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Do you color your hair??

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We were out and about with our DD and her family today. DH and our 2 yr old grandson happened to be with DD and her baby at one point and I was somewhere else with my cart. We were at Costco. DH was getting a food demo thingy for our 2 yr old grandson.

The woman doing the demo thought he was the Daddy..


She went on and on, and was digging a hole fast with her comments, but eventually I showed up and she found out that my DH was the Grandpa and in fact older than her husband. AFter I walked away, she told my DD to tell her mother to color her hair.


I am soooo glad I didn't have to walk past her again!

This happens to us all the time. My DH does look much younger than his 54 years and is barely starting to sprout gray hair, but really! Tell your Mom to color her hair! How inappropriate!

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No, I don't and I don't intend to. For me, it is a waste of time and money. I realize most women seem to color their hair, but it is just not my thing. I am getting enough gray that no one doubts my age, either, and some have thought my dh was my son, even though he is a little older than I am. He has 3 gray hairs. LOL


That woman was rude. I think I would have gone to her and asked her why I should color my hair. :boxing_smiley:


Of course, I, the round woman, like to go into Fashion Bug and seek out the skinniest saleslady and ask her where the "fat lady" clothes are. :smilielol5:

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I don't have a lot of gray, but I do color my hair, I had highlights for a while and love them, but they are more expensive to maintain. So I had a friend just my natural color on a while ago, I will color again if I need to. Sorry, but if I got comments that my dh looked younger than I did, you betcha I'd be coloring.

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I'm sorry about the rude comments you received. Our society is so youth oriented.


I don't color my hair and don't intend to. Just don't want the upkeep. My hair is blond, so the gray that I do have doesn't show.



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well that woman was just rude...and rude people are going to be that no matter what.


However, yes I do color my hair, and one of the reasons is because I don't want to look older than dh. He has almost no gray and his hair is not receeding. When I didn't color, IMO, I did look older then him.

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I do. I am only 31, but I need the color. I do not intend to go natural any time soon. When I was getting it done this week, my stylist (who I graduated high school with) told me that I have the most gray hair of anyone our age that comes to her. Well, I did ask. But I was like :001_huh:



And that lady was way out of line. Some people are just rude. I happen to like gray hair on a lot of people, just not me. :D

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You bet I do!:) I am just shy of 40 and I am really, really gray! I started going gray in my mid 20's and I just don't want to be gray right now.


I say each woman should do whatever makes her feel good and that woman's comment was so far out of line I'm :cursing: for you!

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I see two issues here.


1) There is no way that an employee at an establishment that I am doing business with is going to insult me and not see some consequences. Nope. Nope. Nope. So, I would be calling the manager about the over opinionated demo lady. That sort of mouthiness cannot be good for business.


2)I do have my hair colored because the brown was getting so mousy and blah as I age. I have highlights and lowlights done and my stylist knows that she is to leave a little of the silver showing for my husband. The one time I completely colored it my husband got sad because all of the "pretty silver" was gone. :confused: I guess one person's tired old gray hair is another person's pretty silver.

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I color mine and have for a long time. My natural color is blah, and both dh and I like my hair red. So I color it.


DH, by the way, will be 61 in a few months and hasn't a gray hair in sight. It's thinner but still black as the ace of spades. Here's hoping the kids get his hair color longevity and NOT his hairline!

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I didn't until about a year ago. I look older than dh (and older than I actually am). 3 things led me to the decision: 1) When I was in the hospital having #5, someone asked me if I was peeking at my grandbaby through the nursery window, 2) I started interviewing for jobs and I looked older than the principals who interviewed me, and 3) my mom (who had BEAUTIFUL salt/pepper hair -- unlike me) told me she might have colored her hair if she'd had it to do over. When she was going through cancer treatments, I developed a new appreciation of how a new look can lift your spirits.


I would never encourage anyone else to change their look. If you're okay with how you look, that's GREAT! I just think I needed to do something. For me. And it was okay with dh. He never suggested I change, but it didn't bother him if I tried.


