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s/o not homeschooling anymore - what are you doing now?

Liza Q

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Well, I've been laying around and not doing much of anything, to be perfectly honest. Ds graduated homeschool in 2015, but dd was still in public high school. I couldn't get a job because I still needed to be available to drive to appointments, school, etc. She graduated in 2016 and went to college. So really for the last year, I've had nothing to do except drive ds to work. He works the graveyard shift at a grocery store. So now, I've decided it's time to do something more meaningful and I'm applying for a job. I've got an interview this morning. It's only a cashier job but it will get me out of the house and I'll make a little money. Win win. I always thought I'd never go back to work but I'm unhappy at home all day by myself. We'll see how it goes at least.

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I am looking for a job.  That wasn't the plan but it's necessary.  What I should be doing:  doing all the house and garden projects I didn't get to do while homeschooling, reading all the books I didn't get to read while homeschooling, taking fun classes. Enjoying retirement, in other words.    :lol:

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I'm working part time. I have a sophomore and a senior in a brick & mortar school and still do a lot of driving to activities for the younger, so I'll stay part time until ds has his license. Then I will likely start working full time. Depending on what kind of aid we get for dd's college, I may have to go full time before then.

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My four years post homeschooling have been occupied with finding/moving to a new-to-us house, working on fixing it to our liking, caring for elderly relatives, doing the usual errands and yard work, etc. Nothing truly exciting, but I rarely find myself with too much down time. Every time I get to the point of considering finding a part time job (which I kinda sorta would like to do) something seems to pop up that requires my time and attention.

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I have always been working part time while homeschooling and went to full time and took on the responsibility for a large project at work when my DD started college. I am also writing a lot and have time for my hobbies.

I had planned ahead of time to increase my work responsibilities, but it still was a difficult transition that took a couple of years.

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I took the first job I could get, very part time running the village post office.  I did some computer training while I was there, then moved on to a less part-time job as an administrator in a building firm.  I used that experience to get a low-level full-time admin job in the local university.  After two years in that post, I moved up a grade in another department.  So that's been seven years moving into the position that I now occupy, starting from age 47.


I expect to stay in the university until I get my state pension (thirteen years from now).  I might try to move up one more grade, but not much higher - I don't need the stress at this time.


My mum lives with us and one boy is still at home.  I'm pretty busy but hoping for fewer responsibilities in the coming years.

Edited by Laura Corin
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This is my first year with all kids in school.( "kids" are now 22, 20, 18, 16 and 11)  I'm still needed to drive kids at least one direction  each day as well as all appointments, etc.  This year my focus has been to get myself in order.  I started dieting and exercising each day since the past five years have been over the top stressful with health and mental health issues with older kids.  I ballooned up and was feeling like a marshmallow woman.  I'd also like to purge a lot.  All summer and September we remodeled a bedroom/bathroom for dd 16 who took over 22yr olds room when he left), repainted her room for 11 yr old,  put wood floors in two of the bedrooms, tiled bathroom, and we're hoping to get new carpet but I think dh said no more spending for a bit.  I think October will be closet purge month. November and December are crazy busy around here as dh works for UPS and is a basketball referee in addition to our business we run so mostly I just keep things running and quiet so he can sleep when he's home.


I'm wondering if next year I'll get a job but not sure what.I'd still need to have the time to drive kids around and do medical treatments with dd16 as 18 and 20yr olds will be off at college and not available to drive kids around any more. I got a call to be a director of a preschool/daycare but don't think I want that stress level again so I said no thank you.  Thought about teaching but again, stress?  Dh would like if I had a job that provided insurance as that would be helpful so trying to figure out what that looks like.  


I'm enjoying my time this year though so far. I thought I'd miss homeschooling more but I was truly burnt out with all that was going on the past few years and needed the break and 11yr old is enjoying school and doing well so that helps.



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Trying to "launch" my graduates, but otherwise, just wondering what in the world my purpose is now. I've thought about working part time, but there are so few jobs around here, that I don't want to apply before my DD gets on, as I figure they would hire me instead of her. They like old people employees best.

