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Do you do your hsing in the morning, afternoon, evening, weekends?

What time of day works best for your hsing? What's your start time?  

  1. 1. What time of day works best for your hsing? What's your start time?

    • We start first thing in the morning, preferably by 8:30 am
    • First thing for us means a little later, maybe by 9:30 am
    • We like a mid-morning start, like 10 or 11 am
    • We start around 12, or after lunch
    • We start sometime in the afternoon
    • We start later, closer to evening
    • We're night hawks
    • Other

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When during the day do you do your schooling? Are you a morning person who gets going right away (ie. start schooling by 8 am, give or take)? Or do you sleep in, take your time once you get up, and find that afternoon/early evening works better for schooling?


You can pick multiple answers.

Edited by gardening momma
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We do school in the mornings. However, we do not wake up early to do so. We naturally wake up around 9am or so and we get started on school work somewhere in the 10-11am range most days.


I find my kids to be more eager/ better attention spans/ more focused when we school first thing as opposed to later in the day. Lately, my oldest son has been begging to do school at night. We might give that a try. I'm just so worn out by then!!

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I work from home from 8pm to 2am-ish every night. I rarely get to sleep before 3am. My daughter likes to wake up at 7am, but that is obviously not good for me. So, I allow her to have her 1 hour of screen time then. I aim to be out of bed by 8am; however, if I'm still asleep, she has to turn off the TV/computer and start her daily reading. Usually, I'm up by 9am at the latest and we get started between 10 and 11. It is not what I envisioned when I started hsing, but it works for us.

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I voted for 8:30 & 9:30. If we don't start by 9:30 our day doesn't go as well.


My ds5 is the first one up and I try to get some of his school done before the older boys are ready to start. Today we were doing his math by 8:00.


I'm an early riser (4:45), and use the time before school to do chores, exercise, study, think, plan, and whatnot. My boys wake up between 7:30 & 9:00.

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I voted first thing for us. My dd and I are morning people, but ds prefers to burn off a little energy and begin after his sister. This works out well for me and his day takes less time anyway.


Even being a morning person, I'm up for at least an hour and a half before we begin. ;)

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We usually start around 10am. When hubby is home (we are military and he's currently deployed) we start earlier. When he is home he's up by 5:30am and always, unintentionally, wakes me, so I might as well start my day at that time. If I try to go back to sleep it takes me forever, and then I really have a hard time getting up at a decent time.

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We do an hour when I get home from work, break for dinner, and start up again. I do all subjects on both Saturday and Sunday. That makes the week more flexible (like today, the sun came out, the tide is low, and the boys are at the Sound catch and releasing lung fish).


I don't get home til 4 p.m.

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I'm an early riser (4:45), and use the time before school to do chores, exercise, study, think, plan, and whatnot. My boys wake up between 7:30 & 9:00.

When I wake up that early, I consider not getting a good night's sleep. Holy cow, how do you function that early/late?

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We begin mid-morning, about an hour after the dc wake up. They are not early risers, and that is fine by me! I like to get all of the seatwork done in the morning, then use the afternoons for read-alouds in science and history, plus our music and art. I re-arrange the schedule to allow as much outside time as possible -- sometimes that means playing outside all morning, then coming in to do school on a hot or rainy afternoon.

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Lol! All of the above really. We try to have a schedule on my days which is right after dad goes to work at 10:30. Then we do lessons from 10:30 to 1:00. If dad ends up going in later, then we start after lunch. On daddy days, they end up doing lessons spread out throughout the day. There are days we are all home together and lessons get spread out. It all gets done at some point. I used to stick to strict schedule, but we've become a little more easy going as time passes.

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When I wake up that early, I consider not getting a good night's sleep. Holy cow, how do you function that early/late?


:lol: I'm asleep by 10, usually by 9:30 sometimes by 9:00. I'm a zombie after 8/8:30. And I take a 20-30 minute catnap at lunch almost every day.

