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My dog had pups in the night.

(if anyone tries to tell you that a male Great Pyrenees won’t be fertile before a year, tell them they’re wrong.)

she had a hard time last fall and lost a ton of weight. Th is also messed up her cycle so she came in heat in December. Thankfully, she only had 2 pups, which is great since I’m still trying to put weight back on her.

we didn’t even realize that she was pregnant till this week.

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1 minute ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

Pics when you get them, please.


1 minute ago, Baseballandhockey said:

Ummmm @fairfarmhand,  isn't there a board rule requiring pictures in this situation?


Definitely. I'm giving momma dog some time to acclimate before I go out there and mess with them. She did do some growling at the male when I was out there earlier, but she was nice to me. She's still in that nervous protective phase. 

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Just now, fairfarmhand said:


Definitely. I'm giving momma dog some time to acclimate before I go out there and mess with them. She did do some growling at the male when I was out there earlier, but she was nice to me. She's still in that nervous protective phase. 

Tell her I understand, I am in the same phase myself.

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This is Susan and babies. The kids and I went out and dragged the pups out from under the old tractor where she had them and put them in the wading pool that we keep for such occasions. Susan behaved beautifully, like she knew exactly what the goal was—get pups into a clean dry spot.

and there’s just 2 like I thought.

Last time she had 10 puppies so we’re glad for just 2. 

she looks terrible in these pics. Generally she doesn’t look so bad, I promise. She must have had a long night. 



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10 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Okay, uhm...that 's a lot of fertility! If this happened at my house, I would be getting rid of my own ovaries ASAP! 😂😂😂

Off topic but we figured out that our bull has ummm… an erectile dysfunction problem. We have cows coming in heat and they all should be bred now.

this is not good since when my dh borrows another bull our cows will calve late.

I’ve named the bull Bob.


for Bob Dole.

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2 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Off topic but we figured out that our bull has ummm… an erectile dysfunction problem. We have cows coming in heat and they all should be bred now.

this is not good since when my dh borrows another bull our cows will calve late.

I’ve named the bull Bob.


for Bob Dole.


giphy (1).gif

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1 minute ago, Grace Hopper said:

Sweet mama! I love great pyrs but could never own one, we lack the space and tasks for a great quality of life for that breed. But I love the ones my friends have! 

We will need more pics about the 6 week adorable mark, ok?

They’re definitely farm dogs. They would be super annoying in town. All the barking.


will totally share pics in a few weeks. They are super cute around weaning.

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16 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I would have thought they would have big litters.  So adorable and sweet.  

Usually yes. Last litter was 10! 

However, I think the combination of Susan's poor body condition and our young (8 month old!!!) male dog, she just had the two. And I am fine with it. I wasn't planning on breeding her till this spring after I'd fattened her up. Had no idea that our male could father pups at such a young age. 

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11 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Usually yes. Last litter was 10! 

However, I think the combination of Susan's poor body condition and our young (8 month old!!!) male dog, she just had the two. And I am fine with it. I wasn't planning on breeding her till this spring after I'd fattened her up. Had no idea that our male could father pups at such a young age. 

Males can become fertile as young as 5-6 months.

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15 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

Usually yes. Last litter was 10! 

However, I think the combination of Susan's poor body condition and our young (8 month old!!!) male dog, she just had the two. And I am fine with it. I wasn't planning on breeding her till this spring after I'd fattened her up. Had no idea that our male could father pups at such a young age. 

This is how we wound up with our third dog.  A friend was told her male golden retriever wouldn’t be able to father pups yet so she was trying to hold off till 12 months to have him neutered. A litter of 11 puppies later, that turned out to not be the case.

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4 minutes ago, Selkie said:

Males can become fertile as young as 5-6 months.

