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So, what do we think is going to happen with the escaped zebras?


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11 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I think we need a Hive field trip to see the wild zebras, especially if we can see a group of cowboys in kilts attempting to round them up out of the Home Depot parking lot and Jane Smith's backyard.  I'll bring the cupcakes. 

Well, I'll bring something in a crockpot.  

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34 minutes ago, Spryte said:

Maybe some cart cowboys can round up any carts on the loose?!

I’ll bring cupcakes, too!


Yes, cart cowboys! We need those, and I think they should ride hobby horses in the style of Monty Python and the Holy Trail knights. Someone needs to run around behind them smacking two coconut halves together! 😂

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11 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Ok, if cowboys don't line dance (which seems right), do they at least two step? Waltz? Anything? Tell me my western romance novels haven't totally led me astray!

Yes, cowboys dance two step. I've been to my fair share of rodeo cabarets and there is lots of two stepping. 

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So not fair. There was that one morning that Mom wouldn't let us walk up the lane to catch the bus for school because there was a bull moose standing in our front yard between the house and the road, but it certainly wasn't an exotic zebra, which is 200x cooler than a moose and would've made a waaaaay better "why we were late getting to school" story. 

I would love to attend the Hive field trip, but crossing the border these days is a not an easy feat. No fair again.

I think I must go pout now. 

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14 hours ago, Farrar said:


When they round up the deer in Rock Creek Park, they do it with a large group on foot.

ROCK CREEK PARK! Better tell Duckie  to bring the van! Tony had better look out for the poison ivy this time! 
We watched a ton of NCIS when ds was younger. Do you know how many “dead bodies” they found in Rock Creek Park? We decided we would avoid it at all costs if we were ever in the area. I mean, wow. Hundreds over the years! I hope it’s not like that IRL. 

I bet Duckie, with his calm common sense approach to problems  & Ziva with her real live ninja like skills could catch the Zebras if they worked together. 

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4 hours ago, fraidycat said:

So not fair. There was that one morning that Mom wouldn't let us walk up the lane to catch the bus for school because there was a bull moose standing in our front yard between the house and the road, but it certainly wasn't an exotic zebra, which is 200x cooler than a moose and would've made a waaaaay better "why we were late getting to school" story. 

A bull moose sounds pretty exciting to me! 

But keep in mind the most unexpected animals I've ever had in my yard were a mule and a Shetland pony (separate times). Both were calm, domesticated beasties, so there was much more curiosity than excitement involved. 

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44 minutes ago, chocolate-chip chooky said:

My daughter says that if these are smart zebras, they'll know where to cross the road, and this will be the key to finding them.



PS Just wondering if you US folk have zebra-crossings and call them this? 🤔

Pretty sure they’re just called crosswalks here. 

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So in more wild animal news, my almost six year old grandson caught a chipmunk! He did not trap a chipmunk, he caught it, barehanded.

And I have no photo because he was running towards my dd screaming, "Mama, look what I found!" And she was so frightened he would get bit that she yelled for him to drop it on the spot before she did a quick draw for her cell phone. I am bummed not to have a photo.

I am wondering if N should be on a team to round up zebras because he seems to have some serious skill!

Meanwhile, his mother seems traumatized because later he was out trying to catch a squirrel. I think she has her hands full with this one. She claims that I must have invoked "the mother's curse", but I maintain my innocence. 😉

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16 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

So in more wild animal news, my almost six year old grandson caught a chipmunk! He did not trap a chipmunk, he caught it, barehanded.

And I have no photo because he was running towards my dd screaming, "Mama, look what I found!" And she was so frightened he would get bit that she yelled for him to drop it on the spot before she did a quick draw for her cell phone. I am bummed not to have a photo.

I am wondering if N should be on a team to round up zebras because he seems to have some serious skill!

Meanwhile, his mother seems traumatized because later he was out trying to catch a squirrel. I think she has her hands full with this one. She claims that I must have invoked "the mother's curse", but I maintain my innocence. 😉


And he's lucky! I don't know about chipmunks, but regular old tree squirrels can bit REALLY HARD. Like, felt it through a thick leather glove hard. 

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Any updates? Zebras still at large?  I am totally on Team Dazzle. I made the trek to the airport today for Dh's aunt, and my wildlife issue was a pair of pheasants in the middle of the toad who refused to move. I mean, flat out, defiant, you can't honk at me enough you will have to get out of the car and threaten to pick me up before I will move, pheasants. So there I was with the flashers on the car, stuck in the road, exiting my vehicle and having an argument with peasants, just trashing talking the tweerps before they finally decided to leave. And believe me, it was slow, spinning away in which I am sure they were trying to emulate Arnold Schwartzenager "I'll be back!"

