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In one sentence or less . . .

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EAT EAT EAT MORE... pump that metabolism by eating waaaay more fresh fruits and fresh veggies!




think of a food pyramid with the fruits and veggies on the low level (most consumed), lean protein on middle level and fats (only GOOD fats) on the high level, which is consumed least.


and exercise.

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Exercise and don't skip meals.



The brushing teeth often one has been really working for me this last month! I had some dental work done 5 weeks ago and boy oh boy do I limit what I eat so that I don't have to brush more than three times a day.

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I am a soda drinker, but if I make iced tea instead, I enjoy it just as much. So, I try to make iced tea every morning and that keeps me out of the soda.


During the winter...it is hot tea.





For my body, if I have toast (natural 100% wholegrain/seeded with only homemade jam -no butter) and an apple for breakfast, I slowly loose weight without doing anything else. Don't know what it is about that combination that works for me...but it does.


If I get hungry at night, I have toast and OJ.

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Eat fewer calories than you do now.


After many different "methods" and "programs," this is the secret I have found. :D




This is the only thing that works for me. I can't stand not being able to eat what I like, but I can choose a lower calorie version of something I want.

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I did go to a doctor for the first 6 weeks and I did take a prescription med for the first 28 lbs.... (This was important for me because I was able to clearly clearly identify the everyday stressful situations that I would respond to by putting food in my mouth) I am doing the rest on my own by doing what I know what I know works for me... and, BTW, I am already 'older' (really).....I was running in my 20s and 30s so that when I arrived where I am now, I could still be doing that.....and I am!


I do not eat sugar or starches -- I've stopped drinking COKE ZERO (which was probably running through my veins instead of blood!), and now I drink at least 100 oz of water -- and I am happy to say that I crave water!


I eat lean protein (no salmon - too fatty), and I drastically (I mean drastically) limit carbs (I've never met a carb I didn't like! :glare:).


I do not buy 'LOW Fat' or 'fat-free' -- usually means its loaded with sugar which is anathema for me.


I have (and I still am) working on cleaning up my family's food: we eat antibiotic free, hormone free, grain fed meats, milk delivered in glass bottles from a farm, we do not drink or cook with tap water (the smell of the chlorine in the water in our town would knock one over), we have totally eliminated fast food from our lifestyle (that was the first area we tackled), no white bread (I would like to start making our own bread), tons of lettuce, green vegetables, good quality vitamins and pro-biotics.


DH and I have read 'In Defense of Food' (cannot think of the author's name -- it was filled with common sense information that we have not found cumbersome to implement.


I have found that by eating 'whole foods' (apples, oranges, celery, tomatoes) the kids are eating at their meals, they are not foraging through the pantry and fridge looking for something to eat...their appetite appears to be sated by what they are fed at meal time.


I continue to be incensed (and this IS a pet peeve of mine) by parents who hand out (to my kids) 'skittles' and other junk food! SUGAR is to my kids what peanuts are to someone's kid who has a peanut allergy - honestly! I have written it on health forms at schools, made it clear when I have dropped my kids off at playdates, yadda yadda yadda, and it continues. I do understand that many kids are not affected by sugar, but that is not the case with mine.

This past school year, my kids participated in an after school 'running club' which was great. At the end of the year when certificates were handed out for participating, each kid was given a bag of skittles -- :banghead: I donated our three bags back to the 'running club.'


I exercise - religiously -- I do not have the speediest metabolism in the world -- partly just me, the rest attributed to my age (yes, I am THAT old). I try to do 45 minutes a day (I allow myself a day off only after three or four consecutive days but only one day off) of aerobic exercise -- either the elliptical, the treadmill or more recently, running with the dog.


If you are running now and you are in your 20s, 30s or 40s, you are doing yourself a HUGE benefit -- you are really helping keep your bones strong. Three years ago I tripped over DH's shoes and broke my ankle -- the orthopod was amazed when he saw the beautifully clean break I had -- ankle breaks are usually really messy affairs, requiring pins and surgery -- he and I both attributed the clean break to (among other things) strong bones from being a runner for so many years. I am running again, my ankle is fine, I have never blown out a knee....someone chastised me about 20 years ago for being a runner and warned me I was going to have knee problems when I got to be 40 -- never happened!


OK, so this is more than one sentence -- but if we all just start with one little change and take steps from there, we can all be in much better shape -- physically, emotionally, aesthetically.:001_smile:

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