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anyone making major changes after break?


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I'm may end up buying BJU dvd's to try out. I need a little help during my busy day. I feel like I'd mediocre at everything I do. Hopefully a little teaching help with Math, Science, and Language will be exactly what I need to get a little more accomplished each day.

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My DD10 is coming home for all her core subjects. She will take Art and Music at PS, as well as therapies. (She was taking english before.)


My DS4 wants to learn to read and is past ready. (I kinda was waiting on reluctant older sister who is now moving along well.) He will also start SM Essential Math B because he wants to.


Starting MCT with oldest.


Adding in AAS with DD7's.


Trying to live with the fact that my youngers keep getting more and more advanced from one child to the next, and feeling guilty that I have in many regards held my DD7's back a little since they are twins. :glare:


All this is definately affecting my schedule.....I keep telling myself :chillpill:, need to take my own advice.

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We actually made our change just before break (and aren't really taking a break, just Christmas day and New Years day off). I'm required to test the kids as part of my divorce and I didn't feel like I was getting enough done and DS especially wasn't connecting things together. Being able to HS is too important to me to leave it to "I think this will be good enough for the tests," so I ordered/started Calvert 4th for DS. DD just turned 7 last month, but she's been sitting in on all his lessons, and actually doing better than him at the spelling :001_huh: We will probably compress some lessons so we aren't going too far into the summer (we need to test by mid June anyway), but we are all really enjoying it. I'm not crafty *at all* and the kids are most excited about the fact that there is scheduled art :lol: I'm also having DD(3) sit at the table and play/read quietly while we do school, instead of running around destroying and distracting. Figure it will help her to sit quietly better at church, too.

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My resolution is better planning and more creativity.


Things should be way different.


I want Luke to have more craft experiences and I'm planning out a better defined schedule for him. Andrew is going to cool his jets on history now that we've caught up (:party:) and we're going to go back to doing the projects for that. Basically, I want to make it more fun and less work :p Which means WAAAAY more work for me, but hopefully more enjoyment for the boys.


I will also be attempting lapbooks, I hope, I think, but goodness they look complicated!

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We're dropping Writing With Ease. One child is switching to Writer's Express. Another is switching to Just Write. These are not my first choices in writing programs. WWE is still what I would really prefer to be using. But we have to cut back on Mama-time because of life circumstances. We had these books on hand; they're not awful; and the kids can do them independently. I'm hoping to be able to switch back to WWE for the six-year-old in a few months, but if life carries on in this fashion, I may go over to Queen's LA for similar content in a format written to the child.

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I'm going to give real history a try again. I have started and failed to implement an organized history lesson at least 4 times this year so far. I have had the SOTW activities guide sitting on the shelf all year, so I have started ordering books and making plans for at least a few weeks.


I'm also going to start an Ocean science unit for the girls - I have a DK guide for the younger and the definitive visual guide for the older. We'll start with just more science reading. If I can get a formal history going, I tackle science after that, but we'll at least do more science reading.


However - English, math and French are all awesome and being done for a full hour each daily so I'm not touching those.

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We're going to really buckle down after the holidays and get more done. I've been letting DS (15) slide too much and too often.


Other than that, we're adding in a computer course (Introduction to Computers) using the text that our local community college uses and we're switching literature programs to one that is more basic.


Sue (who is looking forward to the new year and getting more done)

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I've been making changes- some have already happened and some are still to come.

We dropped Miquon. We're keeping Singapore, but added Math Mammoth.

We dropped the WTM science and are doing Rod and Staff's.

I'm thinking of dropping SOTW for now and doing geography and American history (like in the article in the most recent Memoria Press catalog).

We dropped Latin and are doing French instead.

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I am planning on having a little tighter schedule. We have been kind of taking it easy thus far this year. I have not had any formal schedule this year and we have been just deciding each day what to do from what subject.


I just got MCT in the mail, so we will be starting that. I also ordered Teaching the Classics and can't wait to review all of it and see how we can implement it in our work.

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Nothing major here, but we will be doing a couple different things.


