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I’m so tired

Mrs Tiggywinkle Again

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I thought the 8-4 salaried office thing would be easier than working two 24 hour shifts a week.

but it’s only Wednesday and I am mentally exhausted.  And I left at 3:30 today.

I work in an office that’s not on campus, we rent training facilities elsewhere so that’s where my office is. I have no supervision, direction, or oversight. Once I get settled I can frequently work from home but until then, there is a lot to get used to.

Fortunately this is the job I have wanted for twenty years and there’s only an opening about every fifteen years, so it’s awesome that I was asked to do it. But I am drained and it’s only Wednesday.

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Transitions are *hard*, even if they are positive. Give yourself time to process and get used to it. 

I'm 9 months into a new job and just starting to be okay with it. It's really different (harder) now, vs when we were 20 and could just do whatever. 

Sending you strength. But also, you are nothing but strong and will get through this transition and thrive. 

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There’s only 20 of these positions in my state and they’re hard to get. I was fortunate to first be recruited and then to be the most desired candidate so they were willing to negotiate(I negotiated a flexible salaried position even though I probably caused myself a pay cut doing it).

And the previous person frankly checked out about nine months ago and has left me a dumpster fire right in time for our reaccreditation in the spring.  I can take my homeschooled youngest sometimes, I can work from home sometimes, it’s not as overwhelming as I’m making it in my head. But still it is a huge adjustment.


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Yeah new things are exhausting. We moved this summer. It was an easy move. I love our new place. But I could not believe how exhausted I was for a good six weeks. Nothing is in a groove or automatic. Everything you are doing probably needs five times as much though lt as it will in a month. You’ll adjust. I’m so excited for this new opportunity!

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This sounds like a job my mom took.  It got a lot better in the second and third year!  Then it got even better as time went on.  But the first year was hard, she was not left with something workable by the previous person.  

BUT everyone knew this was the situation — that she was coming in to clean up a big mess.  I think a lot of people do understand that is what is going on!  Not everybody gets it, but a lot of people do.  

I think — don’t be too hard on yourself.  

Edited by Lecka
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New stuff is exhausting. You haven't developed any routines or habits yet, so everything requires brain power - even going to the restroom because it's not just an "automatic left turn, 20 steps down the hallway", third stall from the right situation. You still have to pay attention to where you are going so you don't accidentally go into the janitor closet next door to the bathroom. All of that takes energy. So since you've also inherited a dumpster fire at crunch time, you can probably expect to be well and truly tired at the end of your day for awhile. Hopefully though, you'll settle into some routines and systems soon to help take some of the load off.

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I've been doing an internship for the last 9 weeks. It's just 6 hours a day but I have a long drive to and from making it more like almost 9 hours a day. And it has wrecked me. BUT I'm adjusting and I have really enjoyed it. My house has suffered. My laundry is wild. I can't keep up with shopping and food and cleaning up. Last week I didn't fix a single meal at home. The "extra" of Halloween was way more than I could manage, and I don't even have little kids at home!

All I'm saying here is that you are not alone. Big changes are hard! (And I need to find someone to come help me clean up my house before we have company come for the holidays!) 

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I hope that you get into your rhythm and as Laura has said,  find things becoming more familiar and automatic soon.  It will definitely get better with time!  You'll also have your systems set up at home as everyone gets used to your new working schedule.

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Congratulations on the new job!!

Not only is it a new job with new hours, you've just come off an exhausting stretch with your past employment (it sounds like from your posts), you are picking up work left for months undone and you don't have direct supervision to help get you trained up. But you're doing it! That's amazing!! You've got this. 😊

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