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What do YOU want for Christmas?

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What I really want?


I haven't admitted this to anyone - I really, REALLY want a MacBook Pro. But that is SO not going to happen. . . . . . . .


Our budget is pretty limited. Last year, dh and I did a "virtual" Christmas - we both went online, and printed out pictures of what we would give each other if funds were unlimited. I think I got a week-long vacation in a Villa in France, with a private jet to fly my friends and family there. ;)

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Trying to stay practical this year since there isn't $$ for "fun" (would be an iPod Touch)


* Good rolling pin

* Bread pans

* another set of measuring cups

* decent muffin tins - so i can make more than 6 at a time (i hate my silicon ones, they burn bad in it)

* biscuit cutter thing

* odd and end kitchen things they dream up

* Apple BT Keyboard (slightly frivolous)


From my parents i asked for a Bosch mixer for a Birthday/Christmas combo. They seem to be into practical gifts these days - so i'm hoping that box at their house is that.


Maybe i'll get frivolous if DH gets a bonus at work?! (HA HA HA)

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What I really want?


Our budget is pretty limited. Last year, dh and I did a "virtual" Christmas - we both went online, and printed out pictures of what we would give each other if funds were unlimited. I think I got a week-long vacation in a Villa in France, with a private jet to fly my friends and family there. ;)


that is such a cool idea, Heather! I love it. Maybe someday you'll get to do that for real, wouldn't that be a cool Christmas story.




I put a few things on my list this year. One is a digital camcorder. I'm still wavering on the brand.


The other is a real leather messenger bag. It's pricey, really pricey for what we normally do for Christmas. It's very rustic looking and is something that I would have forever. So if you average forever against the cost, it's a real bargain.


Aside from that I really want money to order off my wish list at amazon.com.

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I don't do very well at receiving gifts. Aside from some small thing or another that I'll suggest to my boys, who of course like to get me a gift, I don't want a thing. I just went on a bit (okay, more than a bit:ohmy:) of a spending spree and added some new pieces to my wardrobe. My dh and I have basically stopped exchanging gifts and that's okay with me. I'd rather get what I want than put that pressure on someone else.

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Well, I've been saving up for an iPod Touch. My mom knows I'm saving up, so I'm hoping she'll contribute an Apple gift card or something so I can get one.


Other than that, iTunes gift cards would be nice, as well as a gift card or $$ to buy books.



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My youngest dd (brat) played with it and lost it. I looked all over. It bothers me a lot that it is lost, but since I didn't cry and tear my clothes no one has noticed. LOL I finally told dh yesterday that is what I wanted. His wages are not in danger and neither is his job, although we are being our same frugal selves. I want another ring. I also want to be in on the purchase. The few pieces of jewelry I have from him really don't suit my taste or personality. I'd like it to be something I love this time. This is very unusual for me. I always put everyone else first and defer my wants and needs. Not this time. :D

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World peace! That all on Earth be healthy and happy... OK, I know that is asking way too much.


On the material front - an acetylene torch, some nice Swiss hammers, and small supply of silver and cooper. :001_smile:


I always asked that everyone get along and pick up after themselves regularly. My kids get annoyed and say, "No, something from the mall!" Sheesh.

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My husband. Well...actually to be away in a swanky hotel somewhere in the Pacific with my husband....alone....no kids.


But since the Navy is so fussy about strategic deterance, I wouldn't mind someone to come with me to hold the baby while I get a facial or a massage. That is truly what I would enjoy.








And a 15 passenger van. ;)



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I'm pregnant, so dh can't really buy me what I *want* (new sweaters). I tend not to get myself clothes I can't wear -- and don't know IF I'll be able to wear them post-partum. So, MP3 Player... The Well Educated Mind, a new clock...


