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Anyone else have a student applying to grad school?


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No, my DD has decided not to go to grad school right away, but to spend some time figuring out what exactly she wants to do with her degrees. She is not interested in a traditional academic career in physics and is looking for a way to combine her humanities degree, teaching experience, and physics degree.

We are very supportive of this choice.

She may still decide to go to grad school later.

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I am finishing my grad school applications this month. I'm applying to 2 maybe 3 schools, waiting to hear back from the last one to see if they'll accept a student in my research area. I'll have to move either way, so now is the perfect timing because ds will still be here to help with my mom. I'll take a break after my master's to evaluate whether I want to pursue a PhD. Then ds will probably move on, he's working on his future plans right now. Having my master's will allow me to adjunct, there are a few places around here, and I've been building local connections in the historical community here. 


My applications are pretty solid, the hardest part has been the statement of purpose. I have it pinned above my computer right now with edits from my advisor ready to be done. My deadlines are mid-January and I probably won't hear until April or so. I'm going to be nervous wreck by then. 

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Yes.  My dd is applying but started late...  Most U.S. deadlines are January/February, and she's traveling in South America now for two months!  She scurried to apply at a couple before leaving, and will be applying at schools in Europe when she returns.  (Their deadline is later.)



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My math geek has already submitted her 8. One of her post-doc friends says she started hearing from programs as early as the first week of January, so she may have some news fairly soon. She does not have a strong preference among the 8 but will take accepted student visits to any she gets in. Her professor and post-doc friends are all giving her advice, which is one of the great things about her department. It is nice having a cheering section besides your family.

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My kids aren't there yet, but I am. I'm only applying to one school with an early March deadline, so I have a little time yet, but the application is done and I'm working on the supplemental materials.


I've wondered if my oldest will go to grad school when he finishes his undergrad, but he has another year as a minimum before he would apply. 

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ds24 is on round 3 of applying to grad school.  His boss found him a mentor to help him with the process (read through his applications, personal statements, and CV and gave tons of helpful suggestions ... all things I said, but since I never went to grad school, I don't know anything.)  He seems to have much better prospects. He has been in contact with 9 professors who like what he has done and want him to apply.  We hope to hear soon if he has any interviews.  If he doesn't get in this round (had excellent grades, GREs and lots of undergrad research), I don't know what he will do.  Not much use for a biology degree with an emphasis on evolutionary biology.  

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My son is! And you're right, it's nice being detached from the process. But everything is still up in the air. He may decide to work for a while (he already accepted a summer job at a high-tech firm in SF, which would become a permanent job if he chooses to stay), AND he just applied to work in ministry for his church (either in the U.S. or overseas) next year as a kind of gap year. I have absolutely no idea where he will be next year, but I do know he will be self-supporting, which is a big change for us.


(ETA: if he does go to graduate school, he may need a bit of help from us, depending on his financial aid. Forgot that part :) )

Edited by Laura in CA
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Talked with ds yesterday.  Eeek!  He is now considering grad school in order to play another year of college basketball.  He had decided against it a year or two ago, but it looks like he's changing his mind...


ETA:  Well, maybe not.  Ds injured his knee in a game on Sunday.  We've got an appt with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning.  :crying:

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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I am finishing my grad school applications this month. I'm applying to 2 maybe 3 schools, waiting to hear back from the last one to see if they'll accept a student in my research area. I'll have to move either way, so now is the perfect timing because ds will still be here to help with my mom. I'll take a break after my master's to evaluate whether I want to pursue a PhD. Then ds will probably move on, he's working on his future plans right now. Having my master's will allow me to adjunct, there are a few places around here, and I've been building local connections in the historical community here. 


My applications are pretty solid, the hardest part has been the statement of purpose. I have it pinned above my computer right now with edits from my advisor ready to be done. My deadlines are mid-January and I probably won't hear until April or so. I'm going to be nervous wreck by then. 


I don't make it here very often any more, but this post does my heart six ways of good. EL, you rock and it is wonderful to see how far you have come on this journey.


