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Can you offer Spencer some encouragement?


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Spencer is going to be playing a piano piece in the local Sonata Festival. He is starting to chafe a bit under the last bit of memorization and fine tuning he still needs to do in the next few weeks.

He is doing a really good job and just needs to stay the course and see it through to the end...despite being entirely sick of playing this piece by this point. 🙂


Could you perhaps offer him an encouraging message to help him find the motivation he needs to keep working?


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Good job, Spencer! You are a gifted musician, and you've put a lot of work into that! The last bit of perfecting a piece is the hardest part. It isn't new any more, and you feel rather sick of it, and it is easy to just play through it without listening for the bumpy parts. But that last bit of perfecting a piece is where the difference is in something good and something great, between playing a piece and really making it your own, being able to feel it as you play it. Many people may not even be able to tell the difference. But you will be able to tell the difference, and there are some who will know afterwards that they have heard it how it was truly supposed to be played. So push through and really make it your own now! 

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Spencer's playing is wonderful. I remember being that age and preparing for recitals. My advice would be to pretend that you're performing in front of an audience. You want to sound as good as you can for the audience, so keep practicing! It will be over soon and think about how proud you'll be 🙂 

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Spencer - that’s terrific - I loved listening to you play!  Watching your hands on the keyboard was a delight - you have an amazing amount of grace on the keys.  

The last bit of pulling a piece together is always the hardest, but after listening to you play, I have no doubt that you really can do this!


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Spencer, you played that piece beautifully. I can tell how hard you have worked on it. I showed this to my kids and my son said “wow! I wish I could play like that!” perhaps you have encouraged someone else to learn piano too!

Edited by Wishes
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Spencer, you're rocking that Mozart, kiddo! The technical bits sound very solid!  (*ahem!* Gentle reminder not to rush the “easy” bits.) Now relax and have some fun with the piece!  Imagine you're flipping out your tuxedo tails when you sit down to play. Now play it the way you would sing it, with a bit of drama, and you'll have the audience in the palm of your hand. You've got this! 

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Spencer, I loved watching your video.  You've put a lot of effort into practicing, and it shows.  Most of the hard work is done -- congratulations!  Keep pressing on with those little improvements that can seem insignificant, but are the key to taking your performance to the next level.  I know you're going to be amazing at the Sonata Festival!

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