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2022 Goal Group - January


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Decided today on some specifics:

- pay a specific amount monthly directly to mortgage principle
- return to active budgeting, not merely expense tracking

- exercise 3x/week
- hike or other extended time outdoors 1x/month

- consistent work on memorizing/reviewing Scripture
- use Nancy Guthrie’s book as a guide for praying for my kids this year

- finish the books in my stack before buying any more books!
- complete The Literary Life challenge 

-spend more time with my mom and my MIL
- plan at least one family vacation

-spend 2 hrs/month on beyond maintenance cleaning or organizing 
- replace 2 worn out rugs

Edited by ScoutTN
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1 hour ago, Quill said:

@Just Kate, I read Atomic Habits I think in the last quarter of 2020 and I still use the ideas for making or breaking a habit. I still ask myself those questions. So when I find myself asking, “Why is it so hard to make myself do X?” I start thinking: How can I make this more convenient to do? How can I make it more rewarding to accomplish? How can I make it more appealing or automatic? 

Or conversely, so I will *stop* doing something, I ask the reverse questions. 

That’s great!! I know that Atomic Habits is supposed to be a helpful book. I’ve listened to James Clear interviews in several podcasts and I also receive his emails, which I read occasionally. I just can’t seem to make myself read the book (weird, right?). I know it will really help me though, so I’m excited to focus on it this month (and year!). 

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Day 4 check in.   I did my 15 min workout this morning as I said I would.  I chose yoga and boy did I need it.  I am so tight and my balance isn't where it can and should be.

Eating plan is also going well and I have lost some weight.

Only 4 days in, but hey,  a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


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I love these! I have to keep my goals few and short or they will not get done.

1. Speak exclusively German (95% of the time) with my children. 

2. Set my mind every morning to Seek First the Kingdom and set daily tasks according to this principle.

3. Put my phone down, period.

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Short-term goals:

Lose at least 5lbs this month.   Long-term goal: lose 50 by Christmas. 

Grocery budget $180 week + alcohol.   Long-term goal:  cushion the budget, get an easy meal plan menu going.  

M-F, alternate arms and elliptical.   Long-term goal: strengthen arms, lose belly fat.   

Ginger tea daily to see if it helps AI.  Long-term goal: pain relief.  

Medical help help to see if it helps AI.  Long-term goal:  pain relief.

Bible daily, no real long-term goal this year.  Completed last year's goal (only goal I completed, so happy about that).  Focusing on re-reading NT and Psalms and putting it to memory.  

Read daily.   Long term goal:   Read through kindle books, make kindle unlimited worth it.  

Visit the state parks in my area, making it to several by year's end. 


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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

I have a new goal for January - recover from Covid. After that I'll think about other goals. We just tested positive this morning. I'm not feeling too horrible, but I haven't had any energy to think about any goals.

That sounds like a good goal! Forget about everything else for now!!!

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1 hour ago, GracieJane said:

I love these! I have to keep my goals few and short or they will not get done.

1. Speak exclusively German (95% of the time) with my children. 

2. Set my mind every morning to Seek First the Kingdom and set daily tasks according to this principle.

3. Put my phone down, period.

I'm sorry if I missed this in another thread, but do you live in Germany?

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Day 4 Check in

We went for a hike yesterday. In cold weather and not exactly TX cold, but real cold. It was a short 2.5 mile hike but it was so exhilarating because it hit so many goals of mine. Go for a hike and not a neighborhood walk regardless of weather and not have my fear cripple or hold back my kids. DD5 especially handled it like a champ. I started this thread and it was such a great resource for me.

I hope to make it a lifestyle where we hike on many days during a month as a family. 

As for the rest, I am re-evaluating and prioritizing those that are habit forming, long term goals and work in progress. 


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46 minutes ago, Eos said:

Day 2, also good.  Maybe a breakthrough with dd17, will hold it quietly for a week and see it it sticks.

