have a headache. Anyway, it was a 45 minute conversation about absolutely nothing. At one point, she was actually talking about laundry. That's what she needs, so I give it to her. But it's certainly not my preference. And I probably can't keep it up for long.


So, yes, she is aware of the problem. The same way people who stick their carts in the middle of the aisle can see exactly what they're doing. Not everyone really cares what is comfortable or most considerate for others.


How do you approach people with this? I'm curious because I haven't been able to see how it would relate to anyone other than our dh's or kids. Are you really comfortable correcting a friend's behavior? What do you say?


I feel the opposite, really. I don't think it's my place (I have enough people here that I need to try to civilize!), and I don't think it would be well-recieved. I know if a friend approached me with, "You know how you chew with your mouth open?" I wouldn't appreciate it at all.


(I don't chew with my mouth open, just using this as an example). :)


If you can clarify how you do this 'gently', without seeming overbearing or controlling, I'm curious. I still wouldn't do it, though.

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Do not put your stuff on the kitchen counter. Not your book, not your Legos, not your keys and wallet, not your shoes:blink:, and NOT THE NEIGHBOR'S TREE FROG.:ack2:



My tank with our frogs in it IS on our kitchen counter. LOL :lol:

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I've been trying to avoid this thread because it makes my hackles rise because so many of these things annoy me, too.


I have to say (not knowing if it has already been said) that people who shop with their cart in the MIDDLE of the aisle irritate me and those who leave their carts in the way while they meander down the aisle or around the corner really put me over the edge.


I take up less room with my cart and children than these people do alone!




I have to go through this mess to clock in at work and again on each break and lunch and then again at the end of the day. I also think it is an unwritten rule that if you are wearing a Wal-Mart shirt they think they get extra points for blocking you or running over you with their cart (or even their car in the parking lot). :auto::eek:

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people who say ohhh instead of zero. It causes data entry problems in the pharmacy.


People who combine numbers into pairs unecesarily, especially in addresses or phone numbers:

360-256-5895 turns into three, sixty, twenty-five six, fifty-eight, nine, five. This is especially fun for people who say numbers slow, or are trying to read them and pause alot. turns into three, sixty, twenty........,five six, fifty,.......eight, nine, five 360-205-650895 huh?!!? Then they get irritated if you ask them to say it again to try to figure out what they are trying to tell you. Then they slow down more, because they think you needed more time!


How about try....three, six, zero, two, five, six, five, eight, nine, five.




Or people who are giving you a string of numbers and make a mistake and just correct themselves without saying anything.


360-256-5895 turns into

360-258-2565895. If they would just say let me start over

360-256-5895 it would save a lot of confusion.



Weird but true peeves!

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My pet peeves on this lovely Easter, 2008:


Unsolicited advice (parenting, homeschooling, poker, weight loss, whatever. If I wanted *your* opinion on that aspect of my life, I'd ask.)


Drivers who drive too close to my bumper.


A suck out on the river.


Unexamined adoption of culturally inspired wisdom(not limited to this list):


  1. If they sleep with you, you'll never get them out of your bed
  2. Your job as a parent is to work your way out of a job
  3. Children need to learn to be away from parents
  4. Your body needs carbs! Atkins is unhealthy.


A bunch of cell phone culture related stuff.


Asking "how can a smart woman" stay in a situation like that? (With the implication being she's *not* smart. Of course the very statement belies the fact that the asker knows nothing about the nature of progressive abuse)


Statements like "I'm against divorce".


Exclusive religosity that asserts theirs is the only way to a moral, productive, saved life.

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That is probably more helpful than griping, yes, but this is a gripe-fest. I'm not perfect, but like many others who are irritating and annoying, I'm not all that interested in changing either.



If you can clarify how you do this 'gently', without seeming overbearing or controlling, I'm curious. I still wouldn't do it, though.


I wrote a reply and it signed me out when I tried to submit. I must have taken too long.


In short, this time, I would never do this with strangers, not likely with acquaintances. I'd rarely do it, and only if it was having a big impact on my life. I'd put the onus on me, rather than on something being wrong with them.


Mostly, one of my pet peeves is people not puttiing themselves in other people's shoes--I've been in your shoes (too much talking by someone when I just couldn't take an hour to talk) and the other side (when I had a real need to talk--I was born with an enormous need to communicate, not just about myself as I'm very interested in others, and I had to figure out how to channel it the hard way.) But if a friendship is important, I would work on a compromise, or else I'd let it go if it was really ruining my life.