:grouphug: :hurray: :crying: :cheers2:

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Talked with ds yesterday. Eeek! He is now considering grad school in order to play another year of college basketball. He had decided against it a year or two ago, but it looks like he's changing his mind...


ETA: Well, maybe not. Ds injured his knee in a game on Sunday. We've got an appt with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning. :crying:

I removed my "like" given your edit. So sorry about the injury!

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I don't make it here very often any more, but this post does my heart six ways of good. EL, you rock and it is wonderful to see how far you have come on this journey.


:grouphug: :hurray: :crying: :cheers2:


Thank you. It's been a wild ride so far. Ds is now a junior in college, yet it seems like yesterday all of our kids were 10. 

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Talked with ds yesterday.  Eeek!  He is now considering grad school in order to play another year of college basketball.  He had decided against it a year or two ago, but it looks like he's changing his mind...


ETA:  Well, maybe not.  Ds injured his knee in a game on Sunday.  We've got an appt with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning.  :crying:


Sending good thoughts for your son, Sue.



And sending good wishes to all of our children (whether they are applying to grad school or not). 




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Talked with ds yesterday.  Eeek!  He is now considering grad school in order to play another year of college basketball.  He had decided against it a year or two ago, but it looks like he's changing his mind...


ETA:  Well, maybe not.  Ds injured his knee in a game on Sunday.  We've got an appt with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning.  :crying:



Yikes! Please keep us updated, Sue. Hoping for the best ...

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Talked with ds yesterday.  Eeek!  He is now considering grad school in order to play another year of college basketball.  He had decided against it a year or two ago, but it looks like he's changing his mind...


ETA:  Well, maybe not.  Ds injured his knee in a game on Sunday.  We've got an appt with an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow morning.  :crying:



Praying for your son.



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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.

Aw, I'm sorry about his injury!

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.


I'm just catching up on this thread now, Sue.  Best wishes go out to him as he repairs, heals, and decides what's next.  Best wishes to you and your dh as you watch and wonder...

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.

Yikes.  Major bummer.  I'm so sorry, Sue.  Prayers for healing and discernment.  

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.


Drat.  So sorry.  I know exactly how that feels--not the way you want it to end.

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.


Oh man, I'm so sorry!!!   :sad:

Edited by Corraleno
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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.

I am so sorry to read this update. My son went through something similar the beginning of his junior year of high school. He had surgery and 18 months of rehab.


I hope you get better news at the follow-up and your son's time off the basketball court will end up being less than 6 months and playing in grad school will still be a possibility.

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news. Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon. Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL. MRI done today will confirm. MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal. Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery. This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore. Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.

Liked your posts, but they are sympathetic parental hugs. That really stinks for your ds. I am so sorry he is facing such a drastic scenario. I know your mama heart is breaking for him.

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I am sorry to report that it's bad news.  Dh took him to the orthopedic surgeon.  Apparently, by feeling around and looking at x-rays, he suspects torn ACL and MCL.  MRI done today will confirm.  MCL takes 4-6 weeks to heal.  Then, surgery for the ACL and 6 months recovery.  This is not how we envisioned his last semester... :tongue_smilie:


I suspect grad school will not look so appealing anymore.  Will discuss with him next week after doc visit.



So sorry to hear this, Sue ... Rats. Rats. Rats.


My son had basically this exact scenario a year ago. He was almost healed and then was in a car accident (not his fault) which totaled his car and also knocked his kneecap out of alignment (impact was on his – driver's – door). Sigh. However, my son is not an athlete (although he's very active and was very depressed about the forced inactivity).

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Not grad school, but DS#1 started the process this past summer of working toward a second Bachelor degree at a different school. BA was earned first with 3 years at the CC and then at an in-state university in a different city a few hours away. BS in Mechanical Engineering will also take 4 years (2 at the CC, then 2 at the university), but this time finishing up at the university in our city.