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I'm looking for a part time job. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up so it doesn't need to be a career, but I do want it to be meaningful in some way. It's really only practical for me to work during school hours so naturally that limits what I can find.


I'm also volunteering and taking on some extra responsibilities. I'm taking advantage of learning new skills as I get the opportunities.


I'm going to more morning yoga but fewer evening spin classes because I'm still needed to help with homework.


Surprisingly, I'm not missing homeschooling at all, though I do miss my boy. It's a good time for the transition all around.

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I am retired from homeschooling and do not have a job.  If I hadn't been in school and then homeschooling, I would be disabled.  As it was, I got disabled too young.  So I read, go on the computer, watch shows, take care of pets, cook, do some household chores, etc.  I am now also able to take care of myself better since I have less responsibilities of taking care of others.  We do get to travel more too since dh retired from military and now can only work 40 hours a week. 

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Well, I've been laying around and not doing much of anything, to be perfectly honest. Ds graduated homeschool in 2015, but dd was still in public high school. I couldn't get a job because I still needed to be available to drive to appointments, school, etc. She graduated in 2016 and went to college. So really for the last year, I've had nothing to do except drive ds to work. He works the graveyard shift at a grocery store. So now, I've decided it's time to do something more meaningful and I'm applying for a job. I've got an interview this morning. It's only a cashier job but it will get me out of the house and I'll make a little money. Win win. I always thought I'd never go back to work but I'm unhappy at home all day by myself. We'll see how it goes at least.

Oh, is that today? Best of luck!!!
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Still in the game a bit but work part time. I will likely go to more hours after this year, though I'll still be the chauffeur for a couple of years. My time will be spent as marbel noted, catching up on all the things I didn't have time to get to when schooling. And I suspect it won't be too long before I'm busy with wedding planning.

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I started tip-toeing back into paid work with very part-time online tutoring in the last year my son was home before graduation. Once he finished up, I parlayed that recent experience into a slightly better, still part-time outside the house job. I juggled both of those plus occasional other part-time gigs until I was hired by the local library system. 



My hope/plan when I started at the library was that I would be able to devote this "encore" portion of my career to that organization. I started with 24 hours a week there and now work 32. As my hours at the library increased, I quit both of the other two jobs in order to put all of my energy into being the world's best employee. However, opportunities there have turned out to be somewhat limited, and I realized recently that I very ready to be working full time right now. I am no longer mommying in any significant way, and it's important to me to feel busy and productive. So, I am now back to looking for some kind of second job or side gig and also beginning to look at full-time jobs outside the library.


I'm also trying to reclaim some of the hobbies and interests I kind of set aside while I was in the thick of homeschooling and full-time mommyhood. I've taken some continuing education classes and am trying to earn a certification from a professional organization. A few months ago, my husband and I took our first vacation without kids, and we're doing another one next month. 


And, given that we are now in our 50s and facing the reality that being a single-income family for all of those years didn't leave us in a great financial position, I've taken point on managing that aspect of our lives, cleaning up our credit and managing/paying down debt and trying to get us positioned for retirement.


It's a very glamorous life, indeed.

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I have been working part time as a dog sitter this past year.

Once dd is done with this last year of high school I will probably need to go back to work full time for health benefits. The issue with that is I still need flexibility to take dh to doctor's appointments. Not sure what I am going to do.

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Lots of different answers - that's encouraging!


I will probably start a thread about my specific situation and see if I can start thinking in a positive way instead of mentally floundering!


If you don't have something you *have* to do, like earning money, give yourself a little time to find out what you *want* to do. If you have suspected you'd like to try a new hobby, *schedule it in* so it happens...a class, a meet-up with people of common interests.  If you have a hard time doing something that you would *like* to do, like going for a walk every day or something, find a thing that makes you get out of your house and do that.  


But don't think you have to stick with something forever.  If you try it and hate it after you have gotten out of your own way doing it (like don't quit photography just because your first pictures don't turn out great), move on.  