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:lol: I'm asleep by 10, usually by 9:30 sometimes by 9:00. I'm a zombie after 8/8:30. And I take a 20-30 minute catnap at lunch almost every day.

Lol... uh, I'm in a fog at around 3pm... I make more coffee and survive until bed time... at about the same time as you.


Sometimes I am so tempted to take energy pills..... or a week off to sleep, lol ;)

Edited by lionfamily1999
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We start between 7:30-8:00am, if we don't. I'm off -- it's not gonna be a good day. :D We usually wake up at 6:30 and see Daddy off to work. I'm a morning and night person :glare:, go figure! I sleep at 11:00pm (that's early) or 12:30. Coffee is my friend.


I really only have one to school-- ds and dd just does 100 EZ lessons and then the rest of the stuff is if *she want's to do it*. I always aim for the bulk of the school to be done before lunch. We take lots of breaks.

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I chose 9:30 because that is the reality. My goal is always to start by 8:30. I find the kids are at their best if we do our lessons in the morning. Truthfully, that is when I am at my best as well. Afternoons are for errands, pursuing individual interests, field trips, and so on.

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For much of the year we start in the morning (usually by 9:30-10:00) and we're finished with the core skills by lunchtime. After rest time we'll hit history or science. However, when it is unbearably hot during the day, we have our lessons in the afternoons and let the kids play outside during the mornings.


We don't generally have a set start or finish time. Attitudes tend to dictate the latter. ;)

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We try to start by 9ish, but my problem is, I'm a night owl, so it takes me a while and a few cups of coffee to get going. If we start a little later, we do it until lunch, take a break for a few hours, and do maybe another hour in the late afternoon. And sometimes if we've slacked a day here or there, I have them do some school on Saturdays.


I'm trying to reform though.:D My ideal would be for me to be able to get 1/2 hour of exercise in and then start school, because by the afternoon or evening, I never want to work out.

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I chose the 8:30 option, because we usually start at that time, although we often will do an hour or so in the morning, take a long break to meet up with friends or go to an activity, and then finish up in the afternoon.


Next fall I plan on scheduling all of our extra activities in the afternoon so we can get school done before lunch most days.

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Ds starts at 7:30 or so.


DD varies. She will often get a head start on the following day by doing work the night before. She loves to hs at 9pm at night or later. I make her do some school in the morning just so I can keep some routine because she would do school when the mood strikes her if I let her.


I said we start a 9:30, because that is when I start.



Our favorite schedule, was starting at 7, keeping a fast pace, and being done around noon. It doesn't work that way now with the 2yo's interruptions, but maybe in a few years we can get back to it.

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Lol! All of the above really.


Glad I'm not the only one!


My little guy is up first and starting with the "What do I do today?" questions before I've had my second cup of coffee. :tongue_smilie:


DS 11 is next and gets going pretty soon after. DD 8 and DS 15 (He's very efficient with his work!) are my lazy bums and are more likely to start at about noon-ish. I just got her to put away her science lapbook she's working on at 9:30 PM. She enjoys the process very much and does not like to be rushed. He'll be up working on programming etc in his room after I've gone to bed.

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We start when we start. We break when we break. We finish when we finish.


It's not all that efficient, but it seems to work for us!


This is us. Not my preference but my kids inherited their dad's biologic clock ("night owls" by nature who sleep in as long as I let them). They get up early when they have to. After 10 years of homeschooling, it's pretty safe to say that we abide by a more flexible schedule. They know what has to be done each day. I use the earlier part of the day to get my chores done so that when they're ready, I'm ready.

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We generally start between 9:30 and 10 am, but we school in blocks, so we don't go straight through from 9:30 until we are finished. We school (formal, sit-down kind of school) for a couple hours then move on to more casual things or play or chores then school for another two hour or so block, etc. until we are done for the day. Sometimes school goes into the evening, sometimes it occurs on Saturdays.

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