I don't know how long I'll keep it up. Maybe until I've gotten more established in my career. (I'll be looking for another position for next year.) Or until my dc are older and I'm ready to look like I might have a grandbaby in the nursery. Or when I get my health and weight where I want it to be (a young, strong body might counteract the frumpiness I was experiencing). Lol.


That said, a vivacious personality is extremely attractive. Sounds like that lady needs to work on hers!

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Absolutely. I'm far too young to be as gray as I am, and it looks just *awful* in my curly, curly hair. Some women look great with gray, but I'm not one of them. I don't intend to color my hair into my 80s, or anything, but I have no intention of being frizzy-haired *and* gray in my 30s! :)

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Yes. I have very dark hair and I've had white, not gray, for years now. I would look like a skunk if I tried to grow it out. Both of my parents went gray in their twenties. I will someday, but not yet. And so far I get the work done for free...my mother is a retired hairdresser. I just have to buy the product. I also have very curly hair and curly, frizzy, white/brown hair just doesn't cut it when you are barely 40. My husband says he would like for me to let it go naturally...it's just me. I'm not ready to do it yet.



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Yes I do! It's fun and fabulous! Right now it's a dark cherry red with bright red highlights. I never intended to color my hair but last year I took my oldest daughter to have her hair done and the guy started talking to me about my gray hair. At first I was offended but when I let them color it, I was stunned at how awesome I looked. There's no going back to that mousy brown/gray for me. I'm a vibrant woman and need a vibrant color on my head! :)

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I do. I actually started having it highlighted in H.S. Mine used to be blond, but began coming in mousy brown and then turns very blond at the ends..so I always looked like I had a bad dye job that had really grown out. I stopped for a while when we were a young married couple because it was expensive. Then I started coloring all my hair myself because it was less money.


Now I color it myself and go in every few months and have it highlighted/weaved on top of that. I like how it looks, and I don't want to go gray ungraciously. Eventually, some day when it is time, I will go gray. I know someone who is going gray, young, and it looks beautiful, kind of like gray highlights in her dark,long hair. I wish I could go gray that way.

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I agree she was rude but I color my hair because I felt funny having gray hair so young. I had it in college. I use Sally Beauty Supply color because it is too expensive to have done professionally. I've been coloring so long now that I know what I am doing.

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Yes, I have my hair highlighted regularly. It is a lot to upkeep and I *hate* that (it's so expensive!) but I need it. Not because I am gray (though that is starting) but because my hair is so fine that it is virtually unmanageable. Having highlights creates volume in my hair, making it capable of holding a style.


That lady was beyond rude, and like Crissy said, very shallow. She must have some serious insecurities to say what she did to your dd. I'm sorry!

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I proudly color my hair! This is one thing I do regularly for myself, and I even pay someone a fair chunk of change to do it well. She uses a couple of colors to create camoflauge for the gray, and the regrowth doesn't show up too much. I feel 20 years older when the gray starts framing my face!

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I do color my hair - mostly because DH likes it that way. I like it much better too, but if he had a problem with the expense or the looks, I would quit or change it. I just look so much more "fresh" with high lights. I get a "foil" over my mouse brown hair that gives me a blond look. People think I am at least 10 years younger then I am and that doesn't bother me! ( I wouldn't care if they didn't though) Every once in a while, I remind my DH about how much the hair treatment costs and ask him if I should and he says yes, so he must really like it blond because he is usually a penny pincher! Right now we are strained for money, so I stretch it out longer between treatments but I do make sure my hair is colored nicely for holidays or certain parties or visits from family.

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I do color my hair. Why do people think they have the right to comment though - pretty snarky remark! When I was in Walmart a few years ago, the checkout clerk remarked that I had a gray hair sticking up - she thought I just wanted to know - then smirked at me. I went and told customer service at WM I just wanted them to know - about their nasty clerk!



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Sorry about the rude comment!

I high light and love it. My hair is going darker brown, getting wavier and has some grey. It's not a bad color but Night Elf summed it up well!

I do it myself at home and at some point intend to add red highlights!

I do hate the time spent doing it but always love the results. It's very natural looking.

