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Kidnap Victim Found

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Well, this article leave more questions than it answers. She was kidnapped 18 years ago when she was 11? So she is 39 now? And she just came forward? The kidnapper walked into the police station with her and turned himself in? And there are two other children that are his but the mother is unknown? Is it possible that she is the mother and that is why she hasn't come forward? The whole case is just confusing if you ask me. :confused: I can see a book coming though. I have no idea what the poor girl is been through but I hope that the mother and step father are thought of as well.

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This is heartbreaking:


Dugard's stepfather, Carl Probyn, 60, said he was overwhelmed by the news that Dugard was alive. He said for years he had done everything he could to help find her, especially because he knew suspicion had fallen on him.


"It broke my marriage up. I've gone through hell, I mean I'm a suspect up until yesterday," he told The Associated Press at his home in Orange, Calif...


Probyn said his wife, from whom he is separated, was devastated by the kidnapping. He said for 10 years after the crime, she would take a week off work at Christmas and on the anniversary of the abduction and spend the time crying at home.

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Well, this article leave more questions than it answers. She was kidnapped 18 years ago when she was 11? So she is 39 now? And she just came forward? The kidnapper walked into the police station with her and turned himself in? And there are two other children that are his but the mother is unknown? Is it possible that she is the mother and that is why she hasn't come forward? The whole case is just confusing if you ask me. :confused: I can see a book coming though. I have no idea what the poor girl is been through but I hope that the mother and step father are thought of as well.




Stockholm syndrome?

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My guess about why she didn't come forward, was that for her to come forward would mean that the abductors would go to jail. As someone else mentioned Stockholm syndrome,or just time spent with her kidnappers suggests that she could have ended up with a viable relationship with the perpetrators. Then she would be in a quandary of the kidnappers going to jail vs. just allowing people who assumed she was dead...to continue believing it. She also would know that she wouldn't be able to just walk away from this if she reported it. It would absolutely turn her world upside down. Much like a rape victim goes through when they report their ordeal to the police...I have heard people say that the process of reporting/testifying can be as hard as the original ordeal. They ultimately do it because they need to for various reasons, including getting the perpetrator punished, but it comes at a very, very high emotional cost.


There are typically physical threats involved in kidnapping and she may have really thought her life or her bio-families lives would be in danger.



I am glad that she was able to come forward and wish her the best.

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The report I just read said that she was kept in a compound in the backyard. That doesn't sound like she would have been able to walk away.


Then they reported that she is 'alive and well.' Hmm...grateful to hear she is alive, but if you've been imprisoned & abused for twenty years, I'm not so sure that 'well' is what I'd describe it. Poor girl...


Of course, I'm happy for her family--I can't imagine how much joy they feel at finding her again after all of these years...but I feel much heartache for what she's been through (not to mention how it affected her family!).

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One article I read said she and her daughters were kept in a tarp and shed-made compound only feet from neighbor's homes...yet she could never yell for help?:001_huh: There had to be a time between when she was first abducted and any emotional bond formed with her kidnappers that she would have wanted help. I'm interested in hearing the rest of the story as it unfolds.

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After reading what she has been through over the past 18 years, I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off being used for a day or two and then killed. I mean, seriously, can she EVER be really reunited with her family and everything be Norman Rockwell-ish? Add to that the guilt she will probably feel over her parents divorce and the heartache her family suffered. I know it sounds harsh, but she's already lived through 18 years of hell, and honestly, this will not end it, magically, like the press is making it out.

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After reading what she has been through over the past 18 years, I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off being used for a day or two and then killed. I mean, seriously, can she EVER be really reunited with her family and everything be Norman Rockwell-ish? Add to that the guilt she will probably feel over her parents divorce and the heartache her family suffered. I know it sounds harsh, but she's already lived through 18 years of hell, and honestly, this will not end it, magically, like the press is making it out.


I agree. I'm sure her family is relieved and it's a miracle she is still alive but it will require a lot of time and healing.