I will be thinking about you and your daughter and hope that it does stick.  Congratulations on the maybe breakthrough,  they can be very hard to achieve and mean everything when they happen.

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Update on Week 1 (+2) Goals:

On 1/1/2022 at 11:57 AM, Moonhawk said:

House, mini goals by week: 1. Clean van and get it ready for donation runs. 1a. Pack up all kid books not being used for school and break up into sell/store/donate.

Bank account, mini goals by week: 1. make 4-week repeating food schedule, with budget numbers with each meal/week; goal is less than $800/mo, preferably $650-700. 2. Pay all current bills, withdraw expected kid $$ for the year. House subscriptions (insurance, ~utilities) add to calendar and total up. 

Bonus goal: 300 days of logged workouts. January goal: 25 days. 

The van isn't ready for donation but I got kids books done, and have taken books out and sold already. The kids helped me get the books sorted and we kept more than I had wanted, but everything is in a sealed box now so at least they aren't floating around and making mess. Besides the baby's books. I'll do the van this week in preparation for Week 2 House goals. 

I made the 4-week repeating food schedule. After 3 hours gathering ingredient prices, I am shocked that my average dinner now costs $24.78, which × 30 days = $743 per month just for dinners. Yes I can cut this down: smaller portions, focus only on my cheapest on the list, make bulk, only buy on sale, etc. But the reality is that dinners are expensive and have gone up in price since the last time I did this. After looking at other food needs (breakfast, lunch, snacks), my initial grocery budget is $750/month total. So, I'll just have to be crafty and watch my receipts carefully.

I've paid all current bills and have withdrawn all kid cash for the year. 

1/25 workouts for January, guess you guys know what I'm doing the rest of the month lol. 


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On 1/4/2022 at 12:50 PM, wintermom said:

I have a new goal for January - recover from Covid. After that I'll think about other goals. We just tested positive this morning. I'm not feeling too horrible, but I haven't had any energy to think about any goals.

I am sorry.  Hope you have a mild case. 

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Day 6 Check in:

I had this not written down but hopeful goal of staying away online. Not quite successful at that.

I have prioritized my goals. Habit forming ones are going well. Worked out for more than 30 minutes so far each day. Diversified too. Will be doing virtual Tai Chi tomorrow. Saturday we plan to hike as in go to the easy trail and walk for a bit. We are planning to explore other nearby trails each weekend. 

Gratitude journal each day. Just the necessities most days, but it is good to be grateful especially when my default setting is woe is me. 

Took down the wreath today as it is ephiphany. Rest are all packed up long ago. Lights will stay a little tree without ornaments.

Have ordered some fermenting tools/utensils. Will be going to Asian store tomorrow. Do not want to fight crowds.

Piano arrived. That goal is a long term one and nothing will be done until Omicron subsides a bit.

Leads to a Urdu online class. I would prefer at my pace.  

I had hoped to make a snowflake a month in crochet. Not started yet.

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13 hours ago, Eos said:

Day 3: PMS for breakfast, lunch, and dinner courtesy of dd17.  There's always tomorrow!

Just sending hugs and commiseration, as I have BTDT and may be doing it again. Before DD19 moved out, there were a couple of days every month when I would literally just hole up in my bedroom with my laptop, books, and a thermos of tea, and only come out to refill the thermos and feed the dog. We were both a lot happier after she moved out, but she got into a very unhealthy relationship that she needed to figure out on her own, and also come to the realization that adulting is a lot more work (and more expensive!) than she thought. So she just moved back home in the last couple of days and we will see how things go. On the one hand, I'm thrilled she dumped the boyfriend and will have a little more practice at adulting "with training wheels" before she tries again, but I'm also a little concerned that I may be spending a couple of days every month in my bedroom again! I take comfort from the fact that several friends who've been through it say they have come out the other side with strong relationships, so hang in there!

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Day 5 Check-in:

- walking and None-to-Run progress is on track
- lost a little weight already
- Master Bathroom Decluttered and working on Master Bedroom

Realizing that I need to do better in scheduling my time so that I don't end up getting my exercise in just before bed.

