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The time has come! update in OP


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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Katy said:

Congratulations! Praying it works out the way he wants. 

Curious what he studied that he’s had so much interest already. 

His degree will be in - Engineering Technology- Manufacturing Systems

It's not the degree that makes the difference, it is his knowledge and skill with robotics. 

His boss told him they are taking the job posting today. It was just put up on Friday.

[shamelss brag on dh]He has nearly 200 hours of training from Fanuc and has self-taught himself much more.

He can program circles around everyone else at work. He is the go-to for anything robotics for the whole plant. He's excellent at trouble-shooting various issues and writes code better than the guys they outsourced to install the first robots. He now does all the work with robotics if it is anything beyond the basics that the other guys can do. He completely led the last robot installation, top to bottom. 

I've been pumping him up for a few years as he has been way too humble and let them walk all over him. He is finally starting to see his value when the guys making nearly twice what he does have to come to him for help but he doesn't need their help. /shameless brag]

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All the best for dh in the negotiations!

It sounds like his current company really really NEEDS him, and he should definitely mention all these accomplishments and skills he is bringing to the company if he stays. He could also map out how long it would take the company to train someone to do his job (should he go with another offer), and plant that seed. Also a quick estimate of the cost it would take should a production line go down for hours or days without someone in-house to be able to fix problems. He is an essential and highly valuable person!! 😀

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10 hours ago, wintermom said:

All the best for dh in the negotiations!

It sounds like his current company really really NEEDS him, and he should definitely mention all these accomplishments and skills he is bringing to the company if he stays. He could also map out how long it would take the company to train someone to do his job (should he go with another offer), and plant that seed. Also a quick estimate of the cost it would take should a production line go down for hours or days without someone in-house to be able to fix problems. He is an essential and highly valuable person!! 😀

Believe me, he is making a list of ways he's saved money and downtime over the years for salary negotiation. He also has a spreadsheet of how much college reimbursement he'd have to repay if he leaves.


He could not train anyone locally to replace him. They are too far behind him in skill. They would have to go back to hiring the integration and other technical programming out and have more downtime. He is called to other departments after they've had robots down for hours, sometimes for multiple shifts, and more likely than not it will take him about 5 minutes to figure out the problem. The last time he went on vacation they went through 16k of equipment because they kept breaking something. 

When he toured an automotive parts plant with his college he was able to troubleshoot an issue they had with their robots that they just mentioned offhandedly. They thought he was a teacher. He corrected him and let them know he was a student. After the tour, they asked for his contact information from the department chair.

His factory has more robots than any other in town and his department has more than any other in the factory. He has taken this and ran with it. He has pushed to be sent for training whenever possible. He has read 1000-page manuals. He has studied robotics forums and figured out how to do whatever they needed. The other guys don't have an interest in robots so he's far surpassed them in skill.

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In his negotiations he should include that other companies are reaching out and he's testing the waters. 

He doesn't have to tell the current company that he'd really like to stay. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Hannah said:

In his negotiations he should include that other companies are reaching out and he's testing the waters. 

He doesn't have to tell the current company that he'd really like to stay. 

He has told them. Early last week he went to HR to get a copy of his personnel file and asked his boss if he could use him as a referral. He had already told them about the companies reaching out. Lo and behold they got the job posted by the end of the week after talking about it for 2 months.

He's been laying the groundwork for a few months- talking about looking at other jobs and moving often. He's told them he has to have a job but it doesn't have to be this one and he's talked with his family and if he needs to he will move away. He's told them he has figured up how much he'd have to pay back if he leaves (less than $1k). 


1 hour ago, Rosie_0801 said:

That sounds bloody awesome!

/blush/ I know I'm a big cheerleader for dh 🙂  He doesn't brag on himself enough so I more than make up for it. 🙂

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Dh was told yesterday that he was the only applicant (as expected since the listing was only up a few days). There will not be an interview. His boss is waiting on the piece of paper that says he can hire him and then there's negotiations.

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6 hours ago, Soror said:

Dh was told yesterday that he was the only applicant (as expected since the listing was only up a few days). There will not be an interview. His boss is waiting on the piece of paper that says he can hire him and then there's negotiations.

That's great news! All the best to him with the negotiations!

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  • Soror changed the title to The time has come! update in OP
15 minutes ago, Soror said:

Update in the OP!

What a wonderful update!  So happy for all of you.  And a big congratulations to your DH on all that he's accomplished and to you too since he couldn't do it all without your support.  

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WOOHOO!!! That is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing!

I love how his boss has more 'carrots' in the near future to keep your dh satisfied that there is a real progression pathway for him at this company.

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

WOOHOO!!! That is wonderful news! Thanks for sharing!

I love how his boss has more 'carrots' in the near future to keep your dh satisfied that there is a real progression pathway for him at this company.

