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Do You Like Rap?  

  1. 1. Do You Like Rap?

    • Is there any other kind of music?
    • I Can Dig It, Daddy-O
    • Eh - I can listen to anything
    • No - It rattles my nerves and hurts my ears
    • What is it?
    • Other

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A simple "no" is not enough to convey how much I DESPISE rap "music." I cannot stand the music, the words, the sound, much less most of the disgusting lyrics they use in rap music. But even if it was clean rap music, I'd still despise it LOL. It grates on every nerve that I have.

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A simple "no" is not enough to convey how much I DESPISE rap "music." I cannot stand the music, the words, the sound, much less most of the disgusting lyrics they use in rap music. But even if it was clean rap music, I'd still despise it LOL. It grates on every nerve that I have.



I do not allow it in my home or car.

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A simple "no" is not enough to convey how much I DESPISE rap "music." I cannot stand the music, the words, the sound, much less most of the disgusting lyrics they use in rap music. But even if it was clean rap music, I'd still despise it LOL. It grates on every nerve that I have.




As far as I am concerned it isn't even music - just a beat, and generally foul. Blech!

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I despise it personally but have learned to listen to quite a bit of it as it is my ds12's favorite music genre at the moment. My only criteria is that it must be "Christian rap" which does not have the added problem of racist or misogynist words. I do like some rappers better than others. Even with the ones that are a bit more "musical", I've found that rap tends to be a series of "soundbites" that are linked by word or rhythm association. That bothers me in and of itself.

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Ok. I hate rap. I have been informed that it is because I am old. However, I don't buy it because, I may be old - but NOT older than Rap. I can tolerate the occasional tasteful bout of the Spoken Word. In fact, when I was "youngish" Henry Rollins was the Spoken Word Guy (and I used to really dig him at one time). This would have been post Beatnick, but pulling punk/beatnick together. However, now that I am older, even that is hard on my nerves.


It would seem I am in the minority in my view IRL - and not necessarily just with the Young'uns. Therefore, I am very curious at to what the masses of Very Cool People think (at least, that is what I think of you all, IMHO.).

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It's not a common thing around here, but once in awhile, we'll have a car pull up next to us with that booming, vibrating thing going on. You can barely hear the words of the rap over it. My DC are shocked that anyone would do that to their ears on purpose. It offends them, I guess, that we can't even hear each other in our own car because of the noise. And then, they'll say, "Do they even know what they're listening to?" "Can they hear anything at all anymore?" "Why would anyone like that?" It's not always rap, but usually.


Not completely what you're asking about, sorry. :)

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I voted that I can listen to anything.


I can't handle "Gangsta" Rap, profanity laden or mind numbingly repetitive. But there are many Rap or R&B artists songs that I do enjoy. I don't own any CD's or follow the genre closely. But I will admit I do really like some of if for simple "Fun Factor."

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For a long time I hated it. Then I acquired a best friend who loves it more than any other sort of music. After politely subjecting myself to it on numerous road trips, I decided that the reason I hated it so was that I was unused to it. I never listened to rap or r&b when I was a kid. I'm still very very picky about lyrics, but that's true of all music. I'm a lyrics-driven listener. There's some pretty awesome politically sensitive rap music out there, and a lot of fat-positive stuff too.

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I'm not fond of rap music, but it can be fun, and even enjoyable if the lyrics aren't nasty. But I would not choose to listen to it, and there are times I just can't stand to hear it.


While I wanted to put, "I can listen to anything", that isn't really true. There are times I can not stand to listen to certain types of music (rap is not the only kind!).

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A simple "no" is not enough to convey how much I DESPISE rap "music." I cannot stand the music, the words, the sound, much less most of the disgusting lyrics they use in rap music. But even if it was clean rap music, I'd still despise it LOL. It grates on every nerve that I have.



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The only rap I like is the old school fluffy stuff from my teen years, and that was 20+ years ago! Today's rap is hard to listen to, full of obscenities, and too aggressive for my liking. I'm pretty open to many types of music, but I draw the line at a lot of the hip-hop/rap that's out now.

