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S/O What was the WORST book you read this year?

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (zzzzzz....)


:iagree: I could not get into that book! I knew I should be able to .... I read a million glowing reviews and then ... meh.


I also was shocked that I didn't like Madame Bovary. I really wanted to like it ... but alas! I could care less that at some point in this novel she would end up having an affair. (Right? I guess I just assumed she would, LOL!)



Finally, Norms and Nobility. I loved the first chapter ... and then .... four chapters in and I gave up.

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I'm with Peela; I don't usually give a bad book more than a chapter or so. (It took me decades to give myself permission to do that!)


However ... I did read one bad book this year because the premise was so interesting that I had to know how it played out: "Sarah's Key." It was so badly written that I cannot understand how it reviewed so well. I had to choke it down.

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The only bad book I finished this year was, "Managers of their Schools" by Teri Maxwell. Like everyone else, I toss books that I can't get into or I don't like, but I had to finish this one. It was so disturbing to me! 200 pages on why you should use Textbooks!??!:001_huh:


memo to self. . .Don't buy The Shack :D

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I tend to not finish really bad ones, too. Of those I did finish, I hated I'm Perfect, You're Doomed: Tales from a Jehovah's Witness Upbringing by Kyria Abrahams the most. Nothing redeeming at all and I was hoping she'd come to terms with *something*, but no. So it was a totally pointless memoir type of thing. Lots of those lately, though. :001_huh:

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Scarlet Feather by Maeve Binchy was probably the biggest waste of time this year. I kept hoping it would get better/more interesting/have a point. It wasn't awful, but it was an awfully long book to say nothing. I read a few books with very little redeeming value in the romance category, but at least I was entertained. :) I kinda wish I hadn't read Outlander, though.

I felt the same way about Tara Road. I kept on reading, trying so hard to like it. In the end I felt like: *shrug*


Then you have to read this blog post by Tim Challies... :smilielol5:

:w00t: Hilarious!

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Something about a cat in a library - Dewey something? It came highly recommended, but I found it very dull. I read about 6 chapters and decided that I just wasn't going to bother finishing it. Moved onto the Girl with the Pearl Earring instead and thoroughly enjoyed that.


I know this thread is about bad books, but I had to agree, I loved Girl with a Pearl Earring.

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:lol::lol: So you're saying I should stop feeling guilty about the fact that I recently took it out of the library, read "Call me Ishmael" and a bit more of the first pages a few times, then it lay under the bed for a while, and then I brought it back. :tongue_smilie:


I was not encouraged when I flipped ahead and read excerpts, so that didn't help....


You saved yourself a lot of time. I made it about halfway and it didn't get any better.


Don't feel guilty! I'm sure you used all those potentially wasted hours to make this world a better place!



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I don't really know if it was the "worst" book I read this year, but it was, by far, the most disappointing - Breaking Dawn (4th book in the Twilight series). They lost me by the end of the first chapter or so and it just went downhill - quickly - from there. Ugh. I just pretend the series ended with the 3rd book and I make up my own happy endings for everybody. :D

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This may make me the worst homeschooling mom ever, but, I hated Moby Dick so much I couldn't make my dd15 read it for her Lightning Lit class. We skipped it. I was trying so hard to get through that book, but, I just couldn't do it.



I am like this with Red Badge of Courage. I CAN NOT and WILL NOT make my kids read this book. It is worse than a snoozer!



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The Help. The rating on Amazon is 4+ with over 1000 reviewers! The charactrers were VERY stereotypical and had NO depth whatsoever. The author thinks you aren't smart enough to pick up on their stereotype, so she reminds you ad nauseum. I finished it only because I read it while I was traveling and didn't have anything else to read :glare:

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I'm embarrassed not to have enjoyed it... Moby Dick.


Don't be embarrassed. I did make it all the way through but wish I had given up and used those countless hours doing something more productive and enjoyable.


Seems I'm in good company, my other worst read was The Shack. Blech.


Then you have to read this blog post by Tim Challies... :smilielol5:


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Ok, now that might make best blog posts of the year.

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I hated Time Traveler's Wife. I didn't read that this year.


I didn't read it this year, either, but I thought it was the most dreadful book I had ever read. It had been recommended so highly....and I tried to like it....I kept plowing though thinking it would get better, but it just got worse. Yuck. Piece of cr@p is right.


This year the worse book I read was Twilight and whatever the second book was. My dd was reading them, and I wanted to see what she was reading and be aware of the content...sheesh. Even dd admitted it was bad, thank God, but she read them because her friends were reading them. It was a good lesson for her; that she doesn't have to like something just because her friends do.

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The Greatest White Trash Love Story Ever Told, by Rhett Ellis.


