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How are you going with Christmas shopping?


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I think I'm done! I asked my DDs to send me an idea for each of the gc so that's done. I still have to get everything wrapped and that's tricky because the girls wrap without seeing their own! I think stockings are done too except for gift cards to Starbucks and to a local restaurant.  I bought a rather neat Jesse tree project this year and I'm tickled to only focus on scripture and crafts all of December!

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@marbel Thank you so much! I’ve read The Christmas Party by Heyer but not any of the others. I’m excited to have some new reads for December!

I enjoyed The Mistletoe Murder and Other Stories by PD James, if you’re interested in short stories. 

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On a scale of 0 to 10, I'm at the "ask me and I'll smack you" level.  😛

OK but seriously.  Every year I tell myself I'm gonna get an earlier start.  Ha!  I didn't even ask the kids what they want yet, because I wanted them to focus on a few other things we had going on, but today is probably a good day to ask.

Yesterday I received a shipment of some practical things for the household.  I was getting ready to put them away, but someone suggested that I save them for Christmas, LOL.  So I closed the box back up and put it in my closet.  Now I can say I'm about 1% done with my Christmas shopping!

For me, I think the hardest thing is figuring out what to get for my parents.  I have to get them each something, but it should be small in size, fun, and something they haven't received before (with 6 kids up to age 60, they've had 60x6x7 = 2,520 chances to any given item in the past).

Well, my dad did say he'd like some photos of my kids, so I can try to come up with something there.  Though with teens it's not that easy to get grandparent-worthy photos, LOL.  But what else ....

I give gift cards to those I "buy for" in the extended family.  Each year, I try to come up with a fun way to "present" the gift cards.  So let's see what I find for this year.

My kids are pretty spoiled and will probably get whatever they ask for within a certain price range, if they ask soon enough.  Since we moved our travels to after Christmas, we'll probably try to attend some sort of live entertainment.  It would also be nice to go to church after a long time.

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On 11/4/2023 at 1:41 PM, kbutton said:

Christmas? What is Christmas? Denial here

That friend speaks my mind.

Exhaustion, grief, transitions, finances, and limbo = no plans and no desire to think about it.

I'll get there.  Handel's Messiah will work its magic.  But also this might be the year we do Icelandic Christmas with books, chocolate, and candles.


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I bought a couple small gifts for each of my kids this week. Dh has something on his Amazon list that I will likely get for him. Pricier, so probably his only gift. 

I haven’t saved well for Christmas this year and am not feeling the fun in gift-giving, at least not yet. 

@Eos The music is key, for sure.


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When I texted my kids to ask what they want for Christmas, only one answered ... to (a) remind me that she already asked for something that I was supposed to order ASAP and (b) to request that her sister be sent far away.  😛

It was a month ago that my kid told me she wanted a specific style/color of Uggs slippers.  She wanted me to order them ASAP since they were in hot demand and going out of stock everywhere.

I forgot.  Well, in my defense, at first I delayed because I was ticked that she made some unauthorized purchases on someone's credit card that day ... she was playing the "forgiveness is easier than permission" game.  So I was like, I'm not gonna drop dead for this entitled little brat.  But I was gonna still order them eventually.  And ... I did ... this week.  They are backordered (again).  Oh well.  Nobody will die if she doesn't get that item on Christmas.

Last month I walked through one of those temporary "Christmas stores" and saw some things I thought my mom might like.  I need to remember follow up on that before everyone is out of stock.  I also need to go to my sister's county in order to buy some gift cards that are only sold there, for her kids.

Other than that ... I suppose my eldest isn't going to give me any ideas.  She buys what she wants (clothes, make-up, and jewelry).  She'd love some money.  But that doesn't sound fun to me.  😕

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Well, we have been very practical with the kids because what else do you do with teens/young adults. They have needs. Lol


But we are moving to a new stage. Youngest is still getting a big practical item. An adjustable desk so he can stand or sit while doing school work. He has a couple years left at home and is doing some online classes to which means less change of scenery. Though I try to make sure he has at least 2 in person with other people IRL classes. 


The plan for the oldest two is to make photo albums from their childhood but that means I have to sort through thousands of photos. Ack! I could just make the same one for both but I would like to personalize it. I am curious if I can get one printed, wait until I have it and then modify it to personalize for the second child? Any tips on this appreciated!

Not sure about third child. 

I sometimes do cards but seldom buy for extended family. 



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5 hours ago, SKL said:

It was a month ago that my kid told me she wanted a specific style/color of Uggs slippers.  She wanted me to order them ASAP since they were in hot demand and going out of stock everywhere. ... They are backordered (again). 

Eek! Ugg slippers are on DD's Christmas list and I told her I'd get them if she could find a good  sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, or else she'd have to pick a similar but less expensive brand. It doesn't sound like there are going to be any Ugg sales coming up if they're already sold out and backordered!