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Checking in for Week One. 

Watercoloring: Completed two paintings, one is an original of my cat, Luna, when she was a fluffy little baby. The other was a version of the first January LMA project box, Rainbow Scallops. 

Writing: I have chosen a subject and started framing out the beats of my novel. Working title is either “The Neighborhood” or “Safe Harbor.” Premise of the novel is that a newly-widowed woman gets involved in a “program” called Safe Harbor where she will be given an apartment and child care in a neighborhood. But it’s actually a cult and the power couple who head the program are doing bad things. It takes the protagonist a long while in her emotionally vulnerable state to “see” what is really going on and that she and the other women are being exploited. But she has a legal background and she brings the cult to justice in the end. 

Watering my own grass: I have watched three of four episodes of LuLaRich with dh. I’m going to try to stick with non-episodic documentaries in the future, but this is pretty interesting. 

The house: I haven’t worked On the bedroom yet. I have made a decision on paint color scheme but that’s it, I intend to spend at least an hour on it this weekend. 

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I'll check in today too since my goal is to be offline this weekend.

January Week 1:

5 hours outside (not teaching this week but have multiple obligations that will require me being in the car and indoors); 

1.5/5    The temps have been hovering between -25 and 5 degrees. It's been bitterly cold. 

Steps: Walk the dogs daily, go to BTH at least twice No walks at all. I don't have boots for their feet and the ice, snow, and below zero temps have been horrible for them. The older dog has had a couple of breathing issues being in the cold temps just in the backyard. No one has been walking dogs in the neighborhood. Our usual passersby have been no shows every day this week.

25 miles on stationary bike (can do this at night) I'm at 10/25 so far.

10 km walk/hike - None, again the temps are my excuse. My convertible isn't the best car for the snow and ice covered roads so going to hike somewhere has been a no go. Walking hasn't worked out for me either.

-.5 pound Have not weighed myself.

Steps: No Chai this week, No sugar, no carbs, three day cleanse, 64 ounces of water daily, it also means I have to weigh myself which I really don't want to do (the toughest step yet) Hah! Broke down after three days of no chai and drank copious amounts of it. I just couldn't get warm and needed it to calm my nerves due to life stressors.

I did submit two volunteer applications to organizations I have thought about volunteering for for a couple of years. I have played tennis three times and taught one lesson. I completed this week's CEU, got my next COVID vaccine, did some necessary training for work, handled some financial tasks that needed attention, and read one book. I even donated blood. Even though the above progress doesn't look like much, it has been a productive week. It's not bad considering I lose one day a week traveling to and providing daycare for my DGD. When I do that, it's a 10-12 hour day. I have tomorrow to keep working on those bike and outdoor miles. It's supposed to get to 30 degrees tomorrow so I can take the dogs out for a walk.


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Check in

Well, not so good on two fronts

1. Working out every day. I wanted to make this a habit. Failed yesterday. I could not muster the mental energy to work out but I moved and got steps. But the goal was to work out and make it a habit. So in that I failed. But got enough steps it can count but I do not want to count that as exercise. In the big scheme of move more every day, success. In the larger scheme of building habits, a setback. I think I shall count this as falling off the horse and get back on. 

2. Staying offline. I tried to make an effort on many fronts as in do not read news and just get breaking news. Successful in that. No social media. Successful in that. But I spent more time here. But I do get help like the hiking thing, I have accountability and in my own small way can contribute. So I think I use it productively. 


1. Hiking - Last week I asked for and received help on how to hike. I got really good responses and as a result went on a hike. We got up today to go, but it was raining, cold and rain not a good combo for us. We have good gear but not that good of a gear. So we need to upgrade that. Tomorrow we plan to try again. We need to find a sweet spot for us where we are prepared and what we can tolerate and build up to it. But we got help, made a plan and executed it. so we did get out of the gate which is a huge thing for us. We can only build from here.