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One article I read said she and her daughters were kept in a tarp and shed-made compound only feet from neighbor's homes...yet she could never yell for help?:001_huh: There had to be a time between when she was first abducted and any emotional bond formed with her kidnappers that she would have wanted help. I'm interested in hearing the rest of the story as it unfolds.


Yeah, there probably was a time after she was first abducted...and she was probably raped, beaten, starved, threatened & told lies about her family & what would happen to her family...


And all this was probably done over & over until she complied...:crying::crying::crying:

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After reading what she has been through over the past 18 years, I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off being used for a day or two and then killed. I mean, seriously, can she EVER be really reunited with her family and everything be Norman Rockwell-ish? Add to that the guilt she will probably feel over her parents divorce and the heartache her family suffered. I know it sounds harsh, but she's already lived through 18 years of hell, and honestly, this will not end it, magically, like the press is making it out.



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After reading what she has been through over the past 18 years, I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off being used for a day or two and then killed. I mean, seriously, can she EVER be really reunited with her family and everything be Norman Rockwell-ish? Add to that the guilt she will probably feel over her parents divorce and the heartache her family suffered. I know it sounds harsh, but she's already lived through 18 years of hell, and honestly, this will not end it, magically, like the press is making it out.


I know it won't be easy, but at least it's possible that at some point she will start to have a normal life again. I certainly hope so.

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It is so sad to hear of such horrific treatment of this young woman... and her children. It is such a wonderful thing that it has come to an end. I just hope it can bring some healing to all of their hearts and that they can find a way to get to know each other again. I can't imagine how difficult it will be... but I hope it brings love & joy to the family.


I also hope it gives hope to others who have missing children or loved ones.


I hope he gets swift & just punishment!

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What's odd to me is that the neighbors didn't notice the compound in the guy's backyard.


Although the idea that he was keeping a kidnap victim there would probably be pretty far down on the list of reasons they would come up with.


I imagine she was tortured and brainwashed as a child, and kept confined for a long time. I imagine even as a 29 year old that she didn't have tons of freedom. I imagine threats were made and consequences given for more minor disobedience. I imagine her children were threatened. I imagine she was told lies that she would be prosecuted and that her parents were glad she was gone, that they would hate her.


Lot of trauma there. Poor girl. And poor little ones, who I'm guessing were also abused and threatened.


Just monstrous.

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So that they don't get caught being bad people.


My question is why they choose to come forward now. It's not like she escaped or the police tracked her down, the kidnapper walked with her into a police station. Strange.


I read that he told his parole officer about the kidnapping a few days or so before he surrendered. Also, the girl's mom was notified before the surrender, so I assume the parole officer notified the police and they were investigating before making an arrest.

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Clearly there are conflicting stories being reported. It sounds as though he "found religion" and he was on the campus of UC Berkeley to distribute materials when he seemed suspicious and was questioned. So did he surrender or did they just catch him accidentally?


The whole thing is absolutely horrific and I am sick tonight. That girl needs our prayers.

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I have to wonder where the resources will come from to get this young woman and her children into counseling. It's hard for me to imagine any kind of life the even approaches "normal" without intensive, long term treatment.


I keep thinking, if that 15 yo is her daughter, that means she gave birth at 14. For some reason, that detail is hitting me hard in all the horror. Also, one article said they'd never been to school or seen a doctor. Does that mean she went through two pregnancies and deliveries... where? How? The whole thing makes me sick.

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I am so glad she has been found. WHat a terrible thing to go through. As for her not escaping/telling sooner, I wonder if in addition to what other posters have given as possibilities, she was threatened with the loss of her children. Maybe those monsters told them that if she told, she would be blamed and her kids would be taken away from her and/or they would be returned to their "father" and she was scared about that.


To think she had the first at 14 after going through 3 years of captivity with those monsters it wouldn't have taken much to have her believe lies like those.


She and her kids will be needing therapy for years to come to have a chance at anything resembling a normal life.


