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23 minutes ago, bolt. said:

There is a little area with some gym-type machines at the airport in my city... it's in a bit of a tucked-away corner. Maybe yours has one too?


22 minutes ago, bolt. said:

It really depends how much "modeling" of the behaviour they are exposed to! Congrats!

You realize I just share things that made me laugh, right? I’m pretty sure last year one of us shared a meme about airport goat yoga. But I bet most Americans have been stuck at an airport with anxiety and nothing to do… about a funeral we were on our way to if not our flight. And my kids aren’t particularly snarky, but I have a sweet friend with very snarky eye-rolling kids. She thinks they get it from her DH. 

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10 hours ago, Katy said:


This actually sounds like a fantastic project to promote in-kind donations. Get a bartender to donate time w/ limited selections available; add a coffee and tea cart and a bakery cart (these could be run on donations and by volunteers. Set some cafe table up here and there. It could be a combo book sale/cakewalk. I’m liking this! 


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41 minutes ago, kbutton said:

That was my grandmother about oven bags for turkeys, lol! (I don't think I've ever had homemade fried chicken in my life--for real or with the air fryer.) 

Don’t bother. It’s hot, messy, you get splattered with tiny bits of oil, and it doesn’t taste better than take out. 

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18 minutes ago, Elizabeth86 said:

Yep, this is my dh too. He just likes his not cold.

I like rare.  I have been at steak restaurants that have definitions of the different types of "doneness" right on the menu so they and their customers will be on the same page.


I had a great-uncle who was "rebellious" and liked his steak bloody which he called rare.  Sorry Uncle Dudley - I love you, but that's medium/medium-rare . . .

I think the well-done goes back to when there were more likely to be pathogens/etc. in anything less than well-done shoeleather . . .

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On 1/28/2023 at 1:46 PM, Terabith said:



On 1/28/2023 at 2:49 PM, happi duck said:

Invisible fire: new fear unlocked


I just watched a video about the 1981 invisible racecar fire. It was from the methanol fuel, which also has colorless and smokeless flames. Several people seriously injured, running around flapping at invisible fire. Scary as heck. 

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On 1/31/2023 at 2:21 AM, TechWife said:

This actually sounds like a fantastic project to promote in-kind donations. Get a bartender to donate time w/ limited selections available; add a coffee and tea cart and a bakery cart (these could be run on donations and by volunteers. Set some cafe table up here and there. It could be a combo book sale/cakewalk. I’m liking this! 


I would do this!!! Someone needs to organize this.

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4 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

I am one step away from screaming, "Get off my lawn!" 😂😂😂

BTDT - the construction crew for the house across the street decided to use our yard to cut & stack materials earlier this week. They did mine them after I went out there.

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2 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

But seriously why is America one of the only (or the only?) nation that doesn’t have children brush their teeth while at school?!

Because teachers can't keep track of which shoes and coat and boots and backpack belong to whom, let alone a toothbrush that you *really* don't want the wrong kid using. Maybe that's an American thing too, but no way I'd go for that as a teacher. You couldn't pay me enough to help 30 five year olds brush their teeth lol!

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5 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

Yes in other countries the kids brush their teeth after each meal, so they have to have toothbrushes at school.  It’s really not that big a deal. 🤷‍♀️

What countries?  There are many.  It's hard to make blanket statements.  The other country I went to school in we went home for lunch and there were no meals at school, and no toothbrushes.

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17 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

Yes in other countries the kids brush their teeth after each meal, so they have to have toothbrushes at school.  It’s really not that big a deal. 🤷‍♀️

Japanese kids do not use toothpaste when they brush their teeth at school so there’s no water/spitting required. So a bit different than what we would imagine in the US. (At home toothpaste is used). 

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3 hours ago, Matryoshka said:

What countries?  There are many.  It's hard to make blanket statements.  The other country I went to school in we went home for lunch and there were no meals at school, and no toothbrushes.

As far as I know there's no toothbrushing in UK schools.

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1 minute ago, Murphy101 said:

Well that would make sense then. 

🤷‍♀️ toothpaste really isn’t a requirement to brushing teeth.

There is in some. One of my friends said they had them at her daughter’s school when they lived there 10 years ago.

I’m sure there’s countries that don’t have or don’t need toothbrushes at school. But if a kid is going to be there for meals, it does make sense that they should get to brush their teeth. It’s just hygiene same as washing hands before meals.  Do any American schools actually have children wash hands before meals?

idk. I’m not a germaphobe by most standards but I don’t think it should be groundbreaking to integrate basic hygiene practices in the daily routines.  I’m not petitioning the schools or anything. Just noting something I find intriguing.

And there is some toothbrushing In American schools as well. (A quick google shows a school program in Alabama for example but I have seen it in schools where I have taught in the US. ). So your generalization is wrong on more than one level. 

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At dd’s charter school (2nd grade), kids were encouraged to brush their teeth after lunch. All the wet toothbrushes were stored in little baskets side by side in a drawer. I don’t know everyone’s thoughts on that, but it seemed soooo germy to me. Dd did not participate in the tooth brushing at school. (Plus she has multiple food allergies so proximity to everyone else’s food/mouth germs might be a downright bad idea)

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While I see the advantages of brushing, as a teacher I can't imagine supervising 20 first graders brushing their teeth and keeping up with their toothbrushes. The majority of mine still can't tie their shoes. C'mon parents-teach your kid to tie their shoes!! Maybe someone needs to do a Tik-Tok on shoe tying.😄

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On 2/3/2023 at 4:59 AM, Ausmumof3 said:



This reminded dh of a very old one.  A guy buys a box of very old, and very expensive cigars.  Then insures them.  After smoking them - he files a claim.  The insurance company then charged his with arson.

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