Yeah, generally the big dogs take longer to reach full maturity. But not being as fertile apparently doesn't translate to being completely sterile either. 🙂

Thankfully, the main reason that we bought him was to be the father to pups so I'm not horrified or anything. I am super grateful that Susan just had the two though. I can still work on fattening her up. She probably won't come in heat this spring then. Generally, she comes in heat twice a year, in March and September like clockwork. With her health problems, she skipped last September and came in heat in December. 

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1 hour ago, Scarlett said:

I was thinking about Susan as I drifted off to sleep last night.  I am wondering why she was not in very good condition....or why she needed fattening up.  Had she been sick? 

She’s always been a very slender built dog. Last fall, our old female who Susan has never been without died. Susan stopped eating. And then she developed an aPparent allergy to her food. Itchy all over. Vet saw nothing like fleas or mange or anything. Basically it was sadness and probably allergy to food. She was very stressed and depressed. I started cooking for her in the fall but it has taken awhile for her to recover. She was just a bag of bones. She looks so much better than she did in the fall. But I wasn’t counting on this pregnancy. 

she’s eating like a Queen now. Her regular food that I cook for her morning and night, plus extra sandwiches twice a day and a warm milk and egg shake twice a day to warm her belly and keep her hydrated. 

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7 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

She’s always been a very slender built dog. Last fall, our old female who Susan has never been without died. Susan stopped eating. And then she developed an aPparent allergy to her food. Itchy all over. Vet saw nothing like fleas or mange or anything. Basically it was sadness and probably allergy to food. She was very stressed and depressed. I started cooking for her in the fall but it has taken awhile for her to recover. She was just a bag of bones. She looks so much better than she did in the fall. But I wasn’t counting on this pregnancy. 

she’s eating like a Queen now. Her regular food that I cook for her morning and night, plus extra sandwiches twice a day and a warm milk and egg shake twice a day to warm her belly and keep her hydrated. 

Awwww. Sweet girl.  I am glad she is feeling  better.  Maybe the pups will take her mind off her grief!

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25 minutes ago, fairfarmhand said:

She’s always been a very slender built dog. Last fall, our old female who Susan has never been without died. Susan stopped eating. And then she developed an aPparent allergy to her food. Itchy all over. Vet saw nothing like fleas or mange or anything. Basically it was sadness and probably allergy to food. She was very stressed and depressed. I started cooking for her in the fall but it has taken awhile for her to recover. She was just a bag of bones. She looks so much better than she did in the fall. But I wasn’t counting on this pregnancy. 

she’s eating like a Queen now. Her regular food that I cook for her morning and night, plus extra sandwiches twice a day and a warm milk and egg shake twice a day to warm her belly and keep her hydrated. 

Aww, I think the puppies will be a great dose of medicine for her heart that’s missing her old friend. I imagine the new boy helped, but the puppies will give her purpose. 

Ok yeah I’m anthropomorphizing, but glad to hear Susan’s story and that she’s on the mend. 

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51 minutes ago, Grace Hopper said:

Is the new boy Peter or Edmund?

He's Barnabas. 

I can't remember why we didn't stick to the theme, but I know that Barnabas means "Consolation" Lucy was always a very consoling dog. She was a comforter, when anyone was sad. Many tears were shed into her fur, so we all were pretty upset when she died. Barnabas is the hope that he will be as consoling as Lucy was and his presence was quite a consolation to my dd16. Lucy was her dog that she got when she was 5 years old.

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Sometimes white puppies can be born with a greenish yellow tint to their fur due to exposure to biliverdin (from bile) in the womb, but it fades within a few days. This photo is from a story about a puppy that was born on a farm in Italy a couple of years ago, that's where I first heard about it:

Screen Shot 2022-02-22 at 3.31.34 PM.png

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17 minutes ago, Baseballandhockey said:

They don't have parts?  

Add this to the list of things I never knew!  

The boy part is kind of sucked in. You can tell the difference because the distance between the solid and liquid waste holes are farther apart on boys, but it's not comfortable to check.

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