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Please pray for a job for DH


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4 hours ago, mominco said:

(((hugs))) Katie,I know your Dh isn't teaching anymore but if he is interested do pm me.

He loves teaching....it's just that the salary can't compete. And right now he doesn't want to tie himself into a schedule that might conflict with a better paying job. 

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Posted (edited)

So yup, everyone let go was basically on the bad side of this one person, who has known the owner since before he started the company. 

And today she posted on facebook a photo of cardboard moving boxes lined up and said, "packing up the drama of 2023". I'm flabbergasted. Unbelievable. 

And the other people were let go for totally bogus reasons, total surprise. Just people that didn't get along with this one person. 

Edited by ktgrok
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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

So yup, everyone let go was basically on the bad side of this one person, who has known the owner since before he started the company. 

And today she posted on facebook a photo of cardboard moving boxes lined up and said, "packing up the drama of 2023". I'm flabbergasted. Unbelievable. 

And the other people were let go for totally bogus reasons, total surprise. Just people that didn't get along with this one person. 

Wishing the owner and this lady a very karmic 2024. 😈😈 

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

And today she posted on facebook a photo of cardboard moving boxes lined up and said, "packing up the drama of 2023". I'm flabbergasted. Unbelievable. 

WHAT?! At some companies that's a fire-able offense.

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Unbelievable.  Just dreadful behavior on their part. 

I’m so sorry, Katie - at least this is further confirmation that it wasn’t your dh in any way, shape, or form - there’s something definitely rotten there….

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

... totally bogus reasons, ...

When you typed up the other post about the employer making it personal,  I was thinking through gritted teeth these people are making up excuses and stuff will come out.  I bet you all will find out more as time goes on too.  Wouldn't be surprised for this to be a very slowly sinking ship.  🚢

This lady is hella unprofessional.  Professional karma can certainly bite you in the butt and I hope hers comes around sooner rather than later!  Your husband is smart with the networking and keeping busy.  I hope he gets it now.  IT ISN'T HIM!  ❤️  

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Thank you all. DH now does think this may be the beginning of the end for this company. In a company that size you can’t fire that many people who are well known and well respected and not have it cause a stir. Add in that all the folks fired could sue if they felt like it because there is NO paper trail, no performance improvement plan, nothing to justify the reasons given for termination- just the owner saying he was “told” stuff by “people “. In no instance did the owner actually have knowledge or see what he is letting people go for, nor did he have any evidence, nor were the people who did have direct knowledge of the employee’s work on the phone call when it happened. It’s crazy. Sooner or later they will do this to the wrong person and get a lawsuit. The owner prides himself on being a maverick but um….yeah, it will bite home eventually. And meanwhile the company lost very important people based on one person’s personal grudge. 
in good news DH is now in great spirits, ate a full dinner, is constantly being bombarded with texts from friends offering support, and I bet he sleeps well tonight. Tomorrow he has at least one more call about a job and then Friday is teaching lock picking at a homeschool family workshop. 

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5 hours ago, ktgrok said:

He loves teaching....it's just that the salary can't compete. And right now he doesn't want to tie himself into a schedule that might conflict with a better paying job. 

I totally get it,It is a side gig thats for sure .Best wishes to you all and praying he finds a job soon.

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

in good news DH is now in great spirits, ate a full dinner, is constantly being bombarded with texts from friends offering support, and I bet he sleeps well tonight. Tomorrow he has at least one more call about a job and then Friday is teaching lock picking at a homeschool family workshop. 

So happy to hear this!  Continuing to pray for your family! 


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7 hours ago, Anne said:

Unbelievable.  Just dreadful behavior on their part. 

I’m so sorry, Katie - at least this is further confirmation that it wasn’t your dh in any way, shape, or form - there’s something definitely rotten there….

Yes, incredible! The owner should fire that person instead... I hope your DH finds something comparable soon!

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9 hours ago, ktgrok said:

is teaching lock picking at a homeschool family workshop. 

This was a favorite activity of oldest's, so funny to see your dh is teaching a class in it!  I should suggest this to ds, he has all the tools.  Glad to hear your dh is in better spirits, holding you all in the light.

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Agent emailed, my publisher is sending a check today for the half advance that was somehow never paid back in 2020. It’s just shy of 2k which will be awesome and give me some wiggle room budget wise. Not huge, but helps!!! 
AND despite me flaking on my last contract they still want my work and asked for a proposal ASAP on next book 🙂 

so I guess I’m back to being an author- contact me if you want to be on my advance reading team- you get a free copy (usually ebook but I do have some paperbacks of the most recent one) and after reading leave an honest review on Amazon/goodreads. 