Two 4.0 semesters down (summer and fall), and seven to go! And none of it is on me this time -- I just get to armchair cheer him on.  :hurray:

Edited by Lori D.
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My daughter is applying, I think. She decided as of last year-ish that she does want to go to grad school, but has wavered a bit on the timing. For a while, she had her heart set on going abroad and was thinking she needed to take another year (or more) to get herself positioned for that. However, she's now feeling more rooted where she is and feels like she doesn't want to pull up stakes to make a temporary move. Fortuitously, she also found a program local to her that she's super excited about. Once all of that fell into place, she figured she might as well forge ahead. 


I think the deadline is coming up in a few days. So we'll see if she actually clicks "submit" on the app.

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First unofficial acceptance for my math geek yesterday. The grad school advisor called and asked her to apply for a fellowship the university sponsors for minority students (white women are minorities in math), so I am pretty sure that means she is in at this school—they are unlikely to nominate someone they do not plan to accept. She applied because it is one of the top math programs in the US and some guy who is the best in the world at what she wants to do is there. She dashed off a supplemental essay about diversity. Anyway, 1 down, 7 to go!

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not the way you want it to end.

Well, I guess it ain't over until the fat lady sings.  Ds will have surgery at the end of the month.  Apparently, the coaches told him that there was money and a spot for him on the team next year if he wanted it.  He'll be applying to graduate school after all.  Likely a 1 year MS in Engineering & Technology Management.

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Well, I guess it ain't over until the fat lady sings.  Ds will have surgery at the end of the month.  Apparently, the coaches told him that there was money and a spot for him on the team next year if he wanted it.  He'll be applying to graduate school after all.  Likely a 1 year MS in Engineering & Technology Management.


That's great!  So glad he'll get to finish on his own terms.

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My math girl was accepted into the Ph.D. program at UCLA today.  One down, seven to go!  (Or maybe six?  I think seven.  I think she applied to the top 8* programs.)


ETA:  *Recognizing that "top 8" is quite subjective and that I personally have zero understanding of what constitutes a top math Ph.D. program.  I think she refers to them as "top 8" because they are the best match for what she wants to do.

Edited by plansrme
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Ds received a phone call telling him that he is being considered for an elite fellowship at one university. It isn't his top choice school, but it is an amazing honor. (They can only offer it to a single student, so the phone call was sort of feeling him out to see how serious he was about their dept.) He wasn't prepared for that type of phone call.

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My memories from 1987 are a bit fuzzy, but I chuckled today because I was thinking about when I applied to graduate school for Industrial Engineering/Operations Research.  I applied to Northwestern, Purdue, Stanford, Cornell, and maybe 2 more of similar caliber.  I think I was rejected by 2.  I think I was accepted at 4.  Northwestern offered a fellowship.  Purdue offered an assistantship.  Stanford (and the other acceptance) offered no financial aid.  I remember being very amused at being accepted at Stanford.  I think I had applied there for undergrad but was rejected.  Being accepted with no financial assistance was as good as a rejection.


I hope for acceptance AND financial assistance for our WTM students.  :blush5:

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Our youngest is. Apps in. Auditions are next; he's a musician. 


And yes, it's nice to be an encouraging cheerleader without having to be responsible anymore.  :001_smile:




Dd music major is a junior, starting to think about grad schools.  Is it like undergrad where the audition counts for a lot, or is it grades or GRE based as well?  Grad school is a mystery..

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My memories from 1987 are a bit fuzzy, but I chuckled today because I was thinking about when I applied to graduate school for Industrial Engineering/Operations Research. I applied to Northwestern, Purdue, Stanford, Cornell, and maybe 2 more of similar caliber. I think I was rejected by 2. I think I was accepted at 4. Northwestern offered a fellowship. Purdue offered an assistantship. Stanford (and the other acceptance) offered no financial aid. I remember being very amused at being accepted at Stanford. I think I had applied there for undergrad but was rejected. Being accepted with no financial assistance was as good as a rejection.


I hope for acceptance AND financial assistance for our WTM students. :blush5:

Wow! We could have ended up at Cornell together. I was applying at the same time and although my field was Statistics, I took several classes in Operations Research during my time there.
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