If anyone has any recommendations for Ugg-like sheepskin slippers (low tops but closed heel), I'd love to hear them!

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1 minute ago, Corraleno said:

Ugg slippers are on DD's Christmas list and I told her I'd get them if she could find a good  sale for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, or else she'd have to pick a similar but less expensive brand. It doesn't sound like there are going to be any Ugg sales coming up if they're already sold out and backordered!

Maybe give her an IOU. The best time to buy UGGs are after New Year's. That's really when they go one sale in my experience. The last UGGs I bought were several years ago though.

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I only buy for DS & DD, so I'm mostly done except for the above-mentioned slippers and some stocking stuffers.

DD's main gift is a Nintendo Switch Lite plus Animal Crossing (Target had them bundled for $198), and I also got her a case for the Switch plus stocking stuffers like stretchy gloves, Swiss army knife, set of lip balms, mini hand lotions, face masks, and other cosmetic stuff.

DS is getting a couple of shirts and a jacket from American Tall, plus some athletic shorts and tees, plus three gigantic jars of Marmite (always his favorite present!), lol. I still need some stocking stuffers for him, like charging cords, rechargeable batteries, mini flashlight, and I need to think of some other stuff.

Then I usually fill the rest of the stockings with fun imported candy and snacks from Uwajimaya and World Market. (I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought 30" long Christmas stockings when the kids were little...)

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Wow, Kid1 provided me with 2 things she wants for Christmas!  This has to be a first.  Some Dyson multi-thingy hairdo thingy and another pair of "Jordans."

One of the radio stations has started to play Christmas music.  I was just thinking I feel ready for that.  😛  Also my kids have been buying things like Christmas cookie dough and a Christmas dog sweater.  Does that count for progress toward Christmas?

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I have decided to get the 2 college kids something with their college logo on it.....travel mug, hoodie?   Something.   Oldest is no longer in college (and dropped out so I think it would be upsetting to him to get anything from that school) but he has some specific interests that I can tap into and get for him.

Trying to think of some other things for them to open besides just money, which they will get as well.  Last year I got them some 8 in 1 tools for their dorm room and some things like that.....mini tape measure, mini flashlight, that sort of thing.    But I dont' think they really liked it as they both left them at home when they went back to college......ugh.


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19 hours ago, SKL said:

One of the radio stations has started to play Christmas music

The city I'm visiting has its giant tree up.  On the one hand I could be a curmudgeon and think it's "too commercial" a la Charlie Brown but maybe the holiday feelings will calm folks down a bit...myself included I guess.

Icelandic Christmas is sounding better and better.


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I did a flurry of Amazon orders this weekend. I have 2 gift cards to go out and purchase locally, and then stocking stuffers. I think I'm done then. 

I did get 2 board games for us that I may not wrap for Christmas - we shall see if we play them before Christmas. One of them they know is coming because it's actually for a work party - Really Loud Librarians since I work at a library. 

Also picked up a new dress for middle DD who needed some clothing; that's not a present, just normal purchase.

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I’m finished here but we only do immediate family for gifts. Otherwise it’s passing around gc and we opted out. 

I literally purchased the last thing (which was a big deal as we also have 5 birthdays between September and December so it has been endless gift shopping!) and then MIL told me a $ amount and said I could do her shopping too. I don’t mind but somewhat anticlimactic as I had thought I was done. 

I do also need to grab a couple of teacher gifts too but those are local gc. 

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don't do what I did.

In my earnest endeavor to get a Lego set 2ds would like (and not make me go $creaming waa waa waa all the way home . . . ), and not take up an inordinate amount of space as he's parking all of these things in my home theater on any flat surface such as the snack bar top that was supposed to have space for a nice display of - snacks.  (there's no room.)  (he even has display items on top of the microwave.)


anyway. . . . I bought a set he already has.  I had seen in its reviews some mention of it coming with a very large set that he has . . . I was down there putting some stuff away . . . and there it was.

well, there is another set I was thinking of that is significantly less. . . .

He'll get a laugh out of that

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Well, today the last of all the supplies arrived that I need to make some of the fancy foods I am giving away. I am not starting all of that until I get back from our Thanksgiving in Alabama.

I also received the outfit that I bought for my mom for her trip to France. I wondered if it would fit, and it did. She looks like and adorable, somewhat chic, old granny and was thrilled with it. Sigh. I should have all kinds of warm, fuzzy feelings about making her so happy, but I feel numb. I just haven't really gotten past the trust issues after what she and dad put us through, though it has been 8 years, so I don't have the connectedness that my sis has with her. So I am just trying to feel satisfied about doing well for my children's grandmother. They still feel very very close to her.

The books we are giving for Christmas Eve for the grandkids have also arrived.