I am interested in seeing this story unfold further, my morbid curiosity if piqued for sure.

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his wife HELPED him kidnap and hide her all these years. Perhaps she was abused, too, but I cannot CANNOT understand how ANYONE could HELP someone carry this out.


Too awful for words.


But, I am optimistic, and think that now matter what she and those young girls have experienced, there NOW is hope for a bright future. With lots and lots of help, therapy, and support, of course.

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his wife HELPED him kidnap and hide her all these years. Perhaps she was abused, too, but I cannot CANNOT understand how ANYONE could HELP someone carry this out.


Too awful for words.


But, I am optimistic, and think that now matter what she and those young girls have experienced, there NOW is hope for a bright future. With lots and lots of help, therapy, and support, of course.


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The thing that I wish for is that the media packs up and leaves her alone! They never put the individuals' best interest ahead of an interview or story! She has enough to deal with and hopefully there will be some type of support around her to help her and her girls have a chance at a new life together. It's such a sad story and also scary as with the overcrowding in prisons, my husband tells me there is talk of releasing inmates which could potentially lead to other incidents occurring!! that's scary to me as we live about 30 miles north of a prison in southern Illinois that has a high population of sexual predators!

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He thinks we're going to find his story heartwarming.



Garrido told NBC station KCRA of Sacramento in a telephone interview Thursday from jail that he has turned his life around. "Wait until you hear the story of what took place at this house," he said. "You are going to be completely impressed. It's a disgusting thing that took place with me at the beginning. But I turned my life completely around and to be able to understand that, you have to start there."

He added: "If you take this a step at a time you're going to fall over backwards and in the end, you're going to find the most powerful heart-warming story."


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his wife HELPED him kidnap and hide her all these years. Perhaps she was abused, too, but I cannot CANNOT understand how ANYONE could HELP someone carry this out.


Too awful for words.


But, I am optimistic, and think that now matter what she and those young girls have experienced, there NOW is hope for a bright future. With lots and lots of help, therapy, and support, of course.


Boy, when I read that his wife lived in the house & knew all that was in her back yard... I was furious. She needs to be put UNDER the jail right along with him. She had liberty & exposure to the outside world. She has NO excuse for this wicked perverted evil. Usually we assume the women are victims, but she may have been enjoying it in some sick way herself. We are seeing more & more women being predators in our society... awful.


The news covered a missing couple found recently. 4 people are being looked at in their death/rape... one was a female.


It is sick stuff. I hope they get tough on these people and not let them think of 1000 reasons to list as why they did it. Excuses shouldn't cut it in these cases. So sad.

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Dugard left for school the morning of June 10, 1991, dressed all in pink and stood at the bus stop two blocks from her house. As her stepfather watched from the driveway, a gray car with two people inside pulled up, grabbed the child and sped away, according to witnesses.

In media reports at the time, the girl's stepfather said he heard Jaycee scream then jumped on a bicycle and frantically pedaled after the car in a failed effort to follow it up a hill. He then turned around and shouted at neighbors to call the police.


The part in blue just makes me beyond sad and cry. What a nightmare to see it happen and then try to catch them and fail. That's one of your worst fears as a parent. I couldn't live with myself seeing that replayed over and over in my mind and then not knowing what was happening to her. (even though you know what is probably happening to her and that is even more infuriating!) I would go crazy! I'm so glad this is over for her and her daughters. I hope and pray she can live as normal a life as possible at some point. At least her little girls won't have to endure what she had to endure for years. They'll have the freedom that was stolen from her childhood, although I'm sure their innocence was taken too. Such a sad story, but one that has hope now.

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Even sadder is the way the step-father was looked at by his wife and others as a suspect... even though the car was seen by witnesses. I can almost hear the pain in his account & in his interviews about her being found. He has a huge burden lifted from his shoulders. I hope the family will let him see her also. I can't imagine what he, her mom, and the poor girl have suffered.


