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To the friend who just left an anonymous comment on my blog

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why you are bringing your blog comments over here. Certainly you don't think who posted it will fess up....do ya?


I would have just deleted it from your blog....and forgot about it.


There are plenty of rude people in the world....and if I were you....I wouldn't give it a second thought!




Because the comment on her blog was not at all related to her blog but a comment directly related to the thread she posted here. The person only posted on her blog because it could be done anonymously.


I agree, though, that there are plenty of rude people in the world and she shouldn't give it another thought!:tongue_smilie:

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Thank you all for your support! Drama Queen is right in why I posted it over here. The comment was left on my blog with the title "From a friend at WTM" which is why I called this thread "To the friend who just posted..."


I was not upset by this comment, nor will I let it ruin my day.

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Geez. What an extremely rude comment. I'm so sorry you had to suffer through reading it :grouphug:


I don't understand what goes into the minds of those who treat others they don't even know with such huge disrespect.


Friend? Hah! :glare:

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Thank you all for your support! Drama Queen is right in why I posted it over here. The comment was left on my blog with the title "From a friend at WTM" which is why I called this thread "To the friend who just posted..."


I was not upset by this comment, nor will I let it ruin my day.


The thread was about breastfeeding statistics. It never ceases to amaze me how a *fiber* can be pulled out of a *thread* and turned into an unnecessary, unrelated, unfounded, nasty, personal attack.


Good thing there generally are people on any given board whose conversation is worth stepping over the occasional *poo*.

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why you are bringing your blog comments over here. Certainly you don't think who posted it will fess up....do ya?


I would have just deleted it from your blog....and forgot about it.


There are plenty of rude people in the world....and if I were you....I wouldn't give it a second thought!





And you could screen your comments before they post too.

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What a jerk! I have not read all of the replies here, but I agree with a few comments I saw that said the blog comment sounds too mean-spirited to have come from this board. You are loved in this community!


I am sorry that you removed your signature, your blog pictures were delightful. Please don't dwell on this negative experience.


I would insert the hug icon here but it just ain't big enough. Multiply by 100 and hug yourself with that:001_smile:!

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I am so sorry this happened to you! As someone who has been there, done that as far as receiving aid is concerned, I know that it is not an easy decision to make. While my dh was in seminary, we had our children on Medicaid in order to make doctor and dentist visits. I always said to myself, " I have been working since I was 15 years old, as has my dh. In all those years, we have paid into the system. I feel absolutely no guilt in utilizing it when needed!"


Hope your day only continues to improve! :grouphug:

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And you could screen your comments before they post too.


Whether she moderates her comments or not, she still has to read them.


I am sure we won't see a confession as a result of this thread, but the rest of us can make it known that such behavior is extremely rude and not accepted in a forum designed to support and encourage our fellow parents. Hopefully the offender is reading this.

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Cathmom, I'm sorry that you were the target of yet another person who lacks compassion for those who need public assistance. You were brave to be open on WTM about being a WIC recipient.


Unfortunately certain people believe that they, as taxpayers, have inherent right to scrutinize and criticize the lifestyle decisions of public assistance recipients, to carp about how entitlements make a lazy complacent people, and to claim essentially that basic public assistance equates with socialism and bringing about the downfall of our country. Sure, there are always those who will abuse the system, but that does not justify suspecting everyone of milking the system and using that to rationalize doing away with welfare spending. Try to ignore them as best you can.


There is more than enough humiliation built into in the WIC application process itself. I'm sorry that you have had to deal with that plus reading the dribble of a mean-spirited soul.

Edited by tibbyl
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Cathmom, I'm sorry that you were the target of yet another person who lacks compassion for those who need public assistance. You were brave to be open on WTM about being a WIC recipient. Unfortunately certain people believe that they, as taxpayers, have inherent right to scrutinize and criticize the lifestyle decisions of public assistance recipients. There is more than enough humiliation built into in the application process itself.



:iagree: Dh and I are looking into some of these things as he has been out of work for 1 1/2 years. At the same time, our(read Dh and I alone) conviction is that children are a gift and we are to accept any and all we receive. So there. I will be open with you. I wish with all my heart I could have as many as you do even if it meant that at some point we might need assistance. You are a blessed woman. (Cathmom)

Edited by newlifemom
seems unclear reading it now.
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:grouphug: Cathmom.


Someone once posted a comment to my blog anonymously that was very mean spirited and judgemental. It was obviously not from someone who knew me or my family well but I still was hurt by their implications and by their lack of courage in posting anonymously.


No one has any right to say any of the things that person did to you. Any of us could find ourselves needing government assistance to get back on our feet. That is what it is there for. Hang in there. I hope you have a great day despite the meanness.

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Cathmom, I'm sorry that you were the target of yet another person who lacks compassion for those who need public assistance. You were brave to be open on WTM about being a WIC recipient.


Unfortunately certain people believe that they, as taxpayers, have inherent right to scrutinize and criticize the lifestyle decisions of public assistance recipients, to carp about how entitlements make a lazy complacent people, and to claim essentially that basic public assistance equates with socialism and bringing about the downfall of our country. Sure, there are always those who will abuse the system, but that does not justify suspecting everyone of milking the system and using that to rationalize doing away with welfare spending. Try to ignore them as best you can.


There is more than enough humiliation built into in the WIC application process itself. I'm sorry that you have had to deal with that plus reading the dribble of a mean-spirited soul.


What's the saying, "There but for the grace of God go I."

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This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Really. This "friend" must be either insane or very, very bored.