2. Mental Health - I knew I would fail and would feel bad. Yesterday especially for the working out part I would have beaten myself up. I did not. Very much a success.

3. Bought a piano. 

4. Bought raw materials for fermenting as well as equipment. Spent time learning. Should try it this weekend. 

5. Read lots and varied. Definitely went outside the usual genres.

 ETA: Item to modify

TaiChi class did not start yesterday. Counted on that for work out and when that cancelled did not work out. So probably work out and do class ? But that would be working out an hour and that is not healthy for me. So make a plan on days that class cancelled. 

Edited by DreamerGirl
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Well, I pretty much failed on all but the easiest of goals. This was a rough week in terms of weather and parenting of adult children --> that's my story and I'm sticking with it. 

Goal: One visit to the park for a minimum 2.5 mile hike (terrible weather forecasted). 

Did not make it due to other obligations and weather. Today would be the best day but I have work, so... 

Goal: Listen to first 4 GC lectures, read Cantos I-10 of Inferno, read first 3 chapters of Reading Dante: from Here to Eternity by Prue Shaw. 

Listened to 2 lectures, read Cantos 1-4, read 1/2 of 1 chapter of Reading Dante.

Goal: Read 13 chapters of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness by Susannah Cahalan.

Did not even pick it up.

Goal: Watch first episode of Around the World in 80 Days on PBS tonight. 

Got this one done. 

Goal: This week's meal plan includes a sweet potato/chickpea/yogurt dish which has no meat, and tacos which will include meat for those who want it; I'll also make either lentil or cauliflower taco filling as a meatless option. 

I  made the sweet potato/chickpea thing which my husband and I loved. Did not make the vegetarian taco filling; neither did I eat the meat taco stuff that my kid made. 

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We went hiking today. Later than we anticipated. But the kids were all, we thought we were going hiking. They liked the part about going out somewhere, where we had to drive. Not wearing masks also counted as a plus.

Same area as before. Almost deserted since Texans hate cold more than heat. But there we were, all bundled up and we did a quick 2.5 mile hike. DH and DS made goat burgers, DD and I cooked up sweet potato fries and cut up some veggies and fruits. 

So goal of hiking in regardless of weather , especially when the parents wimped and children initiated has been a success.

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On 1/2/2022 at 5:02 PM, Corraleno said:

Week 1 Goals:
Spend at least 7 hours cleaning/organizing/purging, get a dumpster delivered, take at least one carload to Goodwill, download Paprika.
Drink two 8 oz glasses of water as soon as I wake up, cut back on chai. (No weight loss or work out goals this week, because we have way too much going on. I will start next week after DS goes back to college.)

End of Week Check-In 

House goals: I spent way more than 7 hours organizing and purging, helped DD pack/move/unpack her apartment plus go through her old bedroom and purge things before she moved in, and I made DS purge his room before he left. We got rid of several pieces of furniture and other large items, plus 4 giant hefty bags of stuff. Haven't taken anything to Goodwill yet, but the living room is full of bags and boxes that will go soon.

Health goals: I've done pretty well at increasing water and decreasing chai, but my diet this week has not been great (I stress-ate a whole bag of vegan marshmallows plus some dark chocolate I bought for the kids that they didn't like). I downloaded the Paprika meal-planning app but haven't started using it yet. Now that DS has gone back to college and DD is mostly settled in, I'm hoping I can get into a really good routine next week, including exercise.

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End of week progress on goal:

- I'm pretty much recovered from Covid, though still get frequent head-aches when focusing on computer work.

Now that I'm feeling much better I need to think up some fun goals for January.  

