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Who is ready for school tomorrow? Who isn't ready?

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My house is clean, the schoolroom tidy, pencils sharpened, all supplies are out and accounted for, my schedule is ready, I just need to finish up my lesson plans and get the stuff (photocopies etc) ready for the dc for the coming week. Of course, that's the harder part of everything so I'm in panic mode to get ready for our big educational debut of 2010. :tongue_smilie:


Feeling pretty :willy_nilly: about it all at the moment.

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My house is clean, the schoolroom tidy, pencils sharpened, all supplies are out and accounted for, my schedule is ready, I just need to finish up my lesson plans and get the stuff (photocopies etc) ready for the dc for the coming week.



Do you offer your services for an hourly rate?




I'm so not ready. Actually, I am ready, just not prepared.

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I am completely ready for school. The schoolroom area is tidy and organized, everything necessary is prepped and printed, and we even revised our schedule specifically for this week, since most of dd's outside activities won't restart for another week or two.


Just... please don't ask me about the rest of the house. Especially not my desk. :lol:

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Ready. Let the unschooling begin!




I guess that really makes no sense, does it?


Makes total sense to me...TV...Off...Check

Ipods collected...check

cell phones off...check

Video games locked in chamber of no return...check....


Library Card ready!

Book shelves dusted!

Lot of puzzles...manipulatives and craft supples...Check...check...check!







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Makes total sense to me...TV...Off...Check

Ipods collected...check

cell phones off...check

Video games locked in chamber of no return...check....


Library Card ready!

Book shelves dusted!

Lot of puzzles...manipulatives and craft supples...Check...check...check!









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Lessons are planned. Just have to clean the main floor tonight. Tomorrow am we have a shrink appt at 930am and a meeting with the SW at 11am. We will not be actually starting school until after lunch.


yep...my Mom needs to get her toenails clipped...no I am NOT kidding! And she doesn't drive...and her doctor is 45 minute drive from here!!!!!


Gotta love it. This is the woman who wouldn't take me to a friends house around the corner when I was a kid...it was too much trouble...ARG!



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Oh I'm dying to start back! It's been anywhere from 1-6 degrees F with windchill and wind gusts of 50+ mph. Takes the fun a bit out of break. We won't have our school room back for a week though as that's where our Christmas tree is, and I don't take it down until after Jan. 6. But, that's why there's a dining room table, right? :)

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I'm ready as in "prepared," but mentally I'm not ready. We were so crazy-busy this "vacation" that I'm exhausted and could use a couple of days off. We're moving to a 4-day week if they can get 5 days of work done in 4, so we might have Friday off. I'm not looking forward to resuming the kids' activity schedule either. I could use a whole other week off from that! Fridays and Sundays are our only activity-free (scheduled --those days normally book up with other stuff) days.

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My house is clean, the schoolroom tidy, pencils sharpened, all supplies are out and accounted for, my schedule is ready


I did all that too!

My husband thought I was crazy to sharpen all the pencils today. I went to Staples, got some needed items, finished tweaking the schedule and lesson plans are done. Each new folder has it's daily assignment sheet in it and I am getting ready to read up on the science we are doing. I can't wait to start, I hope the kids will be as excited.:D

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We took off many weeks and are officially bored of being on break, so we are ready to begin tomorrow. The 7am wake-up call for the littles might be a little too hard though, so I think we'll ease back into that.


I used my break well--I knitted almost non-stop and tackled some organizational things that were bugging me. I "feel" like I had a break!

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I THOUGHT I was ready, but then I realized I have a blood draw at 7:30 in the morning--that means NO COFFEE WHEN I WAKE UP. Soooo....no, not ready.


However, if we take any more time off, my 5 yo is likely to forget some of her addition. I guess it's as good a time as any to get going again.


If only I could wake with caffeine.

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My older son is ready to head back to high school and make a strong finish of his first semester.

I was ready to jump back in with my younger son, getting our routine reestablished right away, but he has other plans. They involve a sore throat, stuffy nose and a ridiculously high fever that mean he'll be doing more resting than math and Latin tomorrow.

He doesn't mind that so much, but over the weekend he auditioned for and was placed into the Debut group with a local Youth Symphony Orchestra. His first rehearsal was to be tomorrow, but he will be missing it. THAT he minds.

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IDK, my oldest has to be at school at 7:30 (not to one-up you or anything! lol) but I come back motivated to drink another cup of coffee.

Ah well, I do like when we eventually get rolling with the routine.


I'm in that place, too... DD has to be at school at 7:45. I've got the books and plans laid out, but I sooooo do not want to have to get up at 6:30. Sleeping in till 8:30 every day has been really, really nice.

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Well, I pulled all the books we need for tomorrow, printed out some stuff, sharpened pencils, cleaned our school area, etc. Can't say I'm ready though, and I know ds will not be - we definitely took too much time off this holiday season. We usually do 1 1/2 weeks, but this year we did 3 weeks. I'm sure we will both be cranky in the morning!

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I'm ready. Because I was getting ready for dh to leave for deployment my house is actually completely purged and organized. I did a few adjustments to the schedule. The only thing I'm still not sure about is SOTW 3. We started the year with HO and it's just not working (we were using level 1 and found we like using the SOTW AG for that age better) Now I need to make a final decision if I basically want to start over or skip the chapters in SOTW that we already did.