I have a theory. The animals are so mad about climate change that they aren't putting up with our crap anymore, and have decided to take back the planet. Next up, deer start knocking on my door at night wanting to sleep on the couch! 😁

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7 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Any updates? Zebras still at large?  I am totally on Team Dazzle. I made the trek to the airport today for Dh's aunt, and my wildlife issue was a pair of pheasants in the middle of the toad who refused to move. I mean, flat out, defiant, you can't honk at me enough you will have to get out of the car and threaten to pick me up before I will move, pheasants. So there I was with the flashers on the car, stuck in the road, exiting my vehicle and having an argument with peasants, just trashing talking the tweerps before they finally decided to leave. And believe me, it was slow, spinning away in which I am sure they were trying to emulate Arnold Schwartzenager "I'll be back!"

I have a theory. The animals are so mad about climate change that they aren't putting up with our crap anymore, and have decided to take back the planet. Next up, deer start knocking on my door at night wanting to sleep on the couch! 😁

I heard a gamekeeper talking about just how stupid pheasants are. Those that don't die by guns die under wheels. Thousands are bred every year for shooting but even the escapees don't thrive.

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2 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I heard a gamekeeper talking about just how stupid pheasants are. Those that don't die by guns die under wheels. Thousands are bred every year for shooting but even the escapees don't thrive.

Oh yes, stupid and defiant. It is a lethal combination in wildlife! 😂

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I don't see any updates from more recently than three days ago, but this article from September 11 says that the zebras "are too fast to catch."  (Maybe they just haven't tried the cowboys with not shiny boots yet?). https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/09/11/zebras-escape-maryland-farm-officials-say-too-fast-catch/8293584002/

Also, apparently they have been taking dips into people's pools?  

These zebras are the best!

Edited by Terabith
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2 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I don't see any updates from more recently than three days ago, but this article from September 11 says that the zebras "are too fast to catch."  (Maybe they just haven't tried the cowboys with not shiny boots yet?). https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/09/11/zebras-escape-maryland-farm-officials-say-too-fast-catch/8293584002/

Also, apparently they have been taking dips into people's pools?  

These zebras are the best!

😂😂😂They are really living their best lives! My hat off to them. We bow to the masters! 

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In other animal news, the meme about that guy who married a crane has been going around again. Remember that guy? The Washington Post did a long article about him a few years ago. The crane is an endangered species and she may have (probably) killed the two male cranes they tried to get her to mate with. And then she started trying to mate with the keeper who raised her. So he learned the mating dance and artificially inseminated her. They don't let her raise the babies because, I mean, obviously she's bird-icidal (whatever the word for that is).

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1 minute ago, Farrar said:

In other animal news, the meme about that guy who married a crane has been going around again. Remember that guy? The Washington Post did a long article about him a few years ago. The crane is an endangered species and she may have (probably) killed the two male cranes they tried to get her to mate with. And then she started trying to mate with the keeper who raised her. So he learned the mating dance and artificially inseminated her. They don't let her raise the babies because, I mean, obviously she's bird-icidal (whatever the word for that is).

💖💖💖 This is QUITE the love story! 😂

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6 minutes ago, Farrar said:

In other animal news, the meme about that guy who married a crane has been going around again. Remember that guy? The Washington Post did a long article about him a few years ago. The crane is an endangered species and she may have (probably) killed the two male cranes they tried to get her to mate with. And then she started trying to mate with the keeper who raised her. So he learned the mating dance and artificially inseminated her. They don't let her raise the babies because, I mean, obviously she's bird-icidal (whatever the word for that is).

It's really sad, because cranes mate for life, so this poor man is kind of tied to where she lives forever, in terms of job prospects and geography.  They live a long time.  

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1 minute ago, ScoutTN said:

Nashville needs some fun wildlife happenings. All our exotics seem to be content at the zoo.

I moved a box turtle turtle off the road this afternoon  and saw a raccoon skittle across the road in the wee hours this morning. Boooring!

But you moved the turtle! I love turtles. You did a good thing!

Be careful what you wish for or you will end up with a bobcat trying to mate with the neighbor's calico!

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20 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

But you moved the turtle! I love turtles. You did a good thing!

Be careful what you wish for or you will end up with a bobcat trying to mate with the neighbor's calico!

We DID hear a bobcat in 2020, when we were backyard camping during the shutdown!! Dh recorded it in his phone and we matched it using a wildlife website. 

But that was last year. We need current adventures!


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