The perp says he turned his life around 15 years ago at the birth of his first child. I want to throw up. Turned it around? Still got a kid held captive in the back yard, living in tents/primitive quarters.... still raping her..... and even have another child with her? TURNED AROUND? Utter evil nonsense.


Sadly, neighbors had suspicions but didn't get involved. AND... even his probation officer had been on the property. Guess they don't look around much... just check the boxes and go. This guy had several rapes & charges in his past. He was bad news. His wife is just as bad b/c she helped for all those years.... pathetic.

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There is a slideshow on the MSN website.


One of the pictures shows a view of this nut job's backyard from the neighbor's backyard.


I may be an uppity suburban gal, but NO WAY would I think anything about that guys back yard looked normal. Aren't there city ordinances about nuisances or some other law that prevents a person from having a compound in an urban backyard? Shame on those neighbors for not repeatedly reporting suspicious activity. I really can't imagine one of my neighbors having a back yard like that and not getting reported repeatedly. Seriously. Eighteen years and no one intervened? I don't get it. At all.


We had one shutter fall off one of the buildings in our condo complex and the city sent a letter demanding it be fixed because it was a community eyesore. Is the culture in CA that much different that people really just mind their own business no matter what??

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From the article I read this morning, they made it sound like you could wander around the back yard and not know... That seems bizarre to me, I mean there's three people living in a series of sheds, tents, and tarps, but you couldn't tell?


I think I'm going to wait until the whole thing is out, though. I wondered at her appearance at 29 yesterday, only to find she was held captive until then... I feel bad for having even sort of kind of started to judge her, so now, I'm mum till the whole shebang comes out.

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Reading the bit about how the thing that stole Jaycee thinks that this story will be 'heartwarming'...well, I'll be honest. I threw up in my mouth.


I know! I thought to myself is he mentally ill? No, he's sociopathically narcissistic. Really, this is all about him. It always has been. He's a monster.

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well the 29 yo has been a sex slave since she was 11, she probably became pregnant after starting her first menses


I would guess that she was allowed to keep the 2 female births. I would also guess that male babies were not allowed.


I would also guess that the 2 daughters also became sex slaves.


I saw some interview by a couple of neighbors that calls were made to the police.


One neighbor saw little girls with only grown men in the back yard no adult women. She t hough that was strange and called the cops.


Another neighbor said the fence around the yard was topped with nail spikes.


This man and his wife are sick and I would guess there are probably more sick adults that have used this women during her life in the back yard prison

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It honestly sounds to me like the kidnapper has some serious mental illness. Beyond the narcissism and evil. The rambling and not making sense and hiring a private investigator to determine if he can create sound with his mind....... I'm not sure how in touch he is with reality.


I thought I read somewhere that the neighbors knew he was a sex offender and that there were children living there and that it had been reported to police at least twice but the police did not investigate.


I'm sure the neighbors are going through hellish guilt right now.


His wife....well, as for her helping him. It's possible that she just got something out of it. But she also might have been threatened and abused and afraid herself.

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After reading what she has been through over the past 18 years, I can't help but wonder if she would have been better off being used for a day or two and then killed. I mean, seriously, can she EVER be really reunited with her family and everything be Norman Rockwell-ish? Add to that the guilt she will probably feel over her parents divorce and the heartache her family suffered. I know it sounds harsh, but she's already lived through 18 years of hell, and honestly, this will not end it, magically, like the press is making it out.


I do think that her life will never be "normal" but I can not imagine having such little respect for human life that I would think it better for someone to be killed. She does have a chance now to change things. She has a chance to be free. Granted, she will need a LOT of counseling. She will most likely never be able to trust people. But to say that she would be better off dead? That just seems harsh.

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I do think that her life will never be "normal" but I can not imagine having such little respect for human life that I would think it better for someone to be killed. She does have a chance now to change things. She has a chance to be free. Granted, she will need a LOT of counseling. She will most likely never be able to trust people. But to say that she would be better off dead? That just seems harsh.


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