DD just finished Singapore Earlybird and we'll be starting Horizons K (book B) after Christmas.


We're currently a week or two from finishing Usborne's First Encyclopedia of Our World (and the books, coloring, and videos we're using along with it) and will be starting Usborne's First Enc. of History in early January.


We finished Mind Benders Beg 1 recently, as well.

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I made a major change for my 11yo back in November. She hit a brick wall near the end of Singapore 3A and we left Singapore for a full year as a result, but returned to it at my dd's request, starting with 4A. It worked well again for about 1.5 years, but then she crashed into another brick wall near the end of 5B.


I first tried adding in Key to Fractions, Key to Decimals, and Key to Percents. She did those books 3 days/week and Singapore the other two. It wasn't enough though. I finally dropped Singapore for her entirely.


Now she has a schedule like this:

Monday 5 minutes Key to Fractions, 25 minutes Key to Percents

Tuesday 5 minutes Key to Decimals, 25 minutes Key to Algebra

Wednesday 5 minutes Key to Percents, 25 minutes Key to Fractions

Thursday 5 minutes Key to Algebra, 25 minutes Key to Decimals

Friday 5 minutes in book of her choice, 25 minutes Lial's Basic College Mathematics


It's going well so far.


I'm making some changes for my 16yo after Christmas. I don't like what she's been giving me for papers. I'm going to have her do the 8 week high school Time4Writing course. I'm hoping that they'll have the test essay writing course ready by the time she finishes so she can do that one as well.


I am also starting her on working her way through an SAT prep book.

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We are. Not changes to curriculum per se, but scheduling changes. We are switching to a 4 day book work, 1 day supplemental games/activities day. I am moving our art, home ec etc to the supplemental day to make a other days have more time for the focused book work.


We only have 3.5 months before the move to fit as much school work in without losing our minds. I want to really buckle down in math and language arts, relax in science and keep up in history. Foreign languages I think I will put on teh back burner until we are in the new place.


The new province does not have the same regulations we do here, so I am resetting my calendar to a Jan-Dec school year and schooling through the summer to make up for the time off earlier this year from illness, and the time off next term for the move. So that is a change for us.


I am also actually planning activities for my totschooler in advance. In fact I planned out the month of January today. I had been doing activities with her, but she is ready to do more challenging stuff, I just was never prepared, so now art projects, prop boxes etc are planned out so that I will be better organized with her stuff.

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after 2.5 years we're finally dropping IEW for Brave Writer. I've ordered Writer's Jungle but we'll be doing the Kid's Write Basic online.


We're implementing Tea Time Tuesday for poetry.


I told her that she could get out of unit tests in History by making a movie -- a collage of items I list as important.


Quitting gymnastics and taking theatre.


My daughter will be getting a day planner for Christmas and I plan to have her keep track of her assignments, classes, et c.


The IEW/Brave Writer switch is major and hopefully the day planner will be a huge switch!

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Yes, ds is "officially" starting 1st grade. We're transitioning to the WTM model, and pretty much everything is changing (with the exception of spelling and copywork, which we've already started doing). We're not going to be able to get some of the new materials until Feb. or March due to finances, but we've got enough (or can fill in with some other things until then) to get started. I'm excited!

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I am hoping to encourage my 3rd grade ds to do more independent reading...we do TOG yr 1 upper grammar level. I knew when we started that I would need to do a lot of the reading to him, but I think he is more comfortable now with the vocabulary and can do more on his own. And I am going to use more of the TOG literature worksheets to check his comprehension. I am not a big fan of worksheets, but I like the idea of having him put on paper some understanding of what he is reading.


I need to spend more time reading to my younger kiddos now. They haven't been getting as much laptime as I would like for them. Anyone else struggle giving one-on-one time with each child (this is for another thread I am sure)?

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For the oldest, most of the changes are in LA. We're going to schedin breaks from AAS, switch grammar and vocabulary curriculum, and try to spend more time on lit discussion. She just started Classical Writing Homer before the break. She's also going to add trumpet lessons. We're dialing back on Latin to just 15 minutes daily.