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But how many of us find ways to gently help people in our lives?


Would you like a list?


Being willing and able to post about pet peeves is not mutually exclusive to being kind, helpful and considerate. Indeed, I believe a person can contribute to this thread *and* still be optimistic, lighthearted and fun.

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[edited to say that I have NOT read through the 14 pages. Ugh.]


.... I have dial up remember....


but two that come to my mind are the current explosions of "like" five hundred times in conversation, either when the speaker means said or thought, much less ala valley girl, and even more so "guys" to include girls or women. In my book, guys are boys or men.


And I REALLY HATE that these are so common in our culture that I hear them coming out of my mouth now and then!:tongue_smilie:

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I read this thread a couple of days ago and could relate to all of you that hate having the kitchen counter cluttered up, especially after just cleaning it. I did not post, but if I had I would have listed this is my top peeve.


Yesterday I mentioned the thread to my 76 yo dm who lives with us. {BTW, we get along wonderfully on the most part, but the kitchen (of course) is a challenge area.} Anyway, I had just cleaned off the counter and told her (in a friendly way and with humor) about how this seems to bother other women too, not just me.


Today I was gone all afternoon and when I got home I noticed that the counter is still clean! I think maybe when I told her about what you all were talking about, it must have scared her! There was not a single thing placed on that counter for over 24 hours!


Someone pinch me! Is it possible that the kitchen counter fairy has come to my house to live? shocked004.gif




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Mostly, one of my pet peeves is people not putting themselves in other people's shoes--I've been in your shoes (too much talking by someone when I just couldn't take an hour to talk) and the other side (when I had a real need to talk--I was born with an enormous need to communicate, not just about myself as I'm very interested in others, and I had to figure out how to channel it the hard way.) But if a friendship is important, I would work on a compromise, or else I'd let it go if it was really ruining my life.


I don't know if it's one of my pet peeves when people can't put themselves in other people's shoes, but I like to think I try to do that. I understand the need to talk. This friend and I are just complete opposites in that regard, but maybe we'll work out a compromise. I think she was delighted that I actually called her the other day, and maybe doing that when I do have time to talk will clear all this up.


I don't keep anything near me for one second that makes me miserable. :glare: If I didn't value this person, I would politely excuse myself, tell her I'm not into talking on the phone at all, and not worry about it. But we're working it out. I can give a little.


Whoever mentioned the 'not returning phone calls' pet peeve, I'm working on it. :001_smile:

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People saying to me "Smell this"

People who leave public restrooms without washing their hands

People who walk through stores talking into their bluetooth thingies

Wal Mart

People asking me right after lunch "When's supper?"

People asking me right after breakfast "When's lunch?"

People asking me right after supper "Can we have a bedtime snack?"


When my oldest did this to me recently, I went right to my dh and said "I am going to lose it the next time someone asks me to smell something. Really, if it stinks to you, then why do you want to share the STINK with me? I am not going to make you drink sour milk or wear stinky clothes, so why must you insist that I smell (fill in blank)? If you say it stinks, I believe you - I promise!"


I hope I made my point to the person that has started this bad habit!!


End of rant.

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I don't know if it's one of my pet peeves when people can't put themselves in other people's shoes, but I like to think I try to do that. I understand the need to talk. This friend and I are just complete opposites in that regard, but maybe we'll work out a compromise. I think she was delighted that I actually called her the other day, and maybe doing that when I do have time to talk will clear all this up.


I don't keep anything near me for one second that makes me miserable. :glare: If I didn't value this person, I would politely excuse myself, tell her I'm not into talking on the phone at all, and not worry about it. But we're working it out. I can give a little.


Whoever mentioned the 'not returning phone calls' pet peeve, I'm working on it. :001_smile:



Yes, this thread has me working on some things I should be, too! I wasn't addressing you specifically about the shoes bit, just in general. It wasn't until I got into these threads that I thought about that one, and there are people IRL who don't. I've been kind of cranky, so I think I kind of took it out on this post (well, and once with my poor dh). We've had a month of illness here, I was sick for a week, and have been sick again for the past week.

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In no particular order:

*People who make dramatic exit posts online and say they will never appear again, only to show up 2 weeks later like nothing happened, only to repeat the same behave months later.

*People who back into parking spots, stopping parking lot traffic.

* People who do not pay attention the the direction signs at my gym. One way people!

* People who are willing to throw out criticism but are unable to deal when people criticize them.

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