Outdoor activity:

- minimum 30 minutes daily of one or more: walking, skiing, skating, snowshoeing

Indoor activity:

- daily stretching (10 - 15 min)

- daily strength building exercise (10 - 15 min)


- play piano and/or sing daily (minimum 15 min)

Healthy Eating:

- gradually increase variety and quantity of daily veggies 

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Week 1 Check in:

Work out Goal:

Weekly: Work out 3 hours per week, to include Tai Chi, Strength, and Cardio, and anything else 


Weight loss goal:

Lose 12 pounds in the year

Lose one pound per month

Gained a fraction of a pound

Eating goal:

Eat Gluten-free and wheat-free in January to help support DH's health


Drawing goal:

draw one picture per week/about four per month/ 50-52 per year

Drew two pictures


Play piano one hour per week/four hours per month/50 per year



Watch one Russian movie per month. Find a workbook/curriculum I like, and set a new goal when I find it 


Overall, a successful week!

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Week 1 Report: 

Crochet - Have completed 44/50 ears, 18/25 horns, 2/50 flowers. Slightly behind agressive goal to complete by the end of the month, but this is so boring! The last two days, I started crocheting while listening to a Spanish podcast, which helped.

Week 2 goal: Finish ears and horns, make 16 flowers.

Spanish - I'm very excited about reading Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal. I'm farther in than my goal (yay!) and decided to learn vocab using the Gold list method (I prefer offline, but don't want 3 million flashcards.) I requested the audiobook through inter-library loan, but that usually takes about two weeks. I decided to start a bullet journal to document this year, and made a pretty cool spread for the first chapter. Also, I've continued with Duolingo, plan to reach the next checkpoint by the end of the month. I started a podcast - Coffee Break Spanish, hoping to improve my listening skills. I started with season two, but it's way beneath my knowledge level, so I might skip ahead or find something else. 

Week 2 goals: Read another chapter of HP and record new vocab. Write summary of chapter in bullet journal. Continue Duolingo. Investigate podcasts. 

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Week 1 Report

Walking - Success

Walked every day this week, just under 3 hours total

Goal for the year:  Daily walk of at least 20min.  Get up and walk before even thinking about it. (rain and cold is no excuse!!)

Weekly: 3 hours minimum per week

Eating/Cooking - Fail

We have not had electricity for 5 days and facing a few more until the transformer at the local substation is fixed.  Our generator runs lights, computers and fridge, but not the stove, so meal planning and healthy eating has gone out the window and we've had fast food.  

Goal for the year:  Lose 20kg by eating Keto 

Drink 2l of water per day 

Weekly:  Menu planning completed by Sunday night. Try out one new recipe each week.

Handwork/Craft - Success

Granny square blanket is on track to be completed by month end. 

Goal for the year: Create stuff! 

January:  Finish the granny square project I’ve been doing on and off for the last 18 months.

Relationships - Success

Phoned a friend I've not spoken to in a very long time for her birthday.

Set up time to chat to a long-distance friend or family member at least twice per month.

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Morning routine: success.  Lightbox is a big hit!

Weight loss: success.  Walked, hiked and played in the snow, ate less, one or two pounds gone.

Big puppet project: not success.  I have not taken over a space or drawn it.  Why? Other project: ordered the magic sculpt which will arrive tomorrow.  I do find that I tend to be very one-track, so maybe I need to complete the magic sculpt project first.  Will consider.

Homeschooling dd: success after a very circuitous learning curve. Might be on track at last!

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Okay, Week One January check-in. I met my goals this week
Watercolor: I did three paintings, one was original from my own photo, one was original from an Unsplash free photo (a polar bear and I’m proud of him cause he has such a sweet face!), the other was my own interpretation of the “Rainbow Scallops” project from Let’s Make Art. 
Next Week: Do one watercolor painting at minimum.

Writing: I read through parts of Save the Cat to remind myself of certain things about plotting, wrote out some, though not all of the beats of the plot, identified the theme, fine-tuned some of my earlier ideas, thought up several snippets of scenes, which I pull out my phone and video myself saying the dialogue (because they come to me at odd times and no pen is handy). I also started listening to an audiobook of “The Firm” by John Grisham, because elements of that story are like my story and I want to see if I can identify the plot beats as they happen. 
Next week: Continue to frame out the beats, continue to create the character concepts, continue to record dialogue and scene snippets as they come to me. Continue listening to The Firm. 

