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5th Annual Hive Holiday Card Exchange!


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A different boardie started the Annual Hive Holiday Card Exchange back in 2019. With her blessing, I've taken over coordinating it for this year. 

I've already contacted the hivers on last year's list to see who would like to continue. The ones who want to continue are remaining on the list. However, some of the hivers from last year had to drop out, so there are 10 open spots!

If you're wondering what this is all about and think you might be interested in exchanging cards this year, here are the details:

Sending Christmas/Holiday Greetings cards is dying out, I'm sure you've noticed. It is disappointing to send out a great bunch of nice, carefully-chosen cards and only get a small handful in return. So, this exchange is a guarantee that you will receive around 30 or so cards this holiday season in exchange for the 30ish you will send out. This list is topped out at 30 because most of us have busy lives and writing out more than 30 cards is too daunting.

Ground rules: Send any type of holiday card to all the Hivers on the list I will give you by PM, once I have compiled it. Please make every possible effort to send out cards in a timely manner to everyone on the list. If a crisis happens in your family, of course you're excused, but this only works if participation is highly reciprocal. Cards can be religious or secular, handmade or store-bought, fancy or simple. 

In order to maintain the integrity of this community, this is open only to Hive members who have been around a while and whom I can identify as "people I know in cyberspace." This is simply not for newbies. 

If you would like to exchange cards, please say so on this thread. The first 10 will be added to the current list. 

Last year, all participants were in North America; I'm not sure if air mail to other continents is worth it for participants. I don't know how expensive or reliable/timely trans-continental card mailings are usually or this year in particular. 

I will keep this thread bumped as I'm able to, until we have around 30 or so people who desire to participate, at which time I will edit the title to say we're filled this year. 

Edited by Garga
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Time for another bump! Might as well add fun facts to the bump:

Where does the name Lego come from:

The Lego Group began in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen (born 7 April 1891), a carpenter from Billund, Denmark, who began making wooden toys in 1932. In 1934, his company came to be called "Lego", from the Danish phrase leg godt, which means "play well".


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On 11/6/2023 at 5:46 PM, Garga said:

@katilac I tried messaging you about the card exchange, but it says you can’t receive messages. Are you interested this year? I see you exchanged 2 years ago, but not last year. 

My mailbox was full, sorry! 

I'm going to bow out again, because there is so much going on I'm not confident I would get it done. 

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56 minutes ago, Jann in TX said:

I'd love to participate!


Ok!! Send me your name (if you want to) and address in a pm.

I’ll bump the thread for a couple more days and then send out the address list to everyone.

It’s really fun to get cards from everyone!!

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18 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

My kids have already asked if we’re doing this this year.

they call you guys my imaginary friends and proudly show off all your cards to everyone who stops by as “Christmas cards from the figments of my mom’s imagination.”

I think I told you guys before, but when I started exchanging cards with the hive 2 years ago, my youngest was 16. He was so baffled by the whole thing! So many people stopped exchanging cards (including me) in the past 15-20 years, that he never even knew that it used to be a big part of Christmas. 

Every few days more cards would arrive and I’ll stick them up on the door and he just couldn’t wrap his head around all these cards arriving at the house. He loved it!

I was looking back at some old card exchange threads where we posted pictures of our cards and see that one of us strings them up with clothes pins. I’m going to do that this year! 

I’ve had my cards for a couple of weeks now and I love them. They’re tiny. Tiny little cards being sent in the mail is just so darn cute, I can hardly stand it!

I might only bump this today and then will compile the addresses. There are a couple of spots left.

Edited by Garga
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This is my last bump 🙂 I’ll work up the address list tomorrow or Sunday and get it out to everyone! 

I even bought Christmas stamps the other day!!! If you go to USPS.gov, they have many options for Christmas this year, so I got two different types. 

Last year, I wrote out my cards while my youngest took the SAT test. It was really nice to sit in a little fast food place by myself, sipping a drink, and writing out the cards. It felt special.

I think I’ll do that again this year. Find a little fast food place to plop down (so I don’t mess with someone’s tip), and write out the cards there. If I’m home, I’ll get distracted by everything going on at the house and it’ll feel like a chore instead of something special.

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44 minutes ago, Garga said:

This is my last bump 🙂 I’ll work up the address list tomorrow or Sunday and get it out to everyone! 

I even bought Christmas stamps the other day!!! If you go to USPS.gov, they have many options for Christmas this year, so I got two different types. 

Last year, I wrote out my cards while my youngest took the SAT test. It was really nice to sit in a little fast food place by myself, sipping a drink, and writing out the cards. It felt special.

I think I’ll do that again this year. Find a little fast food place to plop down (so I don’t mess with someone’s tip), and write out the cards there. If I’m home, I’ll get distracted by everything going on at the house and it’ll feel like a chore instead of something special.

Good idea! I think I go to a local indie coffee shop for this. 

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@WildflowerMom @mom31257 @Jann in TX @BlsdMama @history-fan @medawyn @GailV @itsheresomewhere @CTVKath @Tree Frog @Harriet Vane @Acorn @Starr @sangtarah @Moonhawk @Tap @Spryte @ScoutTN @dirty ethel rackham @Loowit @Corbster98 @fairfarmhand @Mothersweets @Mrs Tiggywinkle Again @school17777


These are the 26 of us who are exchanging this year. There are 4 more spots. If another 4 hivers ask to join, great! 

But if not, I was thinking that we could still fill those spots with cards we send, but don’t expect to get back. Here’s what I mean:

I have a friend who’s in a nursing home. She can’t do a lot of decorating for the holidays and she’s said that it makes her feel sad to think that the outside world has forgotten her. I thought she might get a kick out of getting a bunch of pretty holiday cards in the mail that she can tape to her door. 

Maybe you also know someone like that. If you all like the idea, perhaps we can use the last 4 spots for people like my friend. We could send them cards without expecting cards from them in return. I would mark them as “optional” on the list and you would send them a card only if you want to. 

What do you all think of that? If we like the idea, please let me know if you have anyone in mind and we’ll add them to the list, unless we get a few more hivers who want to join. Hivers will get priority. 

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