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What's the cutest thing your dc says that you won't correct?

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swamwich for sandwich

"gee" for blanket (derived from blankey)

nookie for pacifier

crab sprinkles for Old Bay seasoning (b/c we usually see it on crabs and b/c of the picture of the crab on it)



My oldest son has the cutest little voice that he uses to "talk" for our baby boy (16 mos. old). He "translates" the baby talk into real people talk. His favorite expression for Jesse is "How are you doozing?" and "Heeber Thnabbers" (which can be a noun, verb, adj. or adverb!). So, we all now say "how are you doozing" instead of "doing". I know, silly...sort of a "have to be there" thing.

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When dd was little, she would say keep yourself good instead of be good. We still say that sometimes, as in, "I expect you to keep yourself good when you go shopping with Grandma this afternoon."


Once when we were out at the grocery store, I was in a particularly generous mood and dd received several items that she had requested. I pointed out to her that she had made out like a bandit that day, to which she replied, "You are so right, Mommy. I sure made out like a bandaid."

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My now 5yo started talking early, but had trouble with consonant blends. We have a friend named Clayton - big huge guy. She called him 'Kitten' for years, it was adorable. :lol:


She also called videos 'big-eos', which has now made its way into our regular vocabulary, although she's been saying it normally for ages.


Tim Hortons (coffee shop), she always called 'Tim Portons', which sounded very similar to 'importance'. We, uh, drink a LOT of coffee. I also refused to correct her when she used to refer to her uncle (Tim) as 'Uncle Tim Portons', because it cracked me up.


Oh! And she used to call any plant growing with the support of a wire cage a 'crib plant'! It took me ages to figure out what she was talking about, but I thought it was an awesome description. :D

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These are soooo funny!!! Here's a few of ours:


Wasserfaht - for the humidifier - because you fill it up at the 'water faucet'.


Hoggit - for hotdog


mo-mo - for morning - "goodnight, see you in the mo-mo"


old nellies - for unpopped popcorn kernals - she couldn't remember the word 'old maids' :)

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The cutest thing I would not correct was said by a little girl I used to babysit. She was only 2 and whenever she wanted to do something by herself she would say, "Let me do it by my lone." I just loved it coming out of that cute little person! What a nice thread, I needed to remember that piece of cuteness!:)

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My youngest has lingering remnants of verbal apraxia even thought it's mostly been remediated.


For the longest time, she said hostipal. It took 2-3 years to fix that one. People used to get her to say it just because it was funny to hear it.


One day last week, she said, "My brain knows what to say but my tongue doesn't want to say it."


Yesterday, she said pork chop, then "corrected" herself to say chop pork.


She talks with such enthusiasm and passion that you have to laugh at the things she says, but typing it out makes me want to cry. It's cute now, but at what age will people stop thinking it's cute and think she's just dumb, even though she's not?

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"Strawbelly" for strawberry.

(ds said this when he was 3. we still call them that.)

"Sucreme" for supreme pizza

(dd6 says this now and we never correct her.)

"Taco Banana" for Taco Cabana

(ds8 said that when he was 4. we still call it that.)

"Home Diepo" for Home Depot

(same as above. we still call it that.)

"Papa Jones" pizza

(for Papa John's pizza)

"AGB" for HEB grocery store (ds said this when he was 3)


I love remembering. I know there are others that I have forgotten and that makes me sad. I should have written them down.

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Ds3 is at a cute stage in his language. He says things like 'I already wented potty, mommy', instead of went.


I know I should correct him every time, so that he doesn't have bad grammar. But some day, I'll miss the 'I wented potty', now won't I. :)



Nahhh, I don't think he'll have bad grammar. I think so long as you don't revert to TALKING to him like that, he'll pick up on the proper grammar that you model every day when he's ready......after all, I bet all of our parents could tell cute stories like these....but I can't think of any adults that "wented" anywhere.


Enjoy it while you can! THey grow up way to fast.


I think the only two "cuteisms" that stuck in my house are "Melmo" and "Mee Mee". Melmo is the cute little red monster on Sesame Street....the rest of the world calls him Elmo, but not us. And Mee-Mee is what my kids have all called me.....started of course with the eldest, who now is a teen and still calls me that when outsiders aren't around, lol.....and of course all the other kids picked up on it because their siblings called Mommy Mee-Mee. Of course, when they're all chanting it at you it's not so cute and in fact annoying....but I think underneath it all I love having a nickname that they continue to use for me. DH has always been Dad or Daddy....so there! :lol:

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"hiccup trucks" instead of "pick-up trucks" I miss those days!



