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S/O Cleavage thread: Did anyone's Mom or Grandma keep her money in her

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In 1988, when I was traveling to NY for the first time, my mom forced me to pin a little bag in my bra with all my money. :blush: As soon as the 'fasten your seatbelt' sign went off I ran to the bathroom and took it out. I put it in my front jeans pocket. This was way before the days of baggy pants. I figured if someone was going to pickpocket me that way I would feel it. :D

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My Mom walked to my house last week. We went shopping and as we're getting out of the car she pulls her credit card out of her bra!! She didn't want to take her purse on the walk but knew she'd need to buy some stuff. She wanted me to take it and put it in my purse, I REALLY didn't want to touch my Mom's warm book sweat credit card!!:ack2:

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I wrote this last year about my mom:




There was no one like her. She was a jewel.


That was special. Somedays I miss my mom so much; I can hear her voice, her laugh, see her smile. You know, I'm surprised she didn't keep her money in her bra - she was that kind of lady. But she needed that big purse for all the goodies she always carried around.



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My grandma did! She also kept a hankie tucked in there, too. My sister and I used to crack up over it. :)


Oh geez. Now I'm all grown up, I do it too!


My grandma kept her money in an old tin and kept the tin in her handbag. I guess it was easier to fish out when she got old, but that's what she'd always done.



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My maternal great-grandmother and my paternal grandmother both kept their tissues tucked into the cuff of their sweaters.


Yes, yes! My grandma and my mom did that. You know, I just love elderly people. There are so few elderly people left in my family; makes me sad. That, and the thought that I'm going to be the next elderly person. I'd better start some odd little habits so my children have things to laugh and talk about after I'm gone.



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Shoot! My Mom not did DOES it and so did my grandma.


Now I keep money, my ID, a lipstick, and my cell phone in there. Needless to say . . . I've got an ample bosom.


My son and spouse call it "the vault." :lol:






But, doesn't the ID...poke?

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Shoot! My Mom not did DOES it and so did my grandma.


Now I keep money, my ID, a lipstick, and my cell phone in there. Needless to say . . . I've got an ample bosom.


My son and spouse call it "the vault." :lol:

Lol! That's what we call it too--"the vault". :D

Nobody in my family growing up stored anything in there, but my mil...that's another story! I was positively dumbfounded when I was a young bride and saw mil reach into "the vault" and pull out one of those disposable cameras--I'd never ever seen anyone do such a thing! :001_huh:

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This just brought back a nasty flashback of working at starbucks. Every Saturday a cycling group would come in. They kept their money in their socks. It was damp with man foot sweat. It makes me wretch a little. Blech.


:001_huh: Ick!


I keep my car key in my bra. It's just the one key, and it tucks nicely into place so I don't lose it (which I have a habit of doing). It took my kids awhile to learn not to reach into my bra to retrieve the car key when we were in public - sort of freaked out any strangers who were looking on.


I used to keep my phone in there, too, but my boobs accidentally called a few people so I no longer do that unless it's just for a second to strap a kid into a carseat.

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Shoot! My Mom not did DOES it and so did my grandma.


Now I keep money, my ID, a lipstick, and my cell phone in there. Needless to say . . . I've got an ample bosom.


My son and spouse call it "the vault." :lol:

LOL, I do it too. Only I have a very non-ample bosom which leaves quite a lot of room in my bra for bits and bobs. Lipstick, tissues and money are the main items I stuff in my bra.