For ds, we're going to tackle phonics again, this time in his preferred learning format: workbooks. I also got him the first Miquon book but dd has taken my job and started teaching it to him!

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We'll be starting Ambleside Year 1 while continuing our math, SOTW and science per WTM. Science will be switching over to the human body from animals, so that will seem new. Our year officially begins in July, but it will be nice having something new mid-year with Ambleside. We've been gearing up for Ambleside,, easing all of the CM style stuff like nature study, artist and composer study, etc. into our routine. The readings are the only thing left to add, so I'm feeling quite comfortable with our plan.

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My 5yo is going to begin Gr. 1, we will be starting God's Design science, we will *hopefully* have some new musical instruments to play with from Christmas :D and I need to get more read-alouds and other books for the boys to read. But our schedule will be much the same.

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I will be adding TouchMath with my 6 yr old. I lucked out and was able to get the school district to loan me copies of the program. She was just buckling when it came to adding and subtracting. I went on their website and tried out the program with her and it is EXACTLY what she needs.


I'll be adding in more File Folder Games to help teach concepts, and that's about it for now. I'm hoping to throw in a few lapbooks too.

I may also get the Key to Geometry book for my 6th grader because we are having one heck of a time trying to understand it. I never really took much if any Geometry or even remember if I did when I was in school.

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We are not having any curriculum changes, just scheduling. I will try to implement history and science on every day basis. DS6 enjoys them both extremely, and it also will help us to accomplish more.

For a DS3 I will try to have a schedule with lots of worksheets ready or he will "eat me alive"!:tongue_smilie:

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I'm switching to Oak Meadow with SWR for spelling and Singapore for math and the occasional lapbook. We have just been doing Singapore, SWR, our own thing for grammar and lapbooks for everything else.


As I looked at their samples, I found that Oak Meadow has what I've been trying to recreate at home for all these years.:001_smile:

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My 2 dd are changing from CW to MCT. We so need the change, but I've been trying to order it for over a week now and am still not there yet. First we needed to figure out placement and now how much the postage will be,.... and then it could be on its way for weeks and weeks, hopefully it won't get stolen before it gets here!!

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The younger two will be doing unit studies for science for the rest of the year. We just started Natural Disasters (Intellego) and they love it!


I'm thinking of dropping WWE for dd 9. She just does not seem to need that much guidance. I'll be using some Evan-Moor books to fill in for the rest of the year and probably putting her in Hake in the fall. I'm also going to be assigning most of her history reading. She can handle it, and has shown me over and over again that she will retain more that way.


12 yo ds has just switched to AG. We are also going back to IEW and dropping Hake for him. He will be completing Core 5 in our own unique way. I'm assigning the World Book reading, some of the other history resources and and EHE pages only, and putting the readers and read-alouds in order for him to read in his own good time (If I know him, he'll probably be done with them all by March at the latest.). This puts the focus more on geography of the Eastern Hemisphere.


6 yo ds just stated Growing with Grammar 1 and we're dropping FLL (again! I've bought this book twice and sold it once already now...). He works VERY well independently. Why mess with that? I was stunned by the sentences he wrote in the very first lesson! I see more independent work for him, and I'm going to mostly let him choose our read-alouds. Jim Weiss cd's and the Classical Kids series are going to be featured a little more as well.


Oldest is taking college level English and Science classes online. The classes he needed were full in the fall, but we're off and running now! His textbooks are already bought (Ouch! Homeschool curriculum is a bargain ladies!).


I will be studying Michigan history (online class). The book used for the class is great and I'm looking forward to it. This is going to be a bit of a time drain for me, and is the number one reason for me to get realistic about what I *really* need to be involved with with regards to history reading etc.

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We will be starting cursive, now that kiddo has voluntarily moved over to "normal" sized pencils. I hope to get out the Minimus.