It's OK to decompress for awhile, but I think it is hard to have a satisfying "retirement" if you don't structure your days in some way.  The other thing that has taken me up short a couple of times is the way this changed my friendships.  When I homeschooled, I made new friends and lost contact with everyone who sent their kids to school.  But then when I stopped homeschooling, the reverse happened.  Now, I am done and have a lot of time on my hands, but my friends don't.  Some work, some have other demands on their lives...and so I'm in the process of finding new things to do with my time.  It just never stops.  :0)


And the best things that have happened for me have come from the things I thought I was doing for someone else.  One of the things people who are (essentially) retired have more of than most people is time--so that is something you can be give to others who have less of it.  

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I didn't major in music, had left my violin in the back of the closet for almost 15 years after college, but here I am in my late 50s working as a free lance musician and teacher. It was something I started doing while still homeschooling, and the more I did the more jobs I'd get. I also am president of my local quilt guild, and between guild business and music obligations I am keeping very, very busy!


I'm now having to say no to people just so I can enjoy life a little -- get some gardening done, read books and sew or knit, travel with dh.


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I began relief teaching (subbing) a few weeks after ds#2 began high school at PS.  Dh had lost his job 6 months before that so we needed the money.  Now 7 years on I am very happy relief teaching & average 2-3 days a week during the school year at three schools.  One of the schools I teach at have approached me to see if I'd be interested in a part-time contract (4 days a week.)  This would be perfect for me as I still want to have the flexibility to go away for the weekend with Dh visiting our dc who have all left home.  Dh is now officially retired so we have his gov't pension coming in to help with the budget.  I really don't want a full-time position & all the extra stress & responsibilities that come with that.  Ideally if I could get a one-day-a-week contract at each of my three school & be available to sub on the other 2 days I's be really happy.



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I started college while ds was in high school. We now commute together. Last year we got a house together with my mom, which has been a good thing. I'm working on graduate school applications, which will probably require me to move away for two years. Then I'll move back here in time for ds to graduate and move on. 

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I still have a toddler at home. My days are so busy, I feel like I cannot look up. But I am very happy to not be home schooling anymore. Everything fell apart when I was on bedrest and I feel like I never regained control. I might try again some day with my younger kids, but not sure. 


IF I do not return to home schooling, I think I would like to go back to work. I just have no idea what to do. I wish I had finished graduate school so I could teach at college or university. I feel like I am too old for that now.

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I am in school almost full time. Between school and shuttling kids, life feels busier than it's ever been. I'm not loving the pace right now, but this is the season we're in. The hardest part is having 2 teens that have major commitments, but don't drive yet. That will change next year.


The school part is great. I love learning.

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I'm writing. This month I was shortlisted for a big literary prize for a piece of short nonfiction and I won a contest that a literary magazine was running for short fiction (and the judge was one of my favourite authors!). I'm working on a novel and I'm also taking a class at the university with another one of my favourite authors. I meet regularly with my writing group - so I've met friends who have nothing to do with my kids (a first for me since having kids). 


I also run three times a week and lift weights twice a week. 


I always knew, when I was homeschooling, that I wanted to write when I was finished. I'm having a lot of fun with it.



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I’m starting a business, writing a book, work occasionally as a casual fill-in at my brother’s business, and driving kids to activities.


My “want to do†list is miles longer than my “time available†list, so I’ll be keeping busy for a long time yet. :)

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I'm a teacher at a private school for kids with reading disabilities and will finish my 10th year after this school year. In addition, to several jobs that I do there, I am also the Homeschool Coordinator. 


I've been tutoring for ten years now. I used to tutor about 12-15 hours per week. I'm pretty much down to 2-3 hours a week now. 


I'm almost finished grad school. I'm getting my M.S. in Reading and Literacy and have a couple more weeks to go. 


I'm starting to get some photography jobs, which has been my newest hobby. 


I have 3 kids at home (17, 15 and 11) and I try to keep up with them. 



When my grad school ends I'm going to have a lot of time free. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that time.  

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