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Omicron anecdata?


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13 hours ago, freesia said:

It looks like 75 per 100,00 is the threshold to pass down to red. Maine has been bumping up and down around 75. Their line is not the straight up and down of other states. It’s interesting. There are some states like NJ and NY that are close to turning red. Yay!

Did Idaho just decide they were no longer reporting?

Maine has an enormous backlog of tests, which likely accounts for its wonky reporting. Our governor actually had to appeal to the federal government for additional treatments because they are doled out based on the number of test results, which in our case are artificially low (she was successful). It’s a temporary glitch. 

Hospitalizations are trending downward, except in some low vax areas (not surprisingly). 

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So I will share the data I know:

My daughter who is double vaxxed, but not boostered caught it at college. She felt pretty crappy for a couple of days. She has a slight cough now and fatigue, though fatigue is certainly better than it was.  Really a mild case. She had to quarantine for 10 days alone in an apartment, which was the worst part for her. She never felt really bad and so she really, really missed people. 

I am not sure where she caught it. They made 2 friends and roommate quarantine that she had interacted with unmasked in dorm room. But she masks and everyone else masked everywhere else as it is required, even during their musical rehearsal. No one in her friend group or in the cast has gotten it. So strange. Oh... and she is the only one in her friend group who is vaccinated and the only one who has gotten sick. So strange. 

I would still like for her to get boosted at some point, but don't know that she will. Oh, and the university posts statistics and I guess the qualifications for being completely vaxxed must have changed to having the booster. Because until a few weeks ago, it said 60 percent of the students were fully vaccinated. Now it says 7 percent.  So I am guessing only 7 percent have gotten a booster. 

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My dd is OOS at college and is double vaxxed but not boostered.  She caught it from her boyfriend's sister.  Very mild case - just a scratchy throat mostly.  She had mild body aches for two evenings and slept more than usual for a few days.  She said it was much better than her side effects from her second vaccine.

The weird thing is that she stayed at her boyfriend's house (he lives at home) during her isolation time and shared a room with him and he and his parents never got sick.  Not from dd or boyfriend's sister.  I can understand his parents but she shared a room with her boyfriend and I was really worried about him because I expected the viral load would be high but he was fine.  

@TexasProudthe quarantine time for your dd must have been so hard!  I didn't think my dd should stay with her boyfriend and his parents because of the risk to them but they wanted her there and I was so grateful she had a comfortable place to isolate and not stuck in her room by herself for a long time.  

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4 hours ago, Kassia said:

My dd is OOS at college and is double vaxxed but not boostered.  She caught it from her boyfriend's sister.  Very mild case - just a scratchy throat mostly.  She had mild body aches for two evenings and slept more than usual for a few days.  She said it was much better than her side effects from her second vaccine.


Quoting myself because dd started having symptoms again after feeling fine for several days.  Stuffy nose and some loss of smell, but that could be due to the stuffy nose.  😞  8 days since symptoms started. 

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20 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

Yeah, my physical already includes a blood draw, usually CBC / cholesterol, and I think when you get older they add A1C.  Adding vit D is just the doctor checking another box on the list.  Except the insurance company wouldn't pay for that one test - they say they only pay if you have a previously low test.  But how do you know if it's low if you never test?  Mine was just in the normal range after supplementing with 4000 iu for over a year - I wanted to make sure it hadn't gotten too high.  The doc was sure it would be overly high.  Nope.  Just barely in normal range, still below what most people I've heard would consider optimal. 

My insurance has covered testing for myself and DH. I think they justify stuff like D and B12 and thyroid testing by putting "fatigue" as a symptom. And they are very generous with using "fatigue" as long as you can say yes, sometimes you get tired...it's a wink wink situation. 

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Well, we just lost an elderly church member to Covid today.  She was wonderful. She always took a personal interest in my kids. She sent our family to the beach for years and lately sent my teens to church camp at the beach each year. She’s had health issues for years but always, miraculously, bounced back. She just didn’t bounce back this time. 😞

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5 hours ago, TexasProud said:


I am not sure where she caught it. They made 2 friends and roommate quarantine that she had interacted with unmasked in dorm room. But she masks and everyone else masked everywhere else as it is required, even during their musical rehearsal.

Does she eat indoors where other people are eating?

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5 hours ago, Kassia said:


The weird thing is that she stayed at her boyfriend's house (he lives at home) during her isolation time and shared a room with him and he and his parents never got sick.  Not from dd or boyfriend's sister.  I can understand his parents but she shared a room with her boyfriend and I was really worried about him because I expected the viral load would be high but he was fine.  


Quoting myself again because her boyfriend now has a mild sore throat just like how dd started 8 days ago.  😞  I wonder why it took so long for him to exhibit symptoms.  

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

My insurance has covered testing for myself and DH. I think they justify stuff like D and B12 and thyroid testing by putting "fatigue" as a symptom. And they are very generous with using "fatigue" as long as you can say yes, sometimes you get tired...it's a wink wink situation. 

Hm, shall have to suggest that with a wink to Dr next time...

