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What are reading right now with your kids and loving and why?

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I am reading The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew with DS8 and DS5 and love it because the characters in the book are all so good. I wish the world was full of such good people. We will start The Five Little Peppers Midway soon. I hope it's just as good.


I am reading Oliver Twist with DS8 and I just think that Dickens is such a great writer!


I am reading The Golden Bull with DS8 and 5 and think it's really good historical fiction.


I am reading Jesse Bear books with DS3 and love them because he loves them and because he looks like Jesse Bear.

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We are actually reading Five Little Peppers and How They Grew right now, too. DS (almost 8) loves it. I can't stand it. :tongue_smilie: I used to be a copy editor in a former life and the punctuation is killing me! I do love the characters and story line, but cannot get past the writing style to enjoy it.

I can't wait to finish the book to get back to Mary Poppins. (Have read and loved the first two, have the other two in line to read next.)


DH is reading Eldest to DS - another one DS loves.

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Argh! Dickens is only good on screen. Preferably made with the Muppets!!!
Gasp! Dickens is one of my favorite authors!


DD 10yo just finished Gentle Ben and really loved it. She's also finished The Black Stallion and is now devouring all the Walter Farley books.


DD 7yo is re-reading all his Burgess books. He is also reading every Christmas book in the house in some vain attempt to usher in Christmas sooner.


Oh forgot. Current read-alouds are The Buffalo Knife (Dad & DS 7yo) and I hear lots of laughing going on so it must be a hit. DD 10yo and I are reading God King, another great read.

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I love Dickens too :p We're going to start his Christmas stories the last week in November. For right now we've been reading various books on Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims. We're also reading the Hunting of the Snark.


Our last trip to the library, ds and I both needed to pick out biographies (I'm trying to follow TWTM library list for all of us). I picked John Quincy Adams and ds chose Abigail Adams... So, I'm reading about the oldest son and he's reading about the mother :lol:

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Argh! Dickens is only good on screen. Preferably made with the Muppets!!!





That man is one of my favorite authors in all the world!


Right now we are listening to Uncle Tom's Cabin for history. We are loving it because, for me, it is sobering beyond belief, and the dc like it because its so foreign to them that things were ever this way that they can't help but be glued to it.

(However, after some review, I think I should probably read ahead and see how much more devastating it gets because this is my first time with the story, too.)

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The Wind in the Willows.


Oh, I love reading it aloud. The language is a lovely rich treat. This is my third time around reading it out loud. I'm hoping to squeeze it in one more time before they're grown and gone.




Okay, this is next! I haven't read it to my younger three yet. We just finished My Side of the Mountain, which my 11yo ds especially liked.

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Originally Posted by myfunnybunch


Oh, I love reading it aloud. The language is a lovely rich treat. This is my third time around reading it out loud. I'm hoping to squeeze it in one more time before they're grown and gone.




:iagree: Our family LOVES this book!

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To Kill A Mockingbird is our breakfast read.


I love the lyrical style, and the humour.


Just asked the kids and the Girl said that she loves the taste of the south, she can relate to the kids, who do stoopid things just like modern kids do, it's engaging and well-written.


My Boy says he isn't enjoying it much, but might like it better if he read it to himself- that surprised me!

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Dh is reading "Fellowship of the Ring" with the older two at bedtime. It's wonderful of course, and he reads it so very well.


And he's reading "On the Banks of Plum Creek" with our 5 year old. It's their special snuggle time and this dd is so much like Laura. ;)


I'm reading "The Lost Prince" by Frances Hodgson Burnett for our school literature. It's *wonderful*. Especially for boys. Full of heroism and adventure.

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Love, love, love Archimedes and the Door to Science. Am reading it now with a 6th and 7th grader. It's great--combines history, science, and math in a lively biography of the amazing Archimedes. The kids are taking notes as we read for a report. So writing, science, math, and history in one book--and it's fun! (We've read about the math he discovered --for instance, the value for pi, then skipped ahead in our math to work on circumference and area of circles. We read the story about his lever, and then did an experiment with levers.) Very fun.

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All three kids listen together, but each has his or her own read-aloud.

The Moffatts with the youngest

Rascal with the middle

Pinocchio with the oldest


The Moffatts has been making them laugh, such as with the girl getting stuck in a bread box and the boy getting stuck on a freight train. They also like the funny things that Rascal does. Pinocchio is more challenging, but still enjoyable.


We're also listening to Inkspell as an audio book when we drive. 16 CDs! It's due in two days, and we still have 6 to go. I look forward to the next installment anytime we run errands.


Erica in OR

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DD is reading Island of the Blue Dolphins for her DITHOR assignment. She's reading parts aloud to me.


DS doesn't read yet, so he gets a host of picture books - tonight was Cowboy Alphabet.