Watering My Own Grass: I  watched all four episodes of “LuLaRich” with dh, meeting my documentary goal. I also watched “My Cousin Vinny” with him and ds last night. 
Next week: watch another documentary with dh. Maybe another movie with both if we are all home Friday or Saturday. 

House: I cleaned some dusty shelves in the college son’s bedroom; I removed a stuck-on mess where a pack of playing cards got wet on his windowsill and fused to the sill. I removed all nails and hanging hooks except where shelves will go back; I filled the holes. I chose paint colors and took “before”pictures. 
Next Week: Buy paint. Begin painting. (Even as I type that, I dread the time commitment on it! I love it when it’s finished but I don’t like putting in the hours of painting a bedroom. I would rather paint a watercolor!) 

And for your pleasure, here’s my sweet polar bear buddy: 



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9 minutes ago, Quill said:

Okay, Week One January check-in. I met my goals this week
Watercolor: I did three paintings, one was original from my own photo, one was original from an Unsplash free photo (a polar bear and I’m proud of him cause he has such a sweet face!), the other was my own interpretation of the “Rainbow Scallops” project from Let’s Make Art. 
Next Week: Do one watercolor painting at minimum.

Writing: I read through parts of Save the Cat to remind myself of certain things about plotting, wrote out some, though not all of the beats of the plot, identified the theme, fine-tuned some of my earlier ideas, thought up several snippets of scenes, which I pull out my phone and video myself saying the dialogue (because they come to me at odd times and no pen is handy). I also started listening to an audiobook of “The Firm” by John Grisham, because elements of that story are like my story and I want to see if I can identify the plot beats as they happen. 
Next week: Continue to frame out the beats, continue to create the character concepts, continue to record dialogue and scene snippets as they come to me. Continue listening to The Firm. 

Watering My Own Grass: I  watched all four episodes of “LuLaRich” with dh, meeting my documentary goal. I also watched “My Cousin Vinny” with him and ds last night. 
Next week: watch another documentary with dh. Maybe another movie with both if we are all home Friday or Saturday. 

House: I cleaned some dusty shelves in the college son’s bedroom; I removed a stuck-on mess where a pack of playing cards got wet on his windowsill and fused to the sill. I removed all nails and hanging hooks except where shelves will go back; I filled the holes. I chose paint colors and took “before”pictures. 
Next Week: Buy paint. Begin painting. (Even as I type that, I dread the time commitment on it! I love it when it’s finished but I don’t like putting in the hours of painting a bedroom. I would rather paint a watercolor!) 

And for your pleasure, here’s my sweet polar bear buddy: 



Wow, that is stunning!!!  

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Can we chat about terminology? I think we should not use the word 'fail' if we do not reach our goals. Let's eliminate all variations of that word from this thread.

We have set yearly goals and are breaking them down into smaller bits so we can take steps toward achieving that bigger goal. If we don't accomplish the smaller goal one week, we have other weeks to push harder and make progress. 

If you didn't achieve a weekly goal, look at why. Was it too cold? Did you focus on another goal? Were you ill or taking care of someone who was? Was your goal something you could actually achieve or lofty? How can you refocus and achieve the goals in coming weeks?

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It's a new week for goal chasing.

I'll be honest, I did not achieve all of my goals last week. Like most of the midwest, we were hit by subzero temps everyday. It was way too cold to take a puppy and an elderly dog out anywhere so walks were out of the question. I also didn't reach my stationary bike miles. Using my own advice from the above post, why didn't I achieve the bike goal? I played 10+ hours of tennis. When I play tennis I go hard and my body doesn't like doing both activities in the same day. My legs and knees hurt; esp after the bike crash. I had to choose and I chose tennis. And that's okay.