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5 hours ago, Kassia said:

Quoting myself because dd started having symptoms again after feeling fine for several days.  Stuffy nose and some loss of smell, but that could be due to the stuffy nose.  😞  8 days since symptoms started. 

This is similar to my case. a few days of strong symptoms (head-ache, body ache, sore throat), 2 days feeling totally fine, then 3 weeks of varying symptoms. I cycled through a week of head-ache, then a week of shortness of breath, and a week of fatigue with a day of runny nose. Very weird and frustrating.

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Follow up:  My 13 year old had 2-3 days of fever, cough, and fatigue.  The 15 year old had two full weeks of fever, sore throat, and slept most of the time.  Both seem to be back to normal now, but we've told them to take it easy and not to try to push through any lingering tiredness. 


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Dd14 just started this afternoon with diarrhea and vomiting.  She's double vaxxed but not boostered having just hit her 6 months.  No fever, no other signs so may not be omicron.  We don't have a test in the house and got a snowstorm today so won't be going out until tomorrow.  She took some pepto so hopefully that will help.  I think she's sleeping now. 

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8 hours ago, wintermom said:

This is similar to my case. a few days of strong symptoms (head-ache, body ache, sore throat), 2 days feeling totally fine, then 3 weeks of varying symptoms. I cycled through a week of head-ache, then a week of shortness of breath, and a week of fatigue with a day of runny nose. Very weird and frustrating.

This is very much like what I’m experiencing except I’ve had no shortness of breath. I haven’t had a full week of anything. Just really random—thinking I’m definitely over it only to be hit with fatigue again or a day of lots of sneezing and runny nose.  Agree—very weird and frustrating. It will be 2 weeks for me on Tuesday.

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2 hours ago, Kassia said:

@Wheres Toto hope your dd feels better soon and everyone else stays healthy


Thank you.  It was a rough night but she seems a little better this morning.  She's working on crackers and ginger ale right now (she didn't keep down the pepto).  

I'm only thinking omicron because my kids NEVER get sick, and we're in an area where it's pretty rampant, although I think our peak is going down.  

Dh and I are vaccinated and boosted.  Ds is vaccinated and not boosted like dd, we were planning to have them done this week since they hit their six months January 21st.   Dd wasn't eligible at first since it was 16 and over and she's 14.  

Edited by Wheres Toto
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The week before last my friend's kids had a fever for a couple days and nothing else. My friend came down with what seemed like a stomach virus. None of them tested. This past week my friend came down with what seems to be classic COVID--headache, body aches, fever, extreme fatigue, and a cough. She has tested positive. The kids were staying with another family member because her youngest has a heart condition and they are concerned about her getting COVID. The family member just tested positive with no new symptoms but has had cold symptoms for weeks.  Now I am wondering if all of this is somehow COVID and my friend's symptoms were odd--started with the stomach thing and then a week later with the traditional COVID symptoms. At least, I want to believe that because that means that the daughter has already had her symptoms (she had a fever two weeks ago).  The other possibility is that my friend had a real stomach virus which weakened her and then she caught COVID from the kids. Or of course that she picked it up somewhere else. I know very few people being as careful as they are but her kids are in school and most people are not masking there and my friend is a nurse (although on a cancer floor, so they don't allow anyone with contagious illness).  Anyway, praying folks--lift her up please.  She is a single mom.  

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On 1/14/2022 at 2:56 PM, Laura Corin said:

Two members of staff at Mum's care home have tested positive.  The home is waiting for Public Health to come and test the residents (I suspect that this is done centrally to make sure that unscrupulous home owners don't fake negative results) and decide whether to close the doors.  I'm going to see Mum tonight - I'm vaxxed and boostered and will be well-masked - in case I can't see her for a while.  She's vaccinated and boostered (Pfizer throughout) but, given that she's 97, it's hard to know what kind of immune response she has had to the vaccination. 

The staff are not brilliant at staying masked all the time around the residents.  It's a small home with just 22 staff including cook and cleaners, so she's likely to have had contact with those members of staff.

The home has been closed to visitors due to Covid.  It's a small home (space for 20 residents) so they don't announce numbers of people infected because it would be hard to maintain privacy.  We would be told if Mum had Covid and would be allowed to visit if she was very ill.  These are the figures for the county:


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Dd was doing much better yesterday.  She was able to drink ginger ale, but didn't eat much.   She slept a lot.  

Ds took his turn last night with the vomiting and diarrhea, so I guess we can conclusively determine this is definitely not something they ate.   

It seems to be coming and going pretty quickly, at least the worst of it.   Hopefully if I don't start with it in the next day or two, I'm in the clear.   Luckily I was already off work this week and dh can work from home easily.

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1 hour ago, Wheres Toto said:

Dd was doing much better yesterday.  She was able to drink ginger ale, but didn't eat much.   She slept a lot.  

Ds took his turn last night with the vomiting and diarrhea, so I guess we can conclusively determine this is definitely not something they ate.   

It seems to be coming and going pretty quickly, at least the worst of it.   Hopefully if I don't start with it in the next day or two, I'm in the clear.   Luckily I was already off work this week and dh can work from home easily.

Glad dd is improving but so sorry ds got sick!  I really hope you stay healthy.  