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My Mom walked to my house last week. We went shopping and as we're getting out of the car she pulls her credit card out of her bra!! She didn't want to take her purse on the walk but knew she'd need to buy some stuff. She wanted me to take it and put it in my purse, I REALLY didn't want to touch my Mom's warm book sweat credit card!!:ack2:


Considering how heavy purses can be... stuffing some items in a bra doesn't seem like a bad idea? LOL :D


What is the proper etiquette for paying at the cashier if money is in the bra? Does one simply perform a "swoop & grab" in front of everyone in line? :001_huh:

Edited by tex-mex
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What is the proper etiquette for paying at the cashier if money is in the bra? Does one simply perform a "swoop & grab" in front of everyone in line? :001_huh:

The idea is to unobtrusively slip the money out *before* you walk up to the cashier. That way it just looks like you've been holding the money in your hand. It takes a little practice, and it helps if the bra is a "full-coverage" style. ;)

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I used to keep my phone in there, too, but my boobs accidentally called a few people so I no longer do that unless it's just for a second to strap a kid into a carseat.


:lol: Too funny!!


There is no way I could keep much of anything in my bra without getting funny stares from people wondering what the heck was going on in there. :glare:

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:001_huh: Ick!


I keep my car key in my bra. It's just the one key, and it tucks nicely into place so I don't lose it (which I have a habit of doing). It took my kids awhile to learn not to reach into my bra to retrieve the car key when we were in public - sort of freaked out any strangers who were looking on.


I used to keep my phone in there, too, but my boobs accidentally called a few people so I no longer do that unless it's just for a second to strap a kid into a carseat.


AWESOME!! :lol:





I wrote this last year about my mom:




There was no one like her. She was a jewel.


That is beautiful. "she smelled like freckles" Love that! What do freckles smell like??


To the OP, I used to work in a fragrance store in the mall while I was a student in college and the owners had a HUGE (MASSIVELY HUGE) Brazilian flag that they hung from the celing in the middle of the store so that anybody walking by could see it clear as day. The owners were not Brazilian (Americans both actually) and apparently they had done some research and discovered that the Brazilians spend a lot of money on perfume or something. We used to get TONS of Brazilian customers in the store and they did buy a lot of perfume and when it was time to pay..... into the bras they would dig pulling out change purses, wallets, passports, traveller's checks, I've even seen a few of them take their shirts clean off to get to their bras better. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Gotta love Brazilians!! Some of the coolest people on the planet! Joya! :)

Edited by Ibbygirl
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You guys are SERIOUS????


No female of any generation I know of in my family would have ever, ever done that! One grandmother would have disinherited you for it--the other would have gone Southern lady on you until you gave up and stopped. Great-grandmothers--that times ten.





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my grandmother put her hankies there all the time. I have occasionally, when I have a dress with no pockets. but Unfortunately I don't have enough filling in my bra, and the hankies sort of get lost. :001_rolleyes:ant then I have to dig around looking for it ( the hankie):eek:. I now keep the hankies in my handbag.:lol:

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That was special. Somedays I miss my mom so much; I can hear her voice, her laugh, see her smile. You know, I'm surprised she didn't keep her money in her bra - she was that kind of lady. But she needed that big purse for all the goodies she always carried around.




Thank you. I know what you mean about hearing/seeing your mom. I get very strong viseral (is that the word I want?) memories of my mom. It's like she is there, just for a split second, so strongly. I don't know how to explain it.

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What an absolute treasure, those memories!

So, her 71st birthday just passed. You must think of her even more often this time of year.




Thank you.


I do. September is a bittersweet time. It is my mom's birthmonth and both my boys' birthmonth, too.


This Sept. my oldest boy started high school so I was pretty emotional.


The funny thing is my dad's birthday is in Feb. and so is my dd's. My dad would have been 80 in 2009 but he died when he was 56.

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AWESOME!! :lol:







That is beautiful. "she smelled like freckles" Love that! What do freckles smell like??