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My hair has been going gray since I was 26 and I don't color it. My husband and I look about the same age now, but he did look younger than me for a while. He IS younger than me, but only a year. :)


When my DS was a baby and I was out anywhere with both my kids people often assumed that I was the grandma and my (12yo!!) DD was the mommy. Now if I go anywhere with both of them or with just DS that doesn't happen. I haven't gotten any less gray in 7 years, so who knows?


But people who don't know us also assume that DD and DS have different fathers because of the age difference and because they don't look much alike. So I figure people are going to think what they want to think.


With gray hair I can wear colors that used to look bad on me. I have very pale skin and gray hair is much less constrasty with my skin than my natural dark brown. It suits me. I don't want to be 25 or 35 or even 45 anymore, I'm 46 and my hair is getting gray and that's who I am.


So there. :lol:

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That was extremely inappopriate for her to say...I do color my hair though...All the women in my family seem to do it for the simple fact we grey earlier...I've been blonde, a really pretty reddish color a few times over, I've even dyed it blue black (so cool in the summer time)...Right now I'm growing my black out to start all over again...Actually I just need to chop it off the black that is left but I like my hair LOL...I'm gonna miss it...

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Guest Katia

My dh is 3 years older than I am, but for the last 6 years has looked eons older...and it's really because of his gray hair and beard. People were always mistaking me for his dd!


My hair is a beautiful, bright chestnut brown with neat highlights. I'm 49yo and just starting to get a few gray hairs by my ears and temples. Every now and then I find one around the back....but....honestly, at my age I should be much grayer than I am right now.


I'm not complaining, really. I think it's funny that people think I'm dh's dd (he does not!) but if people thought I looked older than him because of something as simple as my HAIR....yes, I would color it.


Eventually, I will color it, but I hate to lose my natural color. I just love it!


And, that girl was beyond rude. I would have confronted her face to face and then complained to the management. If you are happy with your hair the way it is....that is your business and she was just RUDE.

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Well, I do highlight my hair and like how it makes me look. While I'm not in your age bracket, I think I will be comfortable with graying hair. My dh started going gray at 30. He used to be very upset about it but has found it a benefit in his field, making him not look like a young whipper-snapper. And I always told him that I like his gray hair because I said on our wedding day that I look forward to going gray with him. And I am.

As for that lady's comment, well maybe she had the best intentions and people sometimes don't have the edit button pushed in their brains. She obviously didn't. If you're comfortable with your appearance, than let it roll off of ya and move on. If it hit a sore spot, try a color and see if it agrees with you. It can't hurt anything.

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Highlights only, very little gray, same age as your dh (54).


About 8 years ago, when dh was 48, we were at a 50th party for a friend we have known for 30 years. We have known the group for that long. Anyway, there were about 3 couples talking and one of the wives came over to me and asked if dh colored his hair. They couldn't believe it was natural. All their dh's were gray. I laughed :lol: then told them to look closer at him and they will see it. One even went over to him and started pulling on his hair and lifting it up!!


I don't ever try to guess someones age based solely on their hair color.


Edited by Susan in IL
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I love all the comments and support!


If I tell you waht else she said, you would know this is not my issue, just her's.

DH asked what she was demoing, and she said Naked Chicken Nuggets...as in no breading.

He said, but I love the breading! She said, you already ruined your body, don't ruin his..pointing to our grandson.


My husband is almost six feet tall and still wears a 34 waist jeans at age 54. He did not deserve her comment.


I didn't hear any of that and didn't know about it til we have left the store. If he had not been in such a good mood, caused by being out and about with 2 grandbabies, he probably would have reported her to somebody.




FTR..I did color my hair for about 8 years when I was transitioning from mousy brown to gray. When our first grandson was born 5 years ago, I quit. I figured I earned my gray hair. My very opinionated bunch of neices all were shocked when I quit coloring it but assured me that I looked good with my gray hair. Trust me, they would not have said that had they not believed it.


So...yes, I am only 6 months younger than my hubby and I look older because of the gray, but I am very comfortable with it that way. If I felt differently I would go color it in a minute!

She was really out of line all the way around. I know that, I was just wondering what kind of minority I was in, not coloriing my hair.

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I love all the comments and support!


If I tell you waht else she said, you would know this is not my issue, just her's.