Hmmm...reminds me of my brother, ten years younger than I am.....couldn't seem to say "tr" instead said "f". Yeah, walking down the street with him when a semi drove by was embarassing! "look sissy a f...."


Remember that I"m old so that means when I was a teen this word was simply not said. I didn't even know that it was a bad word until my best friend's college brother had to tell me. :001_huh:

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Oh! I remembered another....sorta. Does anyone remember PB & J Otter on Disney Channel? My dd loved that show and they did the "Noodle Dance" when it was necessary to "Use your noodle" to solve a problem. It went like this:



Use your noodle,


Do the noodle dance!


One evening after bath time my towel wrapped dd ran into the living room, dropped her towel and sang:



My buns are nakey,


Do the nakey dance!


This was accompanied by much shaking, gyrating & jumping, and a curtsy when she was finished.


And my sweet dh cannot seem to manage the phrase "I'd like to have you know..." instead he says "I have to like you know..." everytime, so we all say it that way.


This stuff cracks me up,

Amber in SJ

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My favorite by far is "TOALLY LIQUID!" This is what my youngest would scream when he was excited. It took us forever to realize it was from The Incredibles. The little boy at that end that yells, "That was totally wicked!"


Here's some more...


eyeflies for butterfly kisses

front froom for our front room

weekand... for weekend (like there's something more the week and...)


There's lots more but those are the ones I can think of for now.

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These have all been so much fun to read!


When Ethan was a toddler he insisited that blankets were called towels. I tried correcting him but eventually gave up. We still ALL call blankets "towels" My mom, sister, and best friend all even say towel if they are talking to me or the kids.


My favorite from Tyler was lellow pa-cuter (yellow computer) I have no idea why he ever said this as we have never had a yellow computer. I still sometimes ask him to say yellow computer. Even though he pronounces both words correctly now, he will say lellow pa-cuter for me! :D


His most resent one is whenever the UPS truck drives by he shouts "Look, it's the SPD all you need to know truck!"


Dylan's funniest word is ba-dic-u-us (ridiculous)


The other thing he does is correct us if we call him a pet name. As in, "I'm not a honey, I'm a Dylan" "I'm not a sweetie, I'm a Dylan" etc.


Katie isn't talking yet but, after reading this thread, I'm even more excited for hers!

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Oh! I remembered another....sorta. Does anyone remember PB & J Otter on Disney Channel? My dd loved that show and they did the "Noodle Dance" when it was necessary to "Use your noodle" to solve a problem. It went like this:



Use your noodle,


Do the noodle dance!


One evening after bath time my towel wrapped dd ran into the living room, dropped her towel and sang:



My buns are nakey,


Do the nakey dance!


This was accompanied by much shaking, gyrating & jumping, and a curtsy when she was finished.


And my sweet dh cannot seem to manage the phrase "I'd like to have you know..." instead he says "I have to like you know..." everytime, so we all say it that way.


This stuff cracks me up,

Amber in SJ



LOL that's cute! English is my husband's second language and he says "mouse" for "mouth" all.the.time. He'll look at me after leaving a restaurant and ask, "Do I have anything on my mouse?" It cracks me up everytime. :p hehe

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Dylan's funniest word is ba-dic-u-us (ridiculous)




DD5 says "rus-tic-uh-lus" for ridiculous :)


And I can't believe I forgot my all-time favorite: Carla Deenie's -- so what do you think THAT is?? "Mommy, it's the cute star restaurant!": Carl's Jr.! :thumbup1: That one took us a looooong time to figure out.

Edited by BikeBookBread
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All my kids called their favorite blankets "mankies."


My youngest called onions "younguns" and it has stuck, as in "is their younguns in this soup?" We all do it now.


My third ds called cole slaw "cold slop."


My oldest called his guitar, which was his favorite toy, his "bong-bong."

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The other thing he does is correct us if we call him a pet name. As in, "I'm not a honey, I'm a Dylan" "I'm not a sweetie, I'm a Dylan" etc.