One day last week, I visited a half dozen homeschooling boards... ones that I usually go to to find encouragement or just to get a break and unwind for a minute. Every board I visited (except one) left me feeling very down. I was overwhelmed with how mean spirited and angry so many of the posters sounded. Maybe I'm just sensitive like that, but I really felt discouraged because there seemed to be a high level of hostility everywhere. I didn't respond to anyone, I just went to my own blog and sounded off a bit.


Anyways, it just seems to me that people are getter meaner and less caring.


I only have two children, but I pray everyday for more. I have a history of infertility and I literally plead with the Lord God to open my womb and just trust me with a few more. If I had seven children and I needed help, I'd look for it. And, I'd thank God for it wherever it came from. I guess this person who wanted to use Jesus to justify their own spitefulness doesn't read the Bible. Because my Bible says that children are a blessing and the fruit of the womb is His reward.


Chin up. You are blessed to have the children that you have. Only the Lord God can give them to you.

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One day last week, I visited a half dozen homeschooling boards... ones that I usually go to to find encouragement or just to get a break and unwind for a minute. Every board I visited (except one) left me feeling very down. I was overwhelmed with how mean spirited and angry so many of the posters sounded. Maybe I'm just sensitive like that, but I really felt discouraged because there seemed to be a high level of hostility everywhere. I didn't respond to anyone, I just went to my own blog and sounded off a bit.


I've noticed this, too. I think times are hard and everyone's taking it out on anyone they can. It's not right and quite disturbing.




Sometimes I turn the anonymous function off to help deter people in the future....

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Wow !!! Some people are just so mean. I am so sorry you were the brunt of someone's unstable state of mind. You don't deserve that. I feel sorry for them. They obviously are very unhappy and needed to fulfull some sick need by trying to make someone else feel bad in a twisted attempt to bolster their own low sense of well being. It's infuriating and sad at the same time.

Some peoples reasoning skills have a lot of holes in it.

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What is the anonymous function ?


On Blogger, you go to Settings, and then Comments. You can then choose who you want to receive comments from. One option is only registered users - no one anonymous.

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I just got home from shopping at Costco there was a young looking couple with 7 small children including a very tiny new born. I watched them all with such envy. The kids all well behaved and the parents looking so happy and proud. I commented to the mother she has a lovely family something I have never done before. Some couples are just meant to have a large family and do it so well.


I enjoy seeing larger families, and do not mind in the least if on occasion they need a hand (up) we all have gone through hard times at some point in our lives and if you haven't, you just may some day very soon. If we all planned to only have the children we could afford, how many of us would have children? No one could have foreseen what is happening now. Please just ignore the rude comments.

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Whether she moderates her comments or not, she still has to read them.




Not necessarily... blogger, wordpress and typepad all have features that allow you to set restrictions on comments such as:

only blog members can comment

word verification (to eliminate spammers)


no anonymous comments (which means the person has to set up an account first. It doesn't stop them from posting, but does give you a tracking opportunity.)


I would suggest that the OP look into whatever options are available. If it was someone from here who did that, and they see this thread, it may be likely they'll try to rattle her again with more spew.

Edited by Audrey
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I am sorry someone posted that on your blog. Rude comments sting, regardless of the deliverer, the manner in which they're delivered. It's not right to bring the issue here and publicize it, though. It's a disservice to this board, and it serves to satisfy the offender.


The person who left the rude comment was referring to something said HERE. She didn't "bring it here" out of the blue; she addressed it here because the person who left the comment on her blog was someone who saw her post HERE.

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I am sorry someone posted that on your blog. Rude comments sting, regardless of the deliverer, the manner in which they're delivered. It's not right to bring the issue here and publicize it, though. It's a disservice to this board, and it serves to satisfy the offender.



I disagree, Colleen. The comment was a comment on a thread on this forum. Cathmom is a member of our forum community. Members often vent, ask for commiseration, encouragement etc.

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I am sorry someone posted that on your blog. Rude comments sting, regardless of the deliverer, the manner in which they're delivered. It's not right to bring the issue here and publicize it, though. It's a disservice to this board, and it serves to satisfy the offender.



Phfft. There's nothing wrong with bringing it up here. Whoever posted it is an a$$hole, and if they get a kick out of the attention, it just makes them a bigger a$$hole.


So post away, and we'll all chime in on your side. Who give a rat's patoot what a jerk thinks?


Edited to make sure my feelings on this are very clear.

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You are so blessed. When the world hates you, you know you must be doing something right!


I am a bit jealous, though I only have three, I immensly enjoy rude comments about my family size.


When people say things like that it only strengthens my resolve to "pop out" a few more.

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Phfft. There's nothing wrong with bringing it up here.


In your opinion.:) Mine differs.


Whoever posted it is an a$$hole, and if they get a kick out of the attention, it just makes them a bigger a$$hole.


Now on this we can agree.;)


So post away, and we'll all chime in on your side. Who give a rat's patoot what a jerk thinks?


Exactly. But talking about it, collectively reassuring one another that such a comment, delivered in such a manner, is inappropriate, yada yada yada...It all serves to underscore the fact that we do we care. We care what the jerk thinks ~ at least to the extent that we feel the need to counteract it.

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I think it's a personal thing... as an extrovert, I can't really feel better about something until I TALK about it. With the more people, the better. So in that sense, I guess I do care what others think--I get fed my extroverted interaction. If I remain silent, then I just feel worse and worse...


I'm not certain that is Cathmom's opinion, but if I had gotten an obnoxious message I wouldn't be able to feel better about it until I processed it in discussion with others... one of the things the internet is great for. Instant access to lots of others to talk to, even when my introverted dh is "talked out" with my day.

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