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8 minutes ago, melmichigan said:

This headline is all over again and most people don't understand what non-clinical research is, or why it matters.  This is simply irresponsible IMHO.  

I was just going to ask what "joint non-clinical research" is, lol! I mean, I know what research is and that it's non-clinical; I just wonder what the point of the research would be if it includes Covid and a drug.

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10 minutes ago, melmichigan said:

This headline is all over again and most people don't understand what non-clinical research is, or why it matters.  This is simply irresponsible IMHO.  

Very poorly written article just to get clicks I imagine. Poorly written in that right after saying it was non-clinical, it stated that clinical trials are ongoing. And then that University of Oxford is "investigating" it as a treatment. I might have to look into that one.

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1 hour ago, popmom said:

Gif of Homer Simpson backing into the bushes and disappearing from view.


33 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

And yet it’s not approved as a Covid treatment in Japan…


12 minutes ago, melmichigan said:

This headline is all over again and most people don't understand what non-clinical research is, or why it matters.  This is simply irresponsible IMHO.  

Thank you. I started to post about this right after the link was shared but decided to just walk away. It's totally irresponsible reporting because people are going to take it to mean something it doesn't mean. Reuters already had to issue a correction because they initially said the results were from clinical trials. We already knew that ivermectin can kill covid in test tubes. As can all kinds of things (bleach, anyone?). This is not new news. What we don't have any evidence to support yet is ivermectin improving outcomes for people with covid who don't have parasites. This does not further evidence on that whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, popmom said:

Very poorly written article just to get clicks I imagine. Poorly written in that right after saying it was non-clinical, it stated that clinical trials are ongoing. And then that University of Oxford is "investigating" it as a treatment. I might have to look into that one.

All of the article I have seen are poorly written. Either something was lost in translation, or the release from the company was very poor. It's already been established that ivermectin has some properties against covid or we wouldn't have had any clinical trials, so I'm not sure what the purpose of this statement is unless they're just speaking to stockholders.  The only study I can find under them regarding ivermectin began back in 2020.  How many studies have been done since then?

The UK Principle Trial is ongoing. 

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I think that this might be the press release from Kowa.  Though I have no idea how to verify if it's legit.

I copy-pasted it into google translate.  There's nothing earth-shattering here.  The bit in bold appears to be part that's news.  The rest appears to be simply re-stating the already-known.  Not a whole lot of useful information:

"Confirmed antiviral effect of Kowa ivermectin on "Omicron strain"

Kowa Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kowa") is investigating the investigational drug "Ibermectin" used in Phase III clinical trials (development code: K-237) for the treatment of new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infections. From a joint research (non-clinical trial) with Kitasato University, it was confirmed that the Omicron strain has the same antiviral effect as the existing mutant strain (alpha beta gamma delta strain). I did.

As announced in July 2021, Kowa directly requested the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Satoshi Omura, a special honorary professor at Kitasato University, to conduct clinical trials of ivermectin as a therapeutic agent for new coronavirus infections. received. We believe that it is the mission of pharmaceutical companies to contribute to the treatment of new coronavirus infections and protect the health of the people, and we are conducting clinical trials to confirm the efficacy and safety of ivermectin against new coronavirus infections. We are carrying out.

Ivermectin has been distributed by WHO to infected areas for over 30 years as a treatment for parasitic infections. Especially in some African countries, it has been confirmed to be safe enough for volunteers to distribute directly to people. In addition, ivermectin has been reported to suppress the invasion of SARS-CoV-2 into cells and inhibit replication, and is expected to be applied as a new coronavirus infection therapeutic drug (tablet) for drug repositioning. increase. In this clinical trial, the dosage and administration are different from those already approved for the treatment of parasitic infections, but the efficacy and safety are being confirmed in the clinical trial.

Kowa will contribute to the treatment of new coronavirus infections by confirming the clinical effect of ivermectin on SARS-CoV-2 and providing it to the public as soon as possible. * Overseas, it was reported that patients use high-content ivermectin for animals, which is dangerous for humans, and harmful events occur. Kowa is the standard for conducting clinical trials of pharmaceuticals for humans. Ivermectin clinical trials are conducted in accordance with the strict standards set by GCP (Good Clinical Practice)."

ETA: Kowa Japan's website suggest that they do have a phase 3 clinical trial in progress.

Edited by wathe
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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

I've been waiting and waiting for this, but I find myself rather deflated rather than excited. I want my kid to get shots that are effective, and it really sounds like Pfizer didn't use a high enough dose to get the level of immune response needed for 2-4 year olds. I would like to get our littlest vaccinated asap, but on the other hand, it's almost tempting to wait a couple more months for him to turn 5 and get the higher dose. Maybe the first dose as soon as available and then a bigger gap to wait to be 5 for the second dose. I really wonder when Moderna's will be available. They are using a bigger dose and are not far behind Pfizer in their trials.

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22 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The home has been closed to visitors due to Covid.  It's a small home (space for 20 residents) so they don't announce numbers of people infected because it would be hard to maintain privacy.  We would be told if Mum had Covid and would be allowed to visit if she was very ill.  These are the figures for the county:


thinking of your mum and hoping she stays healthy

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