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I'm the strange one who loves rap music. I do love other music, but rap has always been my fav. My all time favorite rappers are 2-Pac and Eminem, plus many of the old school types. It all started with the Sugar HIll Gang's 'Rapper's Delight'. It was so much "fun" to learn the lyrics and try to keep up.

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I'm still very very picky about lyrics, but that's true of all music. I'm a lyrics-driven listener. There's some pretty awesome politically sensitive rap music out there, and a lot of fat-positive stuff too.


:iagree: I like lyrics. To be totally honest there are some non-Christian rap songs that espouse values more Christian than some of the junk that come on Christian radio. Just sayin'.

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I don't like to listen to it at all, but I can appreciate the artistry of some of it. Occasionally I enjoy rap when it is combined with other types of music - we are Linkin Park fans around here. I don't like hearing any racist or extremely vulgar lyrics, but I wouldn't say most of my or dh's preferred music is all too clean or wholesome. (dh is BIG Iron Maiden fan, I like a bit of everything, mostly rock - was a Deadhead in my teens:ohmy:) I do keep an eye on my son's music choices, and I'm shocked at the lyrics my 8 yr old niece goes around singing from the current popular dance and pop songs.

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I won't dismiss any type of music, even though I may choose not to listen to it much- so I voted "other".

I used to really have a negative thing about rap until I was at a folk music festival, and I took my then preteens to the Youth Tent to see what was happening there for young people. There were people rapping on stage and I decided to give them 30 seconds of my time before moving on. I was amazed though, because instead of the usual expletives and often not so healthy messages, what I heard were incredibly creative messages about taking care of the environment and other issues pertaining to today's youth. It wasnt destructive or meaningless- it was deeply meaningful, and this was just the medium they were using. I was very touched and it has stuck in my memory. Nowadays when I hear rap I listen to the words to see where the musician is coming from instead of dismissing them out of hand.

I hear rap integrated with other music a lot nowadays and I actually dont mind it much when its done well. But its not something I choose to listen to unless I am in the car with my teens and something comes on they have deemed a good song and insist they share it with me.

I like to keep an open mind about it all.

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In general, I dislike it... for several reasons, but there are some songs/artists that can transcend an overall not so good genre. I am sorry, but Eminem is a brilliant musician. There is a lot of older rap that is really good. Public Enemy's first album was almost perfect.


However, most of it is really horrible. It has almost zero value. But then again, I think that most top 40 stuff is the same way. Part of what makes it so bad, is that people with barely any musical sense make these songs that sound like 500 other songs that were questionable in the first place, and the lyrics are so ignorant. It needs to go through a renaissance. It won't. It is the clearing house for mediocrity and laziness. I could go over to my 4 track and write a halfway decent rap song in about 15 min. (if I had a good drum machine, and a dj turntable), while drunk, and having a flu. It doesn't take much.....


But to do any actual GOOD song, regardless of the genre, that takes something else.


Luckily, my kids are not, nor will they ever be into, rap music. Famous last words, but no... I'm serious. :) If anything, they would probably end up in that metal phase, which is just as bad to me, but in a different direction. I still think that is many years off... I hope.


but really.... rap is an easy genre to hate.


I hate whole other genres.... "new" country, reggae, top 40, anything along the lines of whiney/beyonce, death metal (although it is funny for me to listen to for a few minutes), barbershop, celtic woman/ thunder/ whatever, girly, quirky singer/songwriter stuff... oh, my nails on a chalkboard music selection goes on forever! :D

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My favorite M.C. is Escher


Weird Al is the only rapper I can get down with, dawg.


:iagree: He is a brilliant musician-not just rap, but all genres he does. My kids even love White and Nerdy. :D As for other rap, it really depends on the lyrics to me. Eminem may be brilliant, as some have put it, but I cannot get past his filthy lyrics. :glare:

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A simple "no" is not enough to convey how much I DESPISE rap "music." I cannot stand the music, the words, the sound, much less most of the disgusting lyrics they use in rap music. But even if it was clean rap music, I'd still despise it LOL. It grates on every nerve that I have.