I need about 3-4 new pairs of shoes to replace the stinky ones in my closet, and some new clothes (I need to replace some things I've had since college... 20 years is a long time to wear the same turtle neck (okay, to be honest, I haven't worn it THIS year -- :D)

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Every year my dh tries, but holiday shopping is not one of his strengths. I told him that I want the new J. K. Rowling book to go with our Harry Potter collection (and I very rarely ask for books since we have access to such a great library), and babysitting coupons for the gym. I can think of plenty of nice things I want for the kitchen, but I think he worries that I'm not being serious when I bring those up.

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What I really want?


I haven't admitted this to anyone - I really, REALLY want a MacBook Pro. But that is SO not going to happen. . . . . . . .


Our budget is pretty limited. Last year, dh and I did a "virtual" Christmas - we both went online, and printed out pictures of what we would give each other if funds were unlimited. I think I got a week-long vacation in a Villa in France, with a private jet to fly my friends and family there. ;)


to admit it - :D


I want a Mercedes but that is SOOO not going to happen!! There I said it but REALLY I don't want one unless we were billionaires. :w00t:

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I don't do very well at receiving gifts. Aside from some small thing or another that I'll suggest to my boys, who of course like to get me a gift, I don't want a thing. I just went on a bit (okay, more than a bit:ohmy:) of a spending spree and added some new pieces to my wardrobe. My dh and I have basically stopped exchanging gifts and that's okay with me. I'd rather get what I want than put that pressure on someone else.


Don't pressure but suggest. :grouphug:


I know I've done that in the past and been VERY disappointed. :tongue_smilie:

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I've asked for gold hoop earrings. How hard can that be to find (ie not screw up)? Dh is a terrible shopper/gift giver.


I was at Penney's yesterday and they have a hug selection of gold hoops. They were all incredibly priced. I was tempted to buy a set for myself, but I already have 2 pairs.

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I was at Penney's yesterday and they have a hug selection of gold hoops. They were all incredibly priced. I was tempted to buy a set for myself, but I already have 2 pairs.


I'll tell dh. :001_smile:


I only have 2 earrings that I wear occasionally. I'm not much of a jewelry person.

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My youngest dd (brat) played with it and lost it. I looked all over. It bothers me a lot that it is lost, but since I didn't cry and tear my clothes no one has noticed. LOL I finally told dh yesterday that is what I wanted. His wages are not in danger and neither is his job, although we are being our same frugal selves. I want another ring. I also want to be in on the purchase. The few pieces of jewelry I have from him really don't suit my taste or personality. I'd like it to be something I love this time. This is very unusual for me. I always put everyone else first and defer my wants and needs. Not this time. :D


You deserve it! Taking care of yourself is also taking care of others (if you feel good - it will spread). :grouphug:

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Well, if I answer this honestly, I DO want some things...


I want attention! I want to be waited on...


I'd like some nice, luxurious bubble bath. And a nice, warm wine.


I'd like a new planner.


I'd like tennis lessons.


I'd like some sporty clothes for when I work out instead of plain gray sweats.


I'd like new undies and sox.


I'd like some good mascara.


I'd like a kitchen aid.


I'd like chores done exceptionally well by the children.


I'd like some pants and tops and a new jacket.


I'd like head phones.


I'd like a case for my camera.


I'd like my sewing machine fixed.


I'd like my mother's antique doll fixed.


I'd like a new chain for my cross necklace.


I'd like a week with no errands or activities...


I know there's more, but this already sounds way too selfish compared to world peace and all. :)


In reality, I wont ask anyone for anything and I'll smile and be surprised and love whatever I receive... probably a few nice cards, and kitchen towels... I LOVE surprises... and I two employed children, one dd wants to get my hair colored - she's not happy seeing the gray start to show!!



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Last year, I asked for and received a pretty diamond ring. We had just celebrated our 30th anniversary (on which dh had to work :glare:) so the ring was to honor both the anniversary and Christmas. It was expensive and I love it.


I never ask for stuff like that and dh doesn't always remember to think of such things. We went together to choose it.


