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Update in first post!!! Calling all Hive Aunties. . .


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17 hours ago, gaillardia said:

What a sweet and tender thing. So very happy for you and your family. Congratulations is just not even big enough! It sounds like baby is doing very well. 

Edited to add: did you mention your due date?

Late November, but if I don't go into labor (which is unlikely, as I've gone past 40 weeks four times), we'll induce around 38-39.  They say baby will be here by Thanksgiving. ? (My last spontaneous labor, albeit at 40+3, was only an hour and a quarter, and that was with a large baby positioned funkily, and I live between 45 and 60 minutes from the hospital, depending on time of day.  Every one of my other labors has started in the wee hours of the morning, so rush hour is a huge concern.  A car birth is most definitely not on my bucket list, so I'm actually totally okay with induction.  My MFM: "So we do have ways to induce a VBAC safely, and that baby will probably fall right out."  Hahaha!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

20 weeks -- little person wanted to squirm a lot (and smash face into placenta for a while, LOL), and it's also blurry because hands in mouth.  But look at all that lovely blackness around the baby!  That's a nice normal amount of fluid and a baby who is measuring slightly ahead and who looks perfect.  They were able to see almost everything, except for a couple of minor shots of nose/lips and details of heart (but because of wiggly baby and not because of lack of fluid), so nobody is worried at all.  HappyPAMama is very happy so far (healthy too!) and so is her MFM.  Baby weighs about 13 ounces right now, which is what Nate was at 24 weeks, so that's fantastic news but also a little sad (now that I look at his 22w u/s in comparison, it's painfully obvious how little fluid he had -- it's truly a miracle that he even made it as long as he did).  Thanks for your prayers, and please keep them coming!

Profile crop.jpg

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Thank goodness for a good update! I was scared to see you added on to the thread! 

I did not realize Nate had low amniotic fluid. I had that issue with my youngest; it was persistent and that is why they calmly freaked out (it’s not the oxymoron it seems!) and told me to go directly from my 37week appointment to the hospital. 

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15 minutes ago, Quill said:

Thank goodness for a good update! I was scared to see you added on to the thread! 

I did not realize Nate had low amniotic fluid. I had that issue with my youngest; it was persistent and that is why they calmly freaked out (it’s not the oxymoron it seems!) and told me to go directly from my 37week appointment to the hospital. 

I’ll keep adding to it, so don’t worry too much!


Yes, extremely low fluid (at one point there was NO measurable fluid) was one of Nate’s major issues, along with growth. Both (and my subsequent preeclampsia) were caused by placental insufficiency. They did give me steroids for him, but without fluid, steroids aren’t enough for the lungs to grow and develop, and that is what ultimately caused his death. Fluid is sadly one of the things we don’t yet have a substitute for. So every time they tell me fluid is good, that’s huge!

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1 minute ago, happypamama said:

I’ll keep adding to it, so don’t worry too much!


Yes, extremely low fluid (at one point there was NO measurable fluid) was one of Nate’s major issues, along with growth. Both (and my subsequent preeclampsia) were caused by placental insufficiency. They did give me steroids for him, but without fluid, steroids aren’t enough for the lungs to grow and develop, and that is what ultimately caused his death. Fluid is sadly one of the things we don’t yet have a substitute for. So every time they tell me fluid is good, that’s huge!

Yes, I agree -plentiful fluid is a wonderful thing. I never even knew low amniotic fluid was a thing until I was pg with DS. They kept sticking me on bedrest and telling me to drink gallons of water a day for the last -I don’t know - 2 months maybe? But it would not really help much and at that appointment they were like, “you need to go to the hospital now. And when I say now, I mean, call someone to take your other kids and drive yourself there immediately.” It was a hard thing.

Here’s a little encouraging story to offset that scary story: when I got to the hospital, I was literally shaking with fear. I could barely sign my name on the intake forms because I was so afraid I was about to go through repeat nightmare. The L&D nurse who checked me in was the same nurse who had cared for me when I lost Lydia. I thought it was a Divine Mercy given to me because at that point, I was totally alone and terrified. But she helped get me situated with fetal monitoring and was very reassuring while I waited for DH to arrive. 