I kid you not; that's the title. Here it is: http://www.amazon.com/Greatest-White-Trash-Love-Story/dp/0967063167


It was awful. It was one of our book club picks. I think only one of the ladies in the group actually liked it.


Next runner up for worst book this year would be She's Come Undone, by Wally Lamb. Hated it.

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The worst was The Household Guide to Dying. I was expecting tongue-in-cheek humor, and there was that, but it got excessively, sickeningly, horrifyingly dark in the last third or so and I put it down and slunk away, feeling a little like I just witnessed the drowning of a kitten or something. :glare:


Next, very close runner-up: Twilight. I don't get what everyone loves in that book. It really just did nothing for me. I finished it, but I kept waiting to be hooked. Instead, I kept looking to see how many more pages to go.

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The Almost Moon by Alice Sebold. I loved The Lovely Bones but this one was just awful and depressing. I actually read the whole thing but afterwards wished I hadn't.


Just a hint, the first sentence in the book is "When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily."




Just read through all of the replies and had to agree with this one. I really liked The Lovely Bones so I read Lucky and The Almost Moon. They were both horrible.


Some of the others that have been mentioned are favorites of mine, though, like Water for Elephants, The Twilight Saga, and The Time Traveler's Wife. I haven't read Atonement yet; but I remember I didn't like the movie until the end, so I wonder if the book will be the same...

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The second book in the Legend of the Seeker series. I enjoyed Wizards First Rule, passed it on to dh, and couldn't get into the next book. Dh on the other hand read the entire series.


A big disappointment was The Lost Symbol. I read it through once rather quickly. Then on the second reading I realized that it wasn't ever going to be my favorite Dan Brown novel.

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"Twilight". Mind-numbingly boring. Awful characterization. Simple sentences. Abuse & manipulation. And don't even get me started on the impact of these being 'role models' for teen girls. Argh. Once he started glittering in a field, I was done. Could not finish it.


Thought "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" was a real let-down after so much hype. (Same w/ "The Time-Traveler's Wife" and "The Lovely Bones", both of which I read quite a few years ago, but figured I'd toss in here since I see others who weren't fans of them either.) However, I did read all 3 of those books all the way through. 'Meh' is about the best comment I can muster on any of them.


Also, wanted to be able to get into "Public Enemies", but it's just too detailed & jumpy. The concept is fascinating, but I'm not sure the execution is very good. Ended up not finishing it.


As a rule, like Peela & others have mentioned, I don't finish books I don't like. (My overall #1 hated book that I did read -- and shouldn't have -- was "Perfume". Read it a few years ago & hated it, hated it, hated it.)

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Mine was a tie between The Lost Symbol (seriously, it is time for Dan Brown to retire from writing), The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (zzzzzz....) and the Southern Vampire books by Charlaine Harris (just terrible in so many ways...whoever said these were better than the Twilight books has been smoking something :tongue_smilie:).


I read Twilight. It was atrocious. I've read cereal boxes with more captivating plots and intriguing characters than that. Time Traveller's Wife was only slightly better, but still an appalling waste of perfectly good trees.

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Aw Man--Mr. Lamb was my high school Honors English teacher. Of his three novels, I liked "The Hour I First Believed" the best.


I keep hearing that his other books are better, but haven't tried to read any of them yet. I'm sure I'll give them a try, but really did not like that one at all. Sorry. :(

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I read a few bad ones for book club. They were awful. Just awful.

Dahlias Gone by Katie Destill.

Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult

The Condition by Jennifer Haigh



I second the vote for Handle with Care, I couldn't stand it! I don't buy her books but my mother always does and I always get tempted into trying them out. That is it, I am done, never again!

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I keep hearing that his other books are better, but haven't tried to read any of them yet. I'm sure I'll give them a try, but really did not like that one at all. Sorry. :(


I hated She's Come Undone, LOVED I Know This Much is True, and haven't been able to get past the first two chapters of The Hour I First Believed.

I can certainly say this about Wally Lamb. He's not an author one can accuse of following a particular formula.

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It was a book set in Israel, cashing in on the Dan Brown hype, gnostic gospels etc. It was dumbed down to an excrutiating level. And I cannot believe the author had ever been to Israel. Amongst other things, he said something about a character forgetting he was in Israel until he'd left the airport. No-one who's been through Israeli security checks could ever think that! Note to authors everywhere - don't set a book somewhere you've never been. Other people might actually have been there.

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I read Twilight. It was atrocious. I've read cereal boxes with more captivating plots and intriguing characters than that.


You are a brave woman to utter such words. ;) I enjoyed it, much to my own embarrassment. But I know of MANY women who LOVED it. I'm not one of those.

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