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I am completely ready for school. The schoolroom area is tidy and organized, everything necessary is prepped and printed, and we even revised our schedule specifically for this week, since most of dd's outside activities won't restart for another week or two.


Just... please don't ask me about the rest of the house. Especially not my desk. :lol:


Ack. :willy_nilly:

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I've got my plans done, but we're starting Chalkdust Pre-Algebra and I'm feeling kind of, um, lost. Not with the content, just with the videos and how they dovetail with the book. There doesn't seem to be any dividers on the DVD. It's kind of one long lecture, so I'm really not sure where to stop and start it for each lesson for dd. I've planned the week of book work for dd, but I guess we'll have to wing it with the videos. It makes me uneasy, though; I"m a planner by nature.


We've got the Aufmann books, it's the Chalkdust materials without the Chalkdust name.

(Thanks, Pongo!)



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I could be ready if I needed to be, I'm just lacking motivation. I want another week off. :tongue_smilie:


Even if we didn't start school again, though, all of the other stuff starts back up so we'll be busy anyway. Scouts, homeschool support group meeting, basketball practice, bowling league, basketball game, science class, basketball practice again... I'm sure I'm forgetting something else, too... :glare:

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Don't hate me, but I DO have another week off. :leaving:


I'll check back in on the 10th. :D


Me too! My ds is home from Japan and doesn't leave until later in the week - so no school. We hadn't seen him for a year this time, so we are just enjoying all being together.

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Well, I pulled all the books we need for tomorrow, printed out some stuff, sharpened pencils, cleaned our school area, etc. Can't say I'm ready though, and I know ds will not be - we definitely took too much time off this holiday season. We usually do 1 1/2 weeks, but this year we did 3 weeks. I'm sure we will both be cranky in the morning!

This is our first year homeschooling and I did the same thing. I had grand delusions of doing Christmasy things and cheerful children and the like. None of it happened quite the way I wanted and so......Next year, we will do less time off and more planned Christmas lessons, rather than crafts.

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So not ready. And making our first day back even more hectic - a doctor's appointment first thing in the morning.



Ditto. I actually may put it off another week (We have holiday/birthday stuff until the third week of January). Normally I back load this vacation into January (off from Dec 20-Jan20) but this time I'm trying to get started earlier. It's not working so well for me.

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I've tweaked what needed tweaking. I've rewritten the daily, weekly and monthly schedules. I printed out the next six months, perfectly planned, and put them in my binder. I love looking at all those pages filled with nice neat tables. I love planning. :001_smile:







Implementing the plans? Not so much.... :tongue_smilie:

Maybe we'll start after lunch?



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We are ready.... At least we think we are! ;)


Guess what? We are officially beginning "Kindergarten" tomorrow, January 4, 2010 -- the Big K -- along with continuing our preschool-at-home for the twins. My oldest daughter is so excited to be "starting Kindergarten."


The twins turned 3 years old today. :party:It's so precious to see them grow and learn and enjoy life. We are looking forward to this year together!

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I'm not ready. I'd like another week off, please. :D


We are sooo not ready that we are taking off the Great Wolf Lodge for 2 nights tomorrow. How is that for denial?!


ETA: In my defense, the heat in the home school room and my office are not working, so I have not been able to do any school prep, nor any Usborne work of substance either. The repair man comes on Thursday.

Edited by Brigitte
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I'm not ready in terms of being prepared, but I am eager to get back to our routine. Having guests in the house for the past 10 days has thrown us all off.


Tomorrow is an odd day though because ds starts his equine lessons, so I have to drop my youngest off to at the sitter's, drive to the farm, do the lessons, get the youngest, drive home, and then after that we'll tackle a math game and some read-alouds.


Not as structured as a normal day, but still doing school stuff. Tuesday we return to the regular schedule after I prepare tomorrow night. :001_smile:

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Glad to see I'm not the only one who isn't quite ready to get back into the swing of things tomorrow. Last year I was so organized & prepared on the first day back after Christmas break. This year we've spent the last two weeks cleaning the garage & closets and purging. Dh was home the whole two weeks and just left this morning. I haven't reserved the first book from the library or even looked through the week's lessons. I'm thinking tomorrow we'll get off to a bit of a slow start and hopefully be back in full swing by Tuesday.

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I am in no way ready for school tomorrow. I'm thinking we'll do a light week, then get back into the full swing of things next week. Hey, homeschooling allows us to be flexible, right? HA!


ETA: I think the reason I'm not ready is because dh has been home with me forevah!!!!! He's a Drill Sgt., so he usually works 7 days a week. It's sad, but we're used to him not being here. He's been in an Army school since the end of October. That means he came home from PT every morning, plus came home for lunch every day, and was home by 4 or 5 most days. Then, he took 2 weeks off for Christmas. So, our schedule has been topsy turvy for months now. He went back to work today. I want a week to just do nothing. If I wanna sit on the couch and knit all day, then I wanna be able to sit on the couch and knit all day. Does that make me horrible? :ninja: Oh well. One week of light school it'll be.

Edited by Angela in GA
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