As far as I am concerned it isn't even music - just a beat, and generally foul. Blech!


I'm sorry but I have a hard time even classifying it as music. It's noise to me. Wow, I sound like my parents. I didn't like it when I was young and I don't like it now.


:iagree: What they said. :glare:

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I do like alot of rap and R&B - the musicality of good rap, the social commentary, the acceptance of female body types. However, I am very liberal, generally do not censor too much, but have decided not to listen tot he local rap/R&B station in the car while the kids are with me, because in one trip I had to explain:


1) 'what an a$$ that could swallow up a g-string' was

2) why a singer would want a girl to 'forget about her boyfriend' 'get all her girlfriends' and 'me (him) at the hotel room'.

3) refer to oneself as a 'freakin' Rican' when one is, in fact, not Puerto Rican, nor a freak, just because one has the same name as the DJ

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A simple "no" is not enough to convey how much I DESPISE rap "music."...


Actually, I should clarify. I appreciate the origins of it, just as I appreciate many other forms of music that I don't care to regularly listen to. What I really dislike is the fact that it has gone mainstream with very vulgar, disrespectful lyrics.


I think that I could have a respect for the artfulness of the form if it weren't so often used to convey despicable messages.


I remember when I thought it was just a passing phase....

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I voted "other" . I have nothing against the style and enjoy some rap songs but I don't care for the rap/gangsta lifestyle, many of the common lyrical themes, and how many of it's fans use it to infringe upon my desire to listen to my own music or the many tax dollars that will have to go to reparing ear damage from the turned up music (though these same answers can apply to rock and roll too -if I were not already biased towards liking it LOL).

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I voted "no it rattles my nerves & hurts my ears". Like Aunt Poll said, it's not the form necessarily - I was dancing to the Beastie Boys a mere 10 years ago, and still have their "albums" (do the young'uns still use that word?). It's what most of it has morphed into that I despise, and the attitude and anti-valules it conveys. I don't like the violence, the objectification of women (in the really vulgar stuff, and I'm not talking about "OMG Becky, Look @ her..." stuff either), the sense of entitlement so great that ends justify means, and the overall narcissistic tone in it. That's the mainstream or gangsta stuff, mind you. I have heard some powerful political messages conveyed via rap, esp. reggae rap (and no, not just the "legalize it" mantra), and appreciate people's plea to be heard when it comes to meaningful stuff like that.

I generally don't listen to it, as I was in the "skater" crowd as a teen and am accustomed to alternative music. The most rap-sounding thing (other than BBoys) I can stand is Lincoln Park, but then I alot of their lyrics are very uplifting so I don't listen to it unless nothing good is on another radio station. Usually I just listen to Vivaldi or Pearl Jam.

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None of us here consider it music. I like songs with a beat like dance music but don't consider rap to be dance music. I am not a lyrics fan but rather listen to the musical aspects of songs. Sometimes the lyrics are part of that but often they are not for me. I focus more on melody, beat, and harmony.


We listen to many, many types of music but rap is not one. One of my dd's biggest problems with her current youth group is the listening to Christian rap and heavy metal. She doesn't like either style and is like me and mostly listening to the music.

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Yet another example of the failure of education, in this nation. The individuals who produce that noise can not spell....they forgot the C that should start the word. :-)


:smilielol5:No kidding! Dh and I were watching the AMAs the other night and were holding our sides laughing at all the...initials...in that genre! Even the artists that had spelled names - well, they just sounded out the initials. :confused:

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Sort of like asking if I like chocolate or orchestral music. I love good dark chocolate and Baroque, not so much cheap chocolate bars and classical.


Rap is like most genres of music, diverse with varying degrees of quality. I've heard some I love and some I despise and lots I'm indifferent to.

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