This is too funny because my 2 1/2 year old does this to me now! (No momma, I'm Da-wid")


He'll also say "I wanna watch Thomas much much more!"

He's obsessed with Thomas trains...and instead of saying color names he tells us what train is that color. For example, if we show him a red crayon and say "what color is this?" he answers "James!"


And Pea butter (for peanut butter.)


And "I have 2 fums" (thumbs!)


DD used to ask for "chip chip" on everything! (ketchup!) Our oldest ds still asks her if she wants chip chip on her sandwich.


Our oldest called crackers "goggins" when he was a toddler (don't really know why) and we still use that one today.

Edited by momtolgd
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These are all so funny.


My kids have merged underarms and armpits and call them "underpits".


When ds2 was 2, he would say, "No eeder", for "Know either" and it meant "I don't know".


In ds1's preschool, they would pull poems out of a box, read them, then hang them on the Poet-tree. He called poems "pull-ems" until just recently, I think because they pulled-em out of the box. :001_smile:

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My dd4 calls my bra a breastlet. Like a bracelet for my midsection.

We still call ketchup "chep" and cheese puffs are "corn-corns" (derived from "corn kernals" which was my little sister's cute word for cheese puffs. It is second generation cute-ism.) Oh, and syrup is "serve."


Your bra comment made me think of my ds when he was 2 and my dd was born, I used the breast pump and he called it "Mommy's machine". :)

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These are cracking me up! I'm sitting here reading them to my dh and he is cracking up.


My oldest had a beta fish named Fred when she was three. When he died, she said, "Mommy, Fred's petals aren't moving anymore." I still call fins petals. That was so cute!!


My middle one didn't clean her room, she "clunned" it. You know, clean, clain, clun. Like swim, swam, swum. :)


My little one doesn't do beginning "s" blends for some reason. So she didn't swim, she wim, not slide, but lide. Those always make me giggle.

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I wish I could remember more of these.


DD (5) used to call oatmeal "opi-meal." I still use it sometimes.


DD (1.5) has lots of cute ones now. Here are a few:

"dah-bees" are strawberries

"boo-bees" are blueberries

all dogs are"Emma" (our dogs name), although she also calls them dogs

"owie stickers" is her new word for band-aids (this one is my favorite)

"ah-key eye" was how she first said Uncle Alan

"O-wah" is Owen

"Bih" is Elizabeth

"Peek you" is peek-a-boo

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dd 5 says "demember" instead of "remember".


Both girls like to play the Lego video games with Dh. The first one he bought was the Star Wars version. In these games you can "smack" people, instead of shooting them. The girls have renamed them. They ask if they can play "Smack People" with daddy. At Disneyland we went into the Lego store. They have life size Star Wars Lego people there. When we entered, my girls declared on the top of their lungs "Look Daddy Smack People!". Since they haven't seen the movies; anything they see that is Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or Batman, is "Smack People". Boy will they be shocked when they realize the movies came first. :D

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When dd was 2 or 3 she said "scoopsy" instead of "excuse me". She doesn't say it anymore, but I do.:D


Instead of refrigerator she says furigerator. I love it.


Speaking of furigerators, my older brother called it a "fritter's fritter". That is what I still call it to this day. :tongue_smilie:

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We enjoy our 2 1/2 year old's language.


Dar - translates to "girl" and is what he calls DD9

Baby Dar - what he calls DD0 (he also calls her "My Precious Baby Dar")

Brother - what he calls DS7

Bee Brother - translates to "big brother" and is what he calls himself


My poor oldest child. One brother called her "geeka" because he couldn't pronounce M's and now her other brother calls her "dar".


How why - butterfly

ummy milk or ummy water - what he wants to drink

apple orange - apple juice (he can say juice but won't when referring to apple juice)

poo cry - Shrek 3

hoosh - shoes

hocks - socks

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My son referred to eyebrows as "streamers." I was so sad when he learned the real (and much more mundane) word for them.


He also used to run out of the bathroom after a bath, stark naked, and say (very sincerely), "Look how clean I am!" He felt so clean that he was sure we could see it.


Aw, I miss my baby.



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I forgot to add one...My then 3 year old was out somewhere with this Grandmother when he happily exclaimed, "Look! There's a hooker!" Well, you can imagine she was a little horrified as she looked around for one but he was referring to crane on a construction site.

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