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Could I get a roll call on those of you who have all or some dc in ps

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Dd 7 will be in 2nd grade and has been formally afterschooled for three years now. DS 4 will be in a morning M-F early chidlhood class at the local elementary and an afternoon M-TH pre-K class at our church pre-school. I work outside the home which plays into our decisions quite a bit.

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My oldest will be a senior in the local public school, and has gone there since 9th grade. This spring, my middle child asked me if he could try the high school this year (he will be in 9th), and I told him yes. He has already tested out of algebra, geometry, and earth science, and has been running all summer in training for the cross country team. He is excited.


I will continue homeschooling my youngest for as long as that is the best option for her.

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We have two in PS (son in 1st, daughter in 5th), 3rd grade son at home with preschool sister, and 6th grader at a private school for dyslexia. It's crazy but everyone is where they need to be. Oh, and I am trying to be everywhere! We just take each year at a time and I have learned to "never say never"!

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Next year's plans:


The rising 6th grader will continue to homeschool with me till 10 a.m., then finish the day at the Core Knowledge charter school.


Rising 4th grader will continue Spanish "dual language" program at the local public school.


Rising 1st grader will be in regular 1st grade.

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I have homeschooled for the past 16 years but this fall all of mine will be going to school: the 14 and 16 year olds will be in public high school and the 6, 8, 10, and 12yo will be going to a public charter school. Only the baby will be at home with me and even she will be going to Mother's Day out 2 times a week.


This is a big change for us and I still have 2nd thoughts from time to time especially about my 1st grader. But I keep telling myself that it isn't a irreversable decision...if it doesn't work out they can come back home.


Susan in TX

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My two will be going to private school this year for 1st and 3rd grade. We've homeschooled that past 2 years, but decided that sending them to school this year would be best.


My kids are very excited. I'm nervous, but excited for them. They will be going to a tiny school where the class size hovers around 11.

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dd 17 is a senior this year at a private school. She went to public school as a freshman and has been at this private school since sophomore year. She was homeschooled 4th through 8th.


DD 14 will be a freshman this year and is joining her sister at the private school. She was homeschooled except for one semester in kindergarten.


DS 11 is in 6th grade and will be home with me until high school.

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My 10th grader will be in ps. She started last year and wants to come home! But, we want her to stay for one more year.


I will be homeschooling my dd5 for k/1 (Is that what I should call it? She did k last year and will be doing 1st this year. She has an October b-day and I felt she was ready to start last year but, because of her age she will be enrolled as a "Ker".) and ds for Pre-k4.

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After 9 years of homeschooling, ds 14 yo will be entering ps as a freshman. Ds - 12 yo will be entering as a 7th grader.


My plan was to homeschool through high school, but due to an injury to me my plan is now to homeschool until high school and, as long as everything goes well, all of them will go to a public high school. Except the 12yo. He wants to try middle school so as long as he does well, we will let him.


The high school has been absolutely awesome about the transition which has certainly helped.


I will be homeschooling 4th, 3rd and K.




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I have dc in both.


I have 1 in high school out of state, preparing for university


I have 2 in high school locally, they love the tennis program and athletic coach... and do all college prep/ap classes, for the most part


I have 1 in middle school AT HOME


1 in middle school locally (special ed, they are doing a great job with him and I do not do very good working with him)


I have 2 in grade 5 at home


I have 1 in grade 4 locally, another special ed child who has 4 teachers, including occupational therapist and they are doing such a good job with him. I could not duplicate what they do with him each day. It is a positive.

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I have two sons. The older one was never homeschooled and was in public and private schools. He has just graduated from high school and is going away to university in the fall.


My younger son (14) was homeschooled for grades 4 and 5, was in private schools for grades 6-8 and is going to public high school in the fall.

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I really am glad so many of you responded to this thread. We are starting this adventure, but I am waking up with panic attacks at the thought of it.

Much prayer and discussion went into this decision, but I will miss them soooo much

I'm so with you! After 10 years of homeschooling, all four of mine are starting public school in a few weeks! I wouldn't have even believed this two weeks ago! It's been a pain locating shot records and getting them enrolled! I have joked that it was easier for me to get a teaching job (got a sub position to teach 2nd grade starting in Oct. when a teacher goes on maternity leave) than to get my kids registered! But we've homeschooled since the beginning and it's been a way of life for us. So, I too am having my moments of anxiety! Luckily, I have received a lot of positive support from church friends. It's just such a major change in our lives and I can't help but be a little scared when I'm so used to having all control and my children under my wings.

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My son is going to an all-boys Catholic prep school.


I wrote before (a few times!) about how it feels like I am cutting off my arms.


My dd is doing high school at home & my other son will probably go to the same high school as his db when the time comes. :crying:

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Oldest dd will be in college!!!!


Middle dd was homeschooled from 1st -5th and then came back home (her choice) this past year for 10th. She will be a Jr this fall.


Youngest dd has always attended PS--ours is a great system--and since middle dd has so many 'issues' it really is best for her to be there. If her schooling ever became questionable we would pull her out in a heartbeat.

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my son went to public school this past year (5th grade special ed) and really enjoyed it. I am very pleased with the school and he will continue there.

My dd will be going to our county vo-tech high school which is an excellent school (very hard to get into, the freshman class will be only 156 kids out of 434 that applied). She has always been homeschooled so is nervous but excited to go (the whole idea of lockers, lunch room, gym class, different teachers etc.). She does have 1 friend from church that is also going there and she knows a couple of 10 graders there so that will help.

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my son entered conventional 9th grade public school last year after only homeschooling. he is going to continue. we are summer schooling math and will continue that during the remaining school years. (math in Georgia schools is a mess and i can't sit by and watch his class be the hapless guinea pigs.)

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we are in the same boat - first time and also as a freshman - only my youngest really wanted to go in as well as a 7th grader - so the homeschool strings will be completely cut. I too am excited and nervous at the same time. It is so nice to know there are others going through this at the same time - hopefully we can help each other out during the harder times

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