Here is my January numerical update:

Outside - 3/15 hours

Walk - 5/30 km

Bike - 10/75 miles

CEUs - 1/4

Books- 1/10

My goals for this week: outside for 5 hours, walk 10km, bike 25 miles, 1 CEU, 2 books

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Week 2 Goals
Exercise: 45 mins cardio at least 3x week
Diet: Stay within an 8 hr eating window at least 4x week, track macros & take vitamins every day, drink at least 32 oz water each day, no more than 2 thermoses of chai, eat more than 30 different plants per week*
Organizing: Minimum of 7 hrs total, or 1 hr/day, of organizing and purging, and take at least one car load to Goodwill

*Another thread reminded me of the recommendation to eat at least 30 different plant-based foods per week. I'm pretty sure I eat more than that in an average week, but I thought it might be a fun challenge to see how many I can get.

Edited by Corraleno
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1 hour ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

It's a new week for goal chasing.

I'll be honest, I did not achieve all of my goals last week. Like most of the midwest, we were hit by subzero temps everyday. It was way too cold to take a puppy and an elderly dog out anywhere so walks were out of the question. I also didn't reach my stationary bike miles. Using my own advice from the above post, why didn't I achieve the bike goal? I played 10+ hours of tennis. When I play tennis I go hard and my body doesn't like doing both activities in the same day. My legs and knees hurt; esp after the bike crash. I had to choose and I chose tennis. And that's okay.

Here is my January numerical update:

Outside - 3/15 hours

Walk - 5/30 km

Bike - 10/75 miles

CEUs - 1/4

Books- 1/10

My goals for this week: outside for 5 hours, walk 10km, bike 25 miles, 1 CEU, 2 books

I'm jealous that you have indoor tennis facilities you can access. Ours are all closed due to the latest Covid semi-lockdown. I miss my tennis! 

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I've had success with some of my goals, and forgot to do others. Remembering to fit in piano playing, and finding a time when the noise won't bother anyone else in the house is going to be harder than I thought. I probably won't be doing this daily, but even once a week will be a huge increase. 😄

Outdoor exercise is easy to do because it's my favourite. I'll do it even in -20 degrees with or without the dog. The harder one to keep doing is the stretching and strength work. It's not as fun or satisfying as going outside, so that's more of a chore. 

Healthy eating is going very well! It really helps that I'm isolating due to Covid and can't get to the grocery stores to be tempted to buy junk food. 😉 

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I love this thread and hope you all keep it going each month. I can't commit to participating regularly because I already have the monthly frugal thread, the healthy eating thread, and now the writing group to participate in regularly but I'll try to check in at least once a month.

My goals are lengthy this year. I have 5 each in multiple categories: finance, business, relationship/marriage, personal, family, and I'm sure there is one other category I am not thinking of right now. 

I plan on accomplishing them by focusing on smaller parts of them each month/week/day.

The 3 goals that are my main focus for this quarter are

1. Lose 20 pounds(healthy amount for timeframe)

2. Sell $5000 net across reselling platforms(hefty goal since I averaged $3000 net a quarter last year.)

3. Save $10,000, not including dh's 401k contributions, towards various goals. Already socked $3000 away, so starting this one off nicely.

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

I'm jealous that you have indoor tennis facilities you can access. Ours are all closed due to the latest Covid semi-lockdown. I miss my tennis! 

Our COVID protocol is: everybody masks, social distancing is a must, no hanging at the net to chat, everyone must stagger switching sides at opposite net posts (the ladies' leagues don't switch sides at all), vaccination passport or negative test required to play.

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Just now, Granny_Weatherwax said:

Our COVID protocol is: everybody masks, social distancing is a must, no hanging at the net to chat, everyone must stagger switching sides at opposite net posts (the ladies' leagues don't switch sides at all), vaccination passport or negative test required to play.

That was similar to our protocol (except we were required to be double vacc'ed) until the latest lockdown on Jan. 5th. I'm hoping we'll be able to open back up again so our indoor winter league can start up. 

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So far in 2022, I have walked 47km out of 2022km. 