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2 hours ago, Quill said:

Yes, I agree -plentiful fluid is a wonderful thing. I never even knew low amniotic fluid was a thing until I was pg with DS. They kept sticking me on bedrest and telling me to drink gallons of water a day for the last -I don’t know - 2 months maybe? But it would not really help much and at that appointment they were like, “you need to go to the hospital now. And when I say now, I mean, call someone to take your other kids and drive yourself there immediately.” It was a hard thing.

Here’s a little encouraging story to offset that scary story: when I got to the hospital, I was literally shaking with fear. I could barely sign my name on the intake forms because I was so afraid I was about to go through repeat nightmare. The L&D nurse who checked me in was the same nurse who had cared for me when I lost Lydia. I thought it was a Divine Mercy given to me because at that point, I was totally alone and terrified. But she helped get me situated with fetal monitoring and was very reassuring while I waited for DH to arrive. 

I love this!


I'm hoping to see some of the nurses who were so good to me last time, albeit hopefully under less scary circumstances.  I would love to tell them what a difference they made!  (And honestly, I want everyone who took care of us last time to get to experience a rainbow baby too.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would know this face anywhere.  I can't believe how obvious it is that that's one of mine!  I've never had a 3D u/s before.  That is just incredible!  I'm so in love with those little cheeks.  Little one looks perfect, absolutely normal and perfect, loves to move and to have hands up by the mouth.  Baby is estimated a few days ahead in length and about double the weight since four weeks ago.  (Bittersweet -- I knew this day would come, and I am thrilled, but it's a little sad too; this baby is far bigger now than Nate was at birth, almost three weeks before Nate was born.  It's. . .strange, like things are out of order.)  So far I am doing really well too.  MFM is quite pleased. 


In the past few weeks, I've felt comfortable enough to start knitting and sewing for the baby.  I made a preemie (not micropreemie, just regular preemie) hat, and nothing will thrill me more than if it's too small!


Thanks for your continued prayers!

3D crop.jpg

Edited by happypamama
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3 hours ago, mumto2 said:

Sending prayers........also thanks for posting the 3D ultrasound.  I never had one and find it really cool!

I figured I’d ask and see if they could do one since I get a ton of the regular ones, so the tech flipped to it for a minute. It was really cool!  Completely changed from a generic baby-looking image to a face I instantly recognized as one of mine!  My big kids went nuts when they saw the CD images!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am so happy for you, although I am sure it is bittersweet passing this date. Much love to you all. I loved your little announcement video on FB. Adorable. 

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8 minutes ago, Thatboyofmine said:

Congrats!!   A sweet baby boy!   

I have more boy baby clothes than Babies R Us, but this little guy picked a good way to get a new wardrobe. We are anticipating that he will be at least a few weeks earlier than my others and so probably a bit smaller. So I got him a few things in the 6-9 pound range. I had to restrain myself though and not go too crazy. The boy clothes have gotten even cuter in five years since DS4 was born. Our family isn’t really into sports, and I’m a little tired of trucks and vehicles. But now there are onesies with tacos and pizza on them!  That fits our family!  LOL!



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  • 1 month later...

Wahoo, we have made it to 34 weeks!!  Three weeks ago, he was estimated at four pounds.  We’ve been getting twice weekly NSTs and fluid ultrasounds for a couple of weeks, and while he had one NST where he didn’t want to move much (we were interrupting his nap, apparently; he woke up in time for the u/s), the ones since have been perfect, as has his fluid.  Mama is looking good too. I’ve never been so happy to be normal. ?


Keep sending prayers and good thoughts for a few more weeks — Mr. Five is so incredibly excited that his baby brother is coming soon. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guess whose baby has officially earned himself a November birthday by staying in until at least today?!?!  He looks and sounds perfect on all the NSTs and ultrasounds, and I am looking good too.

Clothes and bags are ready.  Mr. Five is ready for his car seat buddy. Induction is planned for a couple of weeks from now, if he doesn’t come on his own, but nobody is thinking we might not make it to at least early term.  


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