This year, all that has caught my eye is one of those new *purple* iPods. I have an iPod that I don't use often...it is big and black. Is it so very weird to want something prettier? :D


My oldest son is bringing a girlfriend home for the holidays...I WANT to like her. I want her to be a grand person with a dynamite personality who will love him forever. (Is that too much to ask????)


I want my younger son to decide to finish his senior year with a bang instead of a whimper.


Dh is getting a White Mountain Ice Cream freezer. That's a gift all of us will enjoy.

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Here's what I want, and the only way to get it is to go buy it myself and have dh wrap it up and say it is from him. ;)


Thermal underwear set

Sweatpants and a sweatshirt

A couple nice long sleeve shirts to go with jeans

Joy of Cooking cookbook

Martha Stewart Homekeeping book


New baking sheets

New handles for my kitchen cabinets in our new house (I'd love new cabinets, but not in the budget right now, so maybe replacing the handles will make them more appealing to me!)

A lodge logic cast iron skillet (I've been eyeing this for months, but am afraid that I won't like it as much as I think I will)

Microfleece sheets and blanket


And lastly, for our kids to really appreciate what they are getting instead of being upset that they didn't get as much as they have in past years.

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That's what I'm asking for too! Not that I'm a runner, but I hope to be soon. :p I showed it to dh this weekend. Then I showed him some cheaper versions. He told me the $$ didn't matter, to just get the one that I want. I think he was missing the point though. I don't want to buy it myself...I want it to show up under the Christmas tree. :lol: I will give him a break though...he's been at an Army school since the beginning of October, and will be there until Dec. 11th. So, I may have to just buy it myself...except there isn't enough $$ yet. HA! If he doesn't get me this, I've also got an I-pod touch on my list. Along with clothes.

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like Colleen, dh and I don't bother exchanging gifts, we just get what we each want and say Thank You ;)


but this year, i WANT dh to get a steady job so i can get my HORSE!!


if that doesn't happen, i'll be happy w/ him painting the living room a lighter color and building some more bookshelves....since he'll have plenty of time on his hands :D

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Here's what I want, and the only way to get it is to go buy it myself and have dh wrap it up and say it is from him. ;)


Thermal underwear set

Sweatpants and a sweatshirt

A couple nice long sleeve shirts to go with jeans

Joy of Cooking cookbook

Martha Stewart Homekeeping book


New baking sheets

New handles for my kitchen cabinets in our new house (I'd love new cabinets, but not in the budget right now, so maybe replacing the handles will make them more appealing to me!)

A lodge logic cast iron skillet (I've been eyeing this for months, but am afraid that I won't like it as much as I think I will)

Microfleece sheets and blanket



Ok-For folks in this situation I have a suggestion, if your dh is computer savvy why not create wish lists at places like Amazon. All he needs to do is log on and shop. No running around town, no guessing sizes and colors. It is all right there waiting. I'm sure other stores have gift lists too.


Not this this would work for me but...


I want--


a way to keep the little one entertained while I work on lessons with the big ones


a trip to Paris


the complete dvd collections of several BBC comedies


OK-all total luxeries, some not obtainable, but hey, its good to dream.

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That's what I'm asking for too! Not that I'm a runner, but I hope to be soon. :p I showed it to dh this weekend. Then I showed him some cheaper versions. He told me the $$ didn't matter, to just get the one that I want. I think he was missing the point though. I don't want to buy it myself...I want it to show up under the Christmas tree. :lol: I will give him a break though...he's been at an Army school since the beginning of October, and will be there until Dec. 11th. So, I may have to just buy it myself...except there isn't enough $$ yet. HA! If he doesn't get me this, I've also got an I-pod touch on my list. Along with clothes.


I just got one of these for my anniversary. I've only used it on two runs so far, but I LOVE it!!!


I also just went clothes shopping for myself (all this running - I needed a smaller size!). So, I've told dh not to buy anything for my birthday or Christmas this year (poor dh - our anniversary, my birthday and Christmas all fall with 6 weeks!).

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