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Can we do an updated favorite things thread?


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Our favorites:



The Children's Illustrated Bible

Victor Journey Through the Bible



Explode the Code (all my dc loved these)

Writing & Grammar:

First Language Lessons (when the dc is ready!)

historical non-fiction & fiction (a boy thing?)

IEW (We've only begun, my 11yo says he loves it!)


Story of the World

notebook pages from Notebookingpages.com and holdthatthought.com (These are awesome and give life to an otherwise boring notebook!)

Nature Study:

Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers



Draw & Write Through History (wonderful compliment to our history study and notebooks)



Math U See



Apologia (elementary series as we've yet to use the upper levels)


I'd also add that implementing the Charlotte Mason idea of short, concise lessons has brought a lot of joy *and* better retention to some subjects.

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Share things completed, enjoyed, and that you wouldn't hesitate to use again or recommend to others.


Include curriculum, supplements, things that helped your dc explore their own interests, and plain ole fun stuff.


I'll think about this a bit this morning and then come back to share mine.



'things that helped your dc explore their own interests':


300 in 1 Electronic Project Lab


Ashford Rigid Heddle Loom


Galore Park Latin Prep


Klutz craft and art books






Carbon Chemistry


Singapore Maths: Primary and New Elementary


Galore Park French and English


Story of the World 3






Science jukebox CD


Collins Focus on Grammar Book 4


Science Experiments You Can Eat


In Our Time podcasts (for history, science and philosophy)


Think challenge

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A exercise ball (to sit on during school) and a mini trampoline for my 7 yo DD to help her concentrate

First Language Lessons 1 and 2

Seton English for pure grammar

Sonlight, which is great for combining my kids

History Odyssey for 5-8th grade

Dorothy Mills' ancient world history books


It is always neat to read what everyone else is posting on these thread!

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Our current fave: Snap Circuits (with the optional Student Manual)


That is my 8 year old's favorite. He plays with them on his own, and then he teaches me, his science ignorant mama. He is always drawing pictures of circuits.


We also love:


Right Start Math


All About Spelling


Writing with Ease




MUS (this has been used in our house for years by my oldest, it's our tried and true).


Sonlight readers and read alouds


Ed Emberley and Draw Right Now books


Explode the Code

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Favorites here include...


Right Start Math...can't say enough great things about it!

TOG...keeps me organized and moving...great lit. selections.

Lapbooking/Notebooking...loving this!

Homeschoolshare.com...FREE unit studies and lapbooks.

Librivox.org....then I don't have to read aloud so much.

My pieced together science...can I toot my own horn? It is working great.

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For my 2nd grader...


School of Tomorrow 2nd gr. English paces



Rod and Staff spelling 2 (yup, we are really digging this!)

and last but certainly not least,


Bible Study Guide student pages(beginner level) we didn't like the intermediate level...


For my junior highschooler


Winston Basic (who knew this could be fun, we do it together)

SOTW 2 and 3 (yup, this has given him a new love of history)

Life of Fred Fractions

Life of Fred Decimals

and he's started LOF algebra and so far, so good!


:) Love reading about everyone's favorites...

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My dd loves making things with clay.

For the younger crowd, use white Model Magic made by Crayola- it is soft, air dries and can be painted with markers or paint.

For an older child, polymer clay. It is a real art medium and if you get the good stuff which can be had for less than $2 a pack, you get good quality results without a kiln. Make sure to get a little bottle of clay softener. You can even get glazes which will give a beautiful finish.

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RightStart Math - we've loved it for years


SOTW audiobooks for learning in the car


Having kids over to share chemistry experiments - FUN!


Tons of historical fiction read alouds


Writing Strands - ds thinks the author's tone is very funny


Mark Kistler's online art lessons - dd5 would spend hours with this, and she's so proud of herself

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I've used 20+ phonics programs, and the best is Webster's Speller.


Our math has gotten a lot better since we've started using a Flashmaster (recommended here!) Singapore is also a good fit for my daughter and I like the way it teaches, especially after reading Liping Ma's book (see below.)


The most fun thing we've used that is also educational is Read, Write, and Type. It's a bit expensive, but my daughter enjoyed it. You can also download their demo for free.


The book we've read that was the most fun was "If a were a verb," found in our local library. The kids were both jumping up and down and running around and doing different things and asking if they were verbs and then running around doing that action while saying they were verbs.


Liping Ma's Book "Knowing and Teaching Elementary Math" was very enlightening, I highly recommend reading it.

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I like everything in my sig, or I wouldn't be using it.

However, David Attenborough's Private Life of Plants has really led kiddo to appreciate plants as well as his beloved animals and Jinny Johnson's animal book combines geography, classification, and zoology into an oversized book the two of us can really pour over. Kiddo is on fire about the animal-compared-to-human sizing picture for each and every animal this week.


SWR is improving MY spelling.

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In no particular order:



exercise ball to sit on - we both have one :D

Latin for Children

Classical Writing - although ds wouldn't say this is his favorite

Life of Fred (Fractions)

Singapore Math

Read-aloud time

- Alex Rider series

- anything I read to him, he loves that time

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Bible: Truth and Grace Memory Books with direct Bible Reading & Character/Missionary Stories. I am currently reading George Muller.


Phonics: Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons w/ Explode the Code


Math: RightStart B - WOW this has been an amazing switch. We are all LOVING it!


Spelling: Made my own workbook similar to Spelling Power but added in a dictation page every other day so I could dictate passages out of good literature for her to write and get spelling words for the day from. We then do the Spelling Power method of study. I also own Spelling Power and draw a word list from there.

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My favorites:


Rod & Staff English - The R&S English books are making it so easy to teach! My daughter is learning much faster than she was in the fall and we're both much happier.


Explode the Code - ETC is helping my 4yo learn to read - something he really wants to be able to do. He didn't know all of his alphabet in September and now he's sounding out cvc words on his own.


Starfall - fun activities and lots of learning that my son can do on his own.

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Rightstart A and B (so far)


Geography Songs CD


One Hundred Sheep (skip counting CD)


Mary Pope Osborne's retelling of The Odyssey on CD




Read-Alouds - Twenty and Ten, Socks, Boxcar Children, McBroom Tells the Truth, A Lion to Guard Us, The Sword in the Tree, Sarah Plain and Tall


Betty Luken's Felt Bible Story Set


American Girl Books (inspired dd's love for history)




Junior Great Books Curriculum


Magic School Bus


Great States Jr. game


Suzuki violin


Legos, Tinkertoys

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All About Spelling


Teaching Co. lectures

Analytical Grammar

Life of Fred math

WTM for guidance and inspiration

SOTW (My dd is rereading these, again! I think she has read them 2 times already.)


There are other programs we have done and enjoyed, but these are our top of the list items that if I had to do it all over again we would still use these.

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