DH asked what she was demoing, and she said Naked Chicken Nuggets...as in no breading.

He said, but I love the breading! She said, you already ruined your body, don't ruin his..pointing to our grandson.


My husband is almost six feet tall and still wears a 34 waist jeans at age 54. He did not deserve her comment.




PLEASE call the manager of the store and report these comments! If she treated you and your husband that way then she is probably treating other people the same way.

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No. My dh says he doesn't care about my hair going grey. And I honestly don't think I'd have the time and energy to keep up with it. But I think I would if he cared. My brother cares. He offered to color my hair for me because he does his wife's hair.


But when you start coloring your hair...when do you stop? When I look around at church on Sunday I am one of about three people who do not color. And I am too young to be as grey as I am. And the grey shows up really well in my dark hair.


I got my first grey hair at 23. After my youngest child was born 6 years ago went even more grey. Now there are days when I look in the mirror and I feel blah and old. On those days I wouldn't mind a little color. I was excited when dh started to finally get a few grey hairs.

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No, I don't color it. I have a few gray whisps by my temples, which freaked me out when they first showed up. However, I've been told that women pay to have my natural color, so I'm leaving it alone! God colors it for me. LOL (It's a mix of a reddish/blondish/lightbrownish color)

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Yes! I took after my father in the hair department and started graying in my early twenties. By 25 the grey was noticable. 25 was just to young to have that much gray hair. Also like others have mentioned the hair that was still it's natural color had dulled to a mousy brown. I dye it to dark brown because that's what it was before kids and what seems to best fit my features.

I was amazed after I colored it the first time how much healthier it looks. I know it might sound shallow, but it really does make me feel better about myself.

Edited by akmommy
fixed a run-on
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I don't color my hair. I started getting my first few grays when I was 20. I'm 35 now and have quite a lot of gray hair, especially at my right temple where it is almost completely gray. I have quite long hair so it's more noticeable too.


Most comments about my hair are positive because it's long, soft, shiny, and healthy looking. It seems that most don't notice the gray even though there's quite a lot of it.


My husband likes to tease me about my gray hair but he's catching up so I can tease back now.

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No, I don't. I am 38 and have about as much gray as my grandmother did when she passed away at 82. (And more lines in my face... as much time as she spent gardening, she was never, ever in the sun apparently)


My husband has about the same amount, but his hair is shorter, so it doesn't show as much as the streaks I have with my hair pulled back.


But, no, I don't intend to maintain the illusion of youthfulness through color, injections or plastic surgery, despite my mother telling me I should. I am the age I am and I'm ok with that.


(And I would totally call about the rude woman. I am terribly sick of the trend where you can just make any unseemly comment to customers, then insist on your rightness.)

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If a woman feels comfortable with her gray hair, then let her embrace that natural part of her. I totally respect that! ;) But that's not me. I have been highlighting my hair for a long time, and I probably will continue until my last breath. My hairdresser is a family member, and she gives me great deals.


I think the demo lady's comments at Costco were highly inappropriate, especially to say that to your DD. Shame on her. I agree with Kelli in TN ~ a store manager should be contacted. :tongue_smilie:

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I started graying in my early 20's. I'm now 40 with lots of gray in my dark brown hair. If I could color it once and be done, I probably would. However, it's just not worth the maintenance to me and I prefer my gray hair to the look of colored hair with the graying roots showing!


I've gotten questions from strangers about my age since the gray hair conflicts with a younger face. Even they weren't rude about it though, just curious.



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Funny you should mention this now. I just made an appointment to have my hair colored/highlighted for the first time. I turn 50 this year, and, old hippie that I am, never imagined I would even be tempted to color my hair. But, alas, we live in the desert, so my thick, heavy long hair is up most of the time and I am noticing more and more that with it up I look way more gray since my I am mostly gray at the temple. And I don't like looking so gray. And I just started a master's program and, and, and am having a bit of an identity crisis and am sort of looking forward to doing what so many women do.....getting my hair done. The appt. is next Saturday. We shall see if I actually keep it......but I aint wearing panty hose, no how, no way. Or high heels.........

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