I am planning to move even further from WTM history for the grammar stage by doing the SOTW as a read aloud only, and spend MUCH more time on geography and books like Usborne's histories of whatever time. It seems like every resource I'm using is getting very wordy, including science, which I am demanding more "fact retention" on. So, in an effort to still include pictorial or visual learning, we will spend more time just looking at books about how people live, tribes that still are somewhat traditional, big events like the Civil War (which has lots of photos) or the building of the Aswan Dam, etc.


This is for both of us. Part of me yearns for more freedom to wander about the world of history.

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We are keeping generally everything the same. I like the materials we are using but I do want to change some of the ways in which we use them. I am planning our next year with more details added. These are things I had wanted to have as part of our lessons but time and other factors kept getting in the way of it.


We will be taking on more Charlotte Mason style techniques. I am adding copywork to our French and Latin. I want to see us using French more so I am adding (this is a rotating monthly plan) Calendar days, tea and conversation (where we speak only French) days, DVD days (watching movies in French) and audio book days (French audio books). I am also adding a one time per month day for a French reading followed by a simple narration (oral). I am also going to add a Map Book, an Art Study Album and plan on having the girls add to their Nature Notebook weekly. I also will add more time for drawing and watercolors. I want to make more assignments (narration style) that include illustrating their work with watercolors etc. I also will add back more dictation (we've lost this mostly) and more narrations including written ones. I want to add in CM's method of gradually building their narration skills by first starting with oral narrations that are followed with basic questions to analyze literature, history, etc. and then transition this to written pieces. I already have lessons planned for using CW's Homer across the curriculum so we will be using our skills from Homer as well.

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We've added daily games just the past couple weeks, I'm going to keep that. M - math, T - geography, W - strategy, Th - history, F - word



What a great little practical way to schedule games! I'm like that, where I have to PLAN fun to make it happen, lol.


We're finishing up a lot of our stuff here and ditching a little bit of other stuff. I haven't decided whether we'll keep going with the next level of some of the things like the grammar or just pause and start the new level in June. Math has that flexibility too. I figure I'll know when January comes, lol. Right now I'm just trying to get through Christmas! I found some cool science kits at the thrift store, so we'll probably do them between Christmas and January. I think we'll finish the Grammar of Poetry and do the Greek Coke Crackers then too.


We'll probably add some MCT stuff, pre-algebra, maybe Borenson. Gonna change up our logic stuff, but haven't sorted that out. Actually, I haven't placed my orders yet for ANY of the new stuff for January! We're finishing our grammar, math, etc., as well as being ready to add stuff.


Oh well, it all sorts out. I always have way more ideas than time and energy. I have Elementary Greek sitting in the closet waiting for us. I want to do the MCT poetry and vocab. I don't know if I'll do just their practice sentences or plow into Shurley7 as well. Sort of seems silly to go into 7 with a 5th grader, kwim? Not sure what we'd do after that, and we could just as easily wait till the new school year. Or as Kpzz put it, there ought to be a REWARD for working hard! No grammar, now there's a reward, lol.


So yes, lots of things changing with us. I LOVE Kfamily's ideas on the watercolors and whatnot! :)

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The only major changes we are making is adding in the things I have been meaning to do...LfC A, picture/artist study, orchestra/composer study, and art instruction.

We will also be adding in the next components of MCT Island level.

Also thinking about starting AAS Level 1 with my ds6, but I am not sure about that.

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We are dropping one of our outside activities, so we will actually have 3 full days at home during the week. :hurray: Those will be full school days, and I think we can have a bit more of a regular schedule. Also, as soon as it seems possible, I'm getting out of being the Committee Chair for our Cub Scout Pack OR I'm leaving my part-time job, or both. This may not happen for a few months, but it is in the works. I will be able to focus more on schooling my kids, and otherwise caring for my family, which will also give us a more regular schedule.


Curriculum-wise, with my 4th grader, I'm trying out MCT Island, except for the poetry. For now I'm continuing WWE with him. If it goes well, we may drop that.