I have also read 2 books out of 52. 

I am down about 1 lb, have been decluttering *hard*, and paid off about $5k in debt (taken from ebay sales). I am also getting in about 40 minutes of DDP yoga daily. There were a few days last week where yoga didn't happen, due to a funeral, visitation, and family time. 

Deleted a bunch of time wasting apps from my phone, and removed myself from about a dozen fb groups. 

I haven't started any new needlepoint projects yet because I have been working hard at decluttering. I have 6 boxes of stuff ready to go as soon as I hear back from a charity on whether they want it for their tag sale. 

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Week 1

Weight loss success I hit my weekly goal no problem and managed to get to my personal training despite the snow.


Walking I'm behind we were snowed in basically. Plus everyone was home making it hard to do indoor walking. Kind of expected to do less now and more in the good weather.

This week

I'm going to keep my eating at the same level.  Increase my steps by 10 percent.

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Checking in:

Weight: Lost 0.8 pounds (I didn't watch what I ate enough last week, just time. Doing lower carbs this week and more water)

Recipes: Trying 2nd new one tonight, we liked this one from last week; Dh doesn't do peppers and I don't do mushrooms, so I just did extra squash.  We have a discount grocery here, and I got the sausages for just $1.49 a package. Unfortunately, I could only get 4 of them. 

Walking: Missed the 4th one

Bullet Journal: I made the monthly spread and the first two weeks. 

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23 hours ago, Quill said:

Okay, Week One January check-in. I met my goals this week
Watercolor: I did three paintings, one was original from my own photo, one was original from an Unsplash free photo (a polar bear and I’m proud of him cause he has such a sweet face!), the other was my own interpretation of the “Rainbow Scallops” project from Let’s Make Art. 
Next Week: Do one watercolor painting at minimum.

Writing: I read through parts of Save the Cat to remind myself of certain things about plotting, wrote out some, though not all of the beats of the plot, identified the theme, fine-tuned some of my earlier ideas, thought up several snippets of scenes, which I pull out my phone and video myself saying the dialogue (because they come to me at odd times and no pen is handy). I also started listening to an audiobook of “The Firm” by John Grisham, because elements of that story are like my story and I want to see if I can identify the plot beats as they happen. 
Next week: Continue to frame out the beats, continue to create the character concepts, continue to record dialogue and scene snippets as they come to me. Continue listening to The Firm. 

Watering My Own Grass: I  watched all four episodes of “LuLaRich” with dh, meeting my documentary goal. I also watched “My Cousin Vinny” with him and ds last night. 
Next week: watch another documentary with dh. Maybe another movie with both if we are all home Friday or Saturday. 

House: I cleaned some dusty shelves in the college son’s bedroom; I removed a stuck-on mess where a pack of playing cards got wet on his windowsill and fused to the sill. I removed all nails and hanging hooks except where shelves will go back; I filled the holes. I chose paint colors and took “before”pictures. 
Next Week: Buy paint. Begin painting. (Even as I type that, I dread the time commitment on it! I love it when it’s finished but I don’t like putting in the hours of painting a bedroom. I would rather paint a watercolor!) 

And for your pleasure, here’s my sweet polar bear buddy: 



Wow, beautiful.  Thank you for sharing!

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I love the "keep it positive" guidance.

I am still formulating my goals, so I will count goal formulation as a goal for the first half of January.

So far I'm making progress on that.

I really want this to be a meaningful process, so I'll be back when I have meaningful, realistic, inspiring (to me) goals.  🙂

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I'm back to focusing on (and struggling with) my first goal of recovering from Covid. No exercise, playing piano, very limited work, and lots of comfort food. For a "mild" case of this virus I'm surprisingly incapacitated.

It was particularly frustrating to have 2 days of feeling great and full of energy to then slip back into several days of having just enough symptoms to not be able to do much of anything. Oh well, at least I'm not feeling completely horrible, and the rest of my family seem to be functioning well.

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