Together we are about to start Miriam by Beatrice Gormley as I think it will fit in nicely with our Old Testament time period we are studying in history.


Up next we will start a bunch of Christmas books. I have a list and am chomping at the bit for them to come back to the library!

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we (5 and 6 yo) are reading 'House at Pooh Corner' aloud and it has been quite successful and enjoyable. normally my 5 year old will wander around during a read aloud, but he's engrossed in this one.


lately i've been in a cozy state of mind and something about animals living simple lives with very little brain really appeals to me...:tongue_smilie:

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I'm reading 1001 Arabian Nights out loud.


We just finished Half Magic. The boys liked it but not as much as Five Children and It.


Our next book waiting at the library is The Book of Beats by Nesbit and for audio book The Trumpet and the Swan.


Also getting Lentil for 5 yr old and Nate the Great for 8 yr to read himself.

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We are reading Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman. We are at the end of chapter 3 and last night I saw my dh reading the book after the kids were in bed. LOL!


My daughter is reading that right now.


Aloud we are reading The Last Battle and will go right into The Magician's Nephew when we're done.

Also about to start Flame over Tara for our history book.

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We're reading Wet Magic by E. Nesbit. In the middle of my reading last night, my 6 year old boy yelled out, "this is a great book!"


"Normal," everyday kids come upon magic.


It's really nicely done.


I always recommend Trumpet of the Swan -- our very favorite at this point.



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We just finished All of a Kind Family. It was supposed to be a history read-aloud (Biblioplan year 4), but we loved it so much we also read it at night for pleasure reading. It's a family of all girls (until the very end) which appeals to my dds.


Last week we finished Little Women. That one took us awhile to get through. My 6 yo had trouble understanding what was going on sometimes. But again they love hearing about families of girls. They always laughed at Laurie's antics too. We watched the Winona Ryder movie last Friday and really enjoyed that. I think seeing it helped make it a lot more clear to 6 yo.


Up next: The Trumpet of the Swan. Not sure what's next for history, but I think The Little Princess will be coming up soon.

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Great to hear about House of Arden. I bought this at a library bookstore the other day because we love E. Nesbit books and I hadn't heard of this one. Our favorite one so far is The Bastables.


Right now I'm reading dd11 Calico Captive for history. On her own, she's reading The Giver, and various books about European history, mostly WWII related.


DD15 just finished Dandelion Wine and loves it to pieces.


Re: Dickens: The first Dickens novel I read (other than A Christmas Carol, which is essential reading every Christmas) was David Copperfield, which I read aloud a couple of years ago. LOVED IT. I don't know what took me so long.

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We have been going mad with Greek myths as the kids love them and they're great to read to my 6yo and my 4yo together.


We recently read The Secret Garden which they found quite challenging but enjoyed.


I'm trying to decide what to do next for chapter books: ds6 wants the entire Chronicles of Narnia, but I don't think dd4 is ready for them (she managed to follow LWW OK but that one is simpler than some of the others) and I find it hard to get much time to read to them individually.

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My 12yo dd and I are really enjoying Sherlock Holmes lately. We read a couple short stories and are now working our way through The Hound of the Baskervilles. The drama in these stories is hilarious! And dd is finding it all very gripping. It's been a lot of fun.


Ds and I are reading The Wheel on the School. Prior to this we read 21 Balloons, which he absolutely loved. For the latter book, it was really fun seeing how he enjoyed the science/engineering aspects of the book, watching his face as he worked to understand and figure out the various mechanisms in the book.

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I'm trying to decide what to do next for chapter books: ds6 wants the entire Chronicles of Narnia, but I don't think dd4 is ready for them (she managed to follow LWW OK but that one is simpler than some of the others) and I find it hard to get much time to read to them individually.

We made it through 'The Magician's Nephew' and TLWW and my youngest, while not totally into it, managed to pick up quite a bit. I hadn't thought he was really listening at all until I caught him playing with his lego men and calling them Polly and Digory :p

My 12yo dd and I are really enjoying Sherlock Holmes lately. We read a couple short stories and are now working our way through The Hound of the Baskervilles. The drama in these stories is hilarious! And dd is finding it all very gripping. It's been a lot of fun.

I just read through one Holmes book. I'd never read them before and wanted to check it out for ds... uh... then Mom ran off with the book and kept it till it was due :lol: I'm going to check it out again in January, I was really surprised by how compelling the stories were.

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Magic City by E. Nesbit. I had read some of "Five Children and It" with my older child...until we came to the scalping chapter --ack! So I wanted to try again with another Nesbit book, this one sounded like it had potential. There is clearly a Nesbit theme on this thread.


We finished the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and started the second one about the scarecrow and the tin woodman, but haven't quite gotten into it as much.

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