I am dropping Writing Strands with my 7th and 8th graders. I am picking up some inexpensive sentence and paragraph books for them: Paraghaph Writing Made Easy, Writing Fabulous Sentences and Paragraphs, Simple Paragraphs, Extended Paragraphs. My goal is to get the 8th grader easily writing good paragraphs before the end of the year; if the 7th grader gets there, too, or even close to that, I'll be thrilled.


I'm re-doing science, too. I think I'll continue with My World Science for my 1st/2nd grader, but I'm planning on using The Elements with the other three.

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I have not been around for at least a year or two. I forgot how much I missed it here. :001_smile:


I am switching our Science Program to God's Design For Life from Considering God's Creation. I am hoping I can put my fourth and fifth grader on a more independent course of study with this while I work through it with my 1st graders.


We are going to continue to work through Mystery of History Volume 1 while adding in SOTW 1 as an independent study for my fifth grader.


I am switching my first graders from an informal phonics program to Saxon Phonics 1 mainly because my oldest first grader (really a second grader, but I have not moved her up yet) can not read. My son who is supposed to be in K this year is reading great, but I figure the review could not hurt.


I am going to continue what I was doing with R & S english for my two older girls. Right now they do the end of unit review on Monday. The rest of the week they work on lessons they missed on the review and then on Friday they take the Unit test. They are in the fourth and third grade books. There was way too much bookwork for them so we compromised and it seems to be working well.


I am starting my new 4 year old on Saxon Phonics and Math K. Just for fun. He loves playing with the manipulatives.


Other than that everything is staying the same.

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We will continue happily with our newest addition (going on week three) MCT - Grammar Island for twins, Grammar Voyage for DD10. Math continues as is: Singapore 3B for twins, Saxon 7/6 and LoF Pre-Algebra/Biology for dd10. DD10 will continue History Odyssey Level 2 Middle Ages and Famous Men of the Middle Ages. The twins and I will try to make a better effort at doing Famous Men of Greece. :glare:


Our biggest change is that all three are enrolled in CLAA's Grammar I -- they start on a staggered schedule with DD10 beginning 1/4 and the other two beginning on the following two Mondays. This is my answer to where DD10 should go next with Latin having completed LCI and II.

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Dd was using BJU text as a spine, and we're switching to Kingfisher and Usborne. I'm not crazy about her BJU grammar, so I'm adding in CLE diagramming worksheets and extra practice sheets. I'll be switching her to CLE for language arts next year.


Ds has been using BJU 2nd math, 1st reading, and McGraw Hill Grammar. I'm going to try CLE 1st LA and reading, and CLE 2nd math. He'll also use RS4K Chemistry Pre-Level 1. It will be our first experience with RS4K.

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We are dropping most of our current curr. and picked up Sonlight World History 1. This is my first year balancing a younger (2nd grade) and a 7th grader at home. I felt we were getting the min. done but needed more structure and accountability. I also changed my ds math from Saxon to Teaching Textbooks. Having Sonlight this year will help me get in all the subjects I would be too flexable on such as geography and SOTW. We are also going to start a hands on art appreciation study.

After hearing Andrew Pudewa speak (free audio download on IEW: Raising Effective Communicators) I realized how really important read alouds and having the kids read is important on so many levels. :hurray:

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i'm making some changes after the new year, mostly in the "way" i'm using the curriculum that I have on hand already. I will be changing my 8th grader to Science Matters once he finishes his PH science book, he'll move to Alg.1 and he will begin Harvey's grammar, Sentence composing and Writing Step by Step.

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Me! If you read this thread, you can see where we are heading:


Homeschool Makeover


We are going to leave our mornings free for self-directed learning,more time in nature, more leisurely library trips, visiting museums, etc. Then, after lunch, when the two year old naps, we will focus on our book work, something like this:


Math: 40 minutes

Grammar, Writing, Spelling: 40 minutes

Latin: 20 minutes

Spanish: 20 minutes

Discussion topic in science, history, current events, music, etc.: 30 minutes


I gave myself an extra 30 minutes per day than I did in my original post, but may alternate the languages.


That's the plan, anyway!

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