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We do 'secret santa' where each couple buys for another couple. I got my nephew and his girlfriend, decided on a picnic basket. Oops, they've just split and it's just him now . . . this is what comes with buying too early!

Still haven't received 2 kickstarters (that I signed up for years ago) but they promise they'll arrive before December, hope so. Not the end of the world if they don't, of course. 

36 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I also received the outfit that I bought for my mom for her trip to France. I wondered if it would fit, and it did. She looks like and adorable, somewhat chic, old granny and was thrilled with it. Sigh. I should have all kinds of warm, fuzzy feelings about making her so happy, but I feel numb. I just haven't really gotten past the trust issues after what she and dad put us through, though it has been 8 years, so I don't have the connectedness that my sis has with her. So I am just trying to feel satisfied about doing well for my children's grandmother. They still feel very very close to her.

Yes, that is how I deal with that stuff too, as my kids' grandparents, not in relation to me. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


So we're in December now - time to update on your Christmas shopping!

I thought I was done a while ago but bought a couple more things (including those bird pun coasters from another thread). I should really be done now. Secret Santa is how we deal with family (one for adults, one for children) and they are done. Already had our end of year work party and gave my staff a gift that they all really liked. Friend group has decided no gifts. I have a few things for the neighbours and their kids.

I've got two kickstarters which are apparently sent and on their way so hopefully will arrive within 2 weeks. One is necessary for Christmas, the other can be saved for a Jan birthday if it doesn't arrive on time. I've got the kids everything (books, tshirts, board games, a few trinkets for stockings), and my husband will also get books, tshirts, and a few stocking stuffers. I bought myself my gifts (fitbit and jogging headphones) and so really - we are done. I've even bought the crackers and pudding for Xmas dinner already. 

So how are you going? Stuck on a particular kid or adult? Waiting on something?

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On 11/4/2023 at 4:12 PM, Indigo Blue said:

I would love ideas for grown adult sons who have everything. 

Dh usually gets them some tool item.  Milwaukee is a popular tool set company. 

I'm struggling to find stocking stuffers for my adult sons.  Add in that the younger lives OOS and can't really carry much home on his flight.  Yeah.  Almost sil is a piece of cake! But the stockings are what they still love!   Sigh.

I need to sort through my drawers and see which stockings have enough and which ones need more.  I collect all year and stuff it in a drawer.


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13 minutes ago, Tina said:

Dh usually gets them some tool item.  Milwaukee is a popular tool set company. 

I'm struggling to find stocking stuffers for my adult sons.  Add in that the younger lives OOS and can't really carry much home on his flight.  Yeah.  Almost sil is a piece of cake! But the stockings are what they still love!   Sigh.

I need to sort through my drawers and see which stockings have enough and which ones need more.  I collect all year and stuff it in a drawer.


I think I did it. A really super nice outdoor folding table for son who just bought his first house, and Lego electric guitar with amp for the other son who loves Legos. It’s SO cool. He will love it. 

We have the same problem year after year with the OOS son. This year, I’m just sending the Legos to his house with instructions not to open until closer to Christmas. He will have one more thing to open here that he can take back easily. 

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I'm done with 2ds  - last year, I bought him stuff for his work-station/computer desk.  He sent it back.  For his birthday, I offered to do more - never got an answer as he couldn't find what he wanted.  . . . so, I spent more than I normally would, and bought him his preferred type of lego set.  And a light set to go with it . . there's some other novelties, and a baby yoda t-shirt.  He never gives suggestions. He always wants to see what people will come up with on their own.

and with 2dd & family (overnighting her phone $eek$ was an early Christmas present) - but I found this for the boys!  (when she was here, I gave her a cashmere blazer I bought (at marshall's) for 1ds "business casual wardrobe" - he didn't want it, so it's been sitting in my closet for a few years.  I'm happy to have someone using it.  (I lol at the expressions on her and dsil's faces when they looked at the original price tag. I paid about 12% of that original price tag)  she's ecstatic and plans on having it altered to fit her better - she has VERY broad shoulders and long arms, and the sleeves are good.  dh, 2ds, and dsil (even after all the weight he lost) all wanted it, but it's too small for them. - I actually bought two. a 42L and a 44L.  2dd took the 42L. She loves sleeves that are long enough for her.  1ds said they were too big for him.)

dudeling asked for a black yoga mat. . . . He rarely asks for anything.. (and I'll give him a pkg of almond roca.)  I ordered one with lines for positioning that's supposed to not smell. (I also ordered a blocks & strap set for props.)  so just about done for him.    And the shirt (anime something) he really wanted - is out of stock.

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I am mostly done. Still need some small things for my mom. Need to go back through the pile and make a list of what I have for whom.

Kids and Dh still have some to do, but that is not my deal.

We may need gifts for an extended family game on Christmas Eve, but those will also not be mine to do. I can never predict what my ILs will find fun or funny! 


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