Yes, his boss has gone to bat for him. He had to provide proof and documentation as to why dh was worth that much. He'd previously told dh he was aiming to give him about a 35% raise and dh told him he wanted more and he got it him another 12%.

3 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

Congratulations!!!!!  I am so happy for you.  He deserves every penny. 

 Thank you, I agree 🙂

3 hours ago, Kassia said:

What a wonderful update!  So happy for all of you.  And a big congratulations to your DH on all that he's accomplished and to you too since he couldn't do it all without your support.  

Dh is shouldering so much but it has certainly been a team effort. We're down to the wire. He has 12 days left. He's stressed to the max finishing 2 huge projects in his classes. Unfortunately, he can't do much of this at home so he is halfway living over there. We're almost done!

He plans on mo ing over to salary starting May 1st. 

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It is exciting to make some financial plans now that we know the numbers better. 

I love making plans 🙂

I've been contemplating whether to continue working for a month or so. I've been stressed with taking care of everything and dd's health issues. We were waiting to see what his raise looked like to help with this decision. I certainly could quit now but just like we did before I originally quit to stay home we'd like to bolster our savings before I do. We're working on ironing out our goals now. 

With his increase and my salary this year, we should make enough to no longer qualify for any pell grant 🙂

Dh crashed last night. We've not been sleeping well this week anyway and then the release of the stress and anticipation with this finally resolving is such a relief.

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Well, it isn't over yet! 

Dh's boss had told him there was no negotiating room, and that he had already tried to get more but they said no. 

However, Dh has been slow playing it and telling them he had to think about it and he wasn't sure.

He texted his boss this morning to ask again if there was room for negotiation and he said he had been talking with HR to see if they can get him anymore.

Dh had planned to sign the papers today if they said it was set in stone but maybe he can squeeze a bit more out of them.

We shall see!

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Soror, congrats again!  I was telling dh about this (because he's always telling our dc to look for ways to increase their skills in any job they have), and he suggested your dh might be able to add in a side hustle consulting robotic repair, even via Zoom.  

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On 4/26/2024 at 9:59 AM, klmama said:

Soror, congrats again!  I was telling dh about this (because he's always telling our dc to look for ways to increase their skills in any job they have), and he suggested your dh might be able to add in a side hustle consulting robotic repair, even via Zoom.  

Yes, it has crossed our minds. Dh needs to recover from burn out first! I think it would be a good way to transition to early retirement.

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Update again- no increase but $1000 in gift cards as a thank you/incentive. Papers were signed today. 

He talked with his boss extensively about where he wants his salary to be.

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33 minutes ago, Soror said:

Update again- no increase but $1000 in gift cards as a thank you/incentive. Papers were signed today. 

He talked with his boss extensively about where he wants his salary to be.

Wonderful!  🙂 Congratulations!  

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  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I'm contemplating quitting at the end of June.

When I started it was to pay off the HELOC (a building project the previous year took more money then planned as things go). When dd2 decided to go to school we considered letting dd3 go too and I thought I'll just go back to work for good. As you know, dd2 (and dd1) ended up coming back home and we kept dd3 home. When that happened we thought I'll work until he graduates and gets a raise to ease the budget. 

Now, the time has come and he has got a nice raise and I've been doing a lot of thinking about what to do.

I've been toying around with quitting at different times. If I work this long we can have this saved etc. etc. However, there is no end to that. 

With the girls being home I would prefer not to work. I can't school them as well as I'd like with me working. My time is limited. I set my schedule for the most part but I cannot control everything and have to work around client's schedules. Although I love the flexibility the unpredictability is difficult at times. I might have a client 10 minutes away, or 30 minutes or an hour. I might have one that doesn't need much or one that is very intensive. They might work early and need later visits or work in the afternoon and need morning visits. I rarely work FT hours but it is a lot of back and forth. 

I also feel like we've had 6 years of chaos and stress and busyness. I'm feeling ready for a slowdown. I'd like to just do 1 thing (which is never just 1 thing with kids).

However, although I'm very happy with the thought of being home again I have some feelings of guilt for not toughing it out and working. I know lots of people work and school these days. I don't think I want to anymore. I feel like we've been so deep in stress that it was hard to distinguish one thing from another. Now, there has been some easing of it- dh's schedule isn't crazy and he has free-time and I feel the stress from working more acutely. I'm also nervous because I've worked most of the time dh has been in school. The first 3.5 years I taught online. I took a year break when that job petered out, then started this job last Feb. I know things won't look like they did before I started working but I'd like to see. 

We've just had so many changes and stresses. Last year alone was a roller coaster. I guess I'm looking for familiarity and slowing down right now.

I'm thinking of giving notice at the end of this month/beginning of next as I don't want to leave on bad terms. Who knows what the future will hold.

(this is a rambly mess as I'm having difficulty with insomnia and very deep in my feelings right now!)

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