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Oh, and DH is now still very emotional, but in a happy way. he is constantly tearing up as people message and call and email him with Support. Some are people he hasn’t spoken to in years. But they remember how he helped them and so they want to help him. I think this will end up, having actually been a really good thing for him, because he is realizing the impact he has had on others, and his own worth.

that said, his stomach is still iffy from nerves. And he sweats through his clothes and sheets and all our bedding last night while sleeping. At least he slept? But now I need to dry clean my down comforter because he sweat all over it, lol. going to try the dry clean at home in the dryer stuff. You can get at the store. Need to do the same with the mattress pad. It was also wet. I had to actually get up and get him dry clothing in the middle of the night.  I’m assuming this is a combination of stress and also him not eating, kind of like a detox or something? 

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I'm so sorry Katie. I hope the company goes belly up after what they did to people. Here's hoping your dh can find something comparable in salary but with a much better working environment. Yay for the unexpected money! Take whatever silver linings you can get. 

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On 1/3/2024 at 6:34 PM, Clarita said:

WHAT?! At some companies that's a fire-able offense.

Heh, she should see it it's shareable, and then have twenty friends share it quickly. 

On 1/3/2024 at 8:08 PM, ktgrok said:

 it because there is NO paper trail, no performance improvement plan, nothing to justify the reasons given for termination 

No reason is needed. You're in one of the worst at-will states, (me, too, yay). 

The majority of workers in American can be fired for any reason or no reason, and the onus is on the worker to prove discrimination or protected category. 

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31 minutes ago, katilac said:


No reason is needed. You're in one of the worst at-will states, (me, too, yay). 

The majority of workers in American can be fired for any reason or no reason, and the onus is on the worker to prove discrimination or protected category. 

yes, he did realize this - that if they normally used a PIP but didn't, that is illegal or at least grey area, but if they normally don't, they don't need to. That said, he did talk to a friend that is a lawyer (friend is intellectual property law but friend's wife is employment lawyer) to make sure he is covering his own behind, because they tried to get petty over past reimbursements, etc. Just wants to be sure he's doing the right things (documenting everything, basically, screen shots, etc). 

He is in a much better mood today - last night he taught lock picking at the family night workshop at the kids' STEM program and it was a huge hit. Had to kick people out of the place because they wanted him to keep teaching him stuff, lol. That fed his soul a bit, and then today we chatted about various ideas he has to do creative stuff on his own. He's realizing (after me saying it a zillion times) that he CAN just do this stuff on his own - like a series of podcast episodes he's wanted to do, various other things, that he'd be excellent at doing, he has all the equipment, and has done this stuff before but for various companies, or non profits, conferences, etc. He already has an LLC he would do it under. Plus short videos, that kind of thing. (the man has rigged up a stream deck to make thunder and lightening in his office for crying out loud - this IS his thing!)

So that was an upbeat conversation. He also has big companies that seem to want him - one that he knows and respects begged him to stop talking to recruiters because they want him, another company will be setting up a second interview next week, etc. Hearing he is actually worth what he was making, and potentially more, is helping. 

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I'm just reading this, Katie. I'm so sorry! We've been through this and it's gut-wrenching, especially when your guy can't sleep. (OMG, I can sleep through a tornado, but dh would lay awake all night trying to figure out a way to wrestle down the problem!)

It's crazy, but helping others did help dh, in our situation. He was accomplishing something while he worked at finding his own job! 

Best of luck to you both, and be sure to take care of yourself!

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10 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

It sounds like the boss has a toxin girlfriend that’s blowing up his company and he’s allowing it. I hope you’re still in the loop when it all explodes. 


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My prediction:

The other good employees will start looking for jobs and slowly melting away both because the pressure will be on them to produce the same amount of work despite their teams being slashed and the fact that morale will be crappy. (Who wants to work in a place like that) The head of the company will then increase the pressure on the remaining employees and they’ll start leaving too. It’ll be hard to recruit good people because stories like this get around. Eventually the company will crash and burn.

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11 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

My prediction:

The other good employees will start looking for jobs and slowly melting away both because the pressure will be on them to produce the same amount of work despite their teams being slashed and the fact that morale will be crappy. (Who wants to work in a place like that) The head of the company will then increase the pressure on the remaining employees and they’ll start leaving too. It’ll be hard to recruit good people because stories like this get around. Eventually the company will crash and burn.

This is exactly what DH thinks is likely to happen. 

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