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Heather in NC...

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Here's to hoping she too busy with a new baby to think about posting. :001_smile:


If so, where are her priorities???






Just kidding! :D


I think I am living vicariously through her at the moment and I really want to know if we got the baby or not. :tongue_smilie:

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I looked up Heather's post from last year, when she posted "All I want for Christmas is a daughter". Listen to this, one thing a poster replied:


Sorry you're missing having a baby girl. You're young...it can happen... And there really are those..baby dropped in lap stories...So here's to it happening this next year!



Does anyone else read this and get goosebumps for Heather?!?:w00t:

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It is Tuesday morning. I did not hear from the orphanage yesterday until about 5pm and it wasn't great news. I am not sure where things stand right now.


The birthmom is 15yo and is having "second thoughts" about giving the baby up. I can't fault her for that. The grandmother, however, has no qualms whatsoever about essentially forcing her teenage daughter to put the baby up for adoption but she DOES have a problem with the fact that it would be adopted by a couple that is Christian (they are Hindus). There was this long explanation about karma by the orphanage lady of which I only understood a small part because my head was spinning.


At any rate, we still don't know for sure and it isn't really looking very good and so I went to bed early because I felt like I was going to throw up.


I don't understand why this opportunity that we didn't ask for was dropped into our laps sending our lives into a tailspin only to then be yanked away again.


Yes, I remember the post from last year and to be honest I had pretty much given up hope (although the ache just doesn't ever go away does it?). Now I feel like the wound is fresh again and someone poured lemon juice in it. I was to the point in the healing process that it didn't claim my every waking moment, life goes on, I have a new job and a new life and then..... now I have to start all over again and it sucks even worse now because I was so close....

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It is Tuesday morning. I did not hear from the orphanage yesterday until about 5pm and it wasn't great news. I am not sure where things stand right now.


The birthmom is 15yo and is having "second thoughts" about giving the baby up. I can't fault her for that. The grandmother, however, has no qualms whatsoever about essentially forcing her teenage daughter to put the baby up for adoption but she DOES have a problem with the fact that it would be adopted by a couple that is Christian (they are Hindus). There was this long explanation about karma by the orphanage lady of which I only understood a small part because my head was spinning.


At any rate, we still don't know for sure and it isn't really looking very good and so I went to bed early because I felt like I was going to throw up.


I don't understand why this opportunity that we didn't ask for was dropped into our laps sending our lives into a tailspin only to then be yanked away again.


Yes, I remember the post from last year and to be honest I had pretty much given up hope (although the ache just doesn't ever go away does it?). Now I feel like the wound is fresh again and someone poured lemon juice in it. I was to the point in the healing process that it didn't claim my every waking moment, life goes on, I have a new job and a new life and then..... now I have to start all over again and it sucks even worse now because I was so close....


Many, many :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Keep us updated so we can be praying specifically.

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Heather - I had a similar experience in April. Long story short: Got a call completely out of the blue about a young woman who just gave birth and wanted to give the baby up. I did a ton of legwork for her calling an agency, etc. etc. She was positive, it was going well, 2 days later we arrived at the agency to pick the baby up and b-mom had changed her mind. I, too, had so many questions for God - mainly, I didn't ask for this to happen, we got our hopes up, bought diapers, picked out a name and this was snatched away from us. Why?


I'm so sorry. Will continue to pray!

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It is Tuesday morning. I did not hear from the orphanage yesterday until about 5pm and it wasn't great news. I am not sure where things stand right now.


The birthmom is 15yo and is having "second thoughts" about giving the baby up. I can't fault her for that. The grandmother, however, has no qualms whatsoever about essentially forcing her teenage daughter to put the baby up for adoption but she DOES have a problem with the fact that it would be adopted by a couple that is Christian (they are Hindus). There was this long explanation about karma by the orphanage lady of which I only understood a small part because my head was spinning.


At any rate, we still don't know for sure and it isn't really looking very good and so I went to bed early because I felt like I was going to throw up.


