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What brand of toilet paper do you buy?

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I sure miss Costco. Now that we don't have one, I feel like I'm buying toilet paper all the time. Some brands disappear faster than others, some are wayyy too expensive, some are too thin. Who knew that I'd even have to think about what brand to buy?


So can you help me? What brand to you buy, and why?

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Angel Soft or Cottonelle. I'll only buy it when it is on sale for 12 double rolls @ $4.99. Then, I stock up. I can't bring myself to pay more $ for tp. :D I've tried Seventh Generation & other more environmentally sound choices, but dh has vetoed each of them due to softness issues.



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Scott is absolutely the best! It's a little more expensive, but in the end, costs less b/c the rolls last soooo long. I buy a 12-pack once a month for our family of 4. I don't like the extra soft kind, b/c it tends to plug up the toilet.


I've used Scott for probably 20 years, and have tried a few different brands during that time but always go back to Scott. I could go on preaching the virtues of it, but, hey, it's just toilet paper, right? :p

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Scott is absolutely the best! It's a little more expensive, but in the end, costs less b/c the rolls last soooo long. I buy a 12-pack once a month for our family of 4. I don't like the extra soft kind, b/c it tends to plug up the toilet.


I've used Scott for probably 20 years, and have tried a few different brands during that time but always go back to Scott. I could go on preaching the virtues of it, but, hey, it's just toilet paper, right? :p


Preach it, sister! I'm in the front row! I much prefer Scott over the cushy brands, for the same reasons.

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We've been using White Cloud. I forget which one, I just know they didn't have the one I prefer last time I went shopping so got the 'lesser' one and am NOT happy with it.


Otherwise I like Cottonelle, I just can't afford that cushiness :p And..my kids don't get cushy..they're too wasteful. I've considered getting the cheaper stuff for their bath and the good stuff for mine. But..that doesn't get me out of the too pricey purchase, so, I find a happy medium...in White Cloud.


What Scott's are y'all usin' that you're so in love with? I tried the stuff after a post like this raving about it..and I was NOT impressed AT ALL. It seemed thin and stiff. Not much better than that public restroom stuff mentioned in an earlier comment. It didn't last us any longer either. *sigh*

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We use Cottenelle - mainly because dh likes it and it is regularly on sale at our Fred Meyer. I buy it whenever they have a coupon for it (which often coincides with a manufacturer's coupon in the paper), and so we keep stocked up on it :D On sale, it's about as cheap as the cheap brands.

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We have a septic tank, but we haven't had a bit of problem using Charmin. I know it's been discussed before, but I don't see why it would be a problem for septics. It's thicker, but you don't have to use so much because it's thicker. Other brands, you have to use a million sheets to make sure it doesn't tear through, ewwww. And there's one brand, Scott, I think, that is like using sandpaper.

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my latex allergy leaves me, ahem..., sensitive to some TP.


Seriously?? My DH recently found out that many of his unexplained reactions are due to an allergy to latex. It's not a life threatening allergy, but certain things made of latex make him break out.


He'll kill me if he reads this, but he's also been the pickiest person about toilet paper... not necessarily what brand, but, well... he'd rather use flushable wipes (which we don't buy unless a toddler is having self-wiping problems). I'll leave it at that. Do some brands really have latex in them??? I would never have guessed.

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Northern here, too. I hate Charmin. I don't like the smell. I don't like how it leaves lint-like stuff all over my hands. It's always Northern here, has been for years. It comes in large packages at the regular grocery store. It's reasonably priced. It's soft, but not too soft. It's strong, but doesn't feel like sandpaper (Scott is just plain harsh). :o)

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