To the OP, I used to work in a fragrance store in the mall while I was a student in college and the owners had a HUGE (MASSIVELY HUGE) Brazilian flag that they hung from the celing in the middle of the store so that anybody walking by could see it clear as day. The owners were not Brazilian (Americans both actually) and apparently they had done some research and discovered that the Brazilians spend a lot of money on perfume or something. We used to get TONS of Brazilian customers in the store and they did buy a lot of perfume and when it was time to pay..... into the bras they would dig pulling out change purses, wallets, passports, traveller's checks, I've even seen a few of them take their shirts clean off to get to their bras better. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Gotta love Brazilians!! Some of the coolest people on the planet! Joya! :)


I started saying she smelled like freckles when I was little...probably during that stage when kids are stretching their vocabularies and trying to find the "right" word but failing. :lol:


So I started saying she smelled like freckles and it stuck. It was her smell.


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Uhm...I have done this on occasion *blush* usually in regards to either not having a pocket and walking or using public transport through areas that were known for issues. And put your debit card in your tennis shoe.



(Great, now I'm going to be "that grandma" one day :lol: )

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I stash a lot of stuff in there. One day I lost my cell phone and couldn't find it anywhere. Finally I asked my husband to call my cell number so I could follow the ring tone. He laughed off and on for weeks after the trilling sound was emitted from my blouse.


Usually I just tuck things in those sturdy elastic straps up near the shoulder. I wouldn't do it if women's fashions had more pockets!

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:001_huh: Ick!


I keep my car key in my bra. It's just the one key, and it tucks nicely into place so I don't lose it (which I have a habit of doing). It took my kids awhile to learn not to reach into my bra to retrieve the car key when we were in public - sort of freaked out any strangers who were looking on.


I used to keep my phone in there, too, but my boobs accidentally called a few people so I no longer do that unless it's just for a second to strap a kid into a carseat.



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I started saying she smelled like freckles when I was little...probably during that stage when kids are stretching their vocabularies and trying to find the "right" word but failing. :lol:


So I started saying she smelled like freckles and it stuck. It was her smell.



That is gorgeous!! It makes me want to cry though because my mother is my only parent and she chose to move 800 miles away to another state when she retired from working. I have 2 Autistic kids making travel very difficult and so I don't get up there as much as I would like to and she only comes down here in the winter. My kids only see their "gramma" 3 times a year for about 4-5 days at a time. I feel like time is so short and I wish my mom were here still, but she wanted to be in mountains. I respect her decision, I mean it's her life she can do what she wants, but I do miss her so much and my kids hardly know her and she is their only grandparent really (fil is only parent of my dh's still alive and lives in another country and rarely visits). I don't even remember what my mom smells like anymore. :(

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I stick my phone in my bra regularly. I'm very well endowed and figure if I've got to carry them around they might as well be useful. :)

My dad worked at a grocery store in a rough part of town where carrying money in a bra was the norm not the exception. He started wearing rubber gloves when he was cashiering. LOL Really.

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My Grandma used to carry tons of stuff in her bra. She would have money in a hankie and another hankie for her jewelery and then some tissues too. She was so funny. I always figured she must have bought her bras a whole size bigger for all her stuff. One of my warmest childhood memories was receiving warm quarters from my grandma's bra for candy or ice cream. Thanks for the memory.

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That is gorgeous!! It makes me want to cry though because my mother is my only parent and she chose to move 800 miles away to another state when she retired from working. I have 2 Autistic kids making travel very difficult and so I don't get up there as much as I would like to and she only comes down here in the winter. My kids only see their "gramma" 3 times a year for about 4-5 days at a time. I feel like time is so short and I wish my mom were here still, but she wanted to be in mountains. I respect her decision, I mean it's her life she can do what she wants, but I do miss her so much and my kids hardly know her and she is their only grandparent really (fil is only parent of my dh's still alive and lives in another country and rarely visits). I don't even remember what my mom smells like anymore. :(



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My Grandma used to carry tons of stuff in her bra. She would have money in a hankie and another hankie for her jewelery and then some tissues too. She was so funny. I always figured she must have bought her bras a whole size bigger for all her stuff. One of my warmest childhood memories was receiving warm quarters from my grandma's bra for candy or ice cream. Thanks for the memory.


warm grandma quarters! so sweet!

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