I don't understand why this opportunity that we didn't ask for was dropped into our laps sending our lives into a tailspin only to then be yanked away again.


Yes, I remember the post from last year and to be honest I had pretty much given up hope (although the ache just doesn't ever go away does it?). Now I feel like the wound is fresh again and someone poured lemon juice in it. I was to the point in the healing process that it didn't claim my every waking moment, life goes on, I have a new job and a new life and then..... now I have to start all over again and it sucks even worse now because I was so close....


first of all, I do hope that things work out for this baby and your family. I am in no means trying to downplay that. But maybe *this* specific baby was used as a way to open doors to another? You're working with/near orphanages? You were brought to that country? Is there another possibility here if this specific baby falls through? Somehow I think there's more to the story (God's story) that you don't know about yet. I understand the expense of adoption and know we also couldn't do that again. But since you're in that country, is there another way?


I'm sorry your heart is aching for a daughter. I remember when my heart ached so badly because I desperately wanted to adopt. Dh was all set after having three children, two boys and a girl. I prayed for God to remove that desire from my heart if it was not of Him, or that He change dh's heart so that he'd be on board to adopt. He never changed my heart, and I prayed for my adoption since my pregnancy with my third child. After four years of praying, crying, and praying some more, God NEVER took that ache away. He did finally work in dh's heart. Perhaps there's a reason why God hasn't removed that pain from your heart, but you just don't know The Way yet???

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first of all, I do hope that things work out for this baby and your family. I am in no means trying to downplay that. But maybe *this* specific baby was used as a way to open doors to another? You're working with/near orphanages? You were brought to that country? Is there another possibility here if this specific baby falls through? Somehow I think there's more to the story (God's story) that you don't know about yet. I understand the expense of adoption and know we also couldn't do that again. But since you're in that country, is there another way?


I'm sorry your heart is aching for a daughter. I remember when my heart ached so badly because I desperately wanted to adopt. Dh was all set after having three children, two boys and a girl. I prayed for God to remove that desire from my heart if it was not of Him, or that He change dh's heart so that he'd be on board to adopt. He never changed my heart, and I prayed for my adoption since my pregnancy with my third child. After four years of praying, crying, and praying some more, God NEVER took that ache away. He did finally work in dh's heart. Perhaps there's a reason why God hasn't removed that pain from your heart, but you just don't know The Way yet???


I agree. I will continue to pray for you, the baby and the baby's mom.

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I'm so sorry. Maybe God wants you to help the birthmom? It sounds like she's in a terrible situation, and at least there would be a clear "point" to all of this. :(


I haven't been in your exact situation, but I know very well what it's like to long for an adoption that never seems to happen. I really hope your baby girl is out there, and that she comes to you very soon.

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:grouphug:Praying for you here.:grouphug:

It is Tuesday morning. I did not hear from the orphanage yesterday until about 5pm and it wasn't great news. I am not sure where things stand right now.


The birthmom is 15yo and is having "second thoughts" about giving the baby up. I can't fault her for that. The grandmother, however, has no qualms whatsoever about essentially forcing her teenage daughter to put the baby up for adoption but she DOES have a problem with the fact that it would be adopted by a couple that is Christian (they are Hindus). There was this long explanation about karma by the orphanage lady of which I only understood a small part because my head was spinning.


At any rate, we still don't know for sure and it isn't really looking very good and so I went to bed early because I felt like I was going to throw up.


I don't understand why this opportunity that we didn't ask for was dropped into our laps sending our lives into a tailspin only to then be yanked away again.


Yes, I remember the post from last year and to be honest I had pretty much given up hope (although the ache just doesn't ever go away does it?). Now I feel like the wound is fresh again and someone poured lemon juice in it. I was to the point in the healing process that it didn't claim my every waking moment, life goes on, I have a new job and a new life and then..... now I have to start all over again and it sucks even worse now because I was so close....

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