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I asked for a TOP floor


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but none were available, and yes, I asked FAR in advance.  


I hate staying in places where someone is above me.  


We are in a hotel and on the 3rd floor, of a 4 floor hotel.  It is 11pm and they are making so much noise. I am exhausted.  Crash, bang, slam, crash, bang, and again.  



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Call the front desk, they will send someone up to ask them to be quiet.

Maybe. Sometimes the people upstairs aren't being loud so much as just being there. A lot of buildings just aren't soundproofed well. The can ask them to stop any partying, yelling or excessive noise from a TV or whatever. They can't do much because someone is walking around their room or using the bathroom. In a lot of hotels we have stayed in, it sounds like thuds and bangs to us but really is just ordinary, reasonable use of their hotel room.


We actually don't just travel with headphones, we use them at home for our sound sensitive kids on the spectrum. Our upstairs neighbors aren't very loud, their only crime is living above us. 🤣

Edited by LucyStoner
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Sometimes desk clerks don't pay any attention to requests and just fill rooms as they want to fill them. We once reserved a wheelchair accessible room at a hotel that only had one accessible room (no elevator, steps up to first floor but a ramp to exactly one room). They had just given that room to someone regular non-handicapped person before we got there. They got them to move to another room. But that was literally just front desk people not paying attention. Hope you get some sleep.

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I hate having someone over the top of me when I am in a hotel!  We also avoid exits, the stair case, and the ice maker.


Sometimes I wish hotels had diagrams like airliners do to book seats.  LOL  Let me see a diagram and choose my own from whats available please  :grouphug:


I once had a hotel move us twice (at my request due to noise) before we unpacked.  Sorry, not going to pay $200 a night to Not sleep. If it is so noisy during the day due to the hotels AC unit outside our window, I can't imagine how loud it seems at night. 

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Hope you got some sleep!



Hmm I never seem to notice noise. That leads me to.believe we are probably the noise makers. oops.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're the noise makers.


A little TMI here...


Our first apartment was a 3rd floor. The man downstairs eventually stopped dh in the hall one day to let him know exactly how much could be heard through the floor/ceiling at night.   :scared:   I couldn't wait to move, but I held out for a first floor when we did.  Our upstairs neighbors did make a lot of noise (mostly kids clunking around,) but I found it easier to be slightly annoyed with them than paranoid about causing any annoying or embarrassing noise ourselves.


Noise is a funny thing, overall. Our co-op is in a 2-story classroom wing of a church.  We attempted to move classes around because the younger kids upstairs made it sound like the ceiling was going to fall down onto our more academic classes.  Turns out, the smallest preschooler sounds like a herd of elephants just walking across the floor.

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I can still hear sounds with a fan on but they're muffled enough that my subconscious can ignore them :)  I think part of it is just the way you get used to sleeping.  I can't sleep in absolute silence, makes me nutty.  I can't sleep when I can hear people talking, though, either.  Thumps don't bother me at all.

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I always bring a box fan to provide white noise (at three different levels!) and so I can turn off the a/c unit that clunks off and on waking me up numerous times in the night. But of course, you must be prepared for the desk staff to look askance at your fan and say, "We have air conditioning, madame" to which I used to reply, "Yes, I am sure you do, and I am also sure your a/c is inevitably loud when cycling on and off, and you probably have loud guests and barking dogs staying here, and early morning maids running vacuums in the room next to mine at 8 am., I'll keep my giant, tacky, low class fan, and sleep through the night, thank you very much."

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I finally did get to sleep.  They are being somewhat loud this am.  It seriously sounds like they are playing marbles on a tile floor!  And when they flush the toilet it sounds like a waterfall is gushing down the walls.  


This is a 2 year old Marriott Residence Inn.  You would think it would be better sound proofed.  


I probably slept about 6 hours total, which is doable, not not ideal.



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I can still hear sounds with a fan on but they're muffled enough that my subconscious can ignore them :)  I think part of it is just the way you get used to sleeping.  I can't sleep in absolute silence, makes me nutty.  I can't sleep when I can hear people talking, though, either.  Thumps don't bother me at all.


Well, it can't be just "the way you get sued to it" or you could get used to sleeping with people talking and complete silence.  Maybe I am misinterpreting what you are saying, but I don't think you can just train yourself to sleep differently.


Thumps jolt me awake.  


We just got back from B-fast and they sound like they are stomping.  I assume this is just an issue of the hotel not being as sound proof as it should be.


DH said the sound like the marbles was the water heater.  

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I always bring a box fan to provide white noise (at three different levels!) and so I can turn off the a/c unit that clunks off and on waking me up numerous times in the night. But of course, you must be prepared for the desk staff to look askance at your fan and say, "We have air conditioning, madame" to which I used to reply, "Yes, I am sure you do, and I am also sure your a/c is inevitably loud when cycling on and off, and you probably have loud guests and barking dogs staying here, and early morning maids running vacuums in the room next to mine at 8 am., I'll keep my giant, tacky, low class fan, and sleep through the night, thank you very much."


Evan that doesn't drown out noise for me.  Do you take that when you fly?


But it is below freezing, so that would have had to be away from me.  I do have my white noise machine with me though.

Edited by DawnM
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Hope you got some sleep!




Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're the noise makers.


A little TMI here...


Our first apartment was a 3rd floor. The man downstairs eventually stopped dh in the hall one day to let him know exactly how much could be heard through the floor/ceiling at night.   :scared:   I couldn't wait to move, but I held out for a first floor when we did.  Our upstairs neighbors did make a lot of noise (mostly kids clunking around,) but I found it easier to be slightly annoyed with them than paranoid about causing any annoying or embarrassing noise ourselves.


Noise is a funny thing, overall. Our co-op is in a 2-story classroom wing of a church.  We attempted to move classes around because the younger kids upstairs made it sound like the ceiling was going to fall down onto our more academic classes.  Turns out, the smallest preschooler sounds like a herd of elephants just walking across the floor.




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Well, it can't be just "the way you get sued to it" or you could get used to sleeping with people talking and complete silence.  Maybe I am misinterpreting what you are saying, but I don't think you can just train yourself to sleep differently.


Thumps jolt me awake.  


We just got back from B-fast and they sound like they are stomping.  I assume this is just an issue of the hotel not being as sound proof as it should be.


DH said the sound like the marbles was the water heater.  


I haven't tried to get used to complete silence or people talking; I've always used a white noise machine of some sort.


When I was younger I found any non-white noise sound, especially repetitive sound (like a dryer) very hard to sleep with, even if the sound was muffled and quiet behind the white noise.  Having kids cured me of that eventually :)


I do think you can adapt, but not in one night!

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I haven't tried to get used to complete silence or people talking; I've always used a white noise machine of some sort.


When I was younger I found any non-white noise sound, especially repetitive sound (like a dryer) very hard to sleep with, even if the sound was muffled and quiet behind the white noise.  Having kids cured me of that eventually :)


I do think you can adapt, but not in one night!


Honestly, I don't think I can adapt.....or maybe I can to a certain degree.  But I struggled in college, in my first apartment, and for the past oh, 35 years.......I am just a light sleeper.  


It stinks.  DH can sleep through a lot more than I can.  I wish I could.  I just can't.

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I don't know if it will help for future reservations or not, but I always try to call the day before or the morning of my arrival to double check the reservation as well as refresh their memory on my room preference.


I usually do.  I didn't this time.  I have been so busy.

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I usually do. I didn't this time. I have been so busy.

I sympathize as I really prefer the top floor too, more for the view than the noise factor. Marriott cellphone app has a mobile check-in feature that allows you to pick your room. I assumed it is similar to the Hilton app I used which allowed me to pick a room the evening before we arrive so I picked the top floor room out of six choices given to me. I just pick up the room key when I arrived at the hotel. My husband was impressed with that feature because he hates hotel check-ins. We also did a mobile check-out using the app.

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Honestly, I don't think I can adapt.....or maybe I can to a certain degree.  But I struggled in college, in my first apartment, and for the past oh, 35 years.......I am just a light sleeper.  


It stinks.  DH can sleep through a lot more than I can.  I wish I could.  I just can't.


This is me too. I understand. 

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I'm a light sleeper, too. We stayed in a hotel for a couple of nights over Thanksgiving and over Christmas, and I was exhausted by the end of it.


Thanksgiving - we ended up next to a stairwell and people banged in and out of there all evening. And there were kids above us who ran around and (it sounded like) bounced a ball on the floor. Very late hours, too.


Thankfully, we didn't have those issues over Christmas. Just the noisy AC unit on and off all night.

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We've had worse luck with adjacent rooms.  Honestly, this year alone, we had two hotel stays (at nice hotels) where there were ... ummm...  very loud intimate activities going on all night.   What do you do with that?  Do you call the front desk??

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Some years ago, my mom booked a hotel room in a hotel right next to Houston's busiest airport. I was like :willy_nilly: , but we actually couldn't hear the planes at all... I guess they had the sense to build with great soundproofing because of the location. I do think we had the top floor, and the top floor was probably less popular because of people assuming being right next to a busy airport would suck. 


Anyway, ymmv